2nd Year Vol.7 - Wannabe's Exit

GOD: "So, let us continue with the reactions, and for now we will see a really interesting video that also comes from the future but is very important to most of you!!!"

Everyone was confused and interested at the same time, especially some of the smarter ones who were thinking about what could be the video link too.

Manabu/Ryuuen/Sakayanagi/Fuka: GOD was very vague but enthusiastic about the video, what kind of things would we be watching?'

Nagumo/Yagami: 'In the past videos, I never saw GOD that happy about the video is it related to someone who faced him in the future.'

Sudo: "What will the video be about?" Like I am curious as hell right now!!"

GOD: "Have some patience Sudou-kun, you will realize soon what the video is about, so let's start the video........"

Yagami Takuya POV:

Yagami, Amasawa, and Ayanokoji's eyes perked upon the name and three of them were now more curious than ever, about what was about to happen

The Advanced Nurturing High School. Inside the first-year classroom of a particular school building. Even so, the lessons conducted here involve laughably low-grade material. Students of the same age struggle with problems that I just can't find to stifle a yawn at. I formed an amusing illusion of being the sole adult among a herd of children. While wasting my time at this meaningless place, I constantly think of a person that sends shivers down my spine. This feeling stems from the "hatred" that erupts from the depths of my heart, reminding me of the time I used to be around that person, in that place. I tightened the grip of my right hand, which held a pen.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

When I tried to recall the first time I heard that name, it was difficult to remember the exact date. However, there's no doubt that it had been engraved in my memory for as long as I can remember. Not one person from the White Room wouldn't know of that name. Why is that so? Because he was better than everyone else. Because no one with a right mind would cross paths with that 4th generation student Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. And as a result, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji would become the perfect example for anything. He was the only student who had such an impact on the White Room.

A Bombshell dropped in the crowd, wondering and thinking about the connection of another 1st year to the white room just like Ichika Amasawa. The smarter ones already deduced that Yagami was also from the white room. Yagami just clutched his hands tightly and looked at the video with slight anger and anguish on his face.

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi: "So, another one huh...But are you that full of capabilities that you can prove yourself?"

Ryuuen and Sakayanagi said with smug grins on their faces, which made Yagami more instigated and full of anger. Surprisingly someone interrupted the chaos that was about to take place at that point in time.

Ayanokoji: "I don't think someone with a calm demeanor can't be filled with the capabilities in him, it's just that the person may behave like a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Everyone understood the meaning of the message behind those words, and Yagami was surprised about his demeanor.

I wonder, were those of us one generation below him affected the most? That guy always did well even in the toughest of curriculums and it stays true here. He continued to achieve outstanding results in his next year. He continued to prove that he is a superior genius above anyone else. I myself had been above my peers. Among the 5th-generation students, I was the best-continually churning out results that bested everyone else.

However, ... I was never praised for being a genius. The reason for this is beyond logical explanation. Those relentless words that come out of the instructors' mouths are all the same: "Kiyotaka Ayanokouji was much more amazing than you a year ago." No matter how hard I try, or how good I am, I couldn't begin to compare. They just forced me to catch up with that god-like being, which was borderline impossible. Some even started to "worship" Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, as if he were some sort of deity.

People were interested in the content of the video, they were just wondering how the gloomy loner guy earlier in the first year seemed to be this capable of becoming the best in an institute where the curriculum was too tough and cruel for the children.

Manabu: 'Another one of those who build the inferiority complex, but to think students worship Ayanokoji like a deity is just unbelievable.'

Ike/Sudou: The students in the White room worship you? What in the world are you Ayanokoji?"

Ayanokoji: "I never knew that they worshipped me, but to be honest I am just an ordinary human being, nothing more nothing less."

Mostly Everyone: 'How typical of him....'

It's such a pity. These people, who have been educated to be the best of the best, have abandoned their hopes of being number one. Those were the ones who couldn't survive until the end of the White Room and eventually fell flat on their noses, unable to get the last laugh. But I wasn't weak. I didn't worship that person, as there was just no way such a human as Kiyotaka Ayanokouji exists; doubts started to form inside me, thinking he was merely a fictional character created to inspire us to do better.

One day, an instructor took me into an unfamiliar tour room. Even though it was through a glass panel, I confirmed the existence of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji for the first time with my own eyes. I had no idea what was to come-but the results he showed was beyond incredible. I could still remember the shiver that went down my spine without knowing it at that time. Though, if you were to ask me if that shiver was because I felt like I'd witnessed God, I would strongly deny it. It wasn't right. The sight of God would've made me feel something else. I didn't want to "worship" him. No, it was different.

People were terrified about the regime that they saw on the video and wondered if they would be able to do that, with efficiency.

Manabu/Ryuuen/Nagumo/Sudou: "What in the world is that? How could you do that? It's just impossible!!!"

People were surprised about the certain outburst by the Former President, He bowed to everyone and apologized for his actions.

Mashima/Sae/Chie/Sakagami: It's just impempable to think, a child not old more than 8-10 years is able to do those things at that time. But, what about now he must be more of a beast right now.'

Teachers just felt a shiver run down their spine as they were thinking of the outcome.

Haruka/Nazuna/Mako: "You look so cute at that time Kiyopon~/Ayanokoji-Kun...."

(Mommies hehe, at least for me hehehehe)

Most of the girls had the same thought as the teachers, that how cute the childhood ordinary human is almost doing the regime that no one can follow.

Horikita/Matsushita: "This is just unbelievable, with what you are doing right now."

Koenji: "It's really difficult for anyone to follow that regime, and to think you were able to do that easily, I respect you T-rex-Kun."

Ayanokoji: Thank you Koenji but, as I said it's not a really big deal." 'or is it a big deal?'

People just sighed at his comments and moved their attention toward the video. Whereas Yagami was now full of anger, and the facade he built in the school was about to break.

That feeling... it was "hatred." Yes-hatred was the feeling that made me tremble. I was only able to succeed in surviving the White Room because of that hatred. However, "worship" and "hatred"-are just personal thoughts and emotions. For the organizers of the White Room, the students are secondary. The White Room was set up with the ultimate goal to educate and mass-produce extraordinary people. That's what the White Room is all about. Whether it's me or Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, as long as that person's successful, it doesn't matter.

That's why failures like mine are completely worthless. In conclusion, if Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is chosen as the model of success, then the purpose of learning would be lost. A failure, who is worthless, will only end up as useless in the end-no different from those who dropped out. I don't want to admit that. No matter what kind of measures are needed to be taken, I must prove that "Kiyotaka Ayanokouji" is not the best. I must make the White Room organizers acknowledge that blood, sweat, and tears are the true evidence of success.

Just then, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity suddenly came. Thanks to Kiyotaka Ayanokouji breaking his orders and not returning to the reopening White Room, I had the opportunity to come into contact with Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, whom I had never met before. Oh my God. There it was-the once-in-a-lifetime chance to bury that face once and for all. For that purpose, it would be better to throw common sense out of the window. I'll use whatever means at my disposal to achieve success. In other words, even if it kills me-even if it gets bloody-there is only one solution to beat that person who I scorn most above all.

People were terrified about the mindset of a student who was willing to get himself killed, to just prove that he was better than Ayanokoji.

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi: "Stop thinking that you can beat him, you are just a failure even in the eyes of the white room....kukukuku/fufufufufu."

Yagami Was about to lunge at the two of them but before that could happen, GOD, just tied him in his chair restricting every single movement that he can make.

Amasawa: 'Sorry to say Takuya but, it's really difficult for you to surpass senpai, and even with any sort of dirty tricks and efforts that isn't possible.'


Horikita Suzune POV:

AT 3:00 P.M., my job at the festival had come to an end. I left the classroom, leaving Ayanokōji-Kun in charge, just as our hidden gem made an exciting appearance. "I never thought that you would really make Chabashira-sensei into a maid." Ayanokōji-Kun and I had discussed all the preparations in advance for this festival. I had heard that Chabashira-sensei would be used for the last hour of the show, but I was skeptical that it would be possible.

Students were shocked to say least, they were just wondering how the cold and cruel teacher who teaches Japanese History agreed to wear the maid outfit for the class. On the other hand, Chabashira had a red face and tried to hide her blush and Chie just got the biggest moment to tease her best friend and colleague.

Ryuuen: "What in the world are youmonster!! You made milf-sensei wear the costume, just how kukukukukuku....."

Horikita: "Was this festival similar to any special exam?"

GOD: "Yeah it was a special exam, it was based on the cultural festival, where your class and Ryuuen's class performed maid cafe respectively."

Class C were trying to hide their laughter but they also never expected their homeroom teacher to agree to the suggestion.

