Chapter Fourteen - Love No Other But You

"The poisonous essence is essentially the same as before with a little alteration that made it a bit stronger. Based on my assessment, the alterations done by Miao Luo is what allowed her to go beyond Fanyin Valley to weaken the bindings of the other Beasts. However, Mo Yuan has been able to check the double binding you have placed on her and so far its holding. We don't have to worry about it for a while."  High God Zhe Yan said as he discussed his findings regarding the dark essence that was being emitted from Fanyin Valley.  Donghua nodded his head thoughtfully. He had purified the evil essence in Fanyin Valley giving up a substantial amount of his cultivation as soon as he had determined that Xiao Bai had sufficiently recovered from her injuries.  He knew that his binding would not be easily breached again.  The problem of why Miao Luo was doing this in the first place remained unanswered.   The Demoness was unresponsive when he confronted her when he secured the bindings.  He would have to think of this more.

"Sorry to interrupt Dijun, Uncle Zhe Yan. I just brought some food for you." Xiao Bai cheerfully said as she entered the study in the Fox Cavern carrying a tray with several dishes on it. She was accompanied by Migu who was himself holding a tray with a soup bowl on it. After Xiao Bai had put down the food she was holding, she took the soup from Migu and placed it in front of Donghua. Opening the lid of the soup, she took the spoon and handed it to Donghua gesturing for him to eat while placing his favorite pastry on a plate. Donghua obediently took the spoon and started eating the soup, the upper tip of his lips curling upward in satisfaction.

"I see the favoritism now. How come I don't get soup?" Zhe Yan teased as took in the almost domesticated scene in front of him. He had noted the softening in the countenance of Donghua as soon as Xiao Jiu had entered the study and the way his eyes followed her every move.   "I want soup also Jiu'er." He said as he continued to observe Donghua wanting to see his reaction.  In the past few weeks that Donghua had been staying in the Fox Realm to look after Jiu'er,  Zhe Yan had noticed how inordinately possessive Donghua was to anything related to his niece. 

"I'm sorry Uncle Zhe Yan. I'll prepare a bowl for you. It's just that this one has all the herbs needed for Dijun's quick recovery so you can't have any of this one. I'll cook a separate one for you." Xiao Bai said. She was surprised at her Uncle's request since she knew that Zhe Yan did not particularly like soup, that was why she didn't prepare a bowl for him also. She did not notice the underlying nuance between the two old Gods. "Are you sure you want soup though? I can prepare some of your favorite food instead if you want."

"Don't bother Xiao Bai He doesn't need soup or anything else. He's not the one recuperating.  If he's hungry, he can ask the kitchen to prepare him food, no need to do it yourself." Donghua threw Zhe Yan a withering glare. How dare he ask Xiao Bai to make him soup. All of Xiao Bai's special cooking should be for him only.  Beside, she should be recuperating also.  Not running around preparing food.  Zhe Yan was lucky that Donghua was even allowing him to eat the pastries that Xiao Bai had made. Zhe Yan merely smiled as he reached for the aforesaid pastry. It was such a pleasure to be able to tease Donghua like this.  It amused him to see this side of Donghua that he didn't even know existed.   "Xiao Bai, did you cook all these? You should be resting and not running around doing things." Donghua gently chided looking slightly displeased noting the number of food she had brought in. Knowing her, he knew she was the one who cooked everything. Since Xiao Bai had recovered, she had gone back to her regular energetic self! Donghua made a mental note to monitor her more to prevent herself from overdoing it.

"I'm fine Dijun. Don't worry about me. You're the one who needs to rest more. You've been holding meetings continuously. You should take it easy, you haven't fully recovered yet." Just like Donghua worried for Xiao Bai, it was the same with her. She knew that so many of Realms business had to go through Dijun and while she was not happy about it, she knew it cannot be helped.   And while she would never say it out loud to him, she felt that some of the leaders of the Immortal Realms were a little too dependent on Donghua. She only complained to fourth uncle who merely laughed at her overprotectiveness.  Why wouldn't she be annoyed though? They even bother him on the minor things. She frowned just thinking about it. She made a mental note to make sure he gets enough rest.  Maybe she could ask Uncle Zhe Yan to prescribe more tonic for Donghua just to make sure he remains healthy.

