Chapter Twenty Seven: Part 2

Warnings: implied smut, angst, fluff towards the end. the tea is definitely being spilt in this one. ☕️

We all sat around my living room. I had invited the man who claims to be my brother inside. To get to the bottom of all this. Chris watched me as I walked back and forth due to the anxiety.

My dad was trying to comfort my mom who was still softly crying. The man awkwardly sat across from them. He had one of those jackets that motorcycle guys wear.

"I'm sorry Y/n." My mom groggily spoke. Not taking the silence anymore.

"Tell me how this happened?" I stopped my pacing to face her.

She cleaned her face and began to explain. But she never looked me in the eye.

"Y/n, honey, I—got pregnant with your brother when I was 17. I-I, your father and I tried our best for five years to keep him a secret. But then my parents found out and he took him away from us—That's what happened Nick. I never abandoned you."

She turned to face the man as he wiped a tear away.

"I've heard different." The man spoke, his voice cold.

"Care to explain more dad? Or are you gonna give me more rules to follow? When you couldn't even follow them yourself! God! You lied to both Nikki and I when you said that the rules were there to protect us!..."


" let me finish, the rules were there to protect us when in reality you didn't want us to make the same mistake you did! It all makes sense now! The discipline the following orders! I get it dad! For years I followed your stupid ass rules since I was 16, when all along it was just you hiding an insecurity."

I scoffed at him. My head hurting from all the yelling.

"Y/n. Please let me talk. That's exactly my point. I placed those rules so that you or Nikki didn't have to go through with this. What your mom and I went through."

"Hypocrites! Both of you! I don't even know who you guys are! I can't believe I had an older brother this whole time and both of you failed to mention it to me!"

They bowed their heads as I yelled at them. The man finally spoke again.

"I-I'm sorry but who is Nikki?"

Chris and I exchanged a look. I turned to face the man.

"I-I—have a younger sister."

His eyes widened as if the whole world was collapsing. My mom finally spoke to the man directly.

"We named her Nikki to honor you Nick, I-I missed you so much and your father did too. But there was nothing we could do—"

"Nothing you could do? You let grandpa take me away! You didn't even come looking for me!"

"Is that true mom? You didn't go looking for your son?! God!"

"We did but my father threatened to take you away as well Y/n. I couldn't risk losing both of my children. And my father said he'd put you up for adoption if I ever came back looking for you."

My mom looked once again to the man, or should I say Nick. Nothing about this made any sense, it was like a part of this story was missing.

"Mhm. I think adoption would have been better than being raised by a drunk old man who came every night from the bar to beat me with his belt. And for what? Because he felt like it."

My mom cried even more.

"We are sorry that happened to you Nick but you have to believe us. We had our hands tied. We even hired a detective to look for you but it was like you were wiped off the face of the earth." My dad answered.

"Okay so where have you been all these years? How come you are now trying to find us?" I asked Nick.

"Well when grandpa died. I was 18 so I left that place and never looked back with only $20 in my pocket. Our uncle was the one who set me up with a job here in LA. This is where I've been all this time. And I went back to NJ, to confirm with Uncle Joey if you really existed—if you were really my sister."

I turned to face my parents. In disappointment.

"That doesn't explain why you are here now." I turned again to nick.

"I-I, I'm sick. And if I don't get what I need I have—I don't have much time left."

"What do you need?" Chris spoke out.

"Bone marrow. From a sibling who is a match."

"I'm sorry. You knew I was in LA all this time and only came to find me because you're dying?"

"I-I will get tested Nick and we will help you." My mom said. Still trying to get her son back.

Nick never looked my parents in the eye.

"No. Both of you aren't a match believe me. I-I, it has to be you Y/n. Or-Nikki, if she's a match who I am now just finding out about."

My eyes widened.

"I'm sorry if I'm overstepping here but you can't just come in here and ask Y/n to help you! She's only known you for a minute!" Chris said.

"Christopher! He's our son, please let Y/n help him."

My mom scolded Chris. In which he used his hand to rub stress off of his face.

"I-I just need a minute." I cleaned a tear that was falling from my left eye as I walked into my bedroom, sulkily.

