Part 7: Escapee

*(Y/N) POV*

I feel someone shaking me awake,

I opened my eyes to see Zuckles close to my face and so I head butt him, "Ow!" I said "Fuck!" Zuckles cursed, "What was that for?!" he yelled holding his forehead with both of his hands since his hands were still bound together, "Sorry reflex." I said taking my mask off to hold my forehead that felt like it was burning, "Woah." I heard Zuckles and turned to him whose face was red, "Like what you see?" I said smirking and his face grew even more red.

       I wanted to get out of the car to I nudged Zuckles, "Can we please get out, it's cramped." he shook his head getting out of his trance and got out me doing the same. I stood up and put my hand back on my forehead, "Where's-" I got cut off by the door opening revealing Delirious, "There you two- (N/N)?! Where's your mask!" he shouted. Apparently everyone else inside the house heard and crowded in the garage where we were, "(N/N)? What happened to your head?" Moo shouted running up with Mini trailing behind him.

       "Oh yeah I'm fine too thanks for asking." Zuckles said gaining the attention, "Did you do this to her?!" Wildcat yelled from the crowd slowly marching towards us, "No! It wasn't him, he tried to wake me up but surprised me and I headbutted him on accident." I said defending Zuckles who stuck his tongue out mockingly to Wildcat, "Stop that." I told him tugging the rope.

       "Let's take you two to the medical room to get you fixed up." Moo said, "I'll go ahead and get the tools we need." Mini said as he smiled at me and Moo nodded at him, "Alright guys snap outta your trance and get outta the way!" Moo told the crew that was still standing there some blushing and some going back inside.

       Zuckles and I followed Moo as he leaded us too the medic room, "Here we are." Moo  said opening the door for us, "Thank you." I said as Zuckles grunted. I saw Mini and he saw us Waving us over, "(N/N), please sit there and Zuckles sit there." he said pointing to sairs. I sat on the right of Zuckles and him on my left.

       Mini walked up to me and started working, "So how'd this happen?" he asked examining my head while Moo worked on Zuckles, "I head butted Zuckles." I said feeling bad, "Sorry again." I said not looking at him because Mini is putting something on my head, "It's fine really." he said sincerely, "Ow Fuck!" he then yelped causing me to jump a little  both Mini and I looking.

       Brock had an irritated look for a second before it went to apologetic, "Oh, sorry." he said, "You did that on purpose!" Zuckles yelled back, "Whatever I'm done anyways." Moo said now walking over to Mini who finished up on me as well, "Thank you" I said to Mini with a smile, he blushed, "No problem, if you ever need anything I'm here. Oh and my name's Craig." he said smiling.

       I smiled back, "Yeah, and my name's Brock." Brock said smiling as well, "I thought it was pussy." Zuckles mumbled, "What was that?" Brock snapped at him, "You heard me, pussy." Zuckled snapped as well standing up me doing so as well since we're tied together still, "Oh yeah? What's your name mr. Perfect?" Brock said walking closer to Zuckles, "Mason." he said smirking but his smirk soon fell, "Fuck!" he yelled as Brock, Mini and I laughed.

       Brock still laughing said, "You're so retarded!" that made Mason snap. Mason grabbed Brocks shirt with both hands still tied together and lifted him up to his hight, "Don't ever call me fucking retarded." he warned Brock tossing him to the side jolting the rope to where I lose my balance and fall, "(N/N)!" Mason yelled worried picking me back up.

       I looked at Brock, "Brock?" I asked  concerned. The door flew open to reveal Vanoss, Delirious, Lui, Nogla and Mini who some hoe left in time to get them, "What the hell happened!" Vanoss demanded as Lui and Mini went to Brocks side, "Brock called Ma- Zuckles retarded and he really didn't like that so he picked up Brock, warned him not to call him that and tossed him to the side." I explained slowly. Vanoss walked up to Zuckles and opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by a loud boom that came from a few rooms over.

      Vanoss and everyone ran out laying Brock on one of the beds. I looked at Zuckles who smirked and looked at me as well, "You ready?" he said anxious, "For what?" he just looked at the door as it flew open once again revealing that one guy, Smitty, from the bank incident, "Ah, hello there." he said and looked at the rope, "A little tied up?" Mason groaned, "Enough puns lets get outta here, I hate it." he stated starting to run and I got dragged cause he was to strong, "Where are we going?!" I asked either of them, "Home." Smitty said smiling.

       We got to the living room seeing a full on gang war and a huge hole in the wall next to the tv, "Come on no time to waste. Everyone lets get going!" Smiity yelled the last part his other gang members running out with us, "Who is this?" the Racoon guy asked, 'Oh shit I remember him. Wait, I don't have my mask!' I kept running cause if I stopped I know I would have just fell then get dragged, "This is my friend... (Y/N)!" I said my real name so they won't know it's me from the bank.

       "Ah a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." the tall leader spoke, I remember from the bank. I blushed none the less, "Aww she's so CUTE!" the guy with the red bennie, John, spoke, "Oi! Back off she's mine!" Zuckles said getting into a black van along with everyone else, "You two are dating?" said the guy with semi long silver hair, 'I don't remember his name' I shook my head no, "Not yet at least." Mason said smirking at my blush.

       I just punched his arm, "Oh she's feisty, I like that the guy with the racoon mask said leaning in so I pushed him back harshly, "Nice." he said back. I took a deep breath, "So, who are you guys?" I asked looking at them.

       The guy who was driving responded, "Our gang is the GBG or, don't laugh, The Gay Baby Gang. My name is Fitz, the most responsible one here." The other guys just nodded their heads. A guy in the passenger seat turned to me, "My name is Smiity, spelled Smii7y." he said smiling, I looked at him. He had semi curly dark brown hair that had a cute little spinny hat that sat on top of it, and wore round red and blue tinted glasses, as well as a a plane black hoodie that had the word, 'DAMB' in the corner. I nodded and looked to the next guy.

       "Hello, my name is SwaggerSouls, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance fair maiden." he said in a soothing voice bowing making me blush a little. Swagger wore a silver helmet that had a yellow/ gold cross in the middle, that covered his whole head. he wore a black tee shirt that had 'YEET' is big bold white letters and wore shorts.

       The next guy was the one with a Racoon mask, "My name is Racoon, but you can call me Racc." I nodded and saw the racoon mask also covered his whole face. He wore an all black hoodie with black skinny jeans.

       "My name is 'John on the radio', but since that's too long just call me John." he seemed nice. John wore a red beanie over his brown hair, some of it sticking out showing its semi wavy self. He had a small stubble and wore glasses over his blue eyes. He wore a pastel pink hoodie and black skinny jeans a swell.

       The last guy was the one with silver hair, "My name is also John, so my nickname is Kryoz" he said doing the finger gun thing. Kryoz had wavy silver dyed hair, he also had pretty green eyes. He wore what looks like a short sleeved hawaiian shirt and a white undershirt with black pants.

       I sighed once again my head hurting, I leaned on Zuckles and took a nap.

*Fitz POV*

       I looked back and saw her sleeping on Zuckles arm, It's cute cause she's sho short she can't reach his shoulder, I can't help but feel jealous. I mean Zuckles is like my brother. I should feel happy since it's obvious he likes her too, then again it looks like everyone here does too. I sighed, "So, Mason how'd you two get hurt?" I asked trying to distract myself a little, "Oh, I woke her up and scared her so he headbutted me." he said with a stupid grin. Everyone started laughing but not to loud cause (Y/N) was asleep

       This is gonna be so difficult. Wait I just realized she reminds me of someone!

Sorry this is shorter than usual but on the bright side it's earlier than usual!
