Chapter Nine - Confession

"I know you worry Xiao Jiu. I promise to take extra care so you won't worry about me, all right?" Donghua said as he continued to hold her in his arms.  He made a mental note to himself not to mention to her that Liansong has also reported that they found other wards whose seal has been weakened also.   As one of them held the Komodora Dragon, a malevolent creature almost ten times as powerful as the Qingtian Beast, he knew she would be beside herself once she realizes that he would have to be the one to personally deal with that one also.

"So, you have to go soon?" He nodded. She knew that it was time, she had to tell him her real identity and why she was in the Palace in the first place. She's been wanting to confess for the past few weeks, ever since that day in the field when they admitted to their feelings for each other. She had made excuses though, telling herself she was hurting no one, finding reasons to justify continuing with the concealment, loathe to rock the boat, not wanting anything to disrupt the easy and companionable relationship they had going on. For it had been a blissful few weeks with him. Whenever they had dinner together, she liked to pretend that they were an old married couple spending time together at the end of the day, eating, chatting, just sharing their lives together.  She hadn't wanted that to stop. 

And so, she had prevaricated, and the more she delayed and postponed what she knew he had a right to know, the harder it became to tell him the truth. She was afraid of how he would react, scared that he will ask her to go back to Qingqiu because certainly even he will see that it was totally improper for the future queen of a realm to be working as a kitchen maid.  She told herself that It wasn't like he could give her another position, a more appropriate one that would allow her to remain by his side. But now he was leaving for who knows how long and as much as she was tempted to let the status quo remain until he got back, she knew she couldn't do that to him. He's always been honest with her, the least she could do was to be truthful with him too, however late it may be.

"Donghua, umm, I have something to tell you but ah after your dinner. You should eat first. I'm sure you're tired and hungry." she said feeling guilty about what she will soon be dumping on him when he clearly had had a long day.   He looked at her curiously wondering what she could have done that was making her look flustered and a little wary but he let her lead him back to the dining table. He snuck glances at her as he ate realizing that something was truly bothering  her but he didn't press her yet wanting to give her time, knowing that sooner or later, she will tell him what's on her mind.  She remained silent throughout the meal, not eating herself but mechanically spooning the food he liked onto his bowl, knowing his eating preference so much now that she did it automatically even without thinking.  Her mind was occupied by thoughts of how she would begin her confession, what she should say, how she should act but her mind remained a jumble of confusion. Soon, too soon (for her), he put down his chopsticks and finished his tea, and she knew that the time of grace that dinner had provided her had come to an end and she would have to say her piece.  No more excuses.  No more justification.  He deserved better from her.

"Are you all right?" he asked as he poured a cup of tea for her to drink. "You didn't eat anything."  He nudged her to take the tea which she automatically drank trying to tamp down the bile that was rising in her throat.

"I'm not hungry. Donghua, I..., there's something I haven't told you about me. I, I'm not really a kitchen maid. I mean, I am but it's not all I am. My real name is Bai Feng Jiu." she said nervously as she fidgeted in her chair wishing that she didn't have to do this. She knew she was botching the explanation, though, when he only gave her a puzzled look indicating with a nod of head for her to continue.  Feng Jiu wanted to smack her head, obviously, the name Bai Feng Jiu wouldn't mean anything to him as they've never met before and it wasn't as if she was famous enough to have her name easily recognizable by him. "I mean, I'm Qingqiu's Bai Feng Jiu. I'm the daughter of Bai Yi Dijun." she clarified clearing her throat.  His eyes widened in surprise at the mention of her father's name. 

"You're a princess of Qingqiu? Why are you working here as a kitchen maid?" he asked.  To his knowledge, Bai Yi had only one child who was going to be the next Queen of Fox Realm as soon as the current Queen Bai Qian married into the Celestial family.  Was that Xiao Jiu?  Now, he was even more confused as to why she was here. Was she being punished for something? But that didn't make sense either.

