Chapter 16

 Today is the day I take the test that decides if I am going to be Dauntless or factionless. Four and Eric both are standing beside me as I wait my turn in the fearscape. People have come and gone yet no one has had to be pulled out. I watch as Stefan goes. He seems to moving through quicker then most. Fear grips me as I watch the leaders look at each other and cock their eye brows. He exits and fleas the room as quick as he can. Damon follows him and they both look scared. Not that I can blame them they kill the divergents. I know because that's why they killed April. She wouldn't conform they made it look like a suicide so no one would question it but the people who knew weren't fooled. They think they get by the people on the council but nothing gets past them.

 "Elena." I move away from the guys and enter the room. My hands are shaking as they begin to throw me into my greatest fear. I look back at the people I know will be in there. Tobias and Eric are looking at each other and whispering back and forth.

 "Remember you need to either conquer or control the fear." The women says. I look up at her and I know she is waiting on me to acknowledge the fact that she has spoken.

 "OK." I say. I begin to feel warm and comfortable and my eyes close.


 I stand on top of  the Dauntless headquarters and I look out towards the city. The lights look duller and the air seems colder. I keep my eyes trained on the train tracks that lead into the heart of the city. Everything seems so bleak and empty. I look at my legs and notice my boots covered in dirt. I look around scream. Jenna, Jeremy, Tobias, Eric, and Damon are tied together. Two guys dressed in black slam into me sending me over the side. I grab a hold of the ledge and pull myself up. 

 "Let them go!" I yell.

 They laugh and me and I charge one of the guys. He grabs me into a choke hold. I start coughing and thrashing wildly. I throw my elbow back and catch him in the ribs he falls back and I get up and run for the other guy. I grab him and am able to throw him off the side of the building.

 "I'll kill them if you don't stop." The remaining guy says. 

 I look and he has Jenna by the throat. I scream and tears begin falling down my face.

 "No please I'll stop." I plead.

 "Too late." He says. He slips a knife out of his boot and slices her throat and throws her off the building.

 I scream and he looks up. A smile spreads across his face and he looks at me.

 "I told you . Now there all gonna die." He releases the rope and they all start for the wall. I lift my body and try to run. The end of the rope slips off the edge and they all fall no saving them. I fall against the ground and my shoulders heave as I let out screams and sobs in between. I look down at the mangled bodies and I know there is no saving them. I turn and look at the guy. He is still smiling like what he had done deserves some kind of reward.

 I charge him and pin him on the ground. He grapples with me but I close my hands around his throat. He gasp for air and scratches my hands. I press harder and he stops. I lift up and slam my foot into his throat.


I wake up and I hear people talking and looking at me. I look down at my hands and check for scratches. None are there. The door opens to the room and I see people at the door. I walk out and look at Tobias and Eric they look at me and I keep walking. I can't face them right now. The fear still heavily on my mind. The fact that I so easily let the rage and need for vengeance take over me scared me.

 "Elena wait." Eric says.

 "No I want to be alone." I say. I don't look back in fear but also in the fact that I know looking at Eric will make me want to stay. 

 I keep walking and make it to the chasm. I take a short cut off of the walk way and sit on the rock. The mist coming from the water sprays up at my face. I watch the water rush into the black oblivion. 

What am I gonna do here with all of these people?


 "Elena Stefan left." I look up from the table I was sitting at. Damon is looking at me.

 "I figured." I say.

 "How?" He ask.

 "I knew" I say. He nods and walks away. I stare after him as he goes to sit with all of his friends.

 "Hey Elena." I look up an Kol is staring at me. 

 "What do you want Kol?" I ask.

 "Nothing." He sits down and stares at me.

 "Elena." I look up and Allison is staring at me.

 "Hey Allison." She sits down next to me.

 "We need to talk." Kol says.

 "Later." I say. He doesn't say anything else he gets up and leaves.

 "So now can we talk about the guys name you got tattooed on you." She says.

 "No." I say.

 "Come on why did you tattoo Tobias on you?" She ask.

 "You tattooed Tobias on you?" I look up and Eric is looking at me.

 "Yes. He is a friend nothing else." I say.

 "Ahh." Eric says.

 "Isnt it time for the damn scores yet?" I ask.


 "Ladies and Gentelmen time for the scores." I look up and Max is staring at me. "The newest Dauntless are." The board lights up and I smile.

 1 Elena

 2 Damon

 3 Allison

 4 Ethan

 5 Mike

 6 Ky

7 Rog

8 Anelise

9 Mandy

10 Liam

11 Conner

I quit reading I jump and grab Eric and kiss him. No one minds us but a few people gasp.

 "Hell yeah we are in bitches!" I yell.

 I look at Eric and kiss him again. I smile and pull back.

 "I love you."

 "I love you too Elena." Eric says.

 I hear a throat clear and Tobias is smiling at me. I pull him into a hug. He laughs and Eric looks aggravated. 

 "Oh get over yourself I say. You too will be spending a lot more time together if I have any say so." 

 They look at each other and scowl. I shake my head and can't help but laugh.

 "Hey Eric want to see something?" I ask.

 "I guess." He says.

 I lift my shirt over my head and show him the interlocked dauntless symbols right over my heart and his name underneath. He looks at me and shakes his head.

 "I have you tattooed on my heart." I say.

 "That's so corny." He says.

 "Only for you." I laugh and hug him.

 We walk to the net and I can't help but smile.

 "I guess we should end where we began." I say. 

 "Well were not ending we are just beginning." Eric says.

 I nod and he pulls me close and kisses me. Maybe I can be happy here.


  I might make and epilogue or write a few more chapters what do you think?
