Regi or Not, Here They Come

The three creatures that shot out of the cage were glaring at the team of humans and Pokémon in front of them. These weren't just any creatures, they were Pokémon. And they looked pretty tough.

The first one was is a rhinoceros-like Pokémon with a body covered in gray, rocky plates. Its underside and rear are smooth, and it has four short legs with two claws on each foot. It has a triangular head with narrow, red eyes, two fangs protruding from its upper jaw, small, triangular openings on the upper sides, and a short horn on the tip of its snout. A spiked ridge runs along its back.

The second Pokémon was slightly humanoid with a few feline traits. It has antennae with bulbous tips where its ears should be, two long tufts of fur on top of its head, small eyes, and two large fangs in its upper jaw. It is covered in yellow fur with many black stripes. There is a large, lightning bolt-shaped stripe on its chest, a V-shaped stripe on its forehead, one stripe on its side, a thick stripe down its back, two bands on each leg, several broken bands on each arm, and many rings around its long tail. There are three clawed toes on each of its feet, two in front and one in back, and five fingers on each hand.

The last one was a fox-like, quadruped Pokémon covered in thick, luxurious golden-white fur. It has a small mane of thicker fur around its neck and a long, fluffy crest atop its head. It has slender legs with three-toed paws and nine, long tails with pale orange tips. It has red eyes, pointed ears, and a triangular black nose.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang each took out their Pokédexes and scanned them.

"Rhyhorn, the Spiked Pokémon. Rhyhorn is known for its physical power and its considerable offensive and defensive battle skills."

"Electabuzz, the Electric Pokémon. With powerful electric currents constantly coursing through its body, Electabuzz appears to glow. It appears near power generators, and because it eats electricity, it can cause blackouts."

"Ninetales, the Fox Pokémon and the evolved form of Vulpix. With its nine tails and thick golden coat, Ninetales is said to live a thousand years."

Ruby looked to Electabuzz, seeing that it was mostly scowling at her. It was nerve-racking.

"Hey, uh, Pokédex? Why is Electabuzz looking at me like that?" She said a little uneasily.

"Electabuzz, along with Scyther, are able to distinguish colors and become enraged by the color red." The device said.

Ruby realized that maybe she should've taken a little bit of Cynthia's wisdom from before. But since red and black were her main colors, she decided against it.

"How strong do you think they are?" Yang asked.

Weiss frowned at her. "What is it with you in fighting these Pokémon?"

Yang gave a frown back. "I'm just asking because I don't know if our Pokemon can beat them." She said.

"Oh." Weiss didn't admit it, but she made a good point.

They scanned the Pokémon to get a feel of how strong they were.

Rhyhorn: Lv 26







Ninetales: Lv 36







Electabuzz: Lv 43







"We might be able to-"

Ruby didn't get to finish her sentence before both Regis stood in front of them.



"Regirock? Regice?" Weiss and Yang looked between them both.

"OOMP! OOMP! ZAZAZAZAZA! ROOOCK!" The Rock Peak Pokémon beeped.

"They want to fight." Penny said.

"Huh," Ruby looked to the orange haired girl. "You can understand them?"

"In a way." Penny said and left it at that.

"Is this true?" Weiss asked Regice.

"REGIWEISS!" It said.

Weiss held back a face palm but nodded. She looks to Ruby, analyzing the situation. They seemed eager at least.

"What's the plan?" Weiss asks.

Ruby doesn't respond, to busy thinking on how they were going to do this. After a few moments, Ruby had a plan and turned to Penny and Winsor.

"Penny, can you free Registeel while we provide you cover?" She asks.

"Yes, Winsor and I are more than battle ready!" She nods.

"Wy-naut!" Saluted the Bright Pokémon.

"Weiss, you and Regice take care of Ninetales and Magmar." She says earning a nod from them both. "Yang, think you can take down Electabuzz and Rhyhorn? They look pretty tough." The Electric Pokémon bashed his knuckles together while Rhyhorn looked ready to charge.

"ELECTA!!" "GRRRAAAAA!" They roared

"Sure," she cracks her knuckles. "I'll make them sorry they ever messed with us." She says confidently but then looks to Ruby in concern.

"But what about you?" She asks.