Sae: 'Why did I agree to the suggestion, didn't I feel embarrassment.'

She turns to Ayanokoji and glared at him with full hostility, whereas Ayanokoji was thinking how Sae-sensei would look in the maid costume.

Ayanokoji: Cute

Ayanokoji said in a low voice, but it was audible to everyone in the theatre, which made Sae-sensei red beet, as she averted her gaze from him toward the open space. Some girls were jealous and some boys just drooled over the thought of the maid costume.

However, not only did he make it happen, but she was creating a tremendous effect. Every time I walked down the corridor, I heard the rumors of Chabashira-sensei's maid costume circulating. Anyway, Chabashira-sensei's participation was an opportune event for me personally. A large amount of attention drawn to the special wing would inevitably draw people away from other places. After sending them a message on my cell phone and making sure it was read, I decided to head to the student council room. The reason for this was that I wanted to go over the notes again.

Of course, I could have asked Yagami-kun on the day of the student council meeting, but that would have made it impossible for me to calmly observe the notes. He was a person who may end up being a reason for Ayanokōji-Kun to leave school. He seemed to have a connection with Amasawa-san and was extremely physically dangerous. Besides, if it was Yagami-kun, asking him to show me the notes again would let him know I'm suspicious of him.

People were just wondering what was happening in the future, many were confused about the predicament that made the Class-C leader so worried.

Horikita: "Kami-sama what is happening right now, it is quite confusing to understand the situation."

Many people nodded and had the same question in their minds.

GOD: "I will tell everything one by one, but for that you need to continue on the video and after that someone have the doubts, I will answer them."

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi/Amasawa: 'If Yagami/Takuya is connected then he must be doing something dirty against monster/Ayanokoji-Kun/Ayanokoji-Senpai.'

Manabu: 'Predicament huh...I hope Suzune isn't much involved in that.'

No. If you assume that he was the culprit, it was better to assume that he had already thought so. Anyway, in order to be sure without being found, it was necessary to aim for a time when no one was around. The student council was closed for a while due to the circumstances of Student Council President Nagumo. This meant that the opportunity to spy on the proceedings had been restricted, but conversely, the unnecessary dispersing of the members had been done naturally. I thought the timing of the festival would be the best time to take advantage of this opportunity. I reported to Chabashira-sensei in the morning that I had most likely left my notebook in the Student Council Room, and she gave me permission to go to the staff room during break time to get the key and pick it up.

Even if I stepped into the student council room now and was seen, I would still have a good reason. I quickly changed out of my maid's uniform into my school uniform and headed for the staff room. "Fifty minutes to go, huh?" I exhaled as I walked by the student council office and looked at the clock in the hallway. Today has been a busy day. It wasn't over yet, but my shift of the day was done. Due to the requirement that I must take a break for an hour, the festival will end as soon as my break is over.

Some boys blushed and were mesmerized at the sight of cold-looking beauty in a maid uniform. Girls admired the looks of Horikita, whereas her nii-san was happy to see her getting along with her class, and contributing toward the exams.

Ryuuen: "Suzune, you sure look cute, mind coming with me on a date?"

(I also don't mind Ryuuen X Suzune, my fellow fanfic authors, go for it *wink* *wink*)

As Ryuuen proposed this with a smirk, some girls started talking about the ship, and even made the banner that said out aloud, "Ship will sail". Sudo was fuming in anger and was about to lunge at Ryuuen, whereas Ryuuen was clacking like a razor.

Horikita: "I think I deserve much better than you Ryuuen-Kun, but I am not interested in the first hand, so I decline your invitation."

Sudo and many boys sighed in relief and the girls were sad for some other reason.

K.H.T except for Horikita: 'Go, you have more options girl, leave him alone!!'

Ryuuen: "Too bad Suzune, but jokes aside you sure look tense about the circumstances. Too scared to lose your mastermind kukukukuku.."

Everyone understood the meaning behind Ryuuen's words and was looking toward Horikita's direction for the answer. Horikita just ignored the gazes and the video continued.

I was really busy from the morning, putting on my maid's uniform and working without a break. I changed back into my uniform and walked to the student council office and quietly inserted the key into the door. The student council room was empty today, as the members of the Student Council were busy with the festival. This meant that it would not be difficult to go over the notes again and take a picture of the writing on my phone.

That's what I thought, but then I turned and... My phone trembled in my pocket from an incoming call. I was startled to see the name of the caller. Yagami Takuya. Why would he be calling me at this time? Feeling that this was a scary coincidence, I answered the call. "Hello?" "Horikita-senpai." Yagami Kun's voice, which should be over the phone, directly reached my ears from a small distance away. The person I least wanted to see right now turned to me and waved with a smile. I felt chills all over my body as if my heart had been directly doused with cold water.

"Did I startle you?" With that, he stepped closer to my side as he hung up his cell phone. "Yagami-kun, why are you here?" "What do you mean, senpai? Didn't you notice that I called from nearby?" I was so focused on other things that maybe I wasn't able to see him. It was as if Yagami-kun was trying to figure out how upset or flustered I was. "By the way, why are you in such a deserted place, senpai? Isn't it time to make the final push as the festival enters its climax?" "I'm on break, so my role in the festival is over. I just wanted to be alone for a little while."

Most of the people were just wondering if maybe Horikita was just too paranoid due to continuous working in the festival, but smarter people were suspicious about the sudden entry of Yagami in the scenario.

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi/Katsuragi/Kanzaki: "It's not a coincidence that Yagami stumbled upon Suzune/Horikita-san, he has some ulterior motive for sure."

Manabu/Fuka/Nagumo: "Then that means, Yagami must be hiding something in the student council room, to be just so on guard against her."

As the discussions continued, many were confused and many were thinking about the things were going to happen.

Ayanokoji/Amasawa: 'He is trained after all, normal person can't detect him.'

"A break at 3 p.m.? You chose an unusual time, didn't you?" Unusual, perhaps. I had never experienced a festival of this type before, so I had no criteria to judge. However, since the rule was that all participants must take a one-hour break, there must be a certain percentage of students like me who chose to take a break at 3:00 PM. My train of thought failed to come up with an immediate answer, and I fell silent for a few seconds.

Then I realized. Yagami-kun's words, "unusual time," were neither true nor false. It was merely an attempt to find out whether I had chosen 3:00 p.m. as my break time without any intention, or whether I had chosen it purposely. In fact, I was too upset to respond immediately. No matter how I responded afterward. I may have already fallen into the trap.No, not yet. There was an option here to go through with it since I have delayed my response. The uncomfortable phrase "unusual time" could only be heard once.

"Why is Yagami-kun here?" "I found Horikita-senpai with a grim face, so I was curious and followed you." "Excuse me? Whatever the reason, I'm not impressed with you following a girl." "I thought I called out to you properly, but I guess you didn't hear me in the bustle." On my way here, I was definitely thinking. But that wouldn't stop me from noticing if he called out to me. I couldn't help but feel that I was being swayed in the same way as before, but there may be no real meaning to this whole sequence of events. Besides, he could have called out to me any number of times before coming here. Or maybe he did not follow me, but was in the vicinity around me... from the beginning?

The conversation begins to build a suspicious plot over everyone's minds and paranoid thinking of Horikita seemed to be right for some reason.

Ryuuen/Katsuragi/Kanzaki: "He is sure behaving too suspiciously, but what is the reason?"

Matsushita: "That kouhai is for sure making Horikita-San worked up too much to spill the beans behind her visit to the room."

Sato: "You are so smart Chiaki-San, Teach me too how to become smarter ~~."

Sato said in a cute way, which made Matsushita smile Awkwardly and laugh out of Kei.

Ayanokoji: "Horikita, you seemed to have entered Yagami's trap, he is just ensuring that You are looking for the same thing as him."

As Ayanokoji voiced his thoughts out, people started to realize that maybe Horikita would be in danger.

All of this assumed that Yagami-kun was the person I have been following who wrote well. If it's irrelevant, I guess I'll have to apologize later for being so skeptical. "Are you allowed to leave the festival?"I've done what I had to do. It's not a break, but I have free time because there is no rule that says you can't take a break for more than an hour." Was it still just a coincidence? No, don't get that idea. If it turns out to be a coincidence later, then there is no problem. But if it wasn't a coincidence, then I'm in trouble now."What do you want in the student council room? It's locked and I don't think anyone is in there."