I could hear that Chris got up from the couch as well. Leaving Nick and my parents alone to talk in my living room. I crawled onto my bed wrapping a pillow in between my arms and silently sobbed.

Chris softly closed the door and cuddled behind me. Saying nothing. This was exactly what I needed. Just for him to hold me.

To my surprise Chris and I fell asleep. When I woke up My parents were talking still on the couch. But Nick had left.

"Where is he?"

"Gone honey. He left this for you." I took the note from her hand.

Y/n, Im sorry this had to happen all at once. I would've liked to have met you another way. But my clock is ticking. Please me meet at LA county hospital tonight, if you decide to help me. If you don't show I will have my answer and you won't see me ever again.


"Who the hell is JB?" I asked

"He said he changed his name as soon as he turned 18. To avoid us ever finding him. That's the name his been going by since."

My mom replied. Chris entered the room groggily.

"Everything okay doll?"

"We're going for a drive." I grabbed Chris's car keys and pulled him out towards the door into the garage.

We hopped into his car and made our way over to Nikki's school. I had to tell her about this in person. We when arrived I grabbed Chris and led him to my sister's dorm room. Girls who were walking the hallways were whispering.

"Is that Chris Evans?"

"Oh my god it is!"

"It's captain america!"

I knocked on the door and my sister's roommate from France opened up. Nikki was lying on her bed with an ice pack over her forehead.

"If it's Wyatt tell him to go away."

"It's not." I said.

"Oh it's my lovely sister. Please come in make yourself at home..."

She said still having her eyes closed with an ice pack.

" you have any Advil?" She asked me. As Chris and I entered the small dorm room.

"No nikki, I need to speak with you—"

"No? How about you Chris? Got any?"

"Um. How did you know I was here." He furrowed his brows.

"Because you're always with my sister. Like conjoined at the hip it's disgusting."

Her joke made me feel a bit better when I giggled softly. She sat up.

"Hey, um, could you give us a minute?" Nikki told her roommate. She left closing the door behind her.


"Oh my god! I'm going to be an auntie! I knew it! Nice work Chris! I knew you'd pull through. Well I knew you wouldn't pull out. Anyway! Yay!"

"No I am not pregnant." I said.

"Ugh. Then why are you here if it's not because my new best friend is forming in your uterus?" She laid back down closing her eyes.

"Nikki. Come on pay attention. This is urgent." Chris scolded her.

"Chris. Don't. Don't yell at me like I'm a child."

"Well you're acting like one!"

"Oh I'm acting like one?—"

They kept bickering until I stopped them. I finally got Nikki's attention. I explained absolutely everything not leaving a single part out.

"We h-have a brother?"

I nodded.

"And he needs our help?"

I nodded again.

"What's his name?"

"Nick. Well. JB. He changed it."

She sighed and looked at Chris.

"I still can't believe you yelled at me like that! What the hell!"

"Oh god. Here we go again.."

They bickered some more. They finally stopped. My sister turned her attention to me again.

"We have to go Y/n. It's the right thing to do. At least get tested."

I smiled subtly. That was exactly what I was thinking. Chris did us the favor and drove us to the hospital. Nick well JB, was standing outside the main entrance.

Nikki and I approached him.

"Wow! T-thank you thank you!" He pleaded.

"Don't thank us yet big bro, we still have to see if we're matches."

"I assume you're Nikki." He took his hand out for her to shake.

She walked past him and through the doors and spoke with the admitting secretary. Nikki knew this hospital like the back of her hand as she would do rounds here.

The lady brought all three of us to an examination room. But JB stayed behind. In the waiting area.

Chris was so protective over me and Nikki. He followed us everywhere.

"Okay well, the nurse will be in shortly to take some blood to see if you are a match."

The lady closed the door.

"What are the chances that we are matches Nikki?"

"Mmm. 1 out of 5 people are matches to their families. So that means one out of the five of us is a match."

I nodded. I took the sweater I had on—off to be ready for the nurse, Chris held it between his arms. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I just wanted to have a relaxing day with you baby."

He gripped my chin to make me look into his eyes.

"It's okay doll. Really. I'm just happy I'm here with you."

"Ugh!" My sister gagged. "You two don't get tired of each other?"

I looked at Chris who was staring back.

"Never." I said as I brushed my fingers over his lips.

