2nd Year Vol.8 - Kushida Kikyou's Side Story

Kiyotaka POV:

GOD: "So, let's begin with the reactions...."

Ike: "B-But what are we gonna react to? I guess maybe we can react to some of the things related to our class or maybe related to kushida-san."

Ike looked pretty excited as if his wish may come true about seeing kushida's story in the theatre.

Shinohara: "Kanji-kun you look pretty pumped-up...heh?" 

Shinohara said with a menacing glare that made Ike shut in fear and looked down upon his wrong move

Ike : "N-Nothing Satsuki, I thought we would be seeing secrets about Kushida-san."

GOD: "I am sorry to say Ike, but the student we are reacting to is from your class but, the person isn't Kushida."

Sudou: "Is it about Suzune?"

Hiratards: "Is it about Hirata-kun?"

GOD: "I am sorry for Horikita and Hirata fans but the student whom we are going to watch is none other than 'AYANOKOJI KIYOTAKA' ."

People who knew about me out of them, some had smirks on their faces and some were surprised but eagerly curious about what the god would be showing to all of us. Other than them, rest of the people were confused that why were we reacting to a student from a class of a defective class.

Shinohara: "Ayanokoji-kun? well its better if we react to Hirata-kun, I don't want to sound offensive but I don't think there is a reason to watch Ayanokoji-kun, he is just a gloomy loner guy."

Ike: "Ayanokoji? I know that Ayanokoji is also somewhat important person in our class but, more important than Kushida-san and Horikita-san, can't really imagine that."

Matsushita: "Shinohara-san there must be a reason god chose Ayanokoji-kun, maybe there are some secrets that is been hidden from us or from the school related to Ayanokoji-kun."

Sudou: "You are right Kanji, but there must be a reason god chose to show the things about Ayanokoji to us, maybe he is somewhat involved more than he lets on..."

Ike and Shinohara gave a reluctant nod to their respective friends understanding the possibility that can happen. I sighed how troublesome my life has become.

(Yes, defects are little matured, why not? its been over a year for them and with the system like AHNS they would have matured but still not as matured they are sounding right now)

Kushida: 'So we are watching the things related to Ayanokoji-kun huh...maybe I could find something so that I can use it against him, but why do I have a strange feeling to this whole reaction scenario. I hope god doesn't show the rooftop scenes.'

Ichinose: 'So it's about Ayanokoji-kun, maybe I can understand you better Ayanokoji-kun and the person who you chose to go with and the person you love.'

Ichinose thought with little sadness in her words

Hiyori: 'We are reacting to my book-buddy, maybe I can get some ideas how to make Kiyotaka-kun smile.'

Hiyori smiled brighly 

Kei: 'Looks like we are gonna react on Kiyotaka's life, I hope the things that happened between us stays here but even if my secret is shown, I have Kiyotaka with me'

Kei thought in a happy mood

Nagumo:  "Looks like we gonna see some interesting things about you Ayanokoji, do you have something in your mind what will be watching about?"

Keisei: "I am also curious what are the things we will be watching regarding you, Kiyotaka."

Kiyotaka: "My life is just plane and blank, I don't have much interesting things going in my life."

Ryuuen: "Oh we will see about that ... Monster...kukukukuku."

Horikita/Ayanokoji group/Matsushita: 'Why does he call Ayanokoji-kun/Kiyotaka monster?'

GOD: "We will be watching the scenes related to Ayanokoji-kun but the perspective can differ as for now we will be watching something from the future that will entertain you people a lot."

GOD: Let's Begin...

The screen in the theatre lit up......

Kushida Kikyou's POV:

Kushida: 'My POV? W-What are we going to see?' 

Kushida started to shake and tremble in her seat

Ryuuen took the initiative to take a shot at me, only to have it backfire. Right after finishing the conversation, however...