Yagami-kun asked looking at the door of the student council room as if he anticipated my arrival. "I'm looking for something. I borrowed the key from the staff room, so it's not a problem."You're looking for something? If that's the case, I can help you find it." Calmness and impatience began to compete in my mind. I can't clearly determine if his statement was only well-meaning or if he had malicious intent. "It's not like I need your help."It's so important that you went to the trouble of looking for it in the middle of a cultural festival, isn't it?"It sounded like a statement that stripped me naked and saw through my thoughts.

"It's a notebook. I bought it some time ago and I'm having trouble finding it. It's not good for my mental health to think that someone else might pick it up and read it. I almost gave up on it, but it still bothers me. The only place I haven't looked through is the student council office."There was no point in spending any more time here. I told Yagami-kun the lie that I had told the teachers. "Then I'll help with the search. It will be twice as efficient to search with two people rather than one, won't it?"Yes, that's right." I slowly unlocked the door and opened it. I stopped moving to step into the student council room one step ahead of Yagami-kun, who was standing right beside me.

As the conversation went ahead, people became worried for Horikita who was already worried about the situation.

Ryuuen: "For the last time, I am asking what type of letter Horikita is searching for."

GOD: You are too impatient Ryuuen-Kun, but I will not reveal the things right now. There will be a time when I will reveal those things, so for now, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Ryuuen and many more clicked their tongues in annoyance.

Matsushita: 'Persistent at that level, to just help his senpai find a notebook?' Yagami sure knows a lot about that.'

Sakyanagi/Manabu/Fuka/Nagumo: 'He isn't just curious about her visit, he wants to know about the information or the contents she is hiding.'

Ayanokoji: 'I know I would have made some backup plans for her protection, but still it's a good opportunity for her to show the intelligence that was being foreshadowed in the eyes of smarter people.'

"Horikita-senpai? Do we need two people to search the student council room for a forgotten item? Is there something else you're after?"Eh?" Under the circumstances, I dared to fight back."I tried to refuse your help because I honestly felt a little scared."You're scared... why?"Don't you understand?"I have no idea."We're in an empty student council room. Before, you said you called out to me, but I didn't notice. It was as if I was being followed while we were alone. Do you know what that means for a girl?"This was where I set him up, not in terms of Horikita Suzune as an individual, but in terms of social gender differences. I could get rid of him in an absolute way, regardless of whether he was persistent or not.

"Oh dear, I see. I'm sorry, I hadn't thought of that at all. I see..."This made it impossible to bypass the student council room and also made it impossible to wait in the hallway. It would be too creepy to do that."I'm sorry. I certainly think my behavior was wrong." Yagami-kun bowed deeply. "But, at the risk of sounding rude, may I just say one thing?"I'm sorry?"He kept his head bowed and did not raise it, so what was he going to say at this point?"The true purpose of Horikita-senpai's visit to the student council room..."

Yagami-kun looked up, and right after that...Yagami-kun's posture suddenly collapsed in front of me, and his upper body was bent.No, he was attacked."I got him!"With a voice like that, Ibuki-san appeared, dressed in a kimono."Wait, Ibuki-san!"Don't just stand there, let me in, Horikita!"It would be a big problem if they found me, as it certainly looked like an obvious act of violence. I opened the door to the student council room and Ibuki-san forcefully pushed Yagami-kun to enter. "Hey, what are you doing?" The first one to speak out was, of course, Yagami-kun, the victim.

The sudden increase of tension was brewing throughout the theatre, the video which was endowed with the scene from future represented lots of uncertainty, and being the top most - intentions of the being named Yagami Takuya.

Ryuuen: "You look cute Ibuki in a kimono kukuku, just like beauty kukuku..."

Ibuki: Sh-Shut up you bastard!!!! and why the hell I am helping her, she ain't that close to me to help her hmph!!

Ibuki said with a blush on her face, and most of the boys had one thought - typical tsundere.

Amasawa: "A good fight back Horikita-Senpai and Ibuki-Senpai, but it won't be easy to deal against him, he is more stronger than me by a large margin."

Girls Including the teachers just frowned at the reality check that, just like Ayanokoji and Amasawa, Yagami was also from the White Room, and according to Amasawa Yagami was much powerful than her in terms of strength.

Nagumo/Fuka/Sakayanagi: It won't be easy for them, he is sure a lot stronger than both of them, and the way he is behaving non-chantantly he might have a plan already against both of them.

Manabu: 'I hope Suzune would be safe.'

Despite being a former council president, and having cold and authorative nature, Manabu was still a big brother who cared for his sister, the most in the school.

Ibuki-san appeared from behind, confused by the situation, having detained Yagami-kun."You've been saved again by my exploits, Horikita." "Saved? I didn't ask anything of you..."You told me to be very careful with this guy. And you were being pressed by this guy. It's normal to think there's something going on." She blurted out things she didn't have to say all at once.

Her single-minded behavior had rendered all my previous conversations useless. To say that I had warned her in front of the person in question was nothing short of nonsense. "Um, who do you want me to pay attention to?" Yagami-kun, unable to move, asked the question in a natural way. Now that it's come to this, I had no choice but to throw it all at him. "I apologize for the violent formality. But I have something on my mind about you. Do you remember the other day when you showed me the notes from the meeting?"

"It was in regard to the comments made by Student Council President Nagumo, wasn't it?" "Yes. I wanted to check again what you wrote in the notebook. Specifically, your handwriting of the letters." "Letters? I'm not sure, but what you're really looking for is the notebook full of the meeting records, right?" Yagami-kun continued, looking puzzled. "You said you wanted to check my handwriting, but what is your true intention?"

I continued my explanation, although I was curious about what he was about to say before Ibuki-san appeared. I explained how a piece of paper was inserted into my tent during the special uninhabited island exam. Yagami-kun listened silently while being restrained, wanting to know who the sender of that paper was. "You mean because the handwriting in my records and the handwriting on that paper were similar?" "Yes, that is correct." "If that story is true, I can certainly understand your wariness of me. And in order to confirm it secretly, it would have been best to aim for such timing."

As the video continued, Horikita was now able to piece things little by little considering the fact that she got a paper during the island exam, and it was written by none other than Yagami.

Yagami: 'What the hell is happening in the future, it looks I have made the plan about something most likely against Ayanokoji, but why I have a very awry feeling about that.'

Horikita: So, it was you who placed that piece of paper that time in my tent?

YagamI: "I don't know what you talking about Senpai."

Yagami said with a little smirk on his face which didn't go unnoticed by the sharp eyed ones.

Ike: "If we look through the scenario, Yagami is sure trapped he won't have expected Ibuki-chan to just show up and pounce upon him."

Shinohara: "You are right but, he doesn't look that tensed, maybe he has a plan but we can't be sure about that."

Sudou: "Let's see..."

Kushida/Hirata: "If we think about something, the story is always revolving around Ayanokoji-Kun but till now he isn't even mentioned. Don't you guys think he must also be involved here?"

Hirata and Kushida who were quiet during till now asked a million-dollar question, In what way Ayanokoji was involved in this whole predicament.

Sakayanagi/Ryuuen/Manabu/Nagumo/Fuka: 'The one who lurks in the shadow, but in the situation it doesn't seem to have any interference on his behalf. Is he letting Horikita/Suzune deal with her or anything else?'

Because of the preparation period for the festival, people were coming and going on Saturdays and Sundays, and students were walking all over the school to Scout for potential stall locations, so I couldn't take the option of collecting them then. "But I am not the sender of the letter." Yagami-kun denied it once and for all, and although I was inclined to believe him, I wasn't sure if I should... When I was unable to honestly accept it, he became a little more emphatic. "Do you have any reason for your doubt?" "Unfortunately, I don't have any grounds. I just can't expect you to honestly admit it." "If you don't mind, could you show me that paper once? Then I think I can ask you to compare the letters with my handwriting, and I should be able to prove my innocence."

"I'm afraid that's impossible. I had a little trouble and lost that paper." Amasawa-san confronted me on the island and tore it up into little pieces. "That's a problem. Doesn't that mean I can't prove my innocence?" "That's why I want to recheck the notes first." "Even if you reconfirm them, you can't be certain of their consistency with your memory, can you? Rather, Horikita-senpai now strongly suspects me. If that is the case, the possibility of being made the culprit because of a blurry memory is not small at all. The odds are clearly stacked against me."

"You may be right." I didn't want it to be Yagami-kun, but I strongly felt that I found the culprit. I could understand his concern about the developments that would take place."It's not right for me to be suspected, but anyway can you let go of my hand? Either way, I think it would be a welcome thing for both of you to back off before it's too late. How are you going to excuse yourself if Student Council President Nagumo sees a scene like this later?" We were restraining a first-year boy for no reason.

