Battle Through Vale; Old Enemies Appear

Cynthia flew over the city as she desperately searched for her students, or better yet, her friends. She didn't know where they were but she did see a path of destruction, with cars and buildings wrecked or blown up. This was a promising, but worrying trail. As she followed the trail of destruction and wreckage she arrived near the highway, but Garchomp suddenly stopped mid flight startling the Sinnoh Champion.

"What's wrong girl?"

"Garrrr!" The Mach Pokémon growled as her eyes narrowed her pupils sharpened in a feral way.

This behavior worried Cynthia as she tried to find what was making Garchomp act this way. As her eyes scouted the ground below them, Cynthia heard an ear-splitting scream just west of here and below the highway.

"That way!"

"Gar!" Garchomp growled in affirmation as they swooped down to where the scream came from. The two arrived where the screams where loudest and gasped in horror at who was screaming.

It was Ruby. 

She was held by the neck in the hands of Mewtwo, who was attacking her mind with its signature attack, Psystrike. Yang was trapped by the blade of a ice cream themed girl, Weiss and Blake were pinned to the ground by a Krookodile, and she saw that their Pokémon along with Sun and Neptune were captured and restrained in capsules.

She watched as Zorua bravely attacked Mewtwo to free his trainer. Angered, the Genetic Pokémon attacked the Tricky Fox Pokémon with Aura Sphere, dealing super effective damage to the small dark type. She heard him yelp loudly and saw the young Pokémon's body skip across the road and beside Ruby's fallen form.

This had gone long enough.

"Garchomp, use Flamethrower on Mewtwo!" Cynthia shouted angrily.

"Gar!" Garchomp reared her head back and she fired a large stream of fire at Mewtwo, taking a completely by surprise as they fell to their back by the immense heat and pressure. Giovanni looked up in mild surprise to see Cynthia racing towards them, but smiled sinisterly as they landed.

"Well, Champion Cynthia of Sinnoh." Giovanni sneered. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Cut the Tauros crap, Giovanni!!" Cynthia barked. "Release them right now, or I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" He challenged, matching the Champion's stare with his own. "You can't possibly hope to challenge me to a battle, especially against one of the most powerful Pokémon ever created!"

Mewtwo recovered and stood in front of his trainer, his permanent scowl fixed on Cynthia and Garchomp. Garchomp growled ferally at Mewtwo, dragging her foot across the pavement in anticipation.  

"I'll take that challenge."

"Very well, I'll make you a deal; if you manage to defeat us I will release your friends and Pokémon. If you lose," His smile dropped as he began to speak more seriously. "We will take them along with all of your Pokemon and use them for our secret project where they will experience painful and dubious experimentation."

The shocked cries of everyone around her, save for the bad guys, made Cynthia clench her hands. These were the kind of stakes where the chances of winning were against her. But what choice did she have? She could not take the deal, but the end results could be worse. The sacrifices she made would have been for nothing. She won't let this monster get the better of her.


"No Cynthia!!" Yang shouted. "Don't take this bastards word for granted! He's lying!" Neo held the weapon closer to Yang's neck, making the blonde actually snarl.

"Maybe," they all looked at her, the Sinnoh Champion smiling, even in this dire situation. "But, I have a little back up."

As if on cue, Team JNPR arrived to see the scene.

"Guys!" Jaune called out. "We're here!"

"What!?" Weiss cried out in shock. "How did you know where we would be!?"

"We followed the screams." Nora replied. "And now, were going to make them scream!" She pointed her hammer at the bad guy trio.

Giovanni chuckled darkly as he snapped his fingers. Most of the Pokémon Team RWBY fought arrived again, but were exhausted from their previous fight. Nidoking, Primeape, and Ursaring all stood behind Giovanni. Roman had Krookodile use Sand Tomb to trap the two girls he pinned down and joined the three Pokémon. Neo brought out one of her own Pokéballs and called out her own Pokémon.


"Wow, these are powerful!" Jaune remarked.

"The bear is called Ursaring, a Normal-type! The purple dinosaur is called Nidoking, a Poison and Ground-type! The Pig Monkey is called Primeape, a Fighting-type! And the giant crocodile is Krookodile, a Dark and Ground-type!"" Blake called out.

"What about the pink thing!?" Nora called out.

"Scan it you sugar-crazed dolt!" Weiss shouted.

Ren let out a sigh and scanned Neo's Pokémon.

"Slurpuff, the Meringue Pokémon. Slurpuff's keen sense of smell is especially sensitive, much more than people's."

"A Fairy-type." Ren noted.

"Pyrrha, don't have Viribus fight that. Dragon-types are weak against Fairy, and don't deal any damage." Jaune said.

"Got it." She affirmed.

"Same goes for any of us with Fighting-types." He said to the others. "Nora, Ren. You two take care of Ursaring and Nidoking. Pyrrha, you and I will deal with the others!"

As Jaune was giving orders, Cynthia stared Giovanni down. She had Garchomp in combat ready mode, while Mewtwo stood stoically.

"I will win, Giovanni!"

