Part 12

You decided to play dares 

Nancy: Can I flip the bottle

Y/N: Sure

Nancy flipped the bottle and it landed on tae

Nancy: So Tae, T or D?

Tae: Truth

Nancy: Do you like someone?

Tae: Yes 

Nancy: Who is it?

Tae: 1 Question only dude

Nancy: ah okk😐

Tae flipped the bottle and it landed on Baek

Baek: I close Dare

Tae: I dare you to kiss any of the girls in the room

Hobi: What kind of DARE IS THAT!

Tae: What are you jelly or jello?

Hobi: Yah! No!

Tae: Ok then Baek you can continue

Nancy: Not me, I have a crush sitting in this ROOM

Jk: SO only Y/N noona is left

Baek: *Came closer* Y/N are you ok with this? It will be my first kiss

y/N: Umm It's okay if you are okay with it

Baek comes closer and closer until his nose touches yours and...

Yoongi: AHH NO STOPP!!

Y/N: Well why?

Baek was all red, he was as red as the reddest tomato in the world but somehow He gave you a sincere feeling

Yoongi: You will have your first kiss with a guy you just met a few moments ago??

Y/N: Yoongi it's my choice besides-

Yoongi: Y/N I'm sorry it's your choice

Y/N: You are forgiven

Baek: Tae please don't give these types of dares it's not comfortable

Tae: Ok sorry

Baek spun the bottle as it landed on y/n

Y/N: Truth! It's safe

Baek: I is your celebrity crush? 

Y/N: LEE JONG-SUK I love Himmm and Also Suhoo I love him like hell

Baek: Wow I love them too moreover I can help you with Suho He is my Uncle's Friend's son

Y/N: Really!? OMG!!? But nothing is possible he is twice my age

Baek: I mean I can organise a fan meet privately

Y/N: Thank you, Baek

Baek: Sure

After a few more rounds of playing Truth or Dare you decided to watch a movie and It was Jimin's turn to pick and he always picks Horror and I am scared since last time also he made me watch it oh nooo!!

(Seating arrangement)

Jin-RM-Hobi-Nancy-Jimin = Sofa 
Y/N-Baek-Jk-Yoongi= On the floor with a thick mattress


Jimin picked "A quiet place"

I was already scared by the cover of the movie, baek was also not completely comfortable with it, I like it he is good to be with.

Baek and you were covered in a blanket with his arms around your shoulders 

The Horror part came and BOO!

You hold on to Baek's shirt and hid in the blanket he was soo cute he was patting your back as practically you both were hugging and on the other side Hobi and Yoongi was burning in Jealousy 

Yoongi: The scene is done, do mind sitting properly you both?

Y/N and Baek blushed as you got up and sat straight

To be continued...
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