Part 8: Gay Babies?

*(Y/N) POV*

I woke up hearing a lot of ruckus. I opened my eyes and saw that Swagger and Racc were chugging two beers while the others chant on their friends. I looked up to see I'm now leaning on John with the bennie. He looks at me, smiles, and waves, "Morning princes." he said giggling gayly, "Are... you gay?" I asked still sleepy.

Everyone stopped what they were doing even Swagger and Racc, and stared at me then burst out laughing as did John, "Sorry.... I just.... I get that a lot..." He said between laughs, "Yeah, we all thought he was when we first met him." Kryoz explained, "OH!!" I said laughing as well. "I'm sorry If I offended you" I said looking back at John, "Nah, I've bigger things to be offended by." he said smirking, "Oh yeah? and what's that?" I said challenging him, "Oh you know the fact you're not mine yet." he said moving his face closer to mine and since I still didn't have my mask everyone could see my blush.

I suddenly felt ,myself being pulled away from John, "Hey! (Y/N)'s mine!" Swagger whined holding me close but not close enough because Racc stole me from him, "NAH she's mine!" he argued, "Hey! wait she's ours!" Smiity and Kryoz yanked me from Racc both on each side. Mason came over from the passenger seat and took me holding me princess style, "Oi! I found her first so me keep!" he said glaring at the other guys. All of a sudden the car stopped and Fitz walked over taking me from Mason and holding an arm around my waist and the other holding my right hand with my back on his chest, "Nah, she'll be mine." he said princely.

Everyone looked surprised, "Yo! Fitz is finally into a girl!" Kryoz yelled, "We were starting to think YOU were gay!" Racc added in as everyone else nodded, "So does that mean I can have her?" Fitz questioned pulling me closer and bending down a little to speak into my ear making my whole face heat up, "NO!" everyone yelled back pulling me away from him, "Go DRIVE!" John yelled at Fitz as he just smiled at me and walked back to the driver's seat driving once again.

Now that I can actually see him, Fitz is actually pretty damn tall, he's taller than Mason. Fitz also has pale skin and pale blond hair that's short but styled nicely. He's also very skinny and is wearing a black shirt with sleeves that go just about to his elbows, with black pants and black sunglasses hiding his eyes.

I sat down next to Swagger and Racc this time, "Ahh good choice sitting next to us." Racc said looking at me with his stupid looking mask, "Nah just wanted some beer, where it at?" I said pumped Swagger laughed and handed me his beer, "Here." I chugged it and handed it back to him, "Damn, someone knows how to party." Swagger said chugging a beer of his own, "Yeah she does." Racc said doing the same thing all three of us laughing me now being drunk.

I am now with a drunk Swagger and Racc in a van of guy I just met. I looked to Smiity and smirked looking into his eyes. I saw some blush on his cheeks so I walked over to him and sat next to him. He looked red and nervous so I laughed and leaned into his ear, "I need another nap." I then laid my head on his knee and fell asleep once more.

Once I woke up again I found that I was being carried by the same man I slept on, "You gay baby." I said to him still drunk and tired. He looked shocked that I was awake then realized what I said, "Yeah, I am." he just said laughing and carrying me through the door to their base... I think, "AWE! Home sweet home!" Mason said taking a deep breath in. Then something just hit me, "WAIT!" I shouted and scared Smiity enough for him to drop me, "Ow!, I don't need anymore brain damage thank you very much." I said sending a glare to Smitty, "Well you DID yell unexpectedly." he replied back crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, I just realized. What happened to the rope?" I asked holding up my wrist that kept me chained to the Australian.

Kryoz came from around a corner in their base, "Oh, I'm always prepared. My rings are secret knives and one can cut the rope so I did that while you were asleep." He explained showing off his rings. I walked up to his to see his rings up closer, "Damn, these are so cool. You gotta get me one." I looked up and into his eyes and disregarded the blush that was on his face. He coughed a little, "Oh, yeah for sure." he said looking elsewhere. I saw a guy walk around the corner that I haven't seen before, "Who's that?" I whispered to Kryoz who look where I was, "Oh that's Racc." he said plainly while I look dumbfounded.