"I'll have Regirock handle the Bullheads and make sure he doesn't over do it." She says, looking to the Rock Peak Pokémon. "You okay with that?"

"RE-E-E-GIROCK, OOMP! OOMP! OOMP!" The golem nodded.

"Alright, let's go!"

Penny turns and glares at Roman with a determined look.

"You captured my friend, you used him to do harm...I shall not allow you to get away with this!" She yells out as her pack opens up.

Her backpack mechanically opens up, and from its dark depths came out a single sword that extended and multiplied into several blades hovering over Penny's back. Leaping forward, she sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers down before even landing on the ground, where she proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy, impale another to a wall, create a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus off their feet. All to get to Registeel's cage that was being lifted by one of the Bullheads .

"*Warbling* ZOH-OH-OH! *Warbling* JI-JI-JI-JI-JI-JI-JI, STEEL!" Registeel called out.

"Don't worry, I'm here to save you!" Penny promised.

Penny, after her large green pupils dilate for a second, pulls with all her might on the strings, and the aircraft crashes into a stack of crates, causing an explosion as a result. She uses her inhuman strength to catch the falling cage, surprising Ruby that she didn't even seem fazed by it.

Stunned, she turns back to Penny as she aims her swords at the remaining Bullheads, especially the one holding the caged Registeel, and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.

" is she doing that?" She asked in awe.

While her attention is diverted, Roman snarls and fires his cane at her.

"Wyyyy!" From out of nowhere, Winsor pops out and takes the blast but then glows green. "Wyyyyyy-naaaauuuut!" It shot back the blast at Roman, launching the Criminal Mastermind back from the explosion's force and sending him flying into another crate.

"*warble* JI-JI-JI-JI-JI-JI-JI! ZOH-OH-OH-OH!" Registeel, now free and angered from being locked up, used Lock-On and fired a red target at Roman.

"What the–?" He looks down at himself, seeing the target on him.

Then Registeel put its hands together and creates a yellow-green ball of electricity between them. It then fires the ball at Roman.

Roman sees the blast coming and tries to evade it, but it kept following him. He sees a stack of crates and jumps on top of them. The sphere of electricity manages to hit the crate and causes Father explosion to blast Roman back and having him roll across the desk.

Ruby turns to Registeel and Penny, the former seemed to be more than overjoyed to have been freed.


"You're welcome, my friend." Penny bowed, and Registeel copied the gesture.

Three additional Bullheads come from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Regirock draws their attention with Stone Edge as it shot out pointed stones at them.

Their attention now aimed at Regirock, The Rock Peak Pokémon merely forms a shield with his arms and begins charging up a Hyper Beam. With a punching action, two orange-yellow blasts of energy shot forward out of its arms and at the first Bullhead, destroying it.

The Rock Peak Pokémon burrowed underground and avoided the bullheads when they fired, shooting at the transports and each one in half, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting Ruby watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind.

"So that's the power of a Legendary Pokémon." She whispers to herself in amazement.

With Weiss and Regice, the Ninetales and Magmar surrounded them, thinking they got the drop on her. Weiss smirked.

"Regice, Ice Beam!"

"REG-REGICE! REGICE!" The Iceberg Pokémon shot out a light blue bolt of energy at the two fire types.

Maaagmar!" Magmar used Fire Blast at Regice with Ninetales using Fire Spin.

"Niiinee!" Ninetales opens its mouth and releases a stream of spinning red-orange or orange fire with a yellow flame spiraling around Regice along with Magmar's Fire Blast.

The two fire attacks collided with the Ice Beam and they cancelled each other out. but then Regice shot forward and and its arm glows white. 

"RE-GI-ICEEE!" It then punches the opposing Magmar and knocks it back hard.

"MAGMAAAR!!" Magmar skids across the deck before stopping. He started getting up, slowly shaking from the amount of pain he felt.

"What was that?" Weiss asks. Her Pokédex beeped and she took it out.

"Regice attack, Focus Punch, allows the user to readies its fist and punch the opponent with it, causing extreme damage." The device said

"Niine!" Ninetales growled as all of its tails spread out and its eyes glowed light red.

"REGI?" Then Regice became surrounded in light red and Ninetales' moved it's head towards the right which Regice then moved, hitting a crate of dust. "REG!"