"You saved my life before and I wanted to repay you. I couldn't think of how I could pay my debt to you so I decided to come here to be near you just in case you might need me for something." she explained softly.  She could see the moment that he realized who she was and what her position was.  "I mean you probably don't need me for anything, you're the Supreme God of the Universe, after all, but it's a matter of honor, you see. I couldn't just let it go like nothing happened, so I had to try."  she continued earnestly hoping that he would understand why she did it being a person which so much honor himself.

"I saved you? I don't remember that." he said frowning, racking his brain trying to recall if he had met her before. He was reasonably certain that prior to seeing her in the kitchen a few months ago, he has never encountered her before in his life.

"It was a long time ago. I don't think you'll even remember. I was in my fox form then and I was being attacked by a mountain beast when you suddenly appeared and saved me. After you killed the mountain beast, you looked me over and I guess seeing that I wasn't injured, you immediately phased out. By the time I transformed back to my human form, you were already gone and I didn't even get the chance to thank you and ask if you were all right. I didn't know who my savior was until later on when I saw a picture of you in one of my history books and realized who you were."

"So you came here to work as a kitchen maid to pay off your debt to me? How did you even get hired in the Palace? Do your parents know that you're here?" he asked incredulously. She was a princess for Heaven's sake and a future Queen but now she was doing menial work in his kitchen out of some misbegotten sense of paying off a debt.  He could only shake his head at her audacity.  He knew that he had his work cut out for him in the future in balancing the need to rein in her tendency to jump head long into any crazy situation while at the same time making sure that she kept that carefree spirit that he loved so much.

"My parents think that I'm in the Mortal Realm exploring so ah they don't know I'm here.   It was Star Lord Si Ming who help me get a position in your kitchens. I begged him to help me because I couldn't think of what else to do.  He didn't want to do it at first but I think he was moved by my determination.  He's, ah, a good friend of mine."  She admitted.  Of course he was. Donghua thought to himself because Xiao Jiu was apparently good friends with everyone and can talk anyone into doing anything for her.  Donghua knew that was what was in sight for his future also as he so liked to indulge her.

"I don't even remember that day.  I don't need to be paid back.  You don't owe me anything." he said even as he knew this will not dissuade her in wanting to pay him back.  He knew all about that stubborn streak of hers. He will never be able to talk her out of insisting she needed to pay the debt.

True enough, her next words confirmed his understanding of her innate nature.  "You might have forgotten it but just because you did, it doesn't mean that I can forget it too. I'm a fox and we pay our debts. What you did was something I have to repay, I owe you." she insisted firmly, a little fired up now because for her it was really a matter of honor and of pride. However, she suddenly remembered why this topic had cropped up in the first place and before the conversation could be waylaid further from her main intention, she placed her hands on both sides of his cheeks and looked into his eyes.  "Donghua, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you who I was before now. I know I had plenty of time to do so whenever we spent time together and yet I didn't and there's  really no excuse." she said contritely. "At first, I was afraid that you'll send me away were you to find out. But I hadn't accomplish my goal yet so I didn't want to be asked to leave. And then, I found myself falling in love with you because how could I not? And when you told me that you liked me too, I realized how high the stakes had gotten for I never wanted to separated from you, I wouldn't have been able to stand I know I was being dishonest and selfish in not telling you sooner but I didn't want to give up my one and only chance to spend everyday  with you.  But I know that's not justification enough for what I didn't do. You're everything that is good and kind and wonderful and yet I still did you wrong.  Dijun, I wouldn't blame you if you're angry at me because I'm also really angry at myself now. I'm really sorry Donghua. I hope you can forgive me."  He could see the sincerity in her eyes as she looked directly into his.

"Hmm, so you're General Bai Zhi's granddaughter? You know your grandfather wasn't even married yet when he served under me as my general." he mused softly realizing just how young she was compared to him. "But no matter." he said tilting his head to one side. Then, he nodded, as if having made a decision.

Feng Jiu slowly lifted her face to look at him, nonplussed at the sudden turn in the conversation. Why is he talking about my grandfather all of a sudden?  She looked at him uncertainly, not sure how to react to his mood. He didn't look angry at all, in fact, he looked rather bemused. "Umm, you're not angry with me?" she asked feeling disconcerted. She had been prepared to beg for his forgiveness.

