Opening Up

Ozpin's Office

"Oh dear," Ozpin says shaking his head. "This is troublesome."

"That's putting it mildly." Cynthia remarks. "If the White Fang have taken Registeel, then it means they're planning something big. Something dangerous."

The two out of the three Titans followed both Teams RWBY and JNPR to Ozpin's office. They discussed to him what the Regis told them, though Lucario had to translate most of it. Ozpin looked to them with mild interest. They had no internal organs or anything that indicated they were living, yet they moved and communicated as if they were alive. What surprising even further was that there were three of these and one of them was captured.

"What can you tell me about, Registeel?" Ozpin asked, mostly I have curiosity but he wanted to know what they were up against.

Cynthia took out her Pokédex and typed a few numbers in it and handed it to Ozpin.

The image was of an iron golem, with the top-half of its body spherical and gray with a black stripe running down its "face". Its face consists of seven red dots in a hexagonal formation. It has black arms with three fingers each and cylindrical legs.

"Registeel, the Iron Pokémon. Its body is harder than any metal found upon this planet. Its body is also hollow, and its food source remains a mystery. Because Registeel's body has been tempered by underground pressure for thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched."

"RE-E-E-GIROCK!" "REGICE! REGICE!" Both golems looked frantically at Registeel's picture.

"They miss Registeel so dearly." Ruby says sadly.

Nora walked up to them, patting Regirock's stony back. "It's okay, big guy. We'll find him." Nora said reassuringly.

Weiss did the same with Regice, mostly because nobody could touch it but her and its cold never bothered her. "We'll help you both however we can.



Both golems seem to have been wondering if they would help them.

"Sure we will! That's what friends are for!" Ruby chimed, flashing them a warm smile.

"ZAZAZAZAZA!" "JAKIIH,JAKIIH!" Both golems raise their arms in the air, celebrating that they would help them.

"Now hold on."

They all turn to Ozpin.

"We don't have a definite location as to where they are. As soon as we get a lead on where the White Fang, as well as Registeel are, you all will be the first to know." Ozpin promises. "But for now I ask you to please be patient until then."

The Regis made a weird, warbly sound, one that sounded unhappy and down heartened as the slumped forward.

"Don't worry you two," The golems looked to Cynthia, "As Pokémon League Champion, I promise to return Registeel back to you. You can count on us." She said gesturing to everyone in the room.

"RE-E-E-GIROCK!" "REG-REGICE!" They nodded, their worries washed away by the Sinnoh Champion's promise.

Once that was over with, another matter was brought up.

"What do we do with the Regis?" Yang asked.

That was indeed the question. Where will they stay? Would they continue to live in the Forever Fall, or will they need to be moved somewhere else?



"They said not to worry, and that they will stay here." Lucario translated.

Cynthia looked at them, unsure with what they meant by that. "As in, this tower?"

They nodded.

"This office?" She asked further.

They nodded.

"And you're okay with this?"

They nodded.


"They said they will stay here until there is news regarding Registeel's location." Lucario translated. "They know they can trust you, but they don't want to take any chances on missing any information."

"Very well," Ozpin said. "You too may stay as long as it takes."

The golems nodded then walked over to both sides of the elevators and stood there like statues. But that's said and done Cynthia turns and bows her head to the headmaster with the two teams doing the same before leaving.

Hopefully some better news would come.

A few weeks later

"The Vytal festival is upon us!"

Yellow and green streamers and balloons were proudly seen on display on the various buildings and stores around Vale's districts as Team RWBY strolls through it all. Weiss skips around in the front with awe written all over her face. A sign was being put up by an elderly Shopkeep that reads in bright red letters "WELCOME TO VALE!" for all the foreign newcomers from their respective kingdoms of Remnant.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you so happy, Weiss." Ruby notes as she glances over towards the girl in front. "It's kinda weirding me out..."

"How could you not smile?" Weiss turns to them with a smile on her face though, making them stop. "A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!"