Surely this situation was nothing but a mass of inconvenience for us. It would be a different story if we had been assaulted, etc., but he had done nothing. "Ibuki-san, let him go." I instructed Ibuki-san to follow his words. But Ibuki-san's expression was grim and unruffled as she held Yagami-kun down. "I'm sorry, but that's not how it works." "Why not?" "Because my intuition tells me that harmless-looking people like you are the most dangerous."

People were now more confused, the conversation didn't had enough hold to side to a side which made people more interested in the video. They were astonished too about the gut feeling of Ibuki against Yagami.

Horikita: "Didn't you had the same feeling for Ayanokoji-Kun don't you?"

Ibuki: "I don't want to agree with you, but yeah both of them give the same vibe - a dangerous one."

Ryuuen: "Maybe You can ask for something else Ibuki, he may even help you in different areas kukukuku...."

Ibuki: "Shut up bastard, just keep quiet!!!"

Random 1st year: "They sure look like a couple..."

Ryuuen/Ibuki: "WHO WAS IT EHEH??"


The random first year was scared enough to not even look up.

Manabu: "Conversation will result in a stalemate, and it might result into an argument, which would benefit Yagami."

Sakayanagi: "The conversation isn't going anywhere, it's just resulting in the favor of Yagami-Kun, the odds are at his side but if we talk about common sense Yagami-Kun is the culprit but it can't be proved easily."

Ryuuen: "He has covered his bases, no loophole for Horikita for further questioning but how will you conquer him? Tell me Monster!!!"

By now people understood one thing, if the being Ayanokoji didn't interfere in the matter it wouldd result in a stalemate. Mostly Everyone gazed upon the brown haired boy for the answer. His Golden eye shone like a glow of sun and sighed upon the attention he was getting.

Ayanokoji: "I am not sure but I know that Yagami will be punished for whatever he did."

People who knew Ayanokoji much better than the others just smiled internally.

That's what she had learned before with Ayanokōji-Kun. But it was clear from her demeanor that it wasn't just a matter of looks. "Do you have any other grounds?" "You have a habit of looking weak at a quick glance, but you have a bad sense of humor flying around. You're not just a scrawny kid, are you?" I thought it was because Ibuki-san was in direct contact with him that I knew what she was thinking. The part about the possibility that the person we were looking for was quite skilled. If that was indeed the case with Yagami-kun, then it was no wonder that he was a strong suspect.

"The message sent to me is very similar to Yagami-kun's handwriting. Add to that, the hidden physical ability, and the fact that he appeared here." "It's true that I don't mind working out, so I have some confidence in my body." Sighing in irritation, Yagami-kun raised his gaze slightly and looked at me. "I'm a little angry with you too. This situation is too one-sided." It would not be surprising if Yagami-kun had some high physical abilities asIbuki-san had read. Originally, his OAA grade was C, which was average. It was possible that Yagami-Kun's running speed and sports ability were low, with him only being proficient in martial arts.

Was he a white or black belt? As the judgment was pressed for time. the silence was broken in an unexpected way. The door to the student council room, where no one was supposed to come, opened without warning. "Oh shit, this is quite an unusual situation, isn't it?" The one who showed up was Student Council President Nagumo, only Yagami-kun didn't change his attitude, but Ibuki-san and I were terribly surprised because of our guilty behavior.

People were surprised with the sudden entry of the student council president. Everyone wondered was it also a setup by Yagami or a coincidence.

Ryuuen: You are highly underestimating him, be very assertive in these moments. Even the most ordinary looking man can knock senses into people.

(PTSD Flashbacks kekekekeke)

Horikita: "I know, but I never knew he will be that trained, I hope things end well."

Yagami: "Hahahah, Are you Scared Horikita-Senpai~...?"

Sudou: "Teme!!!!....."

Sudou was about to lunge upon sudou with a fist to which Yagami took a defend position aiming the kick toward the big buy, but the fist connected to a stone like structure. People just gazed onto the predicament in the theatre, they saw the brown haired boy blocking red haired delinquint's punch with a right hand, and at the same time the kick from the first year mastermind with his block.

Ayanokoji: "Calm down both of you, this isn't the place to display your skills."

GOD: "As Ayanokoji-Kun said, sit down on your seats and let us not create more nuisance for all of us."

Both of them just clicked their tongues in annoyance and went back to their seats. Some Girls were worried about Ayanokoji interferring in the fight between two strong people, but they knew that he was much stronger than both of them, if not the strongest. Boys were hyped up watching a fight break out but they were dissapointed.

Manabu/Fuka/Ryuuen/Nagumo: 'That was a lot faster than the fight against the acting director, just what is he made of?'

Tsukishiro: 'Ayanokoji-Sensei would be very pleased, his masterpiece hasn't rusted all this time.'

"Student council president, why are you here ......?" "What is this about?" By "this" he meant mainly that Ibuki-san was restraining Yagami-kun. "If it took two girls to bully a junior student, that's a big problem, man." Ibuki-san couldn't continue restraining him, so she released Yagami-kun with both hands. "Thank you for saving me, Student Council President Nagumo." Yagami-kun looked calm and fixed his ruffled uniform.

What was with Yagami-kun's calm demeanor, as if he had known that the student council president was coming? "Then, let's ask you to explain why you're here without permission." If I said I lost my notebook, Yagami-kun might've pointed out that I was lying. On the other hand, if I brought up the subject of the notes, the story would spread to Student Council President Nagumo.

"Horikita-senpai seemed to have lost her notebook, and I was going to help her find it... Ibuki-senpai seemed to have mistakenly thought that I was attacking Horikita-senpai and acted as she did for no apparent reason." He replied, not trying to corner me, but to defend my lie. "I see, so that's the reason for the restraint." "I think the misunderstanding has been cleared up, and I don't particularly intend to make an issue of it."

Sakayanagi: "A very nice strategy to show yourself a victim, and with the odds showing 1v2, it sure is possible fufufufufufu..."

Utomiya/Tsubaki: "What did you do exactly, that you go to such lengths Yagami?"

Yagami: It's none of your business, just keep quiet

Yagami sneered which made some of the girls due to the change in his demeanor.

Manabu: "Nagumo's entry at the exact moment does sounds a plan, but by the expressions of Yagami he isn't involved. He may look calm and cool but I don't think he is involved."

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi/Nagumo/Manabu/Fuka/4 teachers: 'It must be him, lurk in the shadows what a scary ability.'

Mostly everyone who guessed correct gazed toward Ayanokoji, who was enjoying his precious time with Ice-cream chan.

K.H.T: 'He looks so cute while eating Ice cream, just like a kid.'

Kushida/Mako/Nazuna: 'I wanna cuddle him~~~.'

(if anyone thinks this is OC, I don't care I love nazuna and mako-chan, no regrets :) )

"Then there's no need for further mention. So, did you find the notebook?" If he was willing to talk back, I was grateful to go along with the process. "No, I did not find it. This was the last place I placed it. Maybe I mistook it for trash and threw it away. I'll just give up." Although he could check himself, he probably didn't care about the whereabouts of the notebook. The student body president looked away from me, as if he wasn't interested, and then sat down in his usual seat.

"Whatever the reason, this isn't something you should be doing in the middle of a cultural festival. Break it up now." Even if I persisted here, I could no longer see the meeting notes. I just had to back off quietly for now. With that thought in mind, I was about to leave the room with Ibuki-san, but then... "By the way, Student Council President Nagumo, how did you know we were here?" Yagami-kun asked such a question beside me and Ibuki-san.

"Are you curious?" "The door to the student council room was supposed to be locked. But the student council president didn't hesitate to enter the room, so I was a little concerned." It was certainly unnatural. I didn't know if the student body president had a spare key or not, but he should have tried to open the door by inserting the key at least once. It was understandable to be suspicious that he entered the room so naturally without question. It was as if he knew from the beginning that something was going on...

Were Student Council President Nagumo and Yagami-kun planning to meet up here? If so, then Yagami-kun's prediction that the student body president would come would make sense. But, the exchange between the two was far from indicative. "I'd be happy to answer you, but before I do, I wanted to ask Yagami-kun something too." "Me?" "You remember the matter we talked about in the student council room the other day, don't you? I told you that there's a rumor that I'm trying to expel some students with a lot of money." "Of course. I've been doing some digging on my end, but I haven't been able to find out where the rumors are coming from." I couldn't keep up with the sudden rehash of the story. "But you know, don't you? Where the rumors are coming from."

A lot was happening in the future, and the whole toll of the information burst upon everyone's mind like a bubble. Conspiracies, Threats and much more things were involved which was clearly hidden from the school.

Ryuuen/Sakyanagi: "The rumor about Mr.Notice me senpai was started by whom?" People from his year won't do that, I highly doubt any of us are interested in him, then it must be 1st years."