"What is that!?" Weiss asks. Her Pokédex beeped and started speaking.

"Ninetales attack, Extrasensory, allows the user to releases a series of telekinetic waves from its eyes, taking control the opponent and dealing significant damage."

"I suppose Cynthia's next lesson will be to go over Pokémon attacks." She mumbles irritably. "Regice, use your strongest attack!"

"REGIIIII!" Regice holds its hands in front of it, then opens them to a 'T' formation.

"REEEGIIICEEE!!" The Iceberg Pokémon released a blizzard from its body at the bigger Fox Pokémon, freezing everything around it.

"NIIIIINE!" The attack blows away Ninetales and crashes into Magmar, bringing them both down for the count.

Weiss was awestruck by the power behind that attack. The attacks path that traveled froze everything around it.

"Wha-". Before she could finish her sentence the Pokédex beat once more.

"Blizzard, Regice' strongest attack. A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon. This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen."

And frozen they were, they were incased in ice. Regice looks back to Weiss.


She didn't even stress about the nickname, but only sighed. This was going to be a thing with her and it.

Meanwhile, with Yang

"Come on, that all you got!"





Yang, Kairyu, and Charlotte were tag teaming against Rhyhorn and Electabuzz.

Yang was up against the Electric Pokémon, who's fists were coated in electricity. They charged at each other, both of them rearing back a fist. They met in the middle and flung their fists forward, the punches colliding with enough force to cause a small boom as electricity shot everywhere. They pulled back their arms and went straight into fisticuffs with each other.

Yang seemed to have the advantage with her powerful hands, but Electabuzz was faster than the blonde, allowing him to dodge most of her hits while dishing out his own.

She could see Electabuzz react to getting hit, but he didn't seem to back down. So, she decided to go with a different tactic; she did a double punch to Electabuzz's midsection, unloading a fire Dust cartridge from each of her gauntlets as she did, pushing him back several feet.

Electabuzz dug his feet into the ground to stop himself and let out a small scoff.

"Electe, Lectabuzz!" He sneered, like he was mocking her. "Eleeeectaaaa!" His hands started crackling, building up more electricity. "Buzz! BUZZ!" He fired off small electric spheres at the Blonde Brawler, her violet eyes slightly widening at the action.

With multiple assertive grunts and cries, Yang fired off more rounds from her Ember Celica at the incoming projectiles, blasting them out of the air and exploding around their part of the battlefield. It went on like that for a few seconds before Yang realized Electabuzz's legs were slightly apart.

An idea quickly popped into her head, albeit a bit of a risky one. She ran forward, bobbing and weaving underneath the Electro Balls. Once she was close enough, she jumped over the Electric Pokémon, his back facing her.

"Lectabuzz?" The Electric Pokémon had little time to react as Yang socked him in the back with another Dust round fueled punch, sending him back toward the other side of the dock, almost to its edge.

"ELEEEECTAAAA!!" Electabuzz stopped in a crouch to prevent himself from going any further. He was panting hard, tired and overwhelmed by the strong human in front of him.

Yang looked at her opponent with an excited smile, her stance relaxed. "Not bad! You're quite the fighter!"

"Elec?" Electabuzz looked at her in mild suprise. She thought he was a good fighter?

"Lectabuzz!" He said, feelings mutual.

She looked over to see how her Pokémon were doing. Kairyu wrapped around Rhyhorn and squeezed, having paralyzed it, but the Spiked Pokémon was still kicking, literally. Charlotte held on as she rode the Rhyhorn like a rodeo bull. Another idea popped into her head, this one guaranteed to kill two birds with one stone.

She widened her stance and brought her fists back up. "But now I think it's time to end our little dance."

Electabuzz smiled right back. "Elec, Electabuzz!" He charged at Yang. She had formed a plan during that short interlude and she hoped he would take the bait. Sure enough, he did. Electabuzz crouched down and was about to perform a Low Kick. Yang's smirk grew. 'Hook, line and sinker.' She stopped halfway, tucked her legs underneath herself and quickly jumped up over Electabuzz, catching him off-guard as his Low Kick missed.

She grabbed Electabuzz by the tail and started to swinging him around. She kept spinning, spinning, and spinning, until finally she let go of it and sent the Electric Pokémon straight towards Rhyhorn.