"Yeah, well talk about taking an exciting event and making it sound boring..."

"Quiet, you!" Weiss snapped at Yang.

Yang rolls her eyes as she folds her arms. "And remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?"

"Yeah...ugh, they smell like fish..." Ruby covers her nose.

"I heard that the students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representative of Beacon, I wish to welcome them..." Weiss snickers.

"She wants to spy on them so that she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Blake adds on with a smile.

"Y-You can't prove that!" Weiss scoffs at them. As they continue to walk on the planks, as Ruby turns her head to the right, she blinks a few times.

"Whoa." Her reaction prompt the team to look over in the same direction.

The team looks at a destroyed building down the street and a perimeter full of yellow caution tape of the Vale Police Force before walking over to the detective in front, who was writing on his pad.

"What happened here?" Ruby asks. The detective sighs as he gestures behind himself.

"We don't know. Something massive destroyed this dust shop before they even had the chance to take the dust. Second Dust shop to be blown up this week. This place is turning into a war zone." He begins to walk towards his partner.

"That's terrible..." Yang sighs sadly. The other detective scratches his head in wonder.

"These footprints here look like it was done by a single...whatever it was."

The whole group looked down at the footprint made and could clearly see that it was not human. It was round and had a diamond-shaped pattern in the middle. The way the footprint looked this thing was heavy. Actually, it was kind of familiar.

"Who would need all that Dust for anyways?"

"Huh?" Ruby and Yang turn to see Cynthia just coming their way.

"Must be for an army or something." Replied the second detective.

"Like the White Fang?" The first detective asked

The second detective takes his sunglasses off as he sighs. "I'm starting to think we don't get paid enough for this crap."

"Hmph! The White Fang." Weiss crosses her arms and points her nose in the air with her eyes closed. "What an awful bunch of degenerates!"

"What is your problem?" Blake frowns all of a sudden.

Cynthia darts her head towards the cat girl, who immediately clenched her fist.

"Blake." She tried to get her to stop before she did something regrettable.

"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths." Blake crosses her arms, with a serious expression starting to form on her face. "They're a collection of misguided Faunus."

"Misguided?" Weiss looked at her incredulously. "They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet!"

"So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!" She yells. Cynthia sighs as she snaps her fingers.

"Blake!" She whispers harshly. The cat girl yelps, and then glances over at Cynthia who shakes her head slowly. Blake's expression drops as she calm downs her breathing.

"Hmm...Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy me and Cynthia ran into a few months ago...maybe it was him." Ruby adds.

"That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum." Blake's frown returns. "Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal."

"That's not necessarily true..." Yang was starting to notice the mood, but as she started to join in...

"Hey, someone stop that Faunus!"

As the team overhears the cry for help and rush over to investigate, a blonde Faunus with a golden monkey tail was seen running down the length of the boat and leaping on to the edge as the two sailors are about to apprehend him. He wore two red wrist bracers over black fingerless gloves and an open loose-collared white jacket with no shirt underneath, displaying his muscular physique. He also had blue cargo pants tied up with a white belt. He wore white bandages on his legs and has a chain hanging from the belt loop on the right side of his pants.

"Ha ha! Thanks for the ride, guys!" He chuckles as he jumps off the ship, landing on the docks and beginning to run.

"You no good stow-away!" The sailor barks at him as the Faunus hangs upside down from a lamppost, revealing his tail to be prehensile as he peels a banana.

"Hey, a no-good stow-away would've been captured! I'm a great stow-away!" He points to himself, before dodging a stone aimed at his face. He looks down to see the two detectives.

"Hey, get down from there this instant!" Detective 1 yells.

Dropping the banana peel on the detective's face, he growls in return. The monkey-like Faunus twirls up to crouch on the lamppost, laughs in amusement, and proceeds to leap off and run away from the detectives. As he runs past Team RWBY, he winks at an astonished Blake before time speeds up again and he continues to be chased by the officers.