People were trying to suppress their laughter, to not face the wrath of the student council president who was boiling like hot steam right now.

Koenji: "Mr notice me senpai, you do have enemies but not close to me hahaha!!"

Nagumo: "I will show you all, who's the honored one in this school just wait and watch."

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi/Fuka/Matsushita: 'We already know who's the honored one....'

Horikita: "But why would Yagami-Kun cover for anyone, I don't think he is someone that would cover for anyone unless......."

Manabu: "Unless he is also involved in that. But what can be the reason for that?"

Many of the confusions cleared, but the new ones were waiting.

"Pardon me?" "I mean, you're the one who started them, aren't you?" Student Council President Nagumo kicked the underside of the desk lightly in frustration. "Wait, please. What in the world is going on all of a sudden? Why would I do such a thing?" Just as he was suspected by us, now he was suspected by Student Council President Nagumo. And it was completely unrelated. "The reason for you doing it is quite clear. It was a special exam among first-year students where certain students were expelled for a prize money. "You were one of the few who participated."

Yagami-kun's expression clouded slightly here. It contained irritation, just like Student Council President Nagumo's. "What do you mean, Student Council President Nagumo, what on earth are you talking about?" "You denied it at the student council meeting, but it was a fact." "Well, you were involved too, weren't you?" "But I didn't break any rules, you know? It's just school policy. I was standing in as student council president with Director Tsukishiro to maintain fairness. Am I right? Yagami." There had been relentless special exams at this school, but I didn't think that was even possible.

"Wasn't it a rule not to talk about that special exam and its participants?" "You broke that rule first, didn't you?" "It wasn't me. There is no merit in embarrassing Student Council President Nagumo. Besides, there were several other first-year students who received the same explanation." "Well, yeah. But you showed up here. It's tempting to speculate." "That's just a coincidence." Student Council President Nagumo was facing Yagami-kun, but changed his gaze to us.

People were starting to understand bit by bit, why Yagami covered anyone or himself. The first years were worried about themselves and their friends.

Utomiya/Tsubaki/Nanase: Who got expelled by Yagami? Can you at least tell us that?"

GOD: "Okay cuties and stoic man, it was one of the students from Class-C."

Tsubaki and Utomiya had dark expressions on their faces, whereas Yagami was smirking and happy, that he did expell someone from their class.

Horikita: "Whatever the exam was, it's not a normal thing for the student council president to interfere that much. Something would have happened that he interfered."

Ryuuen: "What a vile piece of kohai you are omishiroi kukukukukukuku....."

Horikita/Ibuki/Sakayanagi: "Sometimes I think he is your younger brother...."

Ryuuen and Yagami glared at the three girls, who didn't even care a bit.

"You guys go back now. I'll talk to Yagami from here." "I did not know about that matter, but please allow me to speak." "Horikita-senpai, what are you going to say?" Yagami-kun attempted to restrain me with his eyes. 'I covered for you earlier, return the favor' he seemed to be saying. I had to ignore such a gaze. "Tell me." "I don't know if he was the one who spread the rumor about that special exam. But I don't think it's a coincidence that he showed up here; Yagami-kun was following me. Or I now strongly feel that he has been watching around this student council room from the beginning."

"You think so, Suzune? Is this true, Yagami?" Yagami-kun's expression hardened as he was caught between the two sides, but then he exhaled in irritation. "I understand. You two were working together from the beginning, weren't you? From the moment you handed me that letter disguised as a love letter, you decided to force me into a corner here, didn't you?" "The letter disguised as a love letter?" "You mean this one?" Student Council President Nagumo took out from his pocket the love letter I had received from Ichihashi-san.

What did he mean by a letter disguised as a love letter? "I don't understand. It's just a love letter from an unknown sender, with true feelings for me written on it." "No, it's not. The letter is indeed a love letter at first glance, but it says, "Cultural Festival, 3:00 p.m., Student Council Room." Other words like "important," "expulsion," and "secret" are everywhere. No?" Opening the already sealed letter, Student Council President Nagumo looked it over.

"Where is that written? I have no idea." With that, Student Council President Nagumo moved to hand me the love letter. "Excuse me." I borrowed the letter and look through the contents. But I couldn't find the letter Yagami-kun mentioned anywhere. Ibuki-san was also curious and took a peek at the note, but her reaction was the same as ours. Such was the content: [I want you to forgive me for confessing without telling you my name. I havealways loved you.] "Please stop playing games . If you analyze the anagrams, you will find the truth."

The array of confusion started to fade, and it became much clear that Yagami was somehow connected to that letter, and most likely it could be a hidden message.

Nagumo: "A love letter for me huh? Hahaha, thank you the one who send me that."

Ichihashi Ruri just nodded shyly with a blush on her face as her friends started to tease her which made her more embarrassed. Some girls were glaring at her, but it didn't affect her much.

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi: "You sure need an eye check up, there are much more better people out there kukukukuku/fufufufu....."

Ayanokoji: "You can even go for Albert, he can even protect you and he is kind too."

Albert nodded shyly, and looked over Ichihashi to which she felt her face burn.

(Ayanokoji the matchmaker - Albert X ichihashi, I don't mind Albert-chan deserves it)

Ike: "He is so scary looking, and he is always wearing those glasses just like a mafia."

Sudou: Shut up it's rude, you also look like idiot but people don't go announcing that." 'They don't even need to do that'.

Shinohara: "What are Anagrams? I don't think we are taught about that."

Many people were wondering about that, who didn't know about that.

Matsushita: "It's basically a phrase or you can say a message that is made by arranging the letters of another word in a different order."

Kei: "You made them more confused Chiaki-San.."

Chiaki just lowered her head with embarrassment, whereas the question marks were summoned on the heads of the ones who didn't knew the meaning.

"What's an anagram?" Unlike Ibuki-san, who didn't understand the meaning of the word itself, I wondered if he meant to say that this letter was written with an anagram? An anagram is a rearrangement of letters to change their meanings. A play on words. Even if you try to find the answer repeatedly, you won't find it right away. Maybe you could find it with time, but it's not possible to instantly recognize it. "You are very clever, Yagami. Apparently neither Suzune nor I can analyze anagrams right away, right?"

People now understood that anagram was something which had all the game in the argument.

Manabu: "Yagami's plan is good, he just used Suzune'e word against herself to make him know the current scenario regarding that letter. But, why would someone send an anagram hidden love letter to Nagumo, not to Yagami?"

Katsuragi: "It's just like a well made story, there is no sense in sending the message through love letter and to not even to Yagami, but to The student council president."

Yagami: 'I am well endowed in the web of traps, the future isn't easy for me as well.'

4 Teachers: 'A far fetched story from him, but it doesn't look like he is lying, but it also doesn't proof that he is correct.'

Yagami-kun was just as highly wary of us as we were of his growing skepticism. "Could it have been written by one of you two? Or was it someone you know in common?" "Common acquaintance? Who the hell are you talking about?" "I don't know that. But you can trust that I followed the anagram to this place." If that was so... no, he said something completely strange. "I don't care at this point if it's an anagram or not. How do you know inadvance what's in this love letter? You read it before you handed it to me, right?"

Yes. There was no other way to know. "It's from coincidence. When I dropped the letter, the seal came off and the contents came out. I wasn't supposed to look at it, but I couldn't resist looking through it." "That's not very good behavior for a member of the student council." I understood the temptation to steal a glance, but I would usually restrain myself. And even more so if it was a letter exchanged by a third party who had nothing to do with me. Would I take the risk of checking the contents of a letter exchanged between third parties with whom I have nothing to do? It was true that not knowing the sender's name tickled my curiosity, but whether I'd even check the contents of the letter was another matter.

"You checked inside because you usually have bad morals, right? I had a hunch that I was being set up in some kind of trap." "It doesn't sound like we can quite believe your words at the moment." I was feeling strangely uncomfortable about this whole discussion. The world as I saw it, the world as Yagami-kun saw it, and the world as President Nagumo saw it. I couldn't help but feel that they were all slightly different from each other.

A maze, where the exits were multiple for the three people who were in the student council room, but no one knew which was the path to get all the answers.

Ryuuen: "It's getting more and more confusing to progress from here, He has done something that is connected to the letter, but what is that."

Sakayanagi: "A complex situation, it's not an easy way to create that."

Hashimoto/kamuro: "You think this situation is created?"

Sakayanagi: "Yes, a perfect complex scenario in which Yagami is trapped against webs of coincidences, one can't have that bad luck."

Matsushita: "But, how did Yagami-Kun speculate that it's an anagram, as if he was expecting the anagram from someone."