Ryueen raised brows at the mention of his name

"Why come to my rescue? It's not good for Ayanokoji-kun, right?" Ayanokoji-kun obviously would not want to be targeted on purpose by Ryuuen-Kun. "There are benefits. You are an indispensable talent in the class. Even if I didn't come here, I don't think Ryuuen would be planning to expose you, but I don't know how he'll act afterward. You should figure out a way to seal his mouth for good."

Horikita: "Why are you targetting kushida-san?"

Horikita asked the question directing it to Ryuuen

Ryuuen: "Maybe I am sort of interested in Kikyou...What say Kikyou wanna come to me?"

Ryuuen asked with a smirk on his face directly instigating and provoking Horikita.

Kushida: "No thanks Ryueen-kun but I have a question for Ayanokoji-kun. Do you really mean your words... I mean your future self words?"

Kushida asked me a question which may look odd to others who didn't knew about the second face of kushida, but people who knew understood the question instantly.

Kiyotaka: "Yeah I also believe that you are an important asset to our class and an important person for your peers."

I didn't lie she did had the talent to grow as a better person, but her odd past still had some effects on her which was required to be changed. Kushida nodded to my words positively and again all of the attention which was on our conversation shifted back to the screen.

"Well, well..." I certainly reflect on how superficial and rash I am. But why can't I restrain my emotions at this moment? My past failures have led me to this situation, which has done nothing but put a huge burden on me. If I were exposed, only I would be in trouble. However, the class will also lose a hand that can contribute to the class. 

"I must guard my place. I acted for this reason, but..."

"You are no match for Ryuuen. I'd be troubled if you voluntarily got into a battle you couldn't handle and blew yourself up. That's why I just stepped in" What a humiliating word to make me feel doubly humiliated.

Mii-chan: "What did you do Kikyou-chan, that Ryuuen-kun will expose you about?"

Kushida's one of the friend Mii-chan directed her question whereas her friend group also had the same doubts.

Kushida: "I-I d-don't have an idea maybe something might have happened in the future to be worried that much."

Kushida spoke in very little confidence which made her friends worried a bit more.

Mii-chan and Kushida's friend group: "If you are in any problem you can always share your worries with us Kikyou-chan." 

Kushida nodded and smiled brightly with getting supports from her friends

But... it's true. It's been a long time since I had that first impression of "just an insignificant student"Ayanokouji-Kun. "At least at this stage, I don't think Ryuuen is a strong enemy." The person standing side by side with me said what I couldn't possibly say, as naturally as the weather today. It's not surprising that such a statement would be laughed at since it's something that can't be done.
"Huh? What is this..."

My brain can't keep up with my understanding, so I'm doing my best just to reply like this. But seeing myself in such a confused state is shameful and annoying. "Anyway, you don't have to take any risks now. Cherish yourself as you are." 

"What an unpleasant thing to say. Does the class need my strength so much?"

My heart felt like it was grabbed by a chirp, and I felt like I was blushing badly. Cold sweat? My heart rate also seemed to have increased strangely. "That's also another reason." "Another?" "I feel like I can get along well with Kushida who speaks her mind." Ah...? Is he, stupid? "Don't be like that. Someone who knows my nature can't think like that, right?"

Kushida had mixture of emotions on her face, it looked like she may get exposed about her second personality very soon, but she was also relieved like someone accepted her as she was in the true nature and that someone was me, whom she wants to expell. *Sighs* What an Irony.

Matsushita: 'What type of nature is Kushida-san talking about? Is she hiding something related to herself from everybody? but even if that is the case, why would she talk openly about it with Ayanokoji-kun?'

Horikita: 'I have a feeling kushida-san is building a little bit of her trust on Ayanokoji-kun. I hope she does it would benefit our class afterall.'

Manabu: 'Due to her second personality she has build a habit of closing her heart to those who may accept her with the current persona.'