Yang blinks as she turns to Weiss.

"Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition. So, there it goes..."

"Quick, after him!" The ice girl yells as she, Ruby, and Yang begin to dash away.

Blake stands still, lost in thought, then comes back to reality and follows them after Cynthia calls her name out. The team rounds the next corner, but as Weiss skids and turns around, she bumps into someone and trips. She looks up only to see the monkey Faunus jump on to a building and disappear from her view.

"No, he got away!" Weiss cries out.

Uhh...Weiss?" Cynthia points down strangely at the person the heiress fell onto. She finally realizes she fell on what seemed to be a girl, and quickly stands and backs up. The girl smiles widely as she continues to lay on the ground.

"Sa-lu-ta-tions!" She greets the group.

"Uhh..." Cynthia frowns as she blinks a few times taking in her appearance.

She had short, rather curly orange hair with a small ahoge on top that came down to her chin, and she wore a pink bow on the back of her head. She also had bright green eyes, light skin and freckles. She wore a whitish-gray old-fashioned blouse with short gray feminine overalls, as well as a black and green collar with a matching pair of stockings. Her irises bore similarity to that to the shutter of a camera. The green lines on the side of her stockings also appeared to glow at times, and she had what appeared to be a small and thin backpack.

"Um...hello." Ruby waves hesitantly.

"Are you...okay? Do you wanna get up?" Yang raises an eyebrow while maintaining a modest distance away from the girl.

The girl actually thinks about that for a moment, before leaping back onto her feet. Everyone steps back a little as she smiles and waves.

"My name is Penny! It is a pleasure to meet you all!" She bounces slightly as she glances around.

"Hi Penny. I'm Ruby."

"I'm Weiss."


"Uhm...I'm Cynthia."

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" Yang asks, earning an elbow to the side from Blake.

"Ow!" Yang muttered, wincing before she corrected herself. "Oh, I'm Yang."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Penny nods as she repeats herself.

"Um uh, he he," Cynthia chuckles awkwardly, then frowns a little. "Sweetie, you already said that."

Penny blinks. "Oh, so I did."

"Well, sorry for running into you!" Weiss apologized and they turn around and started walking away. Ruby glanced back at Penny as she waved her goodbye.

"Take care, friend!" Ruby call out as they start to walk, which seemed to have startled the green eyed girl. After they step a fair distance away from her, Yang seemed to have shivered.

"She was...weird." She gulped.

Before anyone could speak though, Cynthia could've sworn she saw a trail of orange, green, and black zip by them. Blinking in shock, she and the others gasp as Penny stands in front of them with a strange expression on her face.

"...what did you call me?" Penny suddenly says. Weiss yelps as she darts her head back and forth in shock. Yang immediately gulps.

"Oh, I'm really sorry! I definitely didn't think you heard me!" Yang apologizes quickly.

"No, not you." Penny shakes her head, instead stepping near Ruby and leaning her head down to the her. "You!"

"Me? I-I don't know. I, what I-Um...uh..." Ruby stutters as she steps back in a state of startle. Cynthia notices the shape of Penny's irises as she comes closer to her.

"You called me 'friend'! Am I really your friend?!"

"Uuuum..." Ruby looks over Penny's shoulder, seeing her teammates motioning her to deny her.

"Yeah...sure, of course!" Ruby chuckles nervously. Ruby's teammates comically fall down, but Penny's eyes glow as she begins to look overjoyed.

"Sen-sational! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys!"

"Wy-naut!" Said a voice.

"Isn't that what all girls do?" Penny looked at Ruby, thinking it came from her.

"I didn't say that." Ruby says arching an eyebrow.


"Because I don't sound like that!" Ruby fumes to whoever was behind her, which happened to be her Teammates. "Are you making fun of me?!"

"Ruby, that's not coming from any of us." Weiss tells her.


