Stalker (pt. 2)

Cody's Pov -

I was terrified when Noah showed me the picture. It got worse when Noah told me whoever it was was in my house.

"My ... house?" I whispered. "You mean, like, actually inside my house?"

"How else did they get that picture!"

I looked around my room, both out of stress and searching for any hidden cameras. "Do you think one of my parents put a camera in my room or something?"

"That's really weird if they did," Noah said. "I mean, that's way to overprotective if they actually did it.."

I smirked at Noah. "Can we get my plastic baseball bats out of my closet from when I was five and search the house for this stalker?"

"That was oddly specific.." Noah trailed off. "But yes. If they take one more picture or video of us I will actually kill them."

I ran over to my closet and pulled out two plastic baseball bats. "You get the rainbow one 'cause you're gay."

I handed Noah the bat colored a rainbow pattern. He just stared at me, before sighing and walking to the door. I opened it slowly, careful not to make any noise. Noah and I crept down the stairs, searching for any clues.

"Do you see anything?" I whispered.

"No," Noah replied. We walked around the house more, yet there were no signs anyone had been there. I checked behind every piece of furniture except the ones in the kitchen. That was the place I looked next.

Noah wasn't very far behind me. As I was walking passed the pantry, a spider crawled out from under the door. I jumped onto Noah, screaming like a toddler.

"Cody, it's just a spider." Noah remarked. "It's not a big deal."

"You're not scared of spiders?!"

"Why would I be?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash coming from a crack in the pantry door.

"Did you see that?" I asked Noah.

"That flash? It's probably nothing."

I thought it was nothing until Noah's phone went off.

"Wait. Open that up." I said, pointing to Noah's phone. He grabbed it and opened the message. Sure enough, it was a picture of us taken less that a few second ago.

"What angle is that taken from?" Noah asked, showing me the picture. I looked at it, and as far as I could tell it came from the pantry, right where the crack in the door was positioned.

"...Is he in there?" I said in a hushed voice. Noah gripped the baseball bat and slowly approached the door.

"Be prepared," Noah warned me. "This could be anyone."

I took a step back, and Noah placed his hand on the door handle. He opened it quickly and began to hit whoever was in there with the bat as hard as he could.

"Ow—shit—what the fuck!"

Noah stepped back and I saw his face drop.

"Cody I would take the bat from me before I actually kill him."

"Who even is it!" I shouted.

"I'll explain later. Just take this thing so I don't commit murder."

Noah's Pov -

"Noah, just tell me who this is!" Cody insisted, stepping in front of the door. "Uh, who are you?"

The guy inside the pantry rolled his eyes. "Ask your boyfriend there, I'm sure he'll know."

"I've asked him, and the only thing he seems to be worried about is not beating you to death! Wait, why do we want to beat him to death?"

I just scowled at him. "Why are you taking all these pictures of us."

"I just figured you'd want your little relationship known to everyone at school, since they kind of already know you're gay."

"Oh shut up," I snapped. "I want you to be serious. You just want to be an asshole don't you?"

"Oh wow, you're so smart. I wouldn't expect that from someone who is literally failing history because he can't focus on anything but his boyfriend."

"At least he gives me the answers in class!" Cody bragged.

"Can you just be quiet for a minute!" The guy yelled at Cody.

"Noah, just tell me who this is!"

"He's the whole reason I almost died!"

"I thought that was me."

"Aw," The guy smiled. "Welcome to the club of people who made Noah want to kill himself!"

"Ok that's it." I grabbed the bat from Cody's hand and began to smack the guy with it.


"Noah, quit it! I understand revenge but maybe don't murder him in my pantry? I don't want my Doritos getting bloody."

I dropped the baseball bat before pointing to the door. "Leave now before I tell your girlfriend that you made out with her best friend."

"Ok, Jesus christ!" He sat up and walked out of the room.

Cody looked at me awkwardly. "So, can you explain who that was?"

{ Time Skip }

As Cody walked me home, I explained to him that he was one of the kids that made fun of me a few years ago.

"So he decided to stalk you?"

"Yeah. And I hate to say it, but we used to be best friends."

"Ew. What even is his name."

"I can't even really remember. I think it was Ben or something."

"Basic white boy name."

"We have no room to talk. Our names are fucking Noah and Cody."

Cody punched me in shoulder, and I almost fell off of the sidewalk.

"How were you guys even friends?"

"Well, we sat next to each other in English, and he asked me for answers. I think the only reason he asked me is because I had 124% in that class."

"124?!!!!" Cody yelled. "Is that even possible?"

"I got 100's on every assignment, so I guess so. We started studying together, and soon we became really good friends. I thought since we were so close I could tell him I liked guys, and uh, it didn't go so well."

"And why was he stalking us?"

"I guess to make fun of me again, I don't even know." We reached my house and before I went inside, I kissed Cody on the cheek.

"Why do you always do that?" Cody said, blushing.

"Because you're cute."

Cody rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He waved at me one more time before turning to leave.

Cody's Pov -

I was so tired when I got home, I almost fell asleep in the doorway, yet I didn't want to recreate that embarrassing moment. I walked straight upstairs into my room where I saw that Ben kid sitting on my bed.

"What the—how long have you been here?!" I shouted.

"That doesn't matter right now. I just want to get to know you better."

"Uh, why?" I asked.

"I want to try to fix my relationship with Noah. I want us to be friends again."

"Are you trying to trick me into breaking up with Noah so you can date him?"

"No! I have a girlfriend." Ben assured me. "I'm just want to get to know you so maybe we can convince Noah I've changed my ways."

"After you stalked us?"

"It was a dare."

"Yeahhh.." I trailed off. I walked over and sat next to Ben, and he handed me a cup of water.

"Did you poison this."

"Hell no! I'm just trying to be nice."

I took a sip of the water before Ben started asking me questions.

"So how long have you and Noah been dating?" He asked.

"Uh, about a month."

"Hm. Not long. How did you meet?"

"Well, we got sat next to each other in history, and we just became really good friends."

"And then you kissed."

"Well, I'd be lying if I said Noah wasn't my first kiss."

"You're sixteen and you've never kissed anyone else but Noah?"

"Uh...yeah?" I took another drink of the water before Ben gave me a weird look.

"...What?" I asked.

"You look horrible." Ben said.

"What do you mean...?"

"Like your really pale and sweaty."

"How am I pale and sweaty?" The second I asked that question I felt sweat running down my face. "It's hot in here."

Ben shrugged. "Must be just you, I feel fine."

After a minute of contemplation my shaky hands dropped the cup. "You fucking poisoned this didn't you."

Ben smirked. "Sorry, I just need to get Noah back for almost killing me earlier."

"By ... killing me?!"

"Yeah. I mean, he kinda deserves it. But I'm sure his depressed ass will kill himself to be with you, so don't worry."

Ben sat up and left the room.

"Wait!" I yelled, stumbling after him but immediately falling onto the floor. "...fuck."

I felt embarrassed. It seemed like every time I turned around someone was trying to either kill me or something, but I was sure this time I was going to die.

My vision began to blur and fade out, and all I could think about was Noah. If I really did die, my only thoughts would be about how I never got to tell him I loved him before it all happened.

I saw the door open, and before I could even tell who it was, my vision went black.