Charlotte and Kairyu saw the incoming Electabuzz and immediately hopped off. Rhyhorn was about to use Take Down on them until the Electric Pokémon hit it's side and sent it off course. Both Pokémon tumbled to the ground and went unconscious.

"Oh yeah! Score one for the Yang-Gang!" Yang pumped her fist in the air.

"Char!" "Tini!" Her Pokémon cheered.

Slowly coming to reality, Roman looks around and grimaces at the sight of everything being ruined. He wobbles up and turns to run towards the last transport, which, while damaged, seemed to be in a somewhat usable condition.

As he climbs onto the ramp and starts to pilot the vehicle, he sneers at the crowd. "Been one heck of a night girls, Ice Queen, monster golems... Now then, would you mind leaving me alone for just one godforsaken night?!" He barks wildly as the vehicle begins to initiate its engines.

Looking up to see the turbines of Roman's Bullhead go off, Magmar had managed to unthaw himself from his prison and tries to call for Roman.

"Magmaar!! Magmaar!!" He ran for the Bullhead and as it starts to fly off, he gave another loud plea to take him with him.

"MAAAAAAAGMMMAAAAAARRRRR!!!" Magmar fell to his knees, heartbroken that he was left behind. "M-mag...mar".


A handful of police cars are at the docks, where Ruby, Blake, Sun, Penny, and everyone else are sitting on boxes in silence. Cynthia flew to their location discreetly on her Garchomp as she jumped off and immediately returned it. She looks to see the most wonderful and curious sight she could ever hope to see.

"Registeel!!?" She exclaimed, but was quickly hushed by the Beacon Students.

"Rhyhorn?" She looks to the caged Spiked Pokémon. "Ninetales?" The Fox Pokémon huffed and turned away in it's cage. "Electabuzz and...Magmar?" The Electric Pokémon was currently practicing a fist bump with Yang as Magmar sat there, disheartened and depressed. She got a chance to look over the destruction that took place tonight. "What happened here?"

"Well, before we get interrogated Cynthia, I...wanted to tell you something, Weiss." Blake turns to the ice girl with calm eyes. She glances at Sun and Moon, who give her a thumbs up and Felix and Mai, who purred to let her know they were with her.

"...I wanted to tell you that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was-

"Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you guys?" She pauses, before sighing a bit while averting her gaze somewhat apologetically. "Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided..."

Blake look on with worried looks. Weiss blinks, and as she turns back to her, she frowns a bit as she pats Felix's head.

"...I don't care." She simply answered. Blake's eyes widened.

"You...don't care?" Blake was a bit flabbergasted by her blunt answer. Weiss folds her arms as she stops the petting, leaving Felix with a confused look on his face as he and everyone else listen on.

"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?"

"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-"

Before she could go on though, Weiss puts a finger on her lips. "Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some..." She looks over towards Sun and Moon looking at her as she catches herself. "Some other individuals."

The cat girl's ears wiggle in surprise as Blake gulps. She seemed so surprised that she didn't wipe a tear that went down her eye until she calmed down.

"Of course..." She then smiles.

Weiss smiles in response and nods. The moment seemed to be serious for a second, which is until Ruby breaks the ice by screaming in joy. ""Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"

The girls, Sun and Moon start to gather up. While starting to get up from the crate he sat on, Cynthia notices Penny and Winsor starting to walk away from the crowd.

"Penny!" Cynthia calls out to her.

"Hm, Mrs. Stone?" "Wy?" Penny and Winsor turn around.

"If you're not busy, can you stop by at the place we first met tommorow morning? There's something I want to give you." She asks. Penny looks at her hesitantly, before she nodded.

"Yes, Mrs. Stone." "Wy-naut!" Penny bows her head and Winsor gives a salute.

"Please," The Sinnoh Champion held up her hand. "Call me Cynthia." She gives her a smile.

Penny looks at her surprised. "Does this mean?

"Yes Penny, we're fri-Oof!" She nods and gets tackled into a hug and lands on the ground.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, friend Cynthia!" She squeezes the older woman to the point she heard her back pop.

" all...mine!" She wheezed before the orange haired girl let her go. She greedily takes a huge breath of air, and straightens herself and turns to see Penny and Winsor have disappeared.

