2nd Year Vol.8 - Kiyonami Moments

GOD: "So, let's continue with the reactions...we will react to some more moments in the future."

Sudou: "Aw, man we have been watching the moments from the future can't we react to something that already happened, and maybe we didn't notice or know about that?"

GOD: "Don't worry Sudou-Kun we will react to that too, but now for the time being we will react to the future."


It was nearly 9:00 p.m. and a frigid wind was blowing outside. The lights at each end of the staircase faintly illuminated my footing, but it was hard to say that I was safe due to the snow. I climbed up dozens of steps, stepping on the snow to avoid falling. There probably weren't many people who enjoyed coming here at this time of day. In the darkness, I arrived at a spacious hill where people couldn't see their breath.

On the wooden deck, I found someone.

They were perhaps gazing out at the scenery, but the darkness made it look rather sorrowful. Naturally, there were no other people around. I heard that they were present at mealtime. I began to wonder, how long had they been here. The sound of the wind was so strong that they didn't seem to notice my approach. I stomped my foot on the ground as hard as I could to announce my presence so as not to startle them. I wondered if the sound reached their ears at all. When their body showed a reaction, I decided to call out to them.

Horikita: "What is this place? it looks different from our school?"

GOD: Well, during winter break, the school took you all to Hokkaido for vacation.

Kanzaki: "Did we have a special exam that time, just like we had in summer?"

GOD: "No, There was no exam it was pure winter vacation for you all to relax and enjoy."

Hiyori: "That scenery is surely beautiful, 'The poetry of earth is never dead' as they say."

Some people nodded to her words admiring the scenery.

Ike: "How about we guess who's the person sitting in front of Ayanokoji? Don't you think it would be fun?"

People thought about the idea, and some interested people had sparkles in their eyes.

Ike: But, before guessing the person's name I think we should guess whether that person is a girl or a boy, but considering the luck of Ayanokoji, I think it's a girl.

K.H.T: 'I hope it's me.'

Kei: 'It's not me I know that else Kiyotaka would have guessed, but I hope it's not a girl.'

Pervert Bois and Miyamoto: "It can't be a girl, he ain't that special and lucky to get a girl this time too."

Ike: "You guys!! I am so happy that people like you exist in my life!!!!!!!!"

Pervert Bois and Miyamoto just give a proud smirk as if they have achieved enlightenment.

Ike: "Due to people like you, others see me as more genius than you guys because you guys are dumber than me hahaha!!!"

(Yes, Ike had developments and he can roast dumber people xd)

The comment made everyone laugh. Pervert Bois and Miyamoto haven't recovered from the exclusive burn from Ike.

GOD: "Ok-Ok, Now tell me your guesses."

Everyone except pervert Bois, Miyamoto, and Nagumo: "It is a girl/It can be a girl."

Delusional Morons: "It sure is a boy."

GOD: "So, let's see.........."

"Can I sit next to you?" "Oh! Ayanokōji-Ku?" "What a coincidence." "Y-yes, coincidence."Ichinose awkwardly let her gaze wander off into the nightscape. "My bad, it's not really a coincidence. Amikur and the others were making a fuss that they couldn't find you. I just wanted to call out to you to chat until lights out." "Oh, yeah? What's going on? Am I making a scene?" "A little. I'll just send her a message for now. That should put Amikura at ease." "Have you exchanged contact information... With Mako-chan?" "We're in the same group for the school trip. I needed a way to get in touch with her."

I sent a message saying that I had found Ichinose and that I would be back by 9:00 p.m., so they didn't need to worry. As soon as I sent the message, it was read. When Amikura learned that everything was okay, she sent two stamps of relief. "She got the message. At least now the ruckus should be over." "I'm sorry." "No problem. This is the inn's property and we're not breaking curfew. As long as you're back by 9:00, it's your business." "Yeah, thanks..."