"You know sis if one of us is a match. It's going to hurt like a bitch. That shit sucks. They literally suck your bone out."

"Thank you Nikki. Really for the calming words." I sighed.

The nurse came in and took our blood. She sent it to the lab right away. We'd be getting results in no time.

My sister is such a child that she made tik toks, while waiting. In one of them Chris was tired of her shit and stuck up the middle finger. He begged her not to post it.

"I am so posting that!"

"No nikki dont."

"Posted!" She smiled sarcastically.

"My publicist is going to kill me." Chris worried.

There was a knock on the door. It was my dad and my mom. Great.

"Well well. I got to give it to you guys. Nicely done."

Nikki's impulsive personality was not helping her.

"Nicole stop it." My dad said and with that she shut up.

My mom sat next to me in the empty chair and my dad stood. As we waited for the results.

"What are you going to do if you are a match?" Chris whispered softly over the screaming silence in the room.

"Mm, I guess donate, I feel so bad, knowing I could do something to save him."

"That's what I love about you doll. So caring for people who don't even know you." His thumb caressed my cheek.

"Hi? The Y/l/n family?"

The doctor came in with a clipboard.

"Hey doc. Tell me now If I'm going to be in excruciating pain for a big brother I never knew about!"

She shot a look to my parents.

"What are the results?"

I said as Chris placed kisses on my hand as he also listened to what the doctor had to say. Chris also knew how to help me with the anxiety.

"Y/n I'm sorry but you aren't a match."

The doctor spoke those words and I frowned but what sort of relived.

"Well that leaves me—Damn it. Okay doc. What do I have to do? What room should I go into? I know the drill."

My sister tried to walk out the door.

"Ms.Nicole, you are a match, that's correct but. Do you think we could talk in private?"

"Nah doc. It's cool. I got my lying parents, my sister who visits me once in a while and her boyfriend who is the cause of that lack of visitation. We got the whole gang."

Nikki was so stubborn.

"No really. I feel we should—"

"Just say it doc!"

"Well, okay, you were the match that your brother needs but we can't take any bone marrow from you. At least not now."

We all furrowed our brows.

"And why is that?" My sister finally starting to act like an adult.

The doctor cleared his throat.

"Because you are 8 weeks pregnant."

Everyone looked at Nikki in total shock. My mom practically was on the verge of fainting.

"No doc. There's been a mistake my daughter is a virgin. Both of them are."

I gulped down my nervousness and Chris was starting to feel uneasy in his seat.

"I'm sorry Mr.Y/l/n. But the results don't lie."

"Nikki? Please tell me this isn't true. Please." My mom pleaded.

I looked back at Nikki who was crying. The doctor left us all alone.

"Well. Now I know why I've been feeling sick these past couple of days. I guess you're the actual auntie sis."

Even in serious situations she still used sarcasm as her defense mechanism. I got up to hug her she sobbed in my arms.

"Shh Nikki, it's gonna be okay."

My dad walked over and yanked her away from me.


Pulling her off the examination table and lightly slammed her against the windows.

"Who is he? Huh? Tell me who did this to you. Why didn't you follow the rules?!"

Chris sprinted up and went to push my dad off of Nikki.

"Don't touch me Christopher!"

"Stop Mr.Y/l/n!"

My mom sobbed more in her seat. Nikki pushed our dad off of her.

"Take a good look around you dad! We don't give a fuck about your rules!"

She looked at me—referring to my marriage with Chris. I bowed my head down.

"What does she mean by we, Y/n? Huh?"

"I-I don't know." My voice shook.

Nikki grabbed her things and walked out. Chris and I followed behind her.

"Sorry Dude. I guess you're going to have to get on the transplant list because I can't help you. Neither of us can." She told JB who had a disappointed look on his face.

She walked out of the hospital doors. I caught up to her leaving Chris and JB behind.

"So you're going to keep the baby?"

"I-I guess—and don't bother calling me. I want to be alone."

A cab pulled up and took her away. I went back inside to where Chris was. JB no where to be seen.

"Where did he go?"

"He said he was leaving." Chris spoke. Then the engine of a motorcycle echoed through the halls. I ran outside once again.

He was just about to take off when I stopped him.