More confusion was evident on everybody's faces.

They seemed to be messing, but they were not. I felt uncomfortable as if something was stuck in my back teeth. It was bad enough that Yagami-kun read the letter without permission. However, the fact that he spread a bad rumor about Student Council PresidentNagumo, not to mention the ambiguous meeting notes, made it worse. We couldn't determine with certainty whether his appearance in front of this student council room was intentional or coincidental either. There was no way to go on blaming Yagami-kun any further here...

Yagami-kun looked at me and Student Council President Nagumo alternately and gave a small laugh. "Isn't it about time for you to answer the question? The truth is, you all already know, don't you?" After a moment of silence, perhaps having sorted outthe situation in his mind, Yagami-kun spoke up. "Horikita-senpai, you were shown the meeting notes, associated the paper with the one you received during the uninhabited island, and thought I was the culprit. Then you gave a letter to Student Council President Nagumo, disguised as a love letter, and secretly sent him a message."

For some reason, he started mentioning the notes and paper himself, which he had not mentioned up to this point. "Why do you have to go through all that trouble? You could have just called or chatted. Isn't it so you don't leave evidence that you suspect me? You can make any number of requests with this letter disguised as a love letter. And Student Council President Nagumo would be willing to go over the meeting records with you to determine if I am the person Horikita-senpai is looking for." "The island? The Notes? The person Suzune is looking for? What are you talking about?"

Yagami brows his eye in shock to come face to face with his error, and nearly exposing himself in front of the two student council members.

Ryuuen/Sakyanagi/Manabu: "Meeting notes and threats, that too dropped or given to suzune/Horikita-San.... That could mean one thing, he is targeting the monster/Ayanokoji-Kun."

GOD: "Sekai, Yagami was targetting Ayanokoji-Kun since his entry in the AHNS. He was also acting behind the scenes in the island exam. The messages that they were talking about were the threats given to Ayanokoji-Kun, but at that time it was random and no one knew about it."

People started to recognize things piece by piece, and they wondered if these many things were happening behind their back, but they never knew.

Kei: "But if he was targetting kiyotaka, then I think Kiyotaka would have made some pla-"

Karuizawa covered her mouth as she spoke her thoughts aloud and Kiyotaka just stared with betrayal in his eyes. People summarized one thing, that the end of this discussion will be catastrophic.


Ayanokoji: 'Ice cream chan, you are the only one who's now left with me, even my girlfriend is against me....., peaceful life chan left me. It's time for revenge...... '

(I can see things happening in 2nd yr Vol. 9 ☠)

"Are you still going to continue your act, Student Council President Nagumo? I already know that you and Horikita-senpai are acting under the direction of a certain person. Everything is under the direction of Ayanokōji-senpai, who created the anagram of this letter, isn't it? I feel bad for him. I'm sure he had already arrived at this conclusion far before I even had to show you the notes, Horikita-senpai."

"Why is Ayanokōji-kun's name mentioned here?" "He's going around a lot, isn't he? I thought he didn't like to be publicized, but I didn't expect him to contact me in this way." He laughed amusedly. Yagamikun's attitude had clearly changed from before. "So what happens after this? Are we finally going to meet Ayanokōjisenpai?" Yagami-kun looked at the doorway like a child with a toy gift box in front of him.

Everyone was surprised with the situation summary of Yagami, that behind all these things so far took place, Ayanokoji-Kun had the biggest hand in this.

Katsuragi: "Ayanokoji was involved way that back, he is sure dangerous."

Kanzaki: "Deduction, observation these skills are simple yet dangerous for the opposition."

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi: "But, still it's not the full force of his plans, he could have never made a plan that could only be find out by Yagami."

Nagumo: "What do you mean?"

Manabu/Fuka: "The plan made by Ayanokoji was to trap Yagami, but instead of that he was found out. Do you or we think that could be the only case?"

Nagumo: "It can be.....Yagami is also smart but it's a very tacky situation."

People were wondering who had the upper hand in the conversation - Yagami or Ayanokoji.

"I'm impatient. Can you tell me what you have heard about me before he arrives? I would especially like to hear it from your mouth, Horikita-senpai." "Wait. I really don't know what you are talking about. I suspected that you came to my tent and put the letter in there, but I only talked to Ibuki-san about it." Even when I told him the truth, Yagami-kun did not seem to believe me. "Explain it to me so I can understand, Yagami."

"Fuu~ I'm getting tired of your quicksand, Student Council President Nagumo. You were going to meet up with Ayanokōji-senpai here along with Horikita-senpai through the letter. And he was going to talk to me. He must have thought it was dangerous to meet with me alone. Yeah, it was a wise decision." "Sorry to interrupt your heated mood, Yagami, but I'll tell you why I came to the student council room."

Student Council President Nagumo pulled out his cell phone and turned the screen toward us. A phone number was displayed, as if there was an incoming call from someone. "Looks like you've arrived. Come in." The other end of the phone hung up. "Ha-ha-ha! I knew Ayanokōji-senpai was here! I'm so happy!" Yagami-kun laughed loudly and opened his arms to welcome the slowly opening door. "It seems I'm a little unexpected." With these words, a person who went beyond my expectations entered the room. The first to react was not me, Student Council President Nagumo, or Yagami-kun, but Ibuki-san. "What? Ryūen? What are you doing here?"

The surprised looks were worth the millions, everyone was shocked even Ryuuen and Yagami himself. Whereas the brown haired boy just had a blank face.

Ishizaki: "WTF!! How? There wasn't even the mentioning of Ryuuen-San. Was he the one who set up Yagami?"

Ryuuen: "I am not sure myself, but I am surprised too."

Sakayanagi: "I don't think dragon-boy would be the one playing the hands, but why was he there?"

Hiyori: Ishizaki-Kun, I don't think Ryuuen-Kun was directly involved, but it could have happened that the interference of Ryuuen-Kun was also planned, just like President's.

Horikita: 'Controlling people, who are the leaders of their respective classes just like a play, who in the world are you Ayanokoji-Kun.'

Yagami: "Why Ryuuen-Senpai is here? It can't be, I cannot be trapped.... I am much better than that gloomy clown."

Yagami was clenching his fist real hard, which made him bleed a bit.

Ryūen-kun was not the only one who showed up. Two of his classmates also showed up."Oh, you look pretty good in that outfit, Ibuki. What do you think, Kinoshita?" "Honestly. I think you look cute with your little bow." "What? Wait, Komiya? And even Kinoshita is...? And to top it off, Sakagami-sensei and Mashima-sensei also showed up later in the student council room. "What is... This...?" The most stunned person was Yagami-kun, who was mouthing something incomprehensible.

"I came to the student council room to talk to Ryūen and the others. Isn't that right?" "Yeah, that was the plan, but were you in the middle of taking them in?" Yagami-kun looking at them also had a grim look on his face, as if he did not understand the current situation. Student Council President Nagumo stood up and forced the letter onto Yagami-kun's chest. "Anagrams masquerading as love letters, secret notes, this doesn't make any sense to me, Yagami."

"This can't be true... what's going on?" Ryūen-kun approached Yagami-kun, who could not hide his confusion. Then he pointed his finger and said. "This is the one you guys were talking about, right?" Ryūen-kun asked Komiya-kun and the others standing discreetly behind him, confirming something. Both of them nodded strongly with nervous looks ontheir faces. "Yes, sir. I'm sure of it." "Yes. I'm sure." Ryūen-kun heard this and, with a wan smile on his face as usual, moved even closer to Yagami-kun. He was so close that he could reach Yagami-kun if he stretched out his arm.

Everyone understood once again, that everyone single one that was present in the student council room, no one knew what would happen at the end, involvement of teachers and students of other class, it was of the least expectations.

Matsushita: "To think teachers would also get involved.... A big development."

Ryuuen/Sakyanagi/Manabu/Fuka: "Involvement of the teachers may have ensured the non-bias decisions but to think none of the people knew anything about it, is sure a surprise."

Ike: Ryuuen sure looks intimidating, but I have you Ken, you will protect me right?

Ken: "Ryuuen may look intimidating but why would you fight him in the first place."

Ike: "Oh come on!!! I was just talking about a situation...... "

The usual banter continued and the video too.

"I'm going to have to have a long talk with you, aren't I?" "About what?" Ryūen-kun laughed, extended his right arm, and suddenly grabbed Yagami-kun by the bangs."Ryūen!" Mashima-sensei scolded him for his violent behavior, but he showed no sign of paying attention. "Yo, what's your name again?" "Yagami, Yagami Takuya, Ryūen-senpai."Ryūen-kun pulled up his hair and his face changed to one of anguish. "So you're Yagami. I heard you're the one who took care of Komiya and Kinoshita."