I guess it was understandable that she wasn't attempting to go back inside just because people were worried about her. School trips are fun, but you inevitably have to share a lot of your time with students. "Everyone has times when they want to be alone. In that sense, I'm probably intruding on your privacy." To these words, Ichinose was silent. She just continued to gaze upon the nightscape. "It's cold." "...Yes. It's cold." Even through my gloves, I felt a piercing shiver as the wind blew.

"How long have you been here?" "I don't know... Maybe five minutes." She answered, but she seemed to think that I would immediately recognize her lie, so she corrected herself in a frustrated manner. "Sorry, I might've been here for 30 or 40 minutes." "I'm sure you're right. At first glance, there aren't any footprints to be found." I had no proof that Ichinose was here at all until I came up the stairs. If it had been a few minutes earlier, I would've clearly recognized the footprints, even in the dark.

Pervert Bois, Miyamoto, and Nagumo had scowls on their faces as Ayanokoji again met with the beauty of the school and it was none other than Ichinose Honami. Others were just wondering how lucky a person can be.

Ayanokoji: 'They think the situation is lucky?' *sighs*

Mako: "Why was Honami-chan roaming at night? and Why I was in Ayanokoji-kun's group? Were there some rules for the vacation?"

Ichinose: "Maybe I wanted some peace from tiredness..."

GOD: "Yes, there were some rules in the vacation. The rules were that a pair from each class one girl and one boy will be selected randomly making it 8 people. Those 8 people will live together under a single roof. Kushida-san and Kiyotaka-Kun were paired from Class-C with Ryuuen and Mako-chan was included in that group. The first video that we reacted to was also from the same trip."

Kushida remembering the video started blushing to make her friends tease her a lot and again glares from delusional morons were targeted toward Ayanokoji. Some people were happy with the settings of the trip, whereas some people were scared for their privacy.

Kei: 'Why wasn't I with kiyotaka?'

Karuizawa thought with a pout

Sakayanagi/Ryuuen: 'Looks like Ichinose-san/Ichinose is disturbed or more like in a problem regarding something, it's not a coincidence that Ayanokoji-kun/Monster was there at the time.'

Horikita: 'Ichinose-san looks like a little bit in a pickle, but Ayanokoji-kun being there with her isn't a coincidence for sure.'

Manabu/Kiryuuin/Matsushita: 'Recognize someone with footprints? And even in the dark? You sure are a mystery Ayanokoji/Kouhai-kun/Ayanokoji-kun.'

The wind was still strong, though the snow that had been falling was slowly coming to a stop. "What I'm saying is probably obvious, but you're going to catch a cold if you stay too long." "Right..." She muttered to herself in agreement, but there was no indication that she was going to heed my advice. Soon after, the snow seemed to be coming to a stop. But this would only be temporary. The forecast was calling for a strong snowstorm soon. "Talk about a wild goose chase, what are you thinking about while taking in the night view all by yourself?"

I had a rough idea of what to expect, but I wouldn't know for certain unless I heard it from her own mouth. I asked her, but Ichinose didn't immediately answer. She just admired the scenery without glancing back. "I think I want to be... By myself for right now." A mild rejection. She urged me to walk away, saying she doesn't want to talk to anyone Or, maybe she was just saying that she didn't want me near her. "I don't think I'm going to leave you alone right now. It's especially dangerous on the way down." "Thank you for your concern, but Karuizawa-san would be upset if she knew that you and I were alone in a place like this. I definitely don't want that." At first glance, nobody would go this far unless they had another reason; I guess it was that sort of issue. It seems to be in her nature to care about others even at a time like this.

"Certainly, if Kei sees me, she'll misunderstand." "Yes." "Are you sure about wanting me to leave?" "Yes." Ichinose answered with the same terse answer, still not averting her gaze from the peaceful view. I quickly pulled away and turned my back. "I'm going back then. Just make sure you're back by 9:00." "Thanks, I'll be careful." As I took my first steps, the snow that had momentarily stopped began to fall again. The snow came down even stronger than before. I spun back around and looked at the back of Ichinose's figure, which had remained frozen in place since I found her here.