"Don't cook any more. I will tell Chonglin to send some of the chefs from Tai Chen Palace to come here temporarily. You should probably stay in bed longer." He looked at her worried that she was over exerting herself. Yes, better if more staff came to the Fox Cavern to do the work in the meantime.  She was still in her recovery period and all her time should be spent cultivating.  Zhe Yan could not help but snort at the two of them while rolling his eyes heavenward.  Why were the two of them acting in this exaggerated manner?

"Don't be silly. Cooking actually makes me feel better. I can't rest all day. I'll probably wither away more if I'm not doing something. In addition, I love cooking for you.  It's not work.  Drink your soup while it's still warm." Xiao Bai said in a soft tone as she nudged him to eat. She placed a hand on the shoulders of Dijun checking his arm that was still covered with a small bandage. She gestured to Migu who immediately brought some new bandages. She frowned when she undressed the bandage and saw that the wound had not healed and even looked worst than before.  She took the cottonwood salve and medicinal herb and started to slowly massage them onto the wound being careful not to hurt him.  "I don't understand why this is not getting better.  Maybe I need to find a new medicine for you.  Uncle Zhe Yan maybe Dijun needs to take additional medicine?"  Xiao Bai said without looking up, her full concentration focused on tending to Dijun.  She bit her lip in dismay seeing the golden blood still coming out from the wound.   Zhe Yan was also looking at the open wound on Donghua's arms but instead of looking alarmed, he only looked on in disgust.  How could this old God be this shameless.  A wound like that could be healed immediately by Donghua but it appears that the he wanted Jiu'er to fuss over him.   He could see the small smile playing at the edge of the lips of Donghua as the latter paid him no mind and instead only looked at the top of Jiu'er's head enjoying how she worried over him.  Zhe Yan snorted in derision causing Xiao Bai to look up.  She caught a glimpse of the smile on Donghua's lips just before the old God was able to school his feature to one of pain.  She quickly look back down at the wound and narrowed her eyes.

"Does this hurt Dijun?" she asked gently while at the same time pressing hard on the wound.  Donghua's grunt of pain was no longer feigned.  Two can play this game.

"En. It's a bit painful." he said still not willing to admit that he has been pretending all along.  

A small tear slowly rolled down Xiao Bai's cheek.  "I'm sorry Dijun that you were hurt because of me.  But I'm so useless.  I've been trying to help you heal but maybe I'm making it worst.  Maybe I should stay away from you and let Uncle Zhe Yan help you instead."  Donghua panicked seeing her red eyes and the tears on her face.  Didn't she see through him already?  Why was she crying now?

"Xiao Bai. Don't cry.  I'm fine. I..." he stopped when he heard the laughter bursting forth from Zhe Yan.  Xiao Bai was now openly chortling.   Even Migu was unable to hide the laughter in his eyes.  Bai Feng Jiu was the queen of pranks.  There hasn't been an Immortal born that can out prank her yet.  

Donghua stared at the three of them in chagrin.  "Well played." he finally conceded, a small smile gracing his lips.  His wife really was his match in every way.

"That's what you get for teasing me and making me worry.  Still you have to take care all right Dijun?" Xiao Bai said earnestly as she continued to rub salve on his arms.  Even though he had been teasing her, she was still worried about him.  "You still need to rest.  I'll cook you your favorite dishes tonight."  she said after she finished rebandaging his arms.   

"En." Donghua said taking her hands to place a soft kiss on her palms. Xiao Bai could only stare at him mesmerized.  Zhe Yan looked at them askance. Did they forget he was in the room with them. Migu who has been around the couple enough the past few days knew not to look directly at them whenever they were together. Zhe Yan was alarmed that the couple in front of him looked like they were on the verge of kissing each other. What was this public display of affection? It was really too much the way the two acted with each other. He could expect it of Xiao Bai to a certain degree being one who was so outwardly affectionate but never Donghua Dijun, the sexless deity. At least, he was before. Now, this person who previously was only concerned with the affairs of the Universe, appeared to be entirely embroiled in an affair of the heart.  And he certainly wasn't being shy about it.  Has his body been taken over by a different soul? He felt like a third wheel in the middle of a romance novel. He cleared his throat to interrupt.  He was suddenly afraid to witness anything more intimate. Hearing it, Xiao Bai startled and blushed a little. She tried to snatch her hands away from Donghua's grasp. Of course, the shameless old God did not even blink as he tightened his hold on her and pulled her down to give her a tender kiss on her forehead.