"Then let's begin!" Giovanni shouted. "Mewtwo, use Aura Sphere!"

Mewtwo moved first as he formed a blue sphere of energy and fired it at Garchomp.

"Garchomp, use Brick Break! Close the distance!" Cynthia commanded.

Garchomp's wing glowed brick red and smashed it against the Aura Sphere, countering it and flew straight for Mewtwo. Mewtwo got hit in the abdomen but remained focused on his opponent.

"Use Psychic!"

Mewtwo's eyes glowed blue as he lifted the shark dragon up in the air, and began swinging her around into buildings and the pavement. The attack built a lot of smoke and debris and Mewtwo lost sight of Garchomp. Dispersing the smoke, Mewtwo looked around for where Garchomp would appear from.

"Now, Flamethrower!"

Garchomp shot out from the ground directly under Mewtwo, drawing in a large inhale before shooting a wide funnel of flames from out of her mouth. Mewtwo got caught in the flames, but quickly snuffed out the attack with Psychic.

"Use Recover!"

Mewtwo glowed green and all of his battle scars healed instantly. Cynthia held back a growl.

'I should have prepared for that!' she reprimanded herself.

Garchomp and Mewtwo grappled onto each other, flying around the city at high speeds while crashing into many of the buildings. Mewtwo jerked left as it brought the Mach Pokémon into a building and ran her through it. Garchomp pushed off the building and ran Mewtwo through the road, leaving a trail of rubble and concrete.

"I see that our battlefield will be through the whole city!" Giovanni remarked as he called out his Gliscor.

"Gliscor!!" The Flying Scorp Pokémon roared. Giovanni grabbed hold of Gliscor's tail and was lifted off the ground. Cynthia knew what she had to do.

"Togekiss, Battle Dance!" The Sinnoh Champion called out the Jubilee Pokémon.

"Togeki!" He crooned and Cynthia hopped on his back.

"Make sure these brats learn their lesson." Giovanni ordered the two criminals. Giovanni and Cynthia flew beside one another as they followed their Pokémon as their battle destroyed the city in the process.

Roman and Neo readied their Pokémon as they faced off against Team JNPR. Jaune called out Bea, Grover, and Bastion. Pyrrha called out Viribus, Cali, and Apollo. Ren called out Terrance, Meina, and Lee, and Nora called out Rocky, Tessa, and Ariel. 

"Get ready kiddies," Roman said, his Krookodile beside him smirking. "Because this is where we make your graves."

Neo smiled maliciously as Slurpuff joined Roman's Krookodile. The other three Pokémon joined them and prepared for battle.

"Go Bea, use Baby-Doll Eyes!"

"Stuuuff." Bea let out a cute cry as she gave the whole team the puppy eyes.

The opposing Pokémon all froze as they let their guard down, all smitten by the cute look. Roman was caught off guard by the pink bear's eyes, shaking his head to clear his mind of the image. Neo had a giddy smile as she went up to the small panda and gave it a hug.

"Stuuuff!?" Bea cried out in surprise and flailed it's paws around, hitting the mute girl in the ribs.

Everyone snapped out of it as the sound of breaking bones echoed throughout the block. Neo opened her mouth in a scream, but nothing came out. She dropped Bea and held her side in pain. The small panda ran back to Jaune and Neo backed away from them in fear.

"Bea!!" Jaune cried out. "Did you just-!? How did you-!? She had an aura and you-!?"

"What the hell was that!?" Roman shouted, looking behind Krookodile as he hid behind the Intimidation Pokémon. "It broke Neo's ribs and right through her aura!"

"Well she shouldn't have picked it up then!" Nora shouted back as she hid behind Rocky. "Bea hates being picked up!"

"How the hell were we supposed to know!?" He argued back. "Forget it! It's time to skin these meddling kids! He moved away from Krookodile with an angry expression. "Krookodile, use Dig! The rest of you all, attack!!"

Krookodile burrowed underground, leaving the Pokémon looking around for where he might pop out. The earth shook as Krookodile appeared right under them and drove straight for Grover.

"Twiiig!!" Grover cried out.

"Grover!" Jaune shouted in surprise.

The other Pokémon charged at them, ready to tear the limb from limb.

"Viribus, use Headbutt on Primeape! Cali, assist Grover with Flamethrower."

Viribus charged at the Pig Monkey Pokémon with his head down in front and headbutt Primeape in the nose. Primeape stumbled back from the blow and used Karate Chop on the small dragon. Viribus cried out in pain as he flew back, but got to his feet quick. Cali barked a few times before shooting out a stream of fire from behind Krookodile. The Flamethrower hit him from behind, which gave Grover enough time to use Absorb and regain some health.

"Bea, use Brutal Swing! Bastion, use Iron Head!"

Bastion went high while Bea went low to attack Krookodile. Bastion's head struck Krookodile's chin, making him stumble back from the super effective attack. Bea got a hold of Krookodile's leg and started swinging him with her deceptively mighty muscles. Krookodile started to get dizzy from the fast spinning and was launched into a building as soon as Bea let go. 