Everyone had bitterness in their mind especially Ichinose's class seeing their strong-headed leader in a broken phase where her own class can't help regarding anything.

Horikita: 'Why Ichinose-san is acting cold towards Ayanokoji-kun? Did they have any argument or something else?'

Class B: "Ichinose-san if you ever feel depressed or have any sort of problems do share with us, don't let the problems accumulate to just yourself."

Delusional Morons: "Leaving a cute girl like Ichinose-chan in such a situation you sure are a bad person gloomy loner."

Hashimoto/Ryuuen: "I bet 100,000 points he didn't leave Ichinose alone at that time."

Delusional Morons: "Let's see don't come to us for the lost money hahah!!"

People started placing bets on me whether I left the scene or not, around 10-15 people betted that I left the scene including some idiots from 2nd and 3rd years, other than that everyone betted that I didn't, leaving Ichinose alone in the situation. *Sighs* I have become a betting product for them now, White room was far more peaceful.

She had become much smaller and weaker. When was the last time I saw the Ichinose Honami that was so full of life when she first entered the school? It wasn't that something happened on the school trip, but rather an accumulation. The water that had been collecting in the cracked cup was beginning to overflow. It would be easy to walk away here, but this was a turning point. Ichinose's emotions, which have been eroding and constricting her, reached a critical point, as far as I could see.

It wasn't simply that the water was overflowing. If the crack widened and the cup shattered, restoration may not be possible. In other words, Ichinose's class will be finished, and her path to Class A will close. This wasn't the time for her class's downfall. That would be a problem for my plan. "I'll wait here." I said and sat down on the stairs leading to the inn. "Why?" "I wonder why." "My affairs are none of your business, are they? Why are you waiting...?" "I don't know." I had nothing to say to her then. I knew she wanted to push me away, but since she had no coercive power, Ichinose had no choice but to give up. If she really didn't want to be with me, the best choice was to walk away. A few minutes passed in silence. Nothing really happened. "All we're doing is chatting... Right?"

Delusional Morons again had scowls and frowns on their faces as they saw me not leaving Ichinose alone in the situation. Girls were happy and had some bright smiles on their faces, Boys looked at me with some pride and respect.

Ichinose: 'So, Ayanokoji-kun didn't leave me alone, that makes me happy but what is the plan he is thinking about?'

Sakayanagi/Ryuuen/Manabu/Fuka: 'What type of plan is he thinking? Keeping the competition intact from class B?' or something else?'

Kanzaki: "What type of planning are you thinking about Ayanokoji? Do you want to use our class and Ichinose-san to your according?"

Some people who were confused as well looked toward me for the answer to their question.

Ayanokoji: "I don't really know what type of plan I am thinking at that time? It's from the future how can I tell you right now about that plan?"

Most of the people understood the predicament regarding their question.

Sakayanagi/Ryuuen/Horikita/Manabu/Fuka: 'He sure knows what he will be thinking at that time'

Either she couldn't stand the silence between the two of us, or she decided that she had no choice. In a voice so low that it could've been missed, as if she had been thinking to herself, Ichinose muttered something. "Actually, I've been wanting to ask you something for a long time." It was much better than being left in silence until curfew. It would also help to drown out the chill of the snow that was freezing my butt. "Have you ever heard of the White Room...?"

I wondered what kind of conversation would result from this situation, but the words that came out were far too unexpected and completely diverged from some of the assumptions I had floating around. Why, out of everyone, would Ichinose ever utter the words "White Room"? For a moment, Sakayanagi's image flashed through my mind. There were some situations where the class leaders were getting to know each other, such as cooperation between classes these days. But I don't think she would easily talk about such things. If that was the case, then... I recalled that she was threatened by Tsukishiro during the Uninhabited Island Special Exam. I wouldn't be surprised if she had memorized 'the White Room' from that incident. "I'm not sure what you're talking about." "I see. If you don't understand, Ayanokōji-kun, don't worry about it. I may have misheard."