"Umm, Uncle Zhe Yan, please come to dinner also tonight. I will also cook your favorite dishes. Please excuse me now as I need to prepare." Xiao Bai said flustered at the blatant display just made by Donghua. He really was shameless. It was a good thing it was only Uncle Zhe Yan here and Migu and not her father! She gave Donghua a small glare but seeing the self satisfied expression of his face, Xiao Bai could not help but be charmed. Soon her glare turned into a small cheeky smile. She could never be angry at him whenever he acts this way towards her.  

"So I see that things seem to be going well." Zhe Yan said smirking a little after Xiao Bai left.  he was still feeling a bit nonplussed by this new Donghua. "You do know that Bai Yi is coming back soon. He would not be as liberal as I am." he continued hoping to unsettle Dijun a little with the news that his future father in law was on his way back with his wife. Bai Yi had been on his way back to the Fox Realm when he received a note from Migu that Donghua Dijun was already in the area and dealing with the dragons and thus he need not hurry back.  Bai Yi was a little surprised at the presence of Donghua in the Qingqiu as his last known location was the Eastern Realms.  However, he shrugged it off knowing that the old God had business every where in the Immortal Realms.  And also because he knew that with Dijun in the Fox Realm, everything will turn out fine, he had quickly reversed back to the Ghost Realm where they were still in the middle of pushing back some demons.  After that matter was settled, he had gone to pick up his wife from his in laws province.  Thus, he had no idea about the relationship between Jiu'er and Donghua Dijun.  He was not even aware that they knew each other.

Donghua merely raised one of his eyebrows clearly not bothered in the least. He made a small "hmm" sound in reply.  He knew that Xiao Bai was very close to her entire family and was a bit apprehensive about telling her father and grandmother about him, but Donghua had assured her that he will take care of everything.  After all, for someone who's one word was the law from the time he was created by the Heavens, Donghua was confident that no one would stand in his way if he really wanted something.  And Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai was the one person he wanted in this Universe.  Who can deny him her.    

"I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Bai Yi is about agree to a marriage contract between Cang Yi of the Eastern borders and Jiu'er.  He wants Jiu'er married before she ascends to the throne.  The young man has been after our princess for some years now and they are well suited to each other." he further goaded smiling at his own mischief making.  In truth, the contract was far from being finalized as Bai Yi will never enter into it without the consent of Jiu'er and the latter have been adamantly refusing to enter into any marriage contract.  Jiu'er had been refusing suitors left and right, and even though he was worried about her unmarried state,  Bai Yi could never force her to do anything she truly didn't want to do.   Donghua narrowed his eyes. Zhe Yan smile became a little wider as soon as he saw that. Now maybe he would get the reaction he wanted.  He wanted to see what a truly jealous Donghua looked like.  However, he was doomed to be disappointed.

"Over my dead body." Donghua finally said in his normal, indifferent tone as he continued to drink his soup not even looking a little bit perturbed. Zhe Yan pouted a little at Donghua's quick recovery. Can he not even have one small victory, however fleeting? The life of the Immortals were just too long, they would be bored to death if they did not have the outlet of making fun of each other once in a while especially when it comes to romantic relationships. But so far, Donghua has neatly sidestepped such teasing.  Even today, when Zhe Yan knew that Donghua was utterly besotted with his niece, he cannot make him react the way he wanted.  Donghua was just too confident in himself.   Zhe Yan had seen the way Jiu'er looks at Donghua, the hero worship and the admiration can be seen blatantly in her eyes and in her words.   Who can blame Donghua for being over confident.  