"NOOOO!! KROOKODILE!!" Roman cried as he ran over to his partner Pokémon.

With Roman distracted, Pyrrha took the chance to finish off Primeape.

"Apollo, Cali, use Flame Wheel! Viribus, use Dragon Breath to boost their power!"

Cali and Apollo both curled up into balls and become shrouded in flames. Viribus fired a blue breath of energy at the two, firing them off like cannons as they left a trail blaze of fire. Primeape charged up a Focus Punch, preparing to counter the double attack. Jaune would not give it that chance.

"Grover, use Razor Leaf!"  

"Turtwiii!" Grover shot the leaves at Primeape, making it lose focus. Cali and Apollo used their Double Blue Flame Wheel attack on Primeape and watched as it flew back far away into a building.

Primeape fell limp in the wall and fainted.

"Pyrrha, catch it!" Jaune ordered.

"Pokéball, Go!!" Pyrrha threw her Pokéball and it bounced right on Primeape's head. The Pig Monkey was absorbed into the ball as it landed on the ground. It shook a couple times, making Jaune and Pyrrha nervous until it clicked.

Pyrrha had caught Primeape!

"Yes, I have caught Primeape!" Pyrrha held up the Pokéball in triumph.

"Jang Jangmo!" "Quilava!" "Grooooowl!"  Her Pokémon hopped with joy right beteern her.

"Congrats Pyr!" Jaune wrapped an arm around Pyrrha's shoulder, making her blush heavily from the contact.


Jaune heard Grover cry out in surprise and saw that he was glowing. Jaune's eyes widen. Grover was evolving.

Grover started growing bigger, almost four times his size. The twig in his head shrunk and his back started to grow much broader. Two large shapes began to sprout from his shell and then his entire body flashed in white sparkles.

Grover now has a large, yellow shell that covers the back, head and short tail. He also has two large bushes that sprout nuts and there are three brown stripes on the shell. Grover's lower jaw is yellow and has triangle shaped portrutions on his cheeks. His feet are also yellow and they each have three claws.

"Grotle Grot!" He cried out, his voice a bit deeper than before.

"Wow Grover, you're huge!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Groot!!" Grover tackled Jaune to the ground and began to gnaw on his head happily, and this time Jaune could only laugh. Pyrrha grew curious by the new transformation and pulled out her Pokédex.

"Grotle, the Grove Pokémon and the evolved form of Turtwig. Grotle lives near water in forests, and leaves the forest during the day to allow light to shine on the tree on its shell."

"Alright, now let's go free Weiss and Blake."

With Ren

"Lee, use Leaf Blade! Terrance, use Smack Down! Target Ursaring!"

Terrance formed an orange rock, but before he could launch it, Lee got on top of the attack. Terrance shot the rock at Ursaring with Lee on it, the Wood Gecko Pokémon jumping off in time for the Smack Down to hit the Hibernator Pokémon. Ursaring tumbled back, shaking it's head. It looked around but could not locate Lee until the Wood Gecko Pokémon attacked from behind and repeatedly slashed Ursaring's back. Ursaring roared in pain and anger and used Slash to attack Lee, but his claws missed.

Now Miena, use Swift!" Ren shouted.

"Mieen-Foo!!" Miena fired several glowing starts in Ursaring's face.

Ren had a strategy in mind for defeating this giant bear Pokémon. It was powerful, but its movements were slow. Speed was the major advantage they have and will use to its fullest.

With Nora

Nora had Rocky, Tessa, and Ariel battle against Neo's Pokémon Slurpuff and the Nidoking. 

"Rocky! Iron Tail on Slurpuff! " Nora called out.

The Shiny Onix's tail glowed silver and slammed the tail directly upon Slurpuff.

Neo snapped her fingers and the Meringue Pokémon dodged, then used Ice Beam on Rocky, firing blue energy at him. Onix roared in pain from the super effective Ice-type move. Nidoking moved in on the Shiny Onix as it's own tail glowed purple.

"Rocky!!" Nora cried out, then turned to Ariel. "Ariel, help Rocky out by using Water Pulse on Nidoking!"

"Brioo!" Ariel fired a Water Pulse at Nidoking. The Drill Pokémon was caught off guard by the water attack and took serious damage. Rocky had enough time to get back up and continue the fight.

"Tessa, use Electro Web on that pink frizz!" Nora said.

Tessa created a large web of electricity and sprung it on Slurpuff. But Neo snapped her fingers again and the pink candy creature dodged the attack and fired a green ball of energy.

"Dodge it!" Nora called out just in time. The Energy Ball missed Tessa as the Attaching Pokémon hopped out of the way.

"Now Ariel, use Disarming Voice."

Ariel jumped and began singing as pink music notes shot for Slurpuff. Neo couldn't snap in time for her Pokémon to dodge, and the notes hit the Meringue Pokémon as it skidded back but held strong.

'Darn, this thing's tough.' Nora thought. 'I don't know how that ice cream lady is able to battle without giving orders, but she's good.'