Ichinose's words suddenly stopped under the cold sky. She then let out a breath. I wasn't sure whether or not she completely believed my answer. Just to be sure, it would be better if I planted some ideas myself. "Where did you hear those words?" I cut in to divulge that it was something I had no recollection of. If she didn't answer honestly, that was enough to stop me from pursuing the matter.

"I heard the former acting chairman and Shiba-sensei talking during the Uninhabited Island Exam. There were few parts I could hear clearly, but I heard that he wanted to expel you and the words 'White Room.' I was curious, so I did some searching, but I couldn't find anything that sounded like it, so I guess I heard wrong?" "I doubt you heard it right. At least I can't think of any similar words." If she even did the research herself, she was likely half-convinced that it was inconsistent with her memory.

People were shocked and bewildered that the matter regarding me and the former acting director didn't go viral in the school, some already understood that it may be connected to the mystery of the white room.

Nagumo: "Why did you lie to Honami regarding the whole thing with the white room, you know about those things but still, you hide so many things why?"

Ayanokoji: Nagumo, I have already warned, but let me clear myself again, the things that we are watching are already a breach of my privacy. My thoughts, My talks, My personal space is already in front of you, don't try to pry too much now else it won't end well for you."

Nagumo kept quiet but was annoyed and scared by Ayanokoji.

Horikita: "I do remember Amasawa-san blocking me and Ibuki-san from helping Ayanokoji-kun during the exam, was it related to this matter?"

GOD: "Yes, You are right Puppet leader-chan."

Horikita blushed and tried to hide her embarrassment, whereas most of the people were confused about what GOD meant, but there were some individuals who were laughing loudly.

Sakayanagi/Ryuuen/Fuka/Amasawa: "fufufufufu.../kukukukuku.../hahah~~/hahahahahah~~"

Matsushita: "What happened with Ayanokoji-kun that involved the former acting director?"

GOD: "I will show everything don't feel confused and left out, but for now let us continue."

"But why were the teachers trying to expel you? Are you out of trouble now?" She's probably been meaning to ask that for a long time too. But because of what happened with Kei, Ichinose seemed to have pushed the question to the back of her mind. "That matter is taken care of. I can't go into details, but there's no problem." I could sense that there was another secret, separate from the White Room. It would be more troublesome later on if the former situation was leaked to the outside world.

"I see...." I could see her shock when she thought she might've been considered as someone with whom I couldn't confide a secret with. Continuing with these topics wouldn't benefit Ichinose, so this time I asked her a question. "I have a question for you, too. The Ichinose I know isn't the kind of person who shivers in loneliness in a place like this. She's the kind of student who's surrounded by friends, laughing and encouraging each other. How long do you plan on staying here?" "I'm having fun." "That's not what it looked like when I saw your demeanor earlier. I don't think it was the kind of face you should show on a school trip that's all about enjoying yourself."

Even this kind of exchange was likely necessary for Ichinose right now. To expose the parts of herself that she normally wanted to keep to herself and couldn't talk about with anyone.This was something that Ichinose, who continued to be under pressure as a class leader, continued to hold onto. "Are you really going to continue waiting there?" "Yes. I'll be with you when I get off." "I see. Well, at least come over here. Your butt is probably getting cold." "That's a nice offer. I was indeed freezing my butt off." I hurriedly stood up, brushed the snow off my butt, and stood next to Ichinose. Ichinose's side profile hadn't changed from earlier. When I checked my cell phone earlier, the time was about 8:40. Calculating the time it would take to return, it looked like we could stay here for another 10 minutes or so.

People were shocked to see the not so talkative person Ayanokoji Kiyotaka be this perceptive about a person's demeanor, that can read what people might be thinking, or what they are confused for.

Mashima/Chie/Sakagami/Sae: 'This kid is not normal he can read people without any problem, and by his thoughts he looks well versed in human psychology, what kind of childhood he had to be this perceptive and alert with his surroundings?'