"But seriously Xiao Jiu is Bai Yi's one and only child. You wouldn't believe how spoiled she is. It would not be as easy as you think to get the family's approval." Zhe Yan said candidly.  "She's so young also, at least compared to you who's kind of old."  Donghua merely raised his eyebrows at the tactful, yet truthful, statement.   

 "Although they want her to get married to someone who can protect her, they also want someone they can protect her from in case she's not treated well. How can they do that if she marries you?  Besides, they want her to have an easy life with no worries and problems.  With your status, that seems to be unlikely to happen." Zhe Yan was very frank with him now.  As much as he wanted to tease Donghua, he could see how much Donghua cared for Jiu'er and wanted for them to be together as well.

The Bai family was particularly close knit and to marry their precious Xiao Jiu, any suitor would be expected to jump through hoops.  Unlike the other Immortal families in the Realm who values power and connections the most and would not hesitate to marry their offspring to Donghua, the Bais were different.  They would want, first and foremost, for Xiao Bai to live a peaceful life, free of strife and stress.  Marriage to Donghua Dijun would not provide her with that.  Because marriage with the God who weaves as much power as Donghua has will not be an easy thing. The Immortal Realms had been relatively peaceful the past hundreds of thousands of years, thanks in part to Donghua Dijun whose mere existence quells the more deranged elements. Nevertheless, his position such as it was leads to the most evil elements always wanting to challenge him.  Anyone closely associated with him, let alone his wife, would also face a lifetime of threat and danger from which she cannot escape from.  In addition, if it became known that the marriage was actually a love match and not merely a political match, the threat will multiply, attracting the attention of those always wanting to find the weakness of the God who did not seem to have any.  

Donghua frowned as he acknowledged the truth in Zhe Yan's statement.  It would indeed not be easy to be married to him.  The stability of the Universe so often rested on his shoulders that to expect a life of tranquility for all of eternity would not be entirely feasible.  He would be able to shield Xiao Bai from most threats but she would always carry with her a certain vulnerability to evilness if she stayed with him.  However, Donghua, who always prided himself on being apathetic to emotions, realized that he can be a selfish person also.  Xiao Bai had somehow wormed her way into every part of his being and he finds that he can never give her up.  His future and her future are inextricably linked together.  He would just have to find a way to protect her.  What was the point of being the Supreme God of the Universe if he could not even protect his own wife.

"I don't know what the future will hold.  I can't promise that she will live a life without strife or challenges because even I can't foresee what is to happen but everyone would know that there is no one who will take care of her, protect her the way that I would." he finally said,  the words,  a vow, for Donghua Dijun would always take care of his own.

Zhe Yan was moved by his words.  Donghua always kept his emotions in check but Zhe Yan could hear the vulnerability in his voice.  He didn't say anything more knowing how difficult it probably was for Dijun to share his deepest feelings and worry.   Zhe Yan sighed.  He knew the responsibility, or rather, the burden, that has always been placed upon the Dijun.  While everyone in the Universe had the freedom to decide for their lives to a certain degree, Donghua has never had that luxury.  He always had to consider the Universe in everything that he did, never being able to freely decide what would make him happy.  Truth be told, Zhe Yan has always felt a little sorry for Donghua, for the lonely existence that he has led for millions of years.  No one else in the world could take the burden that had been placed on him from the moment that he had been created.  Even with all his power, Donghua was still a being with feelings and emotions but he has never allowed himself to indulge in them, choosing to live a solitary life, all as a sacrifice for his very existence.   But it seems now that the old God was ready to seize the happiness that had suddenly appeared in front of him and protect it at all cost.  

"Xiao Bai is my everything."  No further words need to be spoken after that.  