"Do you want me to be angry at you?" he fired back at her as he raised one of his eyebrows.

"Of course not. I just don't understand your reaction. I thought that you'd be furious with me." she said shyly unsure about what was happening. 

"So you're little Bai. Hmm... Xiao Bai.  My Xiao Bai!" he said the name slowly as if testing the way it rolled in his mouth, the possessive tone in his voice as he called her his, sending a frisson of heat through her. "I think that name suits you. I've always wanted to call you by a pet name that no one else calls you by. Does anyone call you that?"

"Uhh, no?" She was thoroughly confused now feeling her mind lagging as it sought to catch up with the rapid change in the topics of things being discussed.

"It's settled then. That's what I'll call you from now on. No one else is allowed to call you that but me, all right?" he commanded as he patted her hand. Feng Jiu found herself nodding mutely at him.  But he must have seen the bewilderment on her face because he suddenly sigh, knowing that he needed to make things clearer to alleviate her worry. He knew he was beating herself up over this and he didn't want her to do that anymore. "Xiao Bai, I'm not angry with you. Do you think I don't know that you meant no harm? I know you Xiao Bai, I know the goodness in that heart of yours. Everything you've done for me and said to me since we met has been nothing but sincere and genuine. The advantage of me being so old is that I'm a pretty good judge of character by now and yours is one that is full of light and love.  I know you don't have a deceptive bone in your body. You wouldn't do something to deliberately hurt me." He was now the one looking into her eyes letting her know that he wasn't angry and that he esteemed her above all else.  "Why should I be angry then at you? It seems like that would be a waste of my energy. And you know how I hate to waste energy. I know you had your reasons for what you did. Maybe it was the wrong decision but you owned up to it and tried to make it right. That's the most important thing to me. None of us is perfect.  We all make mistakes but we fix it and move on.  I don't want you to feel bad about this anymore." he continued, giving her the absolution that she sought. "However, I do expect you to be honest with me with everything from now on, all right? Don't conceal things from me. I might not agree with something but I won't get angry.  I will never get angry with you." he said as he cupped her chin and brushed her cheeks with his thumb. She could see the tenderness in his eyes and feel the warmth of his hands as he slowly caressed her. She really didn't deserve to have someone as wonderful as him but deserve or not, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was claiming him and keeping him.

She nodded her head vigorously. "I promise, I won't keep anything from you again." she felt the the easing of the tension within her, so relieved at his easy forgiveness.  She knew, though, that she would never take his generosity towards her for granted. "Thank you Donghua. Thank you for the generosity of your heart and for your forgiveness. But most of all, thank you for saving my life. I didn't have the chance to thank you before but I want you to know how grateful I am that you were there that day. You didn't have to help me but you did." And because she could not resist the way he was looking at her, she reached over to him and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. As soon as her lips touched his, he hauled her into his lap, wrapped his hands around her waist and deepened the kiss.  He missed kissing her like this as he had limited their kisses to chaste ones since that day in the field afraid that he would not be able to contain his need for her.  But he couldn't help himself now as he continued to taste the sweetness of her lips sweeping his tongue into her mouth that had now unconsciously parted to welcome him, loving the way she moaned and writhed against him, her arms around his neck now, as if, she too, could not get enough of him. When they drew apart, he tucked her head under his chin giving her a small kiss on her hair.  She really fit in his arms so perfectly.

"Xiao Bai, you really don't owe me anything.  I think Fate was giving me the gift of you the day I saved you. I think... no, I know that you've always been destined to be mine.  Stay here in the Palace in the meantime. When I get back, I'll take you back to Qingqiu. I'll see and talk to your parents, then." he said almost absentmindedly continuing to place soft kisses on top of her head.

"You're going back with me to Qingqiu?  Why do you want to talk to my parents?" Feng Jiu squeaked out as she looked up to study his face wondering what he had to discuss with her parents.  

"To tell them that you're mine, of course, and to let them know that I'm keeping you.  I'm going to make you my Empress, my Xiao Bai."  And that, she knew, was that.