Ryuuen/Manabu/Fuka/Nagumo: 'To think he would crack her demeanor just by staying there without even talking to her much'

Sakayanagi/Amasawa/Yagami: 'Piece of a cake for the masterpiece.'

Haruka: "Acting director wanted to expel you? why!!!?"

People who were close to me had concerns over their faces.

Ayanokoji: "There is nothing you guys to be concerned about, the problem is solved and basically it was a misunderstanding on director's end."

Tsukishiro: "Yes, students the problem is over you don't need to be concerned about that."

Teachers/Yagami/Amasawa: 'What a liar, both of them.'

If we were to stand in silence until the time limit, that would be fine, too. With the intention of staying with Ichinose until the end, I decided to wait for her reaction. Every time the wind blew, snow danced in the air. After a few dozen seconds, Ichinose opened her mouth. A puff of white breath scattered in the air. "With my way of doing things, I can't beat any class anymore. That's what I was thinking." An unintentional tear trickled down Ichinose's cheek. "You can't win, huh? I thought you were going to continue forward as you were without hesitation." "But because of that..." Ichinose spun her words, though they were faltering. "Yes, that's right. But results don't follow. Our class is definitely moving farther away from Class A. This is obvious to everyone." "And that the cause of this is your own approach."

"If only I could command my classmates like Sakayanagi-san. If only I could lead as strongly as Ryūen-kun. If only I could coordinate like Horikita-san. I can't help but think like that." "That's asking for something you don't have. You can only be yourself; you can't be anyone else." She knew this without having to say it. But there are times when you have to hear it, even if you know it. "It's what I don't have. Yeah, right. I want to be what I'm not." "Even if you have to change yourself?" "If I can win, I'll... Still, be fine." Ichinose wanted to change. Whether it was right or wrong was secondary, she was just desperate to break through. Normally, this wouldn't have been a situation where I would've reached out to her. However, the confession I received from Ichinose on the Uninhabited Island led to several unexpected events, which was the main reason she had become so weak. There were still more than three months to go until the promise I made with Ichinose.

Will she be able to get through this without any help until then? No, this wasn't a situation in which we should be hopeful. Right now, Ichinose's heart was on the verge of breaking. The effects of the poison had begun to spread throughout her body faster than I anticipated. Her love for me and the presence of Karuizawa Kei. The class was on a downward spiral, with no chance of rising to the top. Although Kanzaki and Himeno were starting to make a move, there won't be enough time for the growth of their fellow students.

As a student council member, I can't see what'll happen to her in the future. The road ahead will be very difficult. She seems to be trapped from all sides. Her future is shrouded in fog. "I'm so frustrated..." Her helplessness struck Ichinose with an intense sense of guilt. If this was a problem that only she had to deal with, she would just be depressed. But Ichinose, who was leading the class, cannot allow that. She was responsible for the whole class's failures. It was because she thought that way that this phenomenon occurred.

People were saddened with the state of up bright student council member who was popular throughout the school and the leader of Class-B. Ichinose's friends were worried and sad about her condition and the predicament that they couldn't help her. Kanzaki had a mixture of emotions on his face, realising his class's failures in the future.

Ryuuen/Sakayanagi: 'Ichinose/Ichinose-san is totally broken from the inside, with countless failures to win the exams and Monster/Ayanokoji-kun rejecting her made her feel worse in her life.'

Amasawa: 'Melon-senpai is totally broken, just like children in the white room but the things that changed from then is that Ayanokoji-senpai may have some emotion for her, or for the one's who broke down but it can also be a case where he wants to use her in the future.'

Ichinose: "Looks like I can't even handle some failures....sob...sob"

Ichinose started crying watching her situation in the future, her friends, Kei, Horikita and even Sakayanagi went toward her to console her down. After a few minutes she sat down and gave a nod to GOD to continue the video.