"Where's Uncle Zhe Yan? He's not coming for dinner?" Xiao Bai asked as soon as she spotted Donghua entering the dining area alone. He shook his head.  Knowing that he was alone, she immediately took a hold of his hands, looked around quickly, reached up and gave him a kiss on the lips. She meant it to be a quick kiss but as soon as their lips made contact, Donghua grasped her waist and molded her to him as he deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping into her mouth as she gave a small moan of pleasure. She placed her hands around his neck as his lips left hers and landed on her neck softly sucking the soft flesh.  She always taste so sweet, so warm and so welcoming.   Although Donghua tried to remain circumspect at all times in company, whenever they were alone, he could not help but try to be as close to her as possible.  They stayed like that for a few minutes with Donghua continuing to intimately kiss and caress her while murmuring words of love.   Xiao Bai clung to Donghua loving the way he felt in her arms.  Donghua smiled at the dazed look in her widened eyes when his lips finally separated from her.  Regaining her senses, Xiao Bai blushed furiously.  It was a good thing that she had dismissed all the staff even before Donghua came in or else this would  have been so embarrassing.  Who would have thought that the normally stoic God could be like this, heedless of showing his affection to her whenever they were alone.  She liked it though.  Liked how expressive he was when it comes to how he felt about her.  She gave him a soft smile, clutching his hands, as she led him to the table.   

"Come have something to eat now.  I was about to go outside and look for you.  I didn't want the food to get cold."   Normally Donghua did not eat a lot during meals so Xiao Bai made sure to make all the dishes as appetizing as possible for him.  Donghua looked at the table laden fully with about ten dishes.  He was no longer surprised as Xiao Bai cooked like this for him every night since she recovered despite him telling her every night not to do it.  

"Everything looks good.  Xiao Bai..."

"I asked the servants to help me!"  Xiao Bai quickly exclaimed for the umpteenth time knowing that he was about to lecture her.  Again.  He really did take an inordinate amount of time worrying about her level of rest.  Xiao Bai understood it though.  She did lose a fair amount of cultivation when she dealt with the Pareesi Dragons.  "I rested the whole afternoon.  I only started cooking about an hour ago."  

He nodded slightly appeased as she started to heap his bowl with different viands.  "You need to rest more."  he said tenderly.  She merely nodded giving him that special smile that was reserved for him, warm and gentle.  Donghua sighed in contentment loving that she was beside him.  He didn't know what it was about her but he always felt like he was wrapped up in a cocoon of happiness whenever she was near.  "Your parents will be here soon. It's time I discussed with them about our wedding"  he said as they ate together.  Even though in his heart, she was already his wife, he was still anxious to make their union official, wanting to tie her to him in every way possible.  He saw her slightly stiffen with tension at that pronouncement.  

"Maybe I should talk to them first before you talk to them."  Xiao Bai said a little uncertainly.  She didn't know how her parents will take the news of her relationship with Donghua, not to mention an impending marriage. They have always been a little overprotective of her and knew that they wanted her to have a marriage with someone who can give her a life of leisure and peace.    She knew how lucky she was to have the parents she had.  Unlike other parents who only wanted their children to make the best political matches, her parents only wanted her life to be quiet and safe.  So she knew that they would not be that enthusiastic at the news that she was planning to get married to Donghua.  

Donghua raised his eyebrow.  "Oh? Will they not like me? Will they think I'm too old?  Zhe Yan said I'm a little too old for you." he said nonchalantly knowing that teasing her will distract her from her worries.

"Uncle Zhe Yan does not know what he's talking about.  You're not too old for me.  You're just exactly right."  she gasped indignantly, her hackles up at anyone daring to say that they did not suit.  "I'm just worried that they might be a little bit surprised, that's all."  she muttered.  Maybe she can talk to her Grandfather first.  After all, he was a former general under Donghua and would know his personality the best.  She knew how much her grandfather respected Donghua and held him in awe as his former Commander.  But was it really a good idea to highlight their age difference?  A knot formed on her forehead as she contemplated the best strategy to employ.  

"Don't worry Xiao Bai. I'll talk to your father, all right?  Once he sees how determined I am to have you for my wife, he won't be able to say no."  Donghua said in a confident voice that was at the same time comforting.   Thinking about it, she nodded, finally no longer worried.  She had complete confidence in him and knew that if he wills it, he can make her parents agree to their marriage.

"You must really like me, huh?"  she coquettishly asked trying to act coy and spoiled but immediately ruining the effect by grinning at him, she was just so happy to have him in her life like this.    

He could not help but smile widely at the joy in  her face.  Like?  It's not the word I will use Xiao Bai.  It's actually love.  In this lifetime and in every other lifetime, I will love no other but you.
