Part 10: Gang Rivalry


         Toby finally stopped and set me down at a kitchen bar stool as I expected he would of taken me, "Man what a work out." Toby said stretching then sitting down next to me. I laughed, "Sorry if I was too heavy for you." I couldn't help but admire Toby, so far he's been nothing but nice to me and always making sure I'm comfortable and ok, much like everyone else here. I noticed Toby was staring at me with red cheeks, "You ok Toby?" He shook his head as if to get out of a trance, "Always." He said with a slime, "I'll go see if Fitz needs any help with diner." Toby said walking away, I couldn't help but notice a tear fall from his face but before I could even say anything Ainsley came up to me.

        Ainsley smiled at me with his cute goofy smile, "Ainsley has brought pretty girl pretty flower." and with that he revealed a beautiful red rose from behind his back, "Oh my gosh, Ainsley, this is so pretty, thank you." I took the flower admiring its beauty, "Ainsley is sorry he could not find one as beautiful as you." I almost melted at his sweet words, "Ainsley this is perfect, thank you." I gave him a small peck on the cheek as he squealed with happiness.

        Coming up behind Ainsley was Bordie, "Oi! Ainsley back off my woman!" She said with a huff and holding me close to her making me blush, "OI! Gay Bee back off MY woman!" Mason basically copied Bordie sweeping me off of my feet, "No, Ainsleys!" Ainsley looked like he was tearing up as he ran back to his shared room with Mcreamy.

        "Look what you did dingus." I scolded Mason for upsetting him. Mason just shrugged his shoulders and started to run off to what I think was the Living room with Bordie yelling after us, "Mason! I'm not a rag doll!" I yelled at him, "You're right you're a princess." He yelled back with that cocky smile of his. I just blushed and accepted it.

        Mason dropped me on the couch and continued to run due to Bordie chasing him around. I laughed at the sight and didn't realize Smii7y was next to me until he put an arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, "I know you're Panda, the one who we saw from the bank." my eyes widened as I looked at his stoic face, "How do you- How do you know?" I whispered back. He smirked and sat back putting his arms behind his head, "I didn't but now I do." I got a little angry and punched his open stomach but not with my full force, "You tricked me!" I whispered yelled at him.

        He held his stomach in pain, "Jeeze, I kinda had a hunch I was checking. I won't say anything. I really like you being here." He stated still in pain. I know felt kinda bad for what I did, "I'm sorry, but how did you figure me out." I asked curiously. H looked at me like I was dumb, "You think I could forget such a beauty." he smiled I could tell what he said was sincere and so I blushed like a mad man and punched him again and stood up, "Are you gonna tell anyone?" I asked kinda worried of getting kicked out because I was growing kinda attached. He shook his head, "Nah, it'll be our lil secret. Other than Mason cause I'm sure he know too am I wrong?" I just shook my head.

         "Foods Done!" Fitz called from the kitchen. Both Smit7y and I look in that direction to see everyone begin to go towards the dining room. I looked back at Smii7y to see him smiling at me, "Let's go eat" before I could do anything he gave me a peck on the cheek and led me by my hand leaving me a blushing mess.

*After Diner*

        "Damb it that was delicious!" I said patting my tummy. Everyone laughed at my gesture, "I could cook for you more if you joined us." Fitz said looking at me with hopeful eyes. I looked at everyone else to see what they thought and even Bordie was looking at me with hopeful eyes, 'Do they really want me to join? What about the BBS and-' My eyes widened at the realization, I coughed a little and avoided the question at hand, "Didn't you guys kidnap Cartoonz?" everyone was surprised and kinda sceptical now, "How'd you know." Racc said seriously. I calmly looked at everyone, "Well that's big in the crime community right now. You even got the BBS on you guys." I looked at them as if they were oblivious which was kinda true, "Oh, right. Sorry." Racc apologize, "It's fine, but I've basically been all around here and haven't seen him."

        They all looked at eachother questioning one another if it's a good idea until Ainsley picked me up princess style and ran off to where I assume Cartoonz would be as everyone chased after him telling him that it was a bad idea. Ainsley arrived, opened the door, and pushed me in closing it behind me screaming, "For love!" as everyone was trying to get Ainsley to move and get me out.I giggled a little and due to a windows light I could see Cartoons presumably asleep tied up in a chair.