"I'm sorry, Ayanokōji-kun..." Her trembling voice strongly conveyed her regret. "What are you apologizing for?" "Many, many things. Crying like this only troubles you." Ichinose was supposed to be stronger and more intelligent. Her hidden potential had completely disappeared because of a heart being too fragile. A fatal weakness. Neither Horikita, Ryūen, nor Sakayanagi, who walk in front of the pack, will stand still and allow her to catch up. It would be excruciatingly painful to struggle, suffer, and collapse in place behind them. A gentle reminder that working hard will no longer relieve her of this heavy responsibility.

If Ichinose was to lose both her legs, she'd be finished for good. It was too early to tell, however... This wasn't the right time. You aren't allowed to collapse right now, Ichinose. I won't let you stop until the final exam, the time that will decide the fate of the second-year students. I won't allow you to break down before then. You are the one who decides the time and place of your life or death as a student, not anyone else.

Third person POV:

People felt relieved that Ayanokoji was someone who cared about Ichinose and her predicament. Ichinose's friends were relieved and thanked him helping Ichinose. Kei was a little jealous but still understood that Ichinose is a close friend of Kiyotaka so she didn't say anything regarding that.

Delusional Morons: Who are you to stay close to Ichinose-chan!!!Gloomy lon-

Before they could complete chabashira sensei called her pervert cleaning team(Albert, Ibuki, Shinohara) and ordered them to clean the trash. As instructed they cleaned the trash and thrashed them to pieces.

Sakayanagi/Ryuuen/Horikita/Matsushita/Fuka: 'Final exam? What will change the fate of second-years huh? I think a storm is to come for us too.'

Ichinose: "Thank you for helping me always Ayanokoji-kun, I don't know how can I repay these favor."

Ayanokoji: Maybe, you can go with me for a date that would make you feel relieved too and it will be a change of space for me too.

As Kiyotaka said this, girls who thought that they lost their chance with kiyotaka there eyes started sparkling including Ichinose's. Before she could say something, Kei glared them all other than Ichinose.

Kei: "He said it as a joke, so girls don't try to think that you can take him away from me. It was a joke right, Kiyotaka?"

Kei said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Kiyotaka just nodded a little bit nervously.

Kei: "But, Ichinose-san you can hangout with us and with Kiyotaka too, if that makes you comfortable."

I closed the distance between us and extended my arm to her back as she endured her misery. Then, I put my hand on her right shoulder and pulled her into a hug. "W-what? Ayanokōji-kun!?" "When you're in pain, cry. You can ask for help. Everyone has a weakness." "It's... But..." Ichinose bit her lip, which was beginning to turn a pale blue, and swallowed her words. Her body tried to flee in the opposite direction, but her strength was feeble. "Isn't there something you want?" "I... No. What I wanted is no longer..." "You can't get it anymore?" She desperately tried to suppress the words overflowing from the back of her throat, or rather the depths of her heart. Still, Ichinose nodded her head only slightly, probably not intending to answer.

"That doesn't matter anymore. That's what I think." "But..." "If you don't have the courage to take the first step, I can give you a hand." I wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks with my fingertips. They were so cold that they felt like they were going to freeze. She no longer had the strength to run away. Rather, she relaxed and surrendered herself to me, leaving everything in my hands. Gazing at the snowy nightscape in a distant land. On this day, we learned of each other's warmth by huddling together under the cold night sky.

As the video ended Kiyotaka again earned glare's from Delusional Morons + Nagumo and they started cussing at him. Some girls were happy that Ichinose had someone that can help her if not her friends. Boys had looks of admiration for Ayanokoji.

Kei: "You sure like too hug, force youself on other girls don't you?"

Karuizawa said with a pout on her face

Ayanokoji came close to karuizawa's face and whispered in her ears.

Ayanokoji: "Looks like someone wants me to hug and force myself on them?"

Kiyotaka said in a teasing a manner making karuizawa a blushing mess.

GOD: "So, let us continue with the reactions.............."

4.8k words

As per the polls, Kiyonami moments are here
And the next chapter will be Kiyo + fuka vs tsuki + shiba so stay tuned for that.

After that we will do the polls for upcoming chapters

I hope you like the chapter
See y'all in the next chapter ❤
