Part 15

(A/N: Army's I am sorry the chapters are a bit mashed up,  first go to the next chapter then come here ok? I'm sorry)

So in the morning y'all got up and got dressed and left

You and Nancy often came to the so y'all had extra clothes, Baek requested one of their clothes and wore it.

You wore:

Nancy wore:

( A/N: Imagine the skirt is a bit more tall/down )

After u all got changed...Jin made some choco-strawberry Pancakes 🥞 and y'all at it and left Hobi decided to drop you, Nancy and Baek home.

***Time Skip***

After y'all got home you quickly changed in your school P.E dress as you had P.E class that day.

(A/N: Your school has fixed P.E dress as some students in the past  some people dressed very exposed and body-hugging.)

This is what it looks like:

Y'all got changed in your houses and reached school. Y/N, Nancy and Baek used one car as you were neighbours...Baek decided to drive

The car:

You reached and saw that BTS was walking inside and we ran to them

Y/N: Hi Boyzz Good Morning

BTS: Good Morning Y/N, Nancy and Baek

But you noticed something, Yoongi and Hobi did not say Good morning to Baek...You thought: 'Whatever...IDC'

Nancy and Baek: Good Morning

After that you went to your classes...attended it...and then...Lunch Break...and then went Home.

A/N: Sorry your author is too lazyyy

***Time Skip***.

In Home...

Y/N: Nancy lets go somewhere since we have 5days Holiday cause of the road reapair near our school

Nancy: Sure but..

Y/N: But what?

Nancy: Can we do it like a friendly date?

Y/N: Like?

Nancy: and You and your crush?...or maybe crushes? *wink*

Y/N: Sure but what do you mean by crushes huh? *acts like she has no clue*

Nancy: Like...Hobi, Yoongi and Baekhyun

Y/N: Yeah sure

Y/N: but have you noticed that hoeseok is very quiet nowadays?

Nancy: I agree...Jealousy comes with anger not sadness usually

Y/N: Hey I'll go to BTS's manson and check on Hobi?

Nancy: y/n first call him and then go

y/n: ok

you went and called him after a few rings he picked up

Hobi: Hi Y/N?

Y/N: Yes it's me can we meet?

Hobi: Yeah sure

he answered without thinking twice cause he likes you and what more would you love more the than your crush calling you and asking you to meet up

Then you called Namjoon and invited him over

To be continued...

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Many army's were not able to attend the concert so thanks for helping us be a part visually. We love you 
