Part 16

After you meet hoesoek pov.

Hobi: Hiii
Y/N: Hi so I basically called you to help me

Hobi: Homework?

Y/N: No...well you know the thing is Namjoon and Nancy like each other so I wanna help them to a date

Hobi: oh sure..what's the plan?

y/N: Well we will go to an amusement park and first we will go together then we will leave them and run away

Hobi: Ooo...But you know RM is the shy one so I think that Nancy has to propose first

Y/N: Truee

You went inside and saw rm and nancy were inside all dressed

she wore:

RM wore:


Y/N: oh you people are dressed wait 5 minutes I'll come.

Nancy: ok come fast

You  quickly changed and combed your hair


Y/N: done!!!!!

rm: pretty

hobi: yeah

hobi: Wait? what!!??

RM: What?

Hobi: You called her pretty but you like nancy

RM: omg... true, I like nancy but y/n is like my sis

hobi: ok if you say soo

Y/N: done with your fight?

hobi: yep lets gooo

*Time Skip*

Y/N: Woah it's hella big

Nancy: Lets get inn

RM: I'll get the tickets

Hobi: I'll go too

Y/N: *Whisper* do u like it?

Nancy: *whisper* yep... Hey they are coming stay quiet

Y/N: Ok *whisper*

You all went in and after 15minutes you and Hobi ran off. They tried to find you but they couldn't. After all, ya'll won't get lost. So they enjoyed the ride. They at last decided to go to the Ferris 🎡 wheel aka love wheel. 

Nancy: Soo Pretty

Rm: You are more pretty

Nancy: Can I tell you something?

RM: Yes anything

Nancy: 3,2,1...I like you!

RM: I- Like -y-yo-u tO-O

Nancy: Omg be my Boyfriend 

RM: I would love to OMG yayyy

RM: So you are my Girlfriend?

Nancy: Yep

they got down the love wheel and Y/N and Hobi were shockingly standing there

Nancy: *lipsing* wtf Y/N where were you

Y/N: We were watching ya'll

Nancy: So you saw everything?

Y/N: Yep it's not as if you kissed

RM: True can I kiss her though?

Hobi: Yessssss


Nancy: well you can since they know it all

RM: ok *quickly pecks her lips*

RM and Nancy: *blush* *looked away*

Y/N and Hobi: Oooooooooo

RM and Nancy: Stoppppp lets go home~~~~

Y/N: Ok let's go

Hobi: mind > *Y/N when will be like this??* 

After 20 minutes drive 

Y/N: Namjoon and Hobi your stop...Byeee~~

Hobi and Namjoon: Byeeee