"JB please stay. We can find another way."

"I'm sorry I bothered you and tore what you thought was a family apart. But there's nothing else for me here. I have to find a donor before it's too late."

"Please I can help you. Stay. You have two younger sisters who want you to get to know them." I begged.

"Mhm. And try an older brother who has no intention to."

His words caught me off guard. What a jerk.

He almost ran me over with his bike if I didn't step to the side. Chris came to comfort me. My head pounding with so much drama. I can't believe JB came all this way just to use us.

My parents came out of the doors as well.

"He's gone." I spoke.

"Y/n, honey, please say you'll forgive us."

"I—I think you guys should go mom. Just give Nikki and I some space."

"If you weren't so busy dating a celebrity Y/n, we could have avoided all this! You're the one to blame."

My dad raised his voice at me.

"Mr.Y/l/n, with all due respect. Lower your voice. Now."

Chris spoke angrily. My dad stepped closer to Chris and they were face to face. He shot a stern look to him and then at me. My dad knew we were hiding something.

"You'll know where your mother and I will be once you got everything figured out."

My dad gave me a stern look as he walked away. I hugged my mom once more before getting into Chris's car.

Chris and I resumed filming the next of couple days. The media most definitely caught on.

Is Chris Evans and girlfriend Y/n Y/l/n filming a secret project together? We think so, the actor and his girlfriend have been spotted at Marvel's filming set here in LA.

Sources say that actress Y/n Y/l/n has been rumored to star in an upcoming marvel movie alongside boyfriend Chris Evans and actors like RDJ, Tom Holland and Sebastian Stan. We can't wait to see the lovely, Y/n on screen!

Chris Evans and Y/n Y/l/n are rumored to be filming together! The couple has been seen wondering the set of Marvel with costars Tom Holland and Sebastian Stan. Should be interesting to see Chris and Y/n on the big screen!

The directors had given everyone the weekend off, in reward of our hard work. RDJ said he was going to Mexico with his family, Mackie was heading back home, Seb was going to go to Romania to visit his fam and Scarlett and Lizzie were staying in LA. Tom was staying since he had was filming for something else.

I was trying to get back to normal after all that family drama. Chris stayed with me every second.

Nikki and I went to her first OB appointment yesterday, her and the baby seem fine.


"Okay. Well the baby is healthy." 

Dr.Montgomery spoke. Slipping off his gloves.

"You okay?" I asked Nikki. Who was deep in her thoughts.

"Mhm, I'm great."

I could tell she was scared out of her mind. I took her hand.

"I'm here Nikki. You aren't alone."

We smiled subtly at each other. Her hand comforting her small but growing bump.

"Okay. Ms.Y/l/n, I am going to prescribe you some pre-natals to calm your nausea."

"Sounds good doc."

"And make sure to eat your veggies and fruits to help the baby grow but I'm sure you know that."

"Ugh veggies? Disgusting. That's a no from me."

I looked at Nikki with my older sibling look.

"You need to eat your veggies so my nephew or niece grows up to be big and strong." 

"Your sister is right Nikki."

She groaned at our lecture. Soon after we walked out of the doctor's office. Chris was in the waiting room reading a magazine.

"Everything good?" He said as he got up.

"Yeah baby. Everything is good."

"It's like I'm the surrogate for this kid. You know, maybe I should just give it to both of you."

My sister said. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not. Chris and I exchanged looks.

We walked to Chris's car. We piled in.

In LA, there were many mountains and turns. The perfect recipe for car sickness. Or in my sister's case, nausea.

"BLEHH.." my sister threw up all over Chris's leather seats.

"Oh god, are you okay Nikki?" I spoke.

"No I am not. Maybe if Chris were to drive like a normal person and take the highway! And not drive around every mountain in LA! DID YOU FORGET IM PREGNANT CHRIS?" 

"Well, it's noon, the highway is packed with traffic."

He argued, softly. Trying to avoid getting my sister even angrier.

Moments like these is where I am shown how much I truly love Chris. His patience really proved to me that this man was the one. I mean he doesn't have to deal with my sister and her rudeness but he does anyway.

"Chris pull over baby." I caressed his arm.

He pulled over and we waited for Nikki to feel better as we stood outside of the car. I rubbed her back.


