Chapter 21

"How was it people?" Mauve asked, with zeal.

Perhaps she was the only one in the group who was not tired after the trail.

"I miss Michael" Anna blurted

No one looked at her. I did.

"Apart from that?" Mauve continued, giving a sly look at Anna.

"It was awesome, Mauve" Madison said finally

"Yup truly it was." Beth supported

"I loved the snake variety" Kona said.

"I loved the entire trip" I said, "It was amazing seriously! Quite informative as well as entertaining"

"Thanks guys. So does anyone have anything to talk about?"

"There isn't any network here?" Anna asked without looking up from her phone

"Nope. I guess not maybe. I'll ask my dad and see if an arrangement can be made"

"Please do! I'm dying to chat with Michael" Anna pleaded.


"Aw such a sweetie" Lottie exclaimed.

An awkward silence of 5 minutes followed Lottie's reply to Anna.

"Let's play something. What about Truth and Dare?" Mauve asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure" everyone said. That included only Beth and Kona trust me.

"So we'll go from my side. Me then Cait then Kona then Anna and so on"

"Yup" Beth said

"Okay so Cait, truth or dare?" Mauve asked me

"I don't really wanna play. Please. "

"Wanna go in? Go rest a bit."

"Yes Mauve. Thanks. But I'll sit here and just watch you guys"

"As you say girl"

"Get in everyone" Mauve's dad shouted suddenly, "Snacks time!!!"

I looked at my watch. It was 5 already. I got up and walked back towards my tent. I checked my phone, but then I remembered that there was no network at this place. I kept it down and got out of my place

"What do we have?" I asked Mauve

"Uh..... we have..... Apple tart and some muffins I guess"

"Ah! Sure!" I said and sat down on the grass.

The grass was heaven. It was soft, just watered it seemed.

We finished our snacks and Mauve's dad said that we could do anything we wished to but only in the safe premises.

"Guys the bon fire's at 9" Mauve announced and went inside for she said she was way too sleepy.

I walked around, looking at every plant, every tree, every bird, every insect closely. The grass smelt quite good, it smelt fresh and I was just dragged to that place.

As I walked, I saw two crows sitting together and it looked as if they were talking to each other, expressing their daily routines, how a man doesn't maintain cleanliness and stuff. One seemed a female one while other, the opposite. It wasn't the mating season as far as I could recollect or it must be two ordinary best crow friends.

Suddenly an eagle flew past and attacked the female one, which was on the right. The male one immediately attacked the eagle and they kept on attacking each other while none of them noticed the female on the floor.

I ran towards the female one and saw her panting. I opened my sling bag and checked if I had water, thankfully I did. 200 ml of AquaFina. I opened it and gently lifted the neck of the female crow.

She fidgeted.

"Don't you worry. You will be alright. I won't harm you" I muttered and smiled at her.

She drank water to the fullest which seemed that she was thirsty.

Just as I was packing my bottle I heard a crow cry. I turned around and saw the male crow looking at me with keen eyes as if to thank me.

This was the best experience I could ever remember.

Thanks for reading!