Racc is actually pretty cute. He wore the same clothes but I could actually see his face. He had longish poofy hair that's all swept to one side and has a cute smirk on his face, "Like what you see?" he said as I just blush, "Nah, I'm prettier." Kryoz responded, "No, I am the most handsome of all." Swagger said coming around the same corner as Racc, "True." everyone ssaid, "Swagger is one sexy mother fucker." Smiity said from a couch. I laughed at his comment and asked, "So, uh where's the bathroom?" I haven't used it in like FOREVER.

Fitz came up from behind me and picked me up bridal style, "This way my lady." he said jogging towards the bathroom. Once we got there he pointed out, You can take a shower as well if you need." he said then pointing to the a basket will neatly folded towels, "You can you a towel from there and I'll get John to get you some new clothes to change into." I nodded and he closed the door, and since everyone else here is a guy I locked the door.

I turned the shower on and began to undress until I heard a knock on the door, but I was already shirtless and put it in a hamper that was in the bathroom. I carefully opened the door and hid behind it only poking my head out to see John who was holding clothes with one hand and covering his eyes with the other blushing as well, "I, uh got you some clothes." he said holding them out more to me. I picked them up and began to close the door, "Thank you." I said before completely closing the door and locking it.

I continue with undressing and take my shower, it felt refreshing. After I finish I dry myself with a towel I picked up the clothes and looked at them it was cute.

"Damn John, nice pick." I said to myself looking in the, "But I do miss my jacket." I said looking at it in the hamper. I just sighed and walked out to bump into Mason, "Oi, haven't seen you in a while." he said smiling to me, "Yeah, you know girls. Always taking forever to get ready." we shared a laugh, "Yeah but for real where'd you get the clothes?" I gave him a confused look, "John, but why you ask, you don't seem like the kind of person to care about clothes." he seemed off, "Just curious." he said plainly as he just crouches down in front of me, "Get on." he said looking back. I decided not to say anything and just got on his back.

I looked at Masons face only to see him with a huge smile plastered on his face, "Why you so happy huh?" I asked him as he stood up, "I just like how short you are." he said and laughed while walking somewhere.

We arrived to the living room where everyone was plus someone new,. Everyone was looking at Mason and I, everyone mostly glaring at Mason. I took a look at Mason's face that just had a smirk plastered on it, "Can I get down now?" I asked kicking him in the side a little, "Yeah, and we need ta talk to Mason, so you can talk to Bordie. She's the one who brought over the clothes." Fitz explained still glaring a little at Mason. I nodded and walked over to the other female while everyone else left the room. I looked at Bordie and she did the same, we both exampined each other.

Bordie had long brown hair with blond at the tips, her face is a mixture of beautiful and cute. She wore a simple white shirt and mom jeans that are rolled up at the ends. She only wore a little bit of makeup as well that matched perfectly with her whole vibe.

Bordie giggled a little, "So, which one do you like?" she wore a mischievous smile as I got flustered at the sudden question.

*Racc POV*

"I thought we all had an agreement!" I yelled seeing as we are now in our planning room. Mason just smiled, "There was an opportunity so I took it." he just shrugged his shoulders, "I'm still surprised Fitz is here." Swagger spoke up, now all eyes are on Fitz, "What? You can't blame me. We all do." he said professionally, "True but what if she likes one of the guys from BBS?" Toby said, "Well, then we're screwed I don't know about you guys but I just want her to feel safe

and happy no matter who she's with. Even if it IS with one of them." Smiity said causing everyone to agree, "Spoken like a true canadian." I joked causing everyone to laugh, but we all froze after hearing giggles from the other side of the door and footsteps that sound like they were running away as well.


Hey sorry my friends AC finally got fixed and school started. Sorry It took forever I hoped you enjoyed and BYEEE!