"Hey baby?" Chris called while I was in the living room playing with Dodger.


"I think my sexy wife and I are due for a vacation."

He pulled out two plane tickets. I got up to read them. We were going to the Virgin Islands!

"Baby. You didn't!" I cried.

"I did. It's time we go out just the two of us and forget about the world. How does that sound doll? Hm?"


The tickets were for tonight so we rushed to pack a carry on—we would only be staying the whole weekend.

We rushed into his plane and did the usual. I laid on top of him. As he rubbed my back.

"You feeling better babe?" Chris asked.

"I'm feeling much better knowing that you and me are going to be drinking margaritas on a beach. Without a care in the world."

He looked down and smiled subtly. We fell asleep and arrived in the Virgin Islands soon after. The butler came into our plane and took our suitcases to our resort.

I inhaled the salty ocean air and took in the scenery of the crystal blue water and the tall palm trees, as I stepped out of the plane. We had landed a little later than usual, it was around 4pm.

We entered our room which had large windows and opened doors. We had a small pool attached to our resort. The beach was right in front of us, walking distance.

I took a deep breathe and mentally promised myself to enjoy this trip as much as I could. Chris startled me when he snaked his arms around my waist and cuddled into the crook of my neck.

"Wanna go for a swim?" He smirked.

"Definitely handsome."

We changed into our bathing suits. I came out of the bathroom and Chris was already in his swim trunks. His abs and biceps on full display. Making me flutter with excitement.

"Mmm, let's not even go swimming." He pulled me by my wrist, I stood in between his legs.

He traced his hand over my breasts that were being shown through my bathing suit. I watched him carefully wondering what he next move was.

I softly moaned when he pressed his thumb over my nipple, making it harden.

He smirked at this and leaned backwards, pulling me down with him.

"Mmm. Chris."

He left wet kisses on my neck trying his best to get me in the mood.

"" he said in between them.

"We have the whole night for this. Let's just walk around and go for a swim? Hm?"

"Mmm. Nah."


"Okay. Okay. But you're making it up to me later then."

I smiled at him. Caressing his beautiful face.

"I don't have a problem with that."

He picked me up bridal style as we made our way to the beach. I took the moment in—Chris twirling me around as if I were a princess.

"You know the drill baby! Whoever gets there first gets a kiss!"

I dived into the ocean trying my best to swim fast. When I came to the surface Chris was already on the deep side. I rolled my eyes at him and I wiped away salt water from my face.

"How do you do that?"

"Cause I'm faster than you. Just accept it."

I rolled my eyes at his answer I swam forward.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he drew me in close by placing his hands on my lower back. We were still in the narrow parts of the beach so we were able to touch the "floor."

We passionately made out, Chris still trying to get me to go into the bedroom by pecking my neck, then my cheek, then my lips, softly.

"Please doll. Just a quickie." He begged me using his baby blues.

"So needy for me hm? You're still going to have to wait."

"I can wait." His voice low.

The rest of the day we played around at the beach. Until the sun began to set. We went back into the resort to change and shower off the sand, to go out to eat.

"Ready beautiful?" Chris opened the door for me.

I stepped out and he locked the door with the keycard.

I grabbed his hand and we walked side by side towards the "town" area.

Soft white lights were wrapped our palm trees. The sun was almost about to start setting as the sky was painted a pretty orange and pink color.

There was a cute boardwalk where you could see the beach. Chris and I walked along it.

"Are you enjoying yourself doll?"

"Mhm. Thanks for this trip baby. I really needed it."

"Of course anything for my girl."

We stopped and I snuggled my head on Chris's chest.

"Do you think they hate me?"

I finally spoke with sad eyes. Referring to my parents. I haven't spoken or called them in about a week.

"They could never hate you. I feel like they are just giving you the space you wanted."

Chris was so good with words. He would always calm me down.

"Was what happened to Nikki my fault?"

"No. Absolutely not. She made a choice and now she has to deal with the outcome." He played with my hair.

"She says that Wyatt doesn't want to respond her texts or calls. I-I don't want her to raise a child on her own. She's just a kid. T-then I'll probably have to help her and—"

He used his hands to force me to look at him.