With Cynthia

Garchomp let go of Mewtwo and took to the air, causing Mewtwo to miss with his last Shadow Ball. Garchomp crashed down on the ground and caused another big Earthquake, making Mewtwo collapse and absorb the shockwaves from the ground.

Mewtwo, infuriated, put his hands together and fired and Aura Sphere. Garchomp countered with Flamethrower and the blue orb exploded, canceling the attack.

In the air, Giovanni with his Gliscor was face-to-face with Cynthia and her Togekiss.

"You are giving us quite the battle!" He commended. "I expect nothing less from a 6-year world champion."

"Mewtwo is definitely a force to be reckoned with." Cynthia said. "And I'd be lying if I didn't find all of this exhilarating."

"Well I'm so glad to have entertained you!" He sneered. "So what do you say we up our game a little?" He brought his hand up, where Cynthia could see a ring on Giovanni's finger. Cynthia was shocked when she saw that the ring cared a key stone.

"You mean-!?"

"That's right."

"But-but where is Mewtwo's Mega Stone!?"

"I had it permanently implanted inside Mewtwo's body. I just need to do my part." He grinned, then activated the keystone on his ring.

"Mewtwo! Transcend the confines of evolution, and achieve a level beyond! Mega Evolve!"

Purple and blue energies swirled around Mewtwo until it shrouded her entirely from view, and by the time it vanished, Mewtwo looked completely different.

Mewtwo was taller and it's horns head are longer and extend from V-shaped ridges on its forehead. Additionally, the horns are now pointed and curve upward. It now has two tubes behind its neck, its eyes are light blue, and it has large, purple growths over its shoulders. Its torso is smooth and small compared to its long, bulky limbs, and a Y-shaped line connects the collar and underbelly. Its forearms and thighs each have two raised ridges and its digits are now longer and thinner. The tail is slightly shorter and stiffer than before and has a curled tip.

"Meet Mega Mewtwo X; the most powerful Pokémon in all worlds!"

Cynthia felt the immense power from Mega Mewtwo X. The pressure coming from it threatened to crush her from the inside. Her heart was beating rapidly...was this excitement? Or fear? She was now going to test her might against a Legendary Pokémon, so either would have been understandable. Not only that, it was a Mega Legendary. This just served to make Cynthia's heart race even more as it continued to pump adrenaline into her.

"Fine! Let's go, Garchomp!" She ordered, activating the keystone on her necklace.

"Garchomp, respond to my heart! Transcend beyond your limits, and break through the barrier! Mega Evolve!"

Red and yellow energies swirled around Garchomp until it glowed blindingly. After the glow dispersed, Garchomp had taken a new form.

Several of Garchomp's features became more angular, including her head and shoulders. A row of five tooth-like spikes sprouts from each side of her abdomen, and red spikes grew from her knees. The claws and fins on her arms melted from the excessive Mega Evolution energy and morphed together to form sharp, red blades.

Because Garchomp couldn't fly anymore, the battle had to be taken to the ground. Both Mega Pokémon held their gazes at each other, daring one another to make their move. Cynthia had landed behind her Pokémon with Giovanni doing the same, both trainers returning their flying Pokémon. 

"Let us continue, shall we?" Giovanni inquired in mockful mirth.

"We shall." Cynthia replied monotonously. "Go!"

"Psystrike/Dragon Rush!"

Both Pokémon charged at each other, both surrounded by a bright aura of blue and purple. Both Pokémon clashed and a powerful shockwave boomed throughout the city, shattering the many windows on the taller buildings. But Mewtwo's attack was much more powerful than Garchomp's, so it managed to push the Mach Pokémon away.

"Fire your Aura Sphere, Mewtwo!" Giovanni ordered. Mewtwo created two orbs of purple energy and fired them at Garchomp.

"Destroy them with your Dragon Claw!" Cynthia said as she reacted as quickly as she could seeing Mewtwo's attack moving with incredible speed. Garchomp managed to cut the Aura Spheres in time but still suffered some damage. Giovanni grinded his teeth.

"Fire again!"

"Alright quick, use Earthquake!" Garchomp stomped its foot into the ground causing a massive earthquake. The attack disrupted Mewtwo's aim and gave Cynthia an opening.

"Follow up with Brick Break!" Garchomp made a beeline for Mewtwo as it's scythe claw glowed and swiped at Mewtwo, dealing moderate damage as the Genetic Pokémon skidded back a couple of feet.

Both trainers grinned, the battle exhilarating and filling them with adrenaline. They were already beginning to feel a few beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Back with the others

Ursaring roared furiously as he threw his paws up in anger. Ren's Pokémon were exhausted and couldn't keep their advantage over him. Ursaring was also beginning to to tire out, but the constant rage and adrenaline kept it going despite the massive disadvantage.

Ren did not want this to keep going any longer than it already has.

"Lee, Miena, Terrance." Ren called out. Both of his Pokémon looked behind to face him. "Come back, I'll handle this."

His Pokémon cried out in surprise and shook their heads defiantly. It was too dangerous for their trainer, even if he was more than capable of handling it.

"You are all at your limit as it is." Ren reasoned calmly. "If you continue now, you'll only further injure yourselves and then who else will save our friends?"