"What do you mean? I don't understand." "Don't play dumb. Komiya and Kinoshita reminded me just the other day. The reason they got seriously injured during the desert island test was because you violently attacked them." Severe injuries on a deserted island. I knew that they were seriously injured with broken bones, but that was an accident caused by carelessness, as I recalled. "Me? What in the world is going on?!" "These guys had lost their memories due to the shock of their injuries, but once it was put away as an accident, they remembered. They remember now that you were the culprit."

As if in response to this statement, Student Council President Nagumo also commented. "It was just yesterday. We were going to have a discussion today, just me, Ryūen, and Komiya and Kinoshita. Why are the teachers here?" "I called them here to save you the trouble. I heard that Sakagami rushed over when the two of you were injured." "Speaking of Yagami-kun, I'm sure Mashima-sensei recalls as well."Sakagami-sensei confirmed Mashima-sensei, as if remembering something. "Yes, I don't want to do anything to suspect the students, but I can't deny the possibilty"

Everyone saw the clear picture in the scenario, it was the perfect day to execute everything against Yagami, with his every possible offense in the school so far.

Ryuuen: "So, you were the one who did that.... Huh.... I am gonna get you for that."

Yagami: "Like you can do shit to me heh.... "

Both of them glared at each other. Yagami now didn't cared about his facade and was now tensed about the end of the video.

Horikita: "Every single thing is against Yagami-kun, He can argue with the things but can't prove them.....it's just a-"

Manabu/Nagumo/Fuka: "A perfect trap, every single one of aspects are covered and with teachers, it became a nail in the coffin."

Amasawa: 'He's cornered from every side.....will it end like this or...... '

"Hey, what are you saying? I didn't do anything!" No wonder he was so flustered. I was not able to clear my head either. "Yagami. I know that the GPS on your watch was not functioning when the two alerts went off that day. There were several students whose watches were broken during the special exam, but only two, including you, were able to contact Komiya and the others from the point where you last disappeared. Of course, at thetime, Komiya, Kinoshita, and Shinohara could only say that someone had injured them, but they could not give their names. Therefore, we had no choice but to treat it as an accident..."

"He couldn't remember, but later he remembered and gave my name? That's impossible! It's obvious that the two of them must have talked past each other to come up with my name!" "Mutual back-channeling? The fact that your watch was broken is a fact that the average student does not know." Over 400 people were taking the test on a deserted island. Two of them were wearing watches with broken GPS at the time they were injured. Surely the odds are too low to call it a coincidence.

"They recall seeing the culprit. What's your basis for your doubts about their claims? Tell me." With more strength in his fingertips, Ryūen-kun pulled on Yagami-kun's hair. "Gghh! That's..." "'No one could have seen me, I must have done it perfectly well.' That's what you think, right?" "Well, wait a minute. I didn't do anything. Do you think I'm capable of such a terrible thing?" Yagami-kun was not a big man. To the casual observer, it would seem strange. But Ryūen-kun didn't trust Yagami-kun's words at all.

The simple yet confusing argument was now made into a heated debate over the deeds of Yagami. His motive behind his deeds weren't that clear, but people knew it was somehow connected to Ayanokoji.

Ryuuen: "If you behave like a sheep, people tend to devour you, but it sheep's clothing is a real cheap deal. Don't you think, Monster?"

Ayanokoji: "How would I know that? I am not a sheep and I am not the wolf here."

Ryuuen: "kukukuku.... "

People were just confused over the conversation but they tend to ignore that.

Manabu: "Confidence over clean crime is good, but you can't be sure everytime."

Yagami's face was darkened he knew what was coming for him and what would he do if something like that did happen.

Ichinose/kushida: "Anyone with that kindness, be it fake or real, no one can easily behave that bad. But, having evidence and alibis is more than enough to even book a verdict to a saint."

"I've learned from the past that the ones who look harmless are the most troublesome. Isn't that right, Ibuki?" "No doubt, this guy is strong. He can at least seriously injure Komiya and the others without them noticing." "Normally, I'd have you suffer an equal or greater injury to avenge our enemy, but unfortunately, we're in front of Sensei. I'll give you a break. What awaits you is nothing but expulsion." If the facts were confirmed and it was proven that Yagami-kun caused serious injury to Komiya-kun and the others, that it would be more than a suspension. Expulsion was inevitable, even with no extenuating circumstances.

Yagami-kun tilted his face down as Ryūen-kun removed his hand from his hair. "So? What are you doing here, Suzune?" "I had some research to do on Yagami-kun too." "Oh? What's that?" I came this far, I had no choice but to tell them all about it. I told them what had happened on the deserted island, that I had been looking for a student with beautiful handwriting, that I had come here to check the notes because they were similar to Yagami-kun's. I pulled out the notebook and opened it to Yagami-kun's page.

"The handwriting and Yagami-kun's handwriting are almost identical. It also matches my memory." "Let me ask you to explain what this means, Yagami." Student Council President Nagumo asked, even though he didn't have a full grasp of what's going on. The only thing that was certain was that something mysterious was going on in this place. While all of us were related to Yagami-kun, there wasn't a definitive key. There was no one who could be the most important key. How was such a thing possible? What if it had all started with that one love letter... And I entrusted it to Yagami-kun, and Yagami-kun saw what was inside, too?

The maximum capacity of everyone's brain started to evolve further, they were now understanding how big the planning was by the menace in shadow.

Ryuuen: "Expelling someone from just a love letter..... I don't know what to say anymore...."

Sakayanagi: "It's incomprehensible for anyone to predict that plan....it's just too clean and smooth for execution."

For the first time both of the leaders lost their smug smiles, the expression they had of was of worry and fear. The fear of losing due to a non-important reason that could expell someone.

Nagumo: 'It's not an easy task for me to win against him, reputation and support is the one thing I have and I would use that to defeat him....but in the back of my mind I still think - Can I?'

Manabu: 'Smoothly he destroyed Yagami, if we would have accepted the student council role, he would have expelled Nagumo..... What a waste.'

Kushida/Ichinose: 'Well trained in fights, good in studies, observes people like a detective, works in shadows without letting anyone noticing him, why wouldn't a girl fall for him.'

Hashimoto: "I love you king!!!! You are just great, what in the world goes inside your brain..... "

People turned around to see a sudden confession from a boy, fushoji girls were happy and girls were eyeing hashimoto like a dead meat.

Hashimoto: "I-I mean I love you brain, you are just like a mastermind from movies, and secondly I am not gay..... "

People were still reluctant to accept that.

They knew for sure that Yagami-kun would analyse the anagram inside of it... But they didn't know that I had seen Yagami-kun's notes. No, I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I was an outsider, and Ibukisan was an outsider with me. Even if Ibuki-san and I were not here, this sequence of events would've continued. Yagami-kun, who was lured by the letter and came to the student council room, would have been questioned by President Nagumo. But was such a thing possible? Even if it were possible, who would do it? When and where? No, this kind of question itself may be wrong. It would not be at all surprising... if Ayanokōji-kun was behind this event.

Ryūen-kun, Komiya-kun and others who unexpectedly appeared as well as the teachers. It was a place to surround Yagami-kun, who was evasive, from all sides. "Kuku, I'm surprised too, but I can't help it. He was playing with fire too much." Ryūen-kun started laughing, perhaps feeling the same way I did. "Why is this happening, this is beyond stupid." "I don't know what kind of background you have, but you're trapped." "I-I'm still in a state where I can't even fight him!? This is where it ends? It can't be over, that's ridiculous!" Yagami-kun, his whole body trembling, shouted in a voice never heard before. "You mean you don't... even have to deal with me directly? Heh... ha... hahaha! Don't fuck with me... don't fuck with me!" "Shut up. Don't yell so close to me, you little bitch." Ryūen-kun sticked his pinky in his right ear and muttered in exasperation. Yagami-kun's excitement did not subside.

"Okay~" Yagami-kun said, "I'm going to do it now. I'm going to kill him with my own hands! Then I'll go back to where I belong, and get my rightful place! I'll take his dead body back with me!" There were two teachers here, as if that didn't matter at all. In a clear sign of change, Ibuki-san jumped toward Yagami-kun from behind just as he was about to take a bold step toward Ryūen-kun. Without looking back, Yagami-kun quickly dealt with it and slammed his elbow into her abdomen.

People were shocked to say the least, they just wondered what type of madness can happen if someone has a grudge toward anyone.

Ryuuen/Ibuki: "PTSD.......*shivers* He is also not an easy opponent..... "

Mostly Everyone other than Incredible four and kei : 'Also???'