"Oh, for Dust's sake!!" Weiss screeches, irritated. "Who is-" 

They all looked down to see a small, bipedal creature covered in blue fur. Its head is spherical with ear-like, fingerless arms on either side and a bulbous growth on its forehead. It has a wide mouth with a serrated upper jaw and a pink tongue. Its eyes appear closed, each curving upward to a point in the center. The fur on its body ends in a zigzag pattern, extending over its short legs. Its tail is long and completely black, ending in a round, flattened tip with a white, eye-like spot.

"Winsor!!" Penny screamed in joy as she scooped up the blue creature. "I should have known! You're always trying to pull tricks on people!" Penny hugged the creature with enough love to make the whole world sweet.

Ruby took out her Pokédex and scan the creature, having an inkling of a feeling of what it could be.

"Wynaut, the Bright Pokémon. Wynaut gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up against each other. By being squeezed, this Pokémon gains endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks."

"With the way she's hugging it to death, he's pretty much got his training covered." Yang quipped.

Cynthia walked up to Penny. "Penny, is Winsor yours?"

"Yes!" Penny looks up to Cynthia, nodding gleefully. "Winsor is my best friend, but he likes wandering off a lot."

"Wy?" Winsor tilts his head, staring blankly at her.

Yang decides that the conversation was good enough to start off. "Sooo, what are you doing in Vale?"

"I'm here to fight in the tournament!" Penny answers, making Weiss raise an eyebrow.

"Wait, you're fighting in the tournament? Forgive me, but you hardly look the part." She folds her arms as she tilts her head in disbelief.

"I'm combat ready!" Penny salutes. Blake rolls her eyes.

"Says the girl in a dress." She notes towards Weiss.

"It's a "combat skirt", thank you very much." Ruby nods as she slides over towards her.

"Yeeeaah!" The snow girl then leaves a hand out, allowing her to low-five her.

As she said that, Weiss remembers what they were doing. "Wait a minute, if you're here for the tournament, then does that mean you know that monkey tailed...rapscallion?" She suddenly grabs onto Penny's shoulders.

Blake narrows her eyes as she begins to insult the Faunus once more. Cynthia notices this, and sighs. Things were not going to end well if she didn't shut up.

"The who?" Penny blinks.

"The filthy Faunus from the boat!" She yells. Blake grits her teeth as her eye twitches.

"Why do you keep saying that?!"

"Huh?" Weiss turns to Blake, who now has an angry look.

"Stop calling him a rapscallion! Stop calling him a degenerate! He is a person!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Weiss releases Penny and begins to motion to objects around her. "Would you like me to stop referring to the trash can as a trash can? Or this lamppost as a lamppost?"

Things were heating up fast. Cynthia needed to stop this before it escalated any further.

"Weiss, what you're-"

"Stop it!" Blake snaps.

"Stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time; he'll probably join up with those other Faunus in the White Fang!"

Blake was tempted to grab Gambol Shroud and stab her, but she held back her temptation knowing the consequences that might follow since Cynthia was watching. She scowls at the heiress and was about to speak again until...

"You ignorant, little brat!" They look to see that the outburst came from Cynthia, anger apparent in her features. "What gives you any right to determine a person based on their background!? Your view of people and the world is absolutely sickening!" Cynthia spat in disgust, old feelings stirring up inside.

Weiss' mouth gaped helplessly like a fishes. Her expression then turned into an offended scowl. 

"Good." Cynthia thought, as that was what she wanted.

Ruby and Yang looked confused as they and Penny started to overlook the argument. "How dare you talk to me like that? Do you have any idea who I am?!"

"You are a judgmental little girl." Blake comments.

"What in the world makes you say that?!"

"The mere fact that you would sort that boy with a terrorist group solely based on his species makes you just as much of a scoundrel as you believe him to be!" Blake replies.

Yang slides next to Ruby after seeing her disturbed look. "I think we should go..."