His Pokémon looked down, contemplating their trainer's reasoning. Even if they didn't beat the Hibernator Pokémon, they didn't want Ren to get hurt.

"If it brings any comfort, I'll have Terrance battle with me."

Terrance looked to Ren with a cocked eyebrow (if he had any). Ren and Terrance were together the longest so they know how to fight together. Lee and Miena reluctantly obeyed their trainer and falled back as Ren joined Terrance.

Ursaring watched, figuring the human  was an arrogant, ignorant fool. Even though he was with the bad guys, it was an unspoken law that Pokémon do not fight humans in an official battle. The Hibernator Pokémon was going to make sure to drive that law into this human's skull.

Ren pulled out StormFlower and got in a ready position with Terrance. Ursaring took the initiative and charged with a Slash attack. Ren and Terrance lunged forward as the Human used StormFlower's blades to counter the Slash.

Ursaring was surprised until Terrance used Smack Down. The glowing stone hit Ursaring in the snout and the Hibernator Pokémon stumbled back.

Roaring, it charged a Focus Blast amd fired it straight at Ren. Ren dashed towards the attack and leaped into the air as he spun and fired his dust rounds on the Hibernator Pokémon. The rounds did not stop Ursaring from grabbing Ren's leg mid flight and slammed him into the ground.

"AUUUGH!!" Ren cried out as his body made contact with the road and left a web of cracks beneath him.

"GEO!" Terrance was shocked and clenched his hands tightly.

Terrance grew angry with Ursaring. This Pokémon dared to hurt his trainer! The Rock Pokémon's muscles began to bulge and grow bigger. Then his body started to glow and covered the area in a bright light.

Ursaring, Ren, and his Pokémon watched as Terrance started to physically change. His body started to grow bigger and more jagged and rugged. Then feet began to sprout from below his new torso. His arms began to grow  bigger and tucked into his body, but began to grow another set of arms above the first set.

As the glow faded, Terrance had taken a much bigger, more powerful form.

His round body is larger and covered with small bumps and now has a rocky crest above his small eyes and mouth. His now had four arms, with his second pair tucked against his chest.

"GRAVELER!!" He vegan beating his chest, making loud bashing noises against his body.

"'ve evolved." Ren was surprised by the new change and quickly pulled out his Pokédex while Ursaring was distracted. 

"Graveler, The Rock Pokémon and the evolved form of Geodude. They descend from mountains by tumbling down steep slopes. They are so brutal, they smash aside obstructing trees and massive boulders with thunderous tackles. With enough momentum, its speed can exceed 60 MPH."

Ursaring did not let the Rock Pokémon's new evolution deter him and now focused his attention to him instead of Ren. Terrance curled up into a ball and made a spin dash for Ursaring with Rollout. Ursaring braced for impact and grabbed the rolling Rock-type. He used his claws to get a better grip on it, but found that it did not slow down Terrance's attack. Terrance put in a little more power into his Rollout and manages to break through Ursaring's defense and ran him over.

Ren got back up to his feet and rejoined the fight.

"He's getting weaker. Time to finish this." Ren said.

"Grav!" Terrance nodded.

Every time Terrance used Rollout, Ren would use this chance to get a few shots in on Ursaring and further weakened it. Ursaring was loosing more energy, his anger and adrenaline fleeting his body as he started to sway to and fro until it fell bon its back. Terrance stopped using Rollout as Ren stood beside the Rock Pokémon.

The Hibernator Pokémon tried getting up, only for Ren to aim his weapon in gun mode at him.  They stared down at each other, each boring into each other's eyes until finally, Ursaring went down. With a sigh, Ren returned his weapon back in it's holster and turned to his Pokémon.

"We're far from done, but great work." He commended with a smile. "I'm proud of all of you."

"Grov!" Mien!" They cheered, admiration in their eyes. Terrance closed his eyes and gave Ren a confident smirk. Ren gave a nod to the Rock Pokémon and called him and the others back into their Pokéballs.

"Time to regroup with the others." He said and sprinted to his teammates.

With Nora

"Ariel, Aqua Jet!"

"Brioo!" Ariel shot forward in a torpedo of water as Nidoking prepared to block the attack with Flamethrower. The poweful fire-type move managed to prevent Ariel from getting closer to the Drill Pokémon but Nora had a backup plan.

"Rocky, Flash Cannon!"

The Shiny Onix briefly glowed silver before firing a powerful beam of silver energy at the Purple Dinosaur. The attack connected and knocked back Nidoking as Ariel resumed her Aqua Jet and tackled the Pokémon in the gut.

With two super effective attacks hitting Nidoking, the Drill Pokémon went down and fainted.

Nora looked around and noticed Neopolitan was missing. This was not good in the slightest for her. She frantically searched her surroundings but was unable to spot her. That was, until Neo appeared with her blade to her neck as Nora gasped.

Nora's Pokémon swiftly turned to see their trainer in danger and were about to save her until Neo pulled up her scroll.

[Don't come any closer!] It read.

"It's okay guys!" Nora assured them all. "I'll be okay."