I don't want to hear words that will confuse me even more mentally. It's clear that I don't want to hear those words, but I want him to say more. This contradiction was destroying my brain.
"There's no such thing. I quite like it." "What is this... Where exactly is the seriousness? Ayanokouji-kun, I can't believe it. "I wanted to reply with a smile, but I couldn't. Why? Why? Why? I couldn't play the usual me. "It's true. There are people in this world who would feel more comfortable with your nature" "This kind of thing-"My brain completely froze. I couldn't look directly at the man in front of me and flee to the wall. That way I can't see him. No, no, no! What am I doing?! I need to calm down, there is something wrong with this! This is not... I couldn't be... falling for him? 

Third person POV:

As the last line ended, it dropped a bomb in the theatre on both girls and boys side. Kiyotaka had the same poker face but in reality he was also shocked hearing future kushida's thoughts.

Kushida: "W-W-What? I am falling for Ayanokoji-kun?" 'It can't be, what the hell is wrong with my future self how can I fall in love with the gloomy guy? how can this happen? I know he is bit of handsome- wait! what in the world I am thinking.'

Kushida started an inner emotional battle, but in the theatre there was another battle that was brewing up. The battle between the Jealous boys and Jealous Girls. Suddenly, Kiyotaka felt a jolt through his spine and felt that someone was glaring at him, as he turned around he saw at least hundreds of boys were glaring at him but there was a glare which was most potent from a blond-gyaru girl, his girlfriend - Karuizawa Kei.

Kei: 'How can Kushida-san fall in love with Kiyotaka? Doesn't she hate him? Kiyotaka you are dead meat now, how can you seduce other girls without even trying? MOU!!!!!'

(Presenting KiyoToolboxHarem - KHT which includes - Horikita, Airi, Ichinose, Sato)

K.H.T: 'Kushida-san loves Ayanokoji-kun? How?'

Ike: "You bastard!!!!!!!!!!! Ayanokoji how can you make Kushida-san fall in love! You don't deserve it! Stay away from her."

Pervert bois: DIE!!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryuuen: "So, you made the fake angel fall for you huh... kukukukukuku good for you Monster."

Koenji: My-My Never knew that Pretty-girl will also be included in the harem. Well I guess there are now two perfect existences now T-rex-Kun.

All the boys that were present in bathhouse started laughing 

Girls: What the hell is TREX?

Kiryuuin: I hope You can also include me in your harem! K~o~h~a~i kun or do you want to be called T~REX-KUN.

Kiryuuin said this in a loud seductive voice with showing some sort of direction which made almost everyone understood what is T-rex. Girls blushed heavily and started moving frantically. Kiyotaka just sighed and was thinking about how he can escape from this bizarre situation.


Hiyori: 'What are they talking about? What's a harem and What is T-rex? I think I will ask from Ibuki-san after the video.'

(Angel Hiyori isn't to be tainted :) )

Impossible. Impossible. Impossible, impossible... Impossible! By the way, didn't Ayanokoji-kun touch my breasts if I think about it? No, instead of saying he touched my breasts I should say I forced him to touch them. At that time, I could not think of any other method other than this one, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Hmm? Wait a minute. Strange. Calmly think about it, if he wanted to, couldn't Ayanokoji-kun easily break free of my grip? Whether it's the fingerprints on the uniform or whatever, I can't remember what I said at that time, but he should know that this poses no threat, right? "What's going on?" He wore a harmless expression. Is he just thinking "lucky, I can touch her boobs" or something like that? 

Ha! Isn't that shameless? Wait a minute. Wait... Wait a minute. Calm down, calm down. Hoo~ha~, hoo~ha~. Put the boob thing aside for now. It's the other feelings that are the big problem. I'm in love with someone else ......? Ha-? This kind of thing is not possible, right? 

As another glass of truth got burst the atmosphere became more filled with chaos and some were filled with jealousy mostly boys and girls had now mixed expressions that a boy touching the boobs of a fellow popular classmate.