Manabu/Fuka: 'Yagami and Nagumo both have inferiority complex, but at different levels. Nagumo may bring dirty tricks but he is not that emotionally unstable to tend toward madness, whereas in the case of Yagami he became emotionally unstable.'

Yagami after watching his future tried to lunge upon Ayanokoji in anger to which in response, Ayanokoji just glared at him with hostility which made Yagami back a little bit, but he was boiling with anger right now.

Hirata: "I would have also become mad, if Kiyotaka-Kun wasn't with me, but to think Yagami-Kun went to such lengths to even kill him, it's sure not a very small talk."

Horikita: "He is gone mad, but will we be ok? He doesn't even care about teachers right now."

Everyone was now worried for the people other than Yagami who were present in the student council room.

"Guh!" Just one shot and Ibuki-san crumpled to the ground, unable to stand up. "Stop it, Yagami!" When the teachers started to run to stop Yagami-san, Ryūen-kun stoppedthem. "Pull back. He's not fucking around. Guess it's time for me to step up, isn't it?" Ryūen-kun, without regard to the fact that this was the student council chambers, clenched his fist. "Oh my god, you can't stop me. I'm not going to tolerate anyone who stands in front of me from now on. I don't care if it's a woman or a teacher. If you don'twant to see yourself get hurt like Komiya and the others, then shut up and back off."

"Kuku. So that's your true nature. That's funny, isn't it?" Without hesitation, Ryūen-kun took a step forward and lightly spread his arms out as if to provoke. "I'll gladly stand in your way, so come at me. You're only a punk." Ryūen-kun was determined, but I didn't think Yagami-kun could be stopped. However, We must do something to hold him here. He was driven by the urge to destroy everything, regardless of the teachers' presence. If we let him go, there is no guarantee that we will be able to stop his rampage. And where he was headed... was to Ayanokōji-kun. If something like this happened in the middle of a cultural festival, a warning won't do. "Stop it, Yagami. And Ryūen, too. If you cause a commotion here, it will be a serious penalty." "My expulsion is 100% inevitable. If that's the case, there's no reason to stop it, right Mashima?"

Yagami-kun called him out without even addressing him as sensei, and discarded him. Still, Mashima-sensei, as a teacher, stepped in between Yagami-kun and Ryūen-kun. "Get lost." He kicked Mashima-sensei in the knee, and when he staggered over, he slammed his fist into his face. Sakagami-sensei witnessed it up close and took a frightened step away. Ryūen-kun, excited at the start of a perfect fight, was just about to jump on Yagami-kun.

Hiyori: Yagami-kun is driving toward his destruction, but who will stop him Ryūen-kun fall down with Ibuki-San and most likely Horikita-san and Nagumo-senpai also can't hold him.

Ryuuen: "You are right Hiyori, but it's just not the end of monster's plan I think.... He wouldn't do these things, that could cause repercussions."

Sakayanagi: "What will be the end.... Yagami-kun is going on a rampage..... "

Ike: what happens if Ayanokoji enters and fights Yagami? It would be so great!!!!!

Sudou: "It would just become like a movie, but maybe that could happen."

Many of the boys and girls wanted that..... But it wasn't the wisest choice right now.

Matsushita: "I don't think so..... Ayanokoji-Kun never wanted to enter the predicament from the start... If he wanted that he would have done that by now.... "

Everyone was just hoping for the best.

"Let's stop now, Takuya." The door to the student council room opened, revealing Amasawa-san with red, swollen eyes. "Ah? Why are you here?" Yagami-kun stopped moving in a situation where no one's words were likely to reach him. "What's it going to take for you to get any more out of control? Do you think that will make them accept you? They're already done with-" "No, it's not! The instructors are waiting for me! I'm going to be the best!" Who are the instructors, I wondered? At least I could guess that they were not the teachers of this school.

"I was just going to close out the cultural festival today in an interesting way by exposing that guy's past, but he's done something absurd." "Takuya, I knew you were going to do that. ......" "Get out of my way; I'm going to make Ayanokōji regret it. I'll make it so funny you won't stop laughing." "If you insist on going to Ayanokōji-senpai, I'll stop you before you do." "You? You've never beaten me once. Don't make me laugh." "Maybe I can't beat you with force. But I'll give it a try.

"I knew you were devoted to Ayanokōji, but I didn't know you were that stupid." "I just learned that a frog in a well doesn't know the ocean. It's just like that story we learned about before... Don't you remember?" Amasawa had a sad look in her eyes. Yagami-kun seemed to falter for a moment, before returning to his murderous gaze. "Then it's time for you to die. There is no reason for you to be alive." Just as Amasawa-san was about to make up her mind, we heard multiple footsteps coming from the other side of the hallway.

People just gazed toward Yagami in disgust, who didn't even cared for the girl who was crying for him.

Horikita: "How did you know guys exactly, I mean I know that you both are from White room but just need a clarification from you."

Amasawa: "Horikita-Senpai we belong to 5th Generation of White room where, Takuya was the no. 1 in that generation and I was no. 2"

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi: "You don't even care for those, who cared for you.... That is correct upto certain limit..... "

Yagami: "I don't care what you guys think, and don't tell me how to make decisions, you guys also treat people like they are disposable pawns, using them as you see.... What's the difference between you and me, we are equally guilty."

Ayanokoji: "There is a difference, Ryueen and Sakayanagi aren't the best people here, but outside the exams they were never interested in someone's harm..... They have allies and they even go for them to great extent to protect them."

Yagami: "Wow, what a role model... Then what about you? Huh The fuckin Masterpiece don't you also think people as tools....... "

Ayanokoji: "My education and your education was almost similar, we both were educated to make people our tool, but the difference was in common sense and emotions. I didn't had much emotions yet I care for people.... You have the emotions yet you disposed people like nothing."

GOD: "Enough with the argument..... Sit down..... "

People were very astonished with the words of Ayanokoji.

Horikita: 'After coming to this school, my life changed a lot..... I gained friends, allies, enemies, and my brother back. But, it looks like Ayanokoji-Kun also changed a bit even though it's a little different.'

Five adults steped into the student council room with blank expressions on their faces. Not all of them were recognizable, but two of the five were guests of honor who had also shown up at the maid cafe. Yagami-kun, who had been untouchable until a moment ago, suddenly began to tremble. "W-why are you guys here? Hey, why...?" "We even got a call to come pick you up at the student council office. It wasn't exactly what we had in mind."

Yagami-kun, who had been on a killing spree just a short time ago, found himself squeezed like a child. It was almost as if a child had been caught by his parents and was scared of the punishment. Surrounded by adults, Yagami-kun was taken away without resistance. Amasawa-san walked with him. "You people are..." Mashima-sensei confirmed as he stood up in pain. "We are related to Yagami and Amasawa. We will settle this situation, so please go ahead and get treated. Please do not tell anyone about what happened here, not even the teachers and students. Rest assured that we will pass everything on to Chairman Sakayanagi."

"I understand." With Sakagami-sensei's help, Mashima-sensei left the student council room. The room, which had been so noisy, was suddenly enveloped in silence. "Get up Ibuki, let's pull out." "Come on, at least give me a hand!" Ryūen-kun gave instructions to Komiya-kun with his chin to Ibuki-san, who still could not stand up, and then lent her a hand and left the room. Only me and Student Council President Nagumo were left in the Student Council Room.

Everyone was confused who were those people connected to Yagami and amasawa, they knew they were from White room but it was still confusing with the reaction given by Yagami.

Ryuuen: "You go behave like a karen here, and go pussy in front of them kukukuku..... "

Sakayanagi: "fufufufu......looks like someone was scared of again getting reprimanded for not proving themselves."

Kei: "Who were they Kiyotaka?"

Ayanokoji: "They were the instructors of White room, they are like teachers to us but in a different manner."

Yagami had real dark expressions on his face, he lost to someone he never respected. He hated the fact that he never got the real one on one fight against him.

Nagumo: "I will gladly challenge you Ayanokoji, don't go against the challenge. Prove to me that you can defeat me."

Ayanokoji: "*sighs* Then I will take up on the offer."

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi: "kukukukuku/fufufufu..."

GOD: Now let us take the break..... And this time we will react to some things that will entertain you all....

14.5k words

Here's the Yagami expulsion chapter (most difficult chapter to make fr) I hope you like the chapter.

We crossed 15k reads and I am really happy with the response I get.

I apologize for the delay, my luck ran out of cursed energy I think.

To make up for it I will release 2 special chapters next.

The poll will be after the end of those 2 chapters

Keep supporting the fic, if you like the chapter do drop a vote.

See y'all in the next chapter ❤