The Meringue Pokémon appeared behind Nora's Pokémon and attacked with Fairy Wind, dealing damage to them all. Nora gasped in horror and then growled in anger.

"You coward!!" Nora struggled, but the tip of Neopolitan's blade remained close to her neck.

Neo typed in her scroll with one hand and showed it to Nora;

[If you try anything, you die. If they try anything, you die. I'm not here to play fair and square.]

Nora could only watch as the meringue Pokémon attacked her own and were unable to fight back without their trainer's instruction. After a few more moves from Slurpuff, Norris Pokémon were too weak to continue battling.

As Neopolitan was almost ready to finish Nora off, the ice cream girl's body suddenly seized up and fell limp.

Nora swiftly turn around to see Kairyu sparking a light blue and a heavily injured Yang with Mai holding her up. Slurpuff looked at the two Pokémon and her trainer with a distressed look. Nora quickly ran to Yang's aid and slung her arm over her shoulder.

"Kairyu...Mai..." Yang rasped as she shakily raised her finger. "Sick 'em."

Kairyu and Mai lunged forward and as the Dragon Pokémon used Wrap on Slurpuff and Mai used Fury Swipes on the Candy Creature's face. Slurpuff could only cry and keen as it took consecutive damage. Kairyu used Thunder Wave on Slurpuff and limited it's mobility as they continued there assault.

As that happened, Nora helped Yang get somewhere safe and laid her against one of the building walls.

"Rest here, Yang." Nora said. "I'll call for help."

Nora went to return her Pokémon, but caught a glimpse of three powerful blasts coming straight for Kairyu, Mai and Slurpuff. All three hit them and a powerful explosion erupted as a cloud of smoke formed.

"MAI! KAIRYU!" Nora shrieked and saw a powerful dragon shaped beam of energy strike at Nora's remaining Pokémon.

"NOOOOO!!" Nora made a mad dash for her Pokémon and saw they have completely fainted. Nora held Tessa and Ariel close to her as her body laid against Rocky's head as she cried.

"It's always a group of children getting in our way." A deep voice said from behind her.

She turned around abruptly and saw Ghetsis walking to her with a slight limp on his leg.

Beside him was a large three-headed draconic Pokémon. It was mainly blue with black scruffy fur covering its arms and neck. The middle head had a frill-like magenta crest. It's back had three strips that functioned as wings as it flew beside Ghetsis. On the end of each of it's "arms" was a smaller blue head with eyes and a mouth.

"Pity that Ms. Neapolitan's Slurpuff got in the way of my Hydreigon's Tri-Attack, but at least the other Pokémon are finished." He said coldly.

Nora went to attack the man, but he was quick.

"Hydreigon, Dragon Pulse!"

All three of the heads unleashed powerful streams of purple raging infernos that covered Nora's body. The flames were powerful and taxed Nora's aura to the near limit as she tried to fight through the pain she was feeling.

"Now, finish her off with Dragon Rush!"

"Hyyydreeeigon!!" Hydreigon roared as he flew up high and performed a back flip, before it's body was covered in a purple ethereal energy and shot down. The three-headed dragon crashed into Nora, letting out a scream as her aura flickered and shattered, leaving her in a crater.

The flames and energy burned like Hell, but she didn't even get to voice her pain. Nora laid motionless, on the ground, her outfit singed and her body spasming. Ghetsis kneeled over and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up to meet his gaze.

"I'll only warn you this once; stay out of our way." He said gruffly. "There's no sense in a child such as yourself to...".

Ghetsis paused as he gazed upon Nora's half lidded eyes, barely conscious to look at him directly. The older man looked at them with disdain and had Hydriegon toss her aside right next to Yang's immobile state.

"This is your only warning." He growled as he went to Neo's paralyzed body. A group of dark-cladded people appeared and then disappeared with both Ghetsis, Neo, and her Pokémon. 

From afar, Yang had no choice but to watch Nora get demolished by that man's dragon. She shakily reached out a hand for Nora's own.

"N-Nora..." Yang feebly rasped as her eyes grew too heavy to keep open and passed out.

With Jaune and Pyrrha

Jaune and Pyrrha found Weiss and Blake trapped in the Sand Tomb.

"Grover, Razor Leaf!"

"Grotle!" Grover released even more leaves than he did as a Turtwig and were a lot stronger as they managed to disrupt the Sand Tomb long enough for Pyrrha to activate her Semblance. She knew that sand carried minerals and some of them were prone to magnetism. They managed to widen a gaping hole for Weiss and Blake to escape. They looked pretty banged up, but were in good shape. Jaune put up a front and tried to appear cool and confident as he approached Weiss specifically.

"Please, hold all your applause unti–"

"Don't get so full of yourself, Arc." Weiss interrupted coolly. Jaune's attitude dropped as soon as Weiss spoke. "What you did was above mediocre at best. But if you always behave like this in battle, then you are good as dead."

Blake elbowed Weiss in the side, casing the heiress to gasp in pain as she gave the Cat Faunus an icy stare. Blake paid no attention to her and instead looked at Jaune and Pyrrha.