She spots them, seemingly invisible to the rest of the group around her as she starts to approach a lone car in the distance.

'I guess I'll find out later on...' She decided as she joined the circle, now expressing a smile on her face. Joining the circle, everyone smiles for a bit, but then Weiss points at Sun in an accusing matter.

"I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!" Sun laughs nervously. "Or you!" Moon gives her a creepy smile, causing Weiss to shiver.

Yang, Charlotte, and Kairyu all giggled at her reaction before suddenly.

"Char?" "Mrawr?" Charlotte and Felix started to glow.

"Felix!?" Blake said shocked.

"Hmm?" Yang looks down and gasps. "Guys, look!!"

They all saw that Charlotte was growing talller and and her head was growing a spike. Charlotte was evolving. Felix was getting bigger too, his tail and body became larger and longer.

"Chaar!!" Charlotte breathed fire as she looked different in her new form.

"Raaawr!!" Felix nearly roared like a tiger or lion as he looked just as different.

Charlotte now has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. She now has narrow, blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of her head is a single horn-like protrusion. She had relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Her short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of her long, powerful tail has a bigger flame burning on it.

Yang took out her Pokédex.

"Charmeleon, the Flame Pokémon and the evolved form of Charmander. Charmeleon knocks down opponents with its tail, then defeats them using razor-sharp claws."

Felix's upper half was now mostly black, while his lower half is mostly red-orange. The black area has several red-orange stripes: one running up the center of his head forming a short cowlick with one horizontal stripe through the center and a slightly V-shaped stripe above his eyes, one running down his spine with two more stripes going across it, and two rings around its tail. The lower half of his body simply has two black rings around each leg. His forelegs are more developed than his hind legs. Each paw has three toes, but the front ones are larger with short, black claws. His tail has several tufts of fur on the tip.

Blake took out her Pokédex.

"Torracat, the Fire Cat Pokémon and the evolved form of Litten. It can act spoiled if it grows close to its Trainer. A powerful Pokémon, its sharp claws can leave its Trainer's whole body covered in scratches. When Torracat spits fire, the fiery bell at its throat makes a high-pitched ringing sound."

"Amazing you two, congratulations!!" Cynthia said happily.

"Aw, hell yeah!!"

"Chaaar!!" Charlotte, in her joy, breathed out a blast of fire in the air, and a little bit close to Yang's hair.

"Hey, watch where you're breathing!!" Yang said as she swiftly moved away from the flames.

Blake looked to Felix, who stared back at her with a small smile and a happy purr.
"Mrawr?" Felix looked to Mai, who blushed at him and looked away.

"Mai, do you have a crush on Felix!?" Blake said with mock surprise.

"PURR!!?" Mai's purple fur became a darker shade of purple and her cheeks got red. She tried to bury her face with her paws but they were too small. So, she leaps up to Blake and buries her face in her hair. "Purrloin...Purr..." She said, her voice muffled.

In all her years of Pokémon Training, she had never encountered people with Pokémon like these four. She then looked to Sun, who looked to be having a conversation with Moon.

"Excuse me, Sun?" She asks, gaining his attention.

"What's up, teach?" He asked.

"I was wondering if maybe you could meet me at the same place we last saw you? There's something I want to give you." She says, giving him the same offer as Penny.

"Uh, sure. Hey, can I bring a friend?" Sun asked. "He too has a Pokémon, like me."

"Of course, tell him to come by tomorrow." Cynthia said.

"Um, Miss Cynthia?" Cynthia turned to look at Ruby, who seemed troubled.

"What do we do with them?" She pointed to the caged Pokémon.

It was quite the problem. She couldn't just release them back into the wild, especially at this hour and in their current condition. Electabuzz looked ecstatic with Yang, whatever she did, and Magmar looked so broken. She couldn't possibly do that to them. Suddenly, an idea came to her, one that could solve both problems.

"I've got an idea." She said as she looked over to the Pokémon once more.

With that, everyone went back to Beacon, ready for some sleep and a new day.

Secret Base

Roman walks into a large warehouse with a shadowy interior. He goes over to a table and places down a case of mysterious contents, sighing in tiredness.

"How very disappointing, Roman." Purred a cold, feminine voice.

