Chapter 2

The Pit is full of life making me feel out of place due to the grey I still wear. Four talks about the Pit and the Chasm. Eric walks up and stands next to me. I ignore him and keep my eyes on Four. I shale my head as we walk away. Four looks at me and his eyes flicker to Eric but he looks away. We walk down a hallway and into a huge room with bunk beds lined throughout it. The girl from Candor Allison looks at Bonnie and they take a bed. I jump on top of a bunk and lie there.

"Why you acting so stuck up." I turn my head and the girl named Anelise is staring at me.

"Im not I just dont see the point of making friends with people who are only gonna back stab me like you would." I hear Bonnie and Allison laughing. I smile and Anelise storms off.
I glance up and Eric is looking at me.

"Change burn your old faction clothes." Eric says. Everyone looks timid. I jump down strip to my underwear and bra and grab my clothes from the bottom of the bunk.

I hear whistles and cat calls. I shake my head pull the black clothes on and yank the boots on.

"The rest of the time is yours just be at the dining hall when its time for supper."
Bonnie and Allison move to stand next to me. I stare at them and shake me head. They follow me out of the dorm and to the Pit. Damon and Stefan see me and yell.

"Girl!" I smile and they stop and look at the two. Never mind four people behind me.

"Guys." I say.

 They all gather around me. I feel claustrophobic and I move put of the ranks. They all start laughing and pushing each other. I move and stand against the railing of the chasm. The cool wind off the water feels nice against my skin. I close my eyes and listen to the rush of the water as it beats against the sides and rushes down into the blackness of the Chasm.

"Thinking about jumping already." I open my eyes and meet the same steele eyes that pierced into me before I jumped into the net.

"No im not contemplating jumping only the weak end when they think they cant continue. Im strong and wont break that easily." I say.

"We'll see." He says.

"Guess we will." I turn and head back to the group of friends gathered. If I can even call them that.
They look at me with raised eyebrows. I shrug and keep walking. I feel arms go around me and its Stefan. I let his arm stay but I dont ignore the stares I get from Damon. Bonnie looks up with a raised eyebrow and I look down.

"Elena?" I hear my name I turn around and see Ethan and Caroline. 

"Ethan! Caroline!" I yell. They both pull me into a hug.

"Girl. Thought you'd transfer. If it doesn't hurt your feeling I didn't see you but then again me and Caroline were talking the whole time about initiation." I shrug and hug them tighter. I hear a throat being cleared and I pull away.

"Sorry. This is Damon and Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie, Allison, Aiden and I dont know the other guy." I say.

"Mike." He says.

They smile and shake hands. Caroline pulls me along her blonde hair swishing back and forth. I hear guys whistling and looking at her. I keep my head up and walk. We make it to a long table and sit down. Four sits down next to Ethan and they laugh at something. 

I shake my head and look down at the plate and pile it high on my plate. I start shoving food in my mouth and I hear Ethan laugh at me. I look over Carolines shoulder and meet a guys eyes.

"Whos the guy staring at you?" I ask.

"Enzo." She says. She doesnt even look over her shoulder and I dont push.

I hear cups beating the table and look up and Eric and another man are standing at the top of a platform. 

"Welcom to Dauntless. Im Max." His voice carries out and booms against the walls. He drones on about the importance of bravery and why we are here and tells us the new elimination rules. He then lets us leave. Damon and Stefan want me to go with them Ethan and Caroline to a Dauntless thing in the Pit after the initiates go to bed.

I dont go back with Bonnie and Allison and the rest of them. I wait around and look in the shops. I see Eric disapper into the tattoo shop and I follow. My footfall is light and you can barely hear me. I go in and a huge burley guy is looking at him with hatred in his eyes. Then it flips and him and Eric are laughing. Eric pulls his sleeve up and his arms are covered but the most evident tattoo is the maze. He lets his arm lie on the rest and he watches the needle go in and out of his skin. I move and he looks up his steele eyes meeting mine. I look away and keep looking around the place. 

There is a huge wall of Dauntless symbols with extra designs. Then a wall of generic looking things. I move around and come back to the wall of dauntless symbols. I look up and a girl looks at me.

"Names Tori you looking for a tattoo?" She ask.

I nod. "The names Elena by the way." I say.

"I know trust me everyone remembers the first jumper especially since your the second transfer from Abnegation." She says.
I look up puzzled by her words until I remember that Tobias Eaton had transfered. I grab point to the dauntless symbol engulfed with huge blue and green flames and she smiles.

I lie on my side and she tattoos my rib cage. Eventually I don't feel anything its all gone numb and I dont know how much time has passed but I know one side of my body has gotten sore. I look up and Eric is standing in the doorway watching Tori tattoo me.

"Done." She says. I nod and start to pull on my shirt but she stops me and gives a crop top. I open my mouth and she shakes her head. I put the top on and it shows my ink off. I smile. I hand tori my other shirt and she takes it and waves at me.

Once im back in the pit Eric walks up next to me.

"Showing your Dauntless pride?" He ask.

"No I just liked the design." I say. It comes off more bitchy then I meant to.

I hear running feet and I look up and Ethan, Caroline, Damon and Stefan are running at me.

"Come on lets do this." They yell. They all stop when they see Eric next to me and then their eyes drift to my tattoo and they all begin hollering again. I have to cover my ears but Damon gets right next to my ear and yells. I punch him in the gut and he coughs. Laughter erupts through them and I look uo at their faces.

"So what are we doing?" I ask.

Everyone of them look at me and smile but say nothing. Nerves fill my stomach and I have to swallow to keep my nerves from boiling to the surface. Eric looks at us and shakes his head and heads into the dark hall that the group just come from.

"Lets just put it this way. This is going to be alot of fun." The say.
So yep.