"Thanks for the save everyone." She said. 

"You are most welcome Blake." Pyrrha said. 

"Uh, yeah don't mention." Jaune stuttered, recovering from his latest turn down from Weiss. The Heiress looked around and found Ruby and Zorua lying on the road.

"Ruby!!" Weiss ran over to her partner. She brought out her scroll that got damaged from the fight, but was still functional. Ruby's aura read zero and Weiss started to panic.

"I-It's okay Ruby!" She stuttered as she held her in her arms. "We're going to get you out of here!" She quickly turned to Jaune and Pyrrha. 

"One of you call for help, please!"

"Who?" Jaune asked.

"The cops, Professor Goodwitch, anyone! Just hurry!! I don't know how much longer she has!!" She screamed.

Jaune quickly brought out his scroll and began dialing a number. Weiss looked down at Ruby and saw that she had her hand laid on Zorua's body. She carefully brought the Tricky Fox Pokémon and laid him in Ruby's arms. Their pulses were very low and she had no idea what to do.

"Oh, she won't have long anyway."

Weiss turned to see Roman and his Krookodile approach them with a sneer. 

"None of you will!" The Criminal Mastermind sneered

Weiss held her weapon out in front of Ruby's and herself, staring at Roman in defiance. Jaune and Pyrrha brought out their weapons as their Pokémon got ready for another battle. Ren soon joined up with the others with his weapons out. Roman was about to call out an order before another figure suddenly appeared before them.

It was a man in his early fifties with spiked light blue hair and very defined facial features. Around his ear was a bulky ear piece. His outfit looked like something from a sci-fi movie. A "G" symbol on the shoulder guard. The sleeves were black along with his pants and some parts of his coat. His boots were a steel grey and with bits of black.

Weiss paled considerably as she recognized the man from Cynthia's description. This was the man that nearly killed Cynthia. He was the one who tried to have the dragon, Giratina, destroy her.

"Cyrus Akagi..." She whispered in fear.

"Roman." The man identified as Cyrus spoke emotionlessly. "We are on a tight schedule. Don't waste time dealing with these..." He considered his next words as he observed the group of four, with the fifth unresponsive. "Children."


"We'll meet them again soon enough." He assured, his expression brooding. He eyed the Pokémon and the two students in the capsules. "Leave the prisoners. We have no need for them."

Roman looked at Cyrus with an incredulous look. 

"You can't be serious!" Roman shouted. "Giovanni is–"

"I'm well aware who Sakaki is battling." He said with a hint of anger. Roman flinched from the hard stare. "But it doesn't concern us as of this moment. We will recapture them another day." He looked down at the four Huntsmen until his gaze focused on the white haired girl. She had a shaken expression on her features. He gave her a sardonic smirk. "Right now, our mission is complete."

Roman appeared conflicted. He looked between the four teenagers and their hostages. Either they let them go and live to fight anther day, or take them away and experiment on their Pokémon. He took a while to think, oblivious to Cyrus' impatient glance until the orange-haired man let out a groan of frustration.

"Fine!" He said, putting his hands up. "Fine! Give their freaking pets back! I'm not gonna be held responsible for this if Giovanni gets angry!"

"Good." Was all Cyrus muttered. A couple of ninjas appeared out of thin air beside them.

"Ladies, gentlemen, Ice queen..." Roman said to the group of four. "Always a pleasure. Fellas, if you would?"

The ninjas along with Cyrus, Roman, and Krookodile disappeared. They looked around as a bullhead flew away with all of the convicts inside. The four Huntsmen in Training relaxed finally.

"Man, that guy was all kinds of creepy." Jaune exasperated.

They all had to agree with the blonde teen; Cyrus left a haunted, foreboding impression on them.

"So, Roman has new friends." Blake said. This was something much bigger than the White Fang now. Cyrus and Giovanni were serious business. Blake had held off  from questioning Cynthia, but now she needed answers. Now.

"Let's forget about that for now. We need to free our friends." Pyrrha reminded them as they approached the capsules.


Garchomp kept up the offense using Dragon Claw, the green-scaled scythes managing to make contact with Mewtwo's skin and dealing damage.

But Cynthia knew it wouldn't last long. With Mewtwo's Recover, it could heal all the injuries it took and continue to battle without difficulty. The Sinnoh Champion noticed her Partner Pokémon was beginning to tire out.

"You are on your last legs, Mrs. Stone." Giovanni said. "Your Garchomp is losing power and cannot hope to continue." He was getting too confident, but he was able to back that up. "Surrender." 

"Never!" Cynthia defied. "We're still in this fight until our last breath!"

Giovanni's smirk grew more sinister at Cynthia's words. "Perhaps, that could be arranged."

"Brick Break!" She cried. Garchomp rushed Mewtwo at blinding speeds, arm glowing brick red. But Giovanni was ready for it.

"Mewtwo! Avoid it and use Power-Up Punch!" Mewtwo charged at Garchomp too, but instead of meeting the attack head-on, it dropped his level and ducked under it. Then it quickly stood up and decked the Mach Pokémon across the face with Power-Up Punch, forcing her straight to the ground.