Ruby nods as they start to walk away. Waving off Penny as they began to join the others, she knew it was only going to be a bother.

"So you admit it! The White Fang is just a radical group of terrorists!" Weiss says.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it!"

This was going to be a long day.

Cynthia's Class

"I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!"

"That is the problem!"

Weiss growls as she gets up from her seat. Team RWBY was currently trying to discuss a plan once they get Registeel's location, but the argument between the two continued to go on, saddening Ruby and Yang, while at the same time slowly starting to annoy them.

"You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!" She yells. 

"There's no such thing as pure evil!" Blake glares at her as she stands on her feet. "Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!"

"People like me?"

"You're discriminatory!"

This had gone on long enough, Cynthia decided.

"Will you just-"


Everyone shuts up for a moment at Weiss' outburst. She took a second to control her breathing, before she sighs.

"You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus?" She starts to explain. "It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood!" She confesses as she leans on the bookshelf, slamming it with a fist.

"Weiss, I-" Ruby tries to go over to her.

"No!" Weiss growls at Ruby, shrugging off her attempts to ease her. She turns back to Blake. "You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!"

"Girls, that is enough!!" Cynthia yells.

"Well, maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!"

Silence drops down on the scene again. A surprised Weiss backs away slowly, and Blake realizes her mistake as she looks around at her teammates.

"I...I..." Blake doesn't finish and dashes out the door.

"Blake, wait! Come back!" Ruby says as she runs over to the door and calls to her down the hallway. Cynthia calls our one of her Garchomp and has her go find her. But before she left, she turns to face Weiss with a hard stare that was well past intimidating. 

"Weiss," Her voice was cold and full of contempt. Weiss couldn't help but shrink back from the woman.  "You and Blake are going have a long, nice chat with me once this is all over." The woman tells her before she got on her Pokémon and flew outside.

Yang sits herself down in disbelief and Weiss looks down with a frown, feeling hollow inside.

Beacon Courtyard

Blake was running outside at an amazing speed. Thanks to her heritage, the one she had kept hidden for so long and now just revealed to her Team, she was able to maneuver across the landscape with ease. But doesn't get very far past the stone heroes when she was suddenly yanked off the ground.


"Gar!!" Garchomp had grabbed her by the shoulders  with her feet and carried her up in the air.

"Let me go!!" Blake screams in fear and struggles to get herself free. She keeps struggling until they were too high up for her to land safely and without any major injuries. "Nevermind, nevermind, don't let me go!!" She says, still terrified.

Garchomp carries her up to the roof and unceremoniously with a thud. She picks herself up and comes face to face with Cynthia. How did she even get up here so fast? Or, was she on the Dragon to begin with? No, the real question was what was she going to do with her?

Cynthia sighs and walks over to Blake.

"Blake..." There was an unrecognizable tone in her voice, but it sounded similar to disappointment. "You let your emotions get the better of you." Cynthia helps her up and slowly pulls her into an embrace. "I knew this would happen one day.

" was just so–so infuriating to hear her words." She sniffled, her voice cracking. "They really hurt, you know..." She silently sobs into her coat sleeve as Cynthia held her. It was comforting to her, to just speak freely on what's on her mind.

"It must have," Cynthia agreed, "But that wasn't the right way to respond. You've place great shock in your teammates, and who knows how they will react once you return." The Sinnoh Champion lightly scolded the Faunus girl.

Blake didn't reply, still holding on to the older woman. It felt just like the time during initiation when Mai snatched her ribbon. Except It wasn't Yang or Cynthia this time, it was everyone.

Everyone knew her secret.


Cynthia looked down to her, prompting the girl to elaborate.

"Why do you care? Don't you consider me a freak like everyone else does? Why are you being nice to me?" The last few words sounded like they took all of Blake's energy to say.

Cynthia never heard a more hurt voice than Blake's. Here she was, needing someone in her time of need and she asks why. The Sinnoh Champion knew that the Faunus were having troubles, but to the point where a simple action of comfort causes someone to question their reasoning? 