"Whoa! Roman turns around suddenly when he hears the voice of Cinder and her colleagues, Emerald and Mercury's noisy entrance. "Hehe...I wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon...", Roman said nervously.

Cinder looked to Roman, her burning yellow eyes boring into him. "We were expecting...more from you."

"Hehehe," Roman laughed a little before getting serious. "Hey! You were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang. Plus, how was I supposed to know that their were more of those golems!?

"And what, we did?" Mercury pointed out. "It's not like our other contacts filled us in."

"Other contacts?" Roman asks.

"That would mean me."

An older man, possibly in his 50s stepped out of the darkness. He had dark brown hair that was combed back and had pale skin. He wore a black, collared trench coat with a white dress shirt under it, and wore black leather gloves on his hands. He wore black dress pants that came down to his ankles and wires black, laceless leather shoes. His most notable piece of attire was a long, white scarf that had the bolded letter, "R" in red.

Roman could feel an evil aura around him, one that craved power. He was like an older male version of Cinder, except where she had a burning desire, he was colder than ice.

"Who are you?" Roman asked

"My name is Giovanni, former leader of Team Rocket; but that's all in the past." He said gentlemanly. "Now, you may call me your most valuable partner."


They all noticed he came alone, and that his newest partner wasn't here.

"Hey, where's your Magmar?" Emerald asked.

Roman scoffed. "I left him, he had no more use to me anymore. Besides he was weak, and would've ruined our operation."

"Indeed," mused Giovanni. "You seem to understand the value of Pokémon despite your shoddy knowledge about them. Only the strongest can hope to accomplish our goal."

Cinder chuckled darkly. "He speaks true."

Giovanni hummed in delight at the praise. Snapping his fingers, Cinder summons a fireball in her hand and steps out of the darkness with her two companions, and three new figures.

The first was dark gray salamander or lizard. Its thin body has a purple underside with several wavy, dark pink markings: a U-shaped marking with two additional lines inside on its chest and one on each hip resembling wisps of smoke. The dark gray on its head and neck extends slightly onto its chest in a V-shape. It has a slender head with purple, almond-shaped eyes with slit pupils and two fang-like projections on each side of its lower jaw. There are two thin, wavy growths on its back at the base of its tail, which is whip-like with a dark pink underside. Its hands and feet each have five long, thin digits.

The second was more humanoid but with an ovoid body. Lacking a distinct neck and head, its upper torso has almond-shaped eyes with black space around them and appears to lack a nose and mouth. Primarily brown, it has cream-colored, segmented arms and legs. Each hand has three fingers and each foot has three clawed toes. The soles of its feet and its ankles have circular, yellow pads.

The third was a bipedal creature that resembles both a cat and weasel. It is primarily bluish black with three bright red feathers for its tail and a single, short one on its left ear. The other ear is short and pointed, and it has narrow red eyes. On its forehead and chest are yellow, oval markings. It has red eyes with black eyelash-like markings on the edges. It has long limbs with two large, retractable claws on its hands and feet.

"We have big plans for you, Roman." Giovanni said. "All we ask is...a little cooperation."

To be continued.

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN!!! It's Giovanni, the most evil man in all of the Pokémon world. What? You though it would be Cyrus? *Holds chin in thought* Maybe...just maybe...*looks back to you* Sorry I got sidetracked. Anyways, they saved Registeel, found four new Pokémon and Cynthia has a plan for them. What plan? Sorry, no spoilers.

In all seriousness, how do you think I did with this chapter? It took longer than I wanted because I wanted to utilize the Regis properly and gave Litten and Charmander some battling in. I will be updating the Profiles of them as soon as I'm done taking to you.

But hey, what about that fight with Electabuzz, huh? Figured since he was the toughest, someone like Yang would have to have dealt with him.

As for Weiss and Regice, well, they probably won't be partners right now and here's why. You see, Weiss is still a beginner and only has two Pokémon. Heck, they all still have two Pokémon. But that will change, my people.

That! Will! CHANGE!!

But I digress. No Legendary Pokémon for Teams RWBY and JNPR until they are no longer novices. Now, you may think that since they have Aura and semblances that they might be able to handle it. Well, sorry, that's not going to be the case whatsoever.

See you all next chapter and enjoy today as you would any day.