        "Cartoons?" I whispered to him as I slowly walked up to him., "Hey." I shook him a little and he jolted awake in a small shock and panic. I tried to calm him down by hugging him and telling him it's me and he's ok. He looked at me with sadness and disbelief, "Y/N?" he looked around to see if anyone else was there, "What are you doing here?" He asked me in a raspy whisper, "I'm here to help you."

        As if on cue, there was a loud explosion and the banging and loud noises from the door stopped. I looked back at Cartoonz and rushed to untie him, "I would never let you die from being kidnapped." He smiled and as soon as I untied him I put one of his arms around me as I tried to hold him up and walk out which wasn't very hard, "I think that's the BBS that popped in." He looked at me with surprise, "They came?" he had a tear in his eye, "I wouldn't think they cared." He had on a cute lil smile that was contagious, "Yup, but now isn't the time so let's get outta here." I said as he nodded his head.

        I opened the door to chaos and gunfire. Everyone From the GBG and BBS were fighting throughout the whole household. I tried to get Cartoons out of the way and hidden so I can stop this before anyone actually gets hurt.

        I hid Cartoonz in the living room behind some rubble then ran out. I stood in the middle of the living room circling around wondering what to do, 'This is bad. This is bad, This is bad.' I kept repeating to myself until I thought of something. I ran to Ainsley's and Mcreamy's room and hooked up all the speakers to Mcreamy's microphone, put on noise cancelling headphones and yelled into the mic, "Everyone stop! It's me (Y/N)! Everyone gathers in the living room this instant!" This made the whole house rumble so I assume everyone heard that.

        I took off the headphones and luckily heard no gunfire. I took a sigh of relief and ran to the living room where everyone was somehow unharmed.

       I looked at everyone from the BBS and GBG even Ohm was there. I took a deep breath, "Listen, my name is (Y/N), also known as Panda." The GBG all looked dumbfounded except for Mason and Smii7y, "So was everything fake" Swagger asked sounded betrayed. I shook my head, "Everything I experienced with everyone was 100% real, BBS and GBG." Bordie stepped up, "So who do you like better?" both Gangs looked at eachother and started arguing about their experiences with me until Fitz shouted, "Oh yeah?! Well We love her. Not like a family member but like a soulmate kind of love!" everyone went silent and looked at me. I was a blushing mess, "What?-" I was interrupted by Vanoss, "Well so do we!" I heard a movement from behind me it was Cartoonz coming out of his hiding spot, "Me too." Ohm spoke up, "As do I."

        I don't know what to do, "Join us." Delirious said holding his hand out, "No, how bout us?" Fitz held out his hand, "Or stay with me?" Cartoonz spoke up holding out his hand. I keep looking around at everyone, they all started to hold their hand out to me one by one. Ohm was the last to do so as he said, "Choose wisely (Y/N)".

*Kryoz POV*

         I can't believe Ainsley just did that! That dumbass! As we're all trying to get Ainsley to move there was an explosion that sounded like it came from the kitchen, "Out of all places!" Zuckles complained. We all ran to get weapons real quick and went to the kitchen to find the BBS, "Dude what the fuck?!" Swagger yelled at them, "We're here for (Y/N)!" Lui piped up. Everyone got serious and started fighting.


        Everyone is split up in different areas of out base fighting. I'm currently fighting Moo, "Why do you guys care so much about her?!" He yelled at me, "We love her!" was the last thing I said before we went to the ground hearing (Y/N) on what sounds like loud speakers that shook the whole house, "Everyone stop! It's me (Y/N)! Everyone gathers in the living room this instant!" Moo and I looked at eachother, she sounded distressed and we went running to the living room where everyone else was.

        (Y/N) explained everything, who she was and why she was here. Who knew it was her. Nothing can change the way I feel about her though. We all started to argue about who she should be with until Fitz basically confessed our feeling for her which I wish I did but that stupid BBS just had to copy us. We all love her, but I just want her to be happy. I love you (Y/N).


Hey, I'm sorry this took literaly forever, but I have messaged the winner of the contest and we will be working on the separate ending for each person thank you for reading my book and thank you to everyone who participated in the contest.