"Screw that kid. I didn't really like him anyway. And don't worry baby. You have me. I will help you both as much as I can."

I smiled at his words.

"Did you catch what Nikki said yesterday?"

"Um, Yeah. I-I did. I mean—I would raise a child with you."

"You would? Even if they aren't yours?"

"As long as your by my side, I don't care about anything else...."

I hugged him tightly. How was he even real?

"..okay no more sad talk. Let's go grab something to eat. I'm starving." He rubbed against his stomach.

"Me too handsome. But let's get a picture before."

I held my phone up and we posed for the sweetest photos.

@y/n: So in love with you 💕 @chrisevans

We walked back into the town to find a place to eat. Chris and I walked into this place called, "RedHook", it had outdoor dining and it was low-key. We sat down and the waiter brought us menus.

After eating delicious food we went back to our resort. On the way back Chris wanted to take a picture of me by the beach.

"Right there doll! Yes! You look gorgeous. Now pose."

He held his phone up like a grandpa and finally snapped a picture.

@chrisevans: The view is just breathtaking and I'm not talking about the sunset ❤️, @y/n.

We entered the resort again. After getting ready and changing to go to bed I crawled over to Chris who was going through emails.

I lifted his arm and snuggled into him. Swinging my leg over his abs. He sighed and put his phone away. Turning his focus on me.

"Can I tell you something doll?"

I nodded.

"I want to know more about you and I already know the basics like your favorite color, your favorite candy, your favorite singer. I'm talking the time you were born, what teacher you had for kindergarten, the first movie you've ever seen in theaters, your prom night, everything baby. Tell me. I want it all."

I smiled widely. The rest of the night I answered Chris's questions and we got to know each other on a whole new level.

"So you and Ricky stole a car on prom night?"

He giggled.

"Yes! But no one knows expect you Ricky and I. So lips sealed mister—What about yours?"

"Well, mine was normal. I didn't commit any illegal crimes." He pushed me lightly.

"Oh whatever." I laughed slightly.

"Um, I went with a girl, we weren't dating or anything but yeah. We danced and had a good time."

"Mm, so what time were you born Mr.Christopher Evans?"

"Uh, actually I don't know.. let me just call my mom
real quick." He joked

"Well I was born at *the time you were born*."

"Is that so? Well I'll have to get that tattooed somewhere."

Chris said looking around on his body for an empty spot.

"You'd get that tatted? On your body?"

"Of course, it's the time where my beautiful wife entered this world."

I smiled widely at his sweet words and gently caressed his face.

"Okay doll so tell me about the blood clot in your lung.. I wanna know. If that's okay."

I can't believe he remembers what my jerk of a brother said the other day.

"Well, when I was born i didn't cry at all. So from what my mom tells me the doctors tried their best to get all those juices out of me with suction but I still showed no signs of crying. But I was alive."

"And then what?" Chris tuned in like a child listening to a storybook.

"And then they ran tests on me which showed I had a blood clot in my lung that wasn't allowing me to breathe properly, hence why I wasn't crying. So then they did emergency surgery to get it out and I was all good after that. Alive and kicking."

"Thank god for that." Chris leaned forward to peck my lips.

We stared at each other. This man made me feel a million different ways.

"So what's your favorite memory of us, this whole time we've been together?" He finally spoke again.

"Mmm, I'd say the day we got married of course, going against my parents wishes, doing what I wanted for once in my life and marrying this amazing man."

"Mhm. I'd say the same, but I don't know that day we had at Disney was pretty fun.."

"So getting married wasn't fun?" I argued

"I'm just joking gorgeous, that's also my favorite memory of us, and when I asked you to be my girlfriend."

"Right. You did that so smoothly, I gotta get it to you handsome."

"What can I say?" He shrugged his shoulders cockily.

We talked until 3am, we didn't even realize we had that much more to say. Chris saw my eyes were getting heavy and kissed the top of my head.

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow babe."

"Really? What is it?" I tried to keep my eyes open.

"Well, I could tell you but that would ruin the surprise now would it?"

"I guess." I snuggled into his neck more.

"Good night baby. I love you."

"I love you, Chris."

~the next chapter will include a day in the life of someone other than Y/n! Stay tuned <3~
