Eliza's Early Birthday Present

(Fred and Dhaphne enter.)

Fred: Eliza, your mum and I thought maybe you'd want to open your birthday present tonight.

(They hand her a Once Ler bar.)

Dpaphne: Here you are.

Eliza: A Once Ler Whipple-scrumptious fudgemallow delight! I think I'd better wait until morning.

Merlin: Like hell.

Fred: Pop!

Carl Fredrickson: If you add our ages together, we're three hundred and eighty-one years old. We don't wait!

Dhaphne: Eliza, you mustn't be too disappointed if you don't get one.

Fred: Whatever happens, you'll still have the candy.

(Eliza opens the bar- no golden ticket.)

Carl Fredrickson: Ah, well. That's that.

Eliza: We'll share it.

Carl Fredrickson: Oh, no, Charlie. Not your birthday present.

Eliza: It's my candy bar, and I'll do what I want with it.

(She breaks it into pieces and shares it out. Everyone eats their piece slowly, savoring it.)