"Garchomp!" Cynthia cried, as Mewtwo jumped out of harm's way, and waited for its opponent to stand back up. Sure enough, Garchomp rose back to her feet. She was exhausted and shakily standing. Giovanni continued to smirk.

"I suppose now is the time to–" Before he could finish speaking, he got a buzz from his pocket.

He reached into his trench coat pocket and pulled out a black scroll with a red "R". He read the message on it and frowned slightly, before it returned back into a light grin.

"I'm afraid we must postpone our battle for another day."  He says in faux regret.

His Mewtwo devolved from it's Mega Evolution and returned back to normal. Mewtwo fell down to one knee and breathed lightly.

"I have not had a proper battle like that for some time." He said tiredly, but impressed.

Giovanni chuckled a little before snapping his fingers. Mewtwo teleported where his trainer was and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Your friends have been released, but will require medical attention. Some more than others." Giovanni informs her. "But don't think I will be so merciful next time. If you interfere with our plans any further, you will regret it." He frowned as a bright flash blinded Cynthia. She opens her eyes and sees he disappeared with Mewtwo .

Cynthia looked to see her Garchomp power down to normal and fell to her knees. Cynthia ran forward and helped her Pokémon steady herself.

"Gar.." The Mach Pokémon looked to her weakly.

"You performed fantastically." Cynthia said as she grabbed her Pokéball. "Get some well deserved rest. You've earned it." She called back her Pokémon and placed it back on her belt. She grabbed for a new one and called out her Togekiss.


"Togekiss, let's regroup with the others." Cynthia hoped on Togekiss as the Jubilee Pokémon took off and flew back to the others.

Back with the gang

With the last of the capsules broken, the last Pokémon was free from their confines. Roland stepped forward to Weiss and the Heiress couldn't have been any prouder of her Pokémon.

"You did splendidly, Roland! You look so much stronger now." She praised.

"Prin Prinplup!" He chirped happily.

Ivysaur and Taillow were beside Ruby's unconscious form with worried expressions. The Seed Pokémon nudged his trainer's hand hoping for a reaction, but got none.

Ren looked around and found that not everyone was present and accounted for. Nora and Yang were absent and the Green cladded Huntsmen felt the pit of his stomach start growing weary.

"Something's wrong." He said. "Nora and Yang should be here by now.

"Yang shouldn't even be able to move at all." Sun added. "She couldn't have gone far."

Weiss perked up and found that they were right. Yang and Nora weren't here with them. Yang shouldn't be able to even stand up so where could she have gone? They heard a loud rumbling sound from afar and saw Rocky slithering slowly to them. The Shiny Onix looked pretty banged up from all sides as he got closer to them.

"GROOOAAAaaaooooor..." With a loud, but weak roar, the Rock Snake Pokémon collapsed to the ground, briefly shaking it as it went down.

On his back, Yang and Nora and the remaining Pokémon were all unconscious.

"Nora!" Ren nearly gasped and ran to the fallen group as he got a good glimpse of their injuries.

Nora had a few bruises and serious burns across her body. She's still breathing, albeit barely. Yang, however, looked like hell. Her clothes were torn up, many cuts, bruises, and dried blood marked her battered body. Her hair was a mess of dust and rubble, and one of her eyes was swollen shut.

From above, Cynthia located the group of students and their free Pokémon. Giovanni was right about them being released. Landing, she ran over to them and let out a gasped of horror, a hand over her mouth.


Cynthia looked to Ruby's still form. In her hands was her fainted Zorua, limp in her arms. Mewtwo's Psystrike attack might have done some serious damage to her brain if she doesn't get help fast.

"Um, Mrs. Stone?"

Cynthia hesitantly looked away from Ruby and looked to Weiss.

"Not all of the Pokémon are present." She said.

Cynthia looked around and saw that she was right. Only two Pokémon were missing from out the numerous numbers around her.

"Yeah, you're right. Where did Moon and Zinger go?" Sun asked.

"I returned Zinger." Neptune said as he reached into his pocket and brought out Zinger's Pokéball. "See?" He opened it...but found it empty.

"WHAT THE!?!" Neptune shouted, eyes wide. "Wh-where did he go!?"

A Simple Wok Noddle House

"Gen Gengar?" (They'll be okay, right?) Moon asked as he ate from his bowl of noodles. Zinger was munching on a plate of rice crackers as he turned to face the Shadow Pokémon.

"Claunch." (Probably.) Zinger answered and grabbed another cracker.

Moon shrugged as he ordered more Miso and Butter ramen. He'll put it all on Sun's tab like the good friend/trainer/sidekick he is. 

To be continued.

FINALLY!! I thought I'd never get it done! I have no excuse but that I was busy with college work and had to take a few midterm exams. Anyways, chapter 24 of a Giant's little Rose is almost finished. Just a couple more paragraphs and I'm done.

I'll probably take a break from Wattpad for a while. Just until I have less work to handle.

So, I hope this was worth the wait and I'll see you all next time.