Kei: 'You are dead Kiyotaka! I am gonna make you explain everything to me'

Karuizawa's menacing glare and eye contact made the message very clear to Kiyotaka that today is the day he may have to sleep without food.

Ike: You frickin-bastard you touched Kushida-chan's boobs! the boobs I wanted to tou-*SMACK*

Before Ike could complete his sentence, chabashira-sensei smacked the hell out of Ike in one hit which made Ike faint instantly. Then she moved her eyes to Kiyotaka who was just thinking to run from the theatre as soon as possible.

Chabashira: The thing happened between you two sort out pretty quickly else, we teachers have no other choice than to complain to the higher ups.

GOD: Oh my sae-chan sensei just chill and relax everything will be cleared once we watch all of the remaining videos.

Chabashira-sensei just sat down sighing to the antics of the god. 

Hoshinomiya: Though Kiyotaka-kun if you want to touch someone's breast you can call me-*SMACK BOOM SMACK BOOM*

As hoshinomiya sensei was going to complete her sentence chabashira sensei knocked out hoshinomiya with her symbolic combo move.

Mashima/Sakagami: 'Both of our female colleagues are dangerous'

Falling in love as a student or something like that won't do any good for the future. So I'm not going to like anyone here. The only thing that matters is me. For my happiness, there may be times when I have to get married in the future, but at most, that's all. If I judge that I should live by myself, then of course I will do so. So, there is absolutely no way I could have such feelings for him.

Recently, I have become weaker because my weaknesses have been exposed to the people around me. It just happened that at this time, I was slightly touched by Ayanokoji-kun's attitude."It's okay, it's okay..."Calm down. Think about it calmly first. So far, I have resolutely played the role of my gentle self to anyone. In the end, who is Ayanokouji-Kun? Wait for a second... Ayanokoji-kun is waiting behind me, he should have noticed my abnormality. So I'm going to turn around and answer him with a smile, saying that I'm fine although I'm feeling a little sick. That's the usual me all the time. I turn around with my mind made up.

"I'm just a little dizzy, but I'm fine! It's okay-!" The moment I turned around and saw Ayanokoji-kun's face, I paused. "Are you okay?"Because objectively speaking, I made a rather strange sound, so Ayanokoji Kun naturally asked.Don't look over here! No, no, I'm still shaking...! Confused, haunted. This- this is impossible. I'm haunted!!!

As the video ended

Girls: 'She is totally in love with Ayanokoji-kun!!!!!!'

Kushida's friends started nudging her making Kushida more and more embarassed whereas Kiyotaka was listening an earful from Kei, Horikita and even Manabu.

(Manabu is sure sus ☠️☠️)

Ryuuen and Sakayanagi were just laughing their signature laughters with making their crew annoyed.

Kamuro: 'This loli....' Don't laugh so much You loli, you won't be able to breathe.

Sakayanagi: Masumi-san you are too rude to a heart patient don't you think..fufufu

Ryuuen: But she ain't wrong crippled-loli you might die, I don't want to reach Class-A with such pity kukukukuku....

Sakayanagi: Don't get happy too much Dragon-boy you can't defeat me in a battle so don't watch dreams with the open eyes.

Ryuuen: The same is the case with you too loli, don't think you can defeat me in any exam.

Hiyori: Then who can defeat you both??

Sakayanagi and Ryuuen just looks at each other and a smirk forms on their faces

Sakayanagi/Ryuuen: "Who Knows....?"

At the end of the video Kushida's friends kept teasing Kushida regarding her feelings toward Kiyotaka, whereas Kiyotaka just sighed and thought how his peaceful life was gonna get mix in ruins.


And that's it the first chapter ends
I hope you all like the chapter. It's my first react fic so I apologize if there is something I missed

Thanks to 1Near2 for helping me decide the reaction chapter.

I hope you like the concept of me making the reactions randomly

Comment down in the section about which moment we should make the next reaction

Until then sayonara ❤