It speaks a lot about those troubles.

"It's because no one has ever shown you compassion in a long time, if any."

Blake lifted her head, meeting Cynthia's eyes, looking so, so lost.

"Am I wrong? If you were part of the White Fang, then you've probably had to have had faced so much violence and pain." Cynthia explained.

Blake flushed with embarrassment. "I didn't want the people at Beacon to judge me for what I am. I want them to learn who I am."

Cynthia took another look at the bow. "Blake, you've got it all wrong."

"What?" Blake asked

"Being judged for who you are and what you are the same thing." Cynthia says. "Just like how hiding what you are is hiding who you are as well. But people will think you're hiding."

"But that's not what I'm doing." Blake argued.

"Isn't though?" Cynthia remarks. "Hiding from the world and what you are? Regardless of what your hiding, someone will point it out and use it against you. Say that you're a coward, that you're ashamed to be a faunus."

"But I'm not!" Blake nearly shouted.

"And I know that." Cynthia continued calmly. "But if you get to the point of public speaking, those people won't know you like I do, like your friends do. They'll only have your word against your enemies, and your enemies will do everything they can to smear your identity. Then, no one will help you."

Blake's eyes drooped.

"Don't give them that chance. Be proud of who you are." Cynthia insisted.

"But..." Blake slumped. "What if I am just afraid?"

"Afraid what people would think?"

"Afraid of what my team would think." She replied.

"Then the first step you would need to take," Cynthia lifted Blake's chin so she could meet her gaze. "is to cast all your fears and doubts, and give me the bow."

Blake looks up to Cynthia, who released her from her hold and held out her hand. With a deep, tired sigh, Blake slowly reaches for her bow, removed it and handed it to Cynthia.

"Even if you aren't proud of of yourself," Cynthia gives her a warm smile. "I'll always be proud of you."

Blake's eyes widened at her. Slowly, a smile, not amused nor forced, but an actual, genuine smile formed on her face. Her eyes almost watered again, but she didn't have any tears left to cry.

"Thank you." She whispers, this time giving her a hug.

Cynthia kindly returned the gesture, staying like that for a few minutes before they released each other.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Cynthia asked.

"I don't know..." Blake responds. Letting the ribbon lay on her hand, Cynthia's Garchomp started snarling as she picked up a strange scent.


"Who's there?" She narrows her eyes as her Garchomp growled louder. They look below to see the same monkey Faunus from the docks.

"Woah there! Not an enemy!" He waves at them as he climbs up. "And can you call off the shark, dragon, whatever that is please? Not a fan of being eating."

"Oh, you're the one from before." Cynthia says and turns to her Garchomp. "Easy girl, he's not an enemy." She assures the Mach Pokémon as she calms her down.

"Chomp." She eased up, but still kept her eyes narrowed at him.

"My name is-"

"Miss Cynthia Shirona-Stone." The monkey Faunus finished her sentence. "I've heard about you from the other Beacon students. You're really into archeology and your mythology lessons are really interesting."

Cynthia was kind of surprised that he instantly knew her. She hadn't been staying at Beacon for too long, but she hasn't realized she was the talk of the school.

"Oh, name's Sun. Sun Wukong." He said.

To be continued.

Normally I wouldn't leave it like this, but I'm trying to set it up for the next chapter. Also I have no idea where I wanted to take this last part so you'll just have to wait till next chapter. Also I updated the profiles a little bit so please check them out sometime.

Also, I didn't exactly have a plan for what kind of Pokémon I wanted to give Sun. At first I wanted to use a monkey Pokémon, but I realize that many people have already done that and I want it to be original. However, for Penny, I went with Wynaut. There were two other Pokémon I could have given her: Ferroseed or Elgyem. Don't ask why, it just felt right. But I decided to use Wynaut.

See you next chapter and hope you've enjoyed the story so far.
