Chapter 13

It was 10 PM already and I hadn't even finished 50% of my homework. My hand had begun to cramp by now. I thought of playing some music while doing the homework as it would reduce the pain. Well, that was me.

There was no message as such and Lottie had read my message. She hadn't replied but that was a separate issue.

I struggled for two long hours and finished the Chemistry journal and finally at 12 I called it the day.


"Submit your Chemistry journals please" Our teacher was that one mortal soul on earth who never forgot to collect the homework however long back she had given it to us.

I took pride that I had finished my work all by myself last night and slowly got up and gave the notebook to her. She winked at me and continued to collect other journals.

We were going to study 'Atoms and molecules' that day and let me be honest but that was just way too much for my brain. I had slept at 12 after working for 4 freaking hours and now this atoms were taking my head. I don't know whether it was the case with other students, but I always preferred lab activities more than the chapter because wearing that lab coat gave me a sense of pride and gave me that feeling that I was a doctor even though the reality can't be altered.

"Get up Cait!!!! Get up!!!! The day's over!!! Common get up you sleeping beauty!" Said Mauve, while shaking me

"Holy shit! Why? Oh! I had slept!! Ah good!! The sleep was nice!! What did Chemistry ma'am teach?"

"Nothing she just took the journals and then the principal had called her. "

"What really? Yes! "

"Haha Cait! Listen, today's my birthday party! Can you come?"

Damn. Why.

"What time?" I asked


"Who all are invited?"

"Everyone of this class"

"I'll see if I can" I said, and picked up my bag. I was in no mood to go if the entire class was coming. To dress up like a nerd in front of 80 eyes was embarrassing and that would put a question mark on my fashion sense.

I headed towards my room and saw Anna and Lottie in the corridor. I looked the other side and went inside my room. The time was 2:30 and the party was at 5 so I had to make up my mind soon. I quickly freshened up and opened my cupboard. Well, my fashion sense wasn't that bad probably.

After long fifteen mins of looking for clothes, it was a bit weird to look for clothes alone because usually Lottie used to find them for me but now times had changed so I decided to wear the new sleeveless top which both of us had bought and jeans. This time I left my hair open.

As for the gift, I bought Mauve a set of Engage deodorants because as much as I know she HAD A CRAZE FOR DEODORANTS. Everyday must have a new scent for her.

It was 4:30 and I was all set. The party was at the School Club ,just opposite our campus.

I locked my room and kept the key in my pocket and slowly walked to the club. I met many people on my way who were going to the party. I reached in about 5 mins and headed straight away into the hall.

"Caitlin!!!! YAY!!! You came!!" Shouted, Mauve from a distance.

"Yup I did. Happy birthday Mauve," I said and hugged her," here is your gift".

"Thanks Caitlin!! Have a seat. " She said

I looked all around and saw all familiar faces. Everyone was happy and cheerful. I sat on one of the chairs and took out my phone and opened WhatsApp to see if there was any message.

Jason had texted me.

Heyy! Wassup? Cait!!!

Hey! I'm at Mauve's party!! Wbu?

Oh! I'm at my place. Haha! Eating pizza

Lolz! I'm gonna have one soon. So tell me. How's everything?

Oh! Good! School is going good. The children here are studious kind of.

Really? Haha! Not used to that? Haha!

Yup! Not used to that at all, Caitlin. Hmmm...


I saw Lottie, Anna and Michael after I was done chatting with Jason. He told me he had to go submit his journal so we had to end it there itself. Lottie was sitting next to Michael while Anna was the centre of attention. I still had feelings for Lottie but. I don't know why.

Thanks for reading!
