Taking a deep breath, She picked the next call which was just coming into her phone.
"Hello" she sounded confident. "Hello Onome!!!! Tega screamed into the phone. Onome fidgeted at first. She thought this would be easy. But the terror from his screams almost swallowed her up. This is not going easy as imagined.

"Tega calm down" she said gently.
After a few seconds, it seemed he yielded her advice.
"How are you? I have been calling you repeatedly for ages."
Tega replied sounding depleted of energy.

"I'm fine. I went out for a meeting on women empowerment" Onome said slowly.
"What? What the hell is that? Tega barked.
"It's not something you can understand.What's up?" Onome replied casually.

"What's the matter with you? I call you for ages and you spin such stupid tale of women useless empowerment?do I look like a child to you?" Tega asked

"Are you crazy?, You have grown wings to keep late nights right?" He continued.

"Tega first and foremost, you had better reduce the volume of your voice. You don't hear me shouting at you for trying to destroy my phone battery with your repeated phone calls and secondly, after the meeting, I went out to eat that is why I am home this late."

"What? Onome you are becoming something else!!"
She rolled her eyes.
"You talk to me without respect."
"Tell me about it" Onome replied boldly.
"Anyways am glad you are fine. I was worried."

"You don't have to be, I am not a baby. I am capable of taking care of myself". Onome boasted.

"How is school?"
"School is fine, exams are close"
"Yeah, soon you will be a graduate!" Tega said emotionally hopeful.
Onome knowing the direction he was coming from, shifted the topic of the discussion.

"How is the resort business?" She asked.
"it's fine I am fully booked and i have some dignitaries coming in so I will not be able to come this weekend".

She wanted to scream "hallelujah" but she didn't want him to pick up the excitement in her voice. It could make him suspicious and Suspicious Tega, equals troublesome Tega. So,  trying to avoid his investigative questions, she chatted about other things but she was genuinely happy he wouldn't be around.

"Okay.  I will miss you" she said trying to end their conversation.
"Hmmm I know you will" Tega replied.
"Ok take care of yourself, let me go and shower for bed. I have classes in the morning".
"Alright take care Sugar. I love you.

"Yeah me too my pride."

Perplexed, Tega stared at the phone at the end of the call, assured in his heart more than ever before that Onome does not love him anymore. He was not a child, he knew this relationship was over after this last visit but he loved Onome and wants to be with her for the rest of his life.

He knew deep down that she was excited he was not coming over. Maybe it's for the best. He should give her some damn space before he looses his mind. He has been trying to quit smoking but times like this, he could small down his whole building.

Even though he wasn't there physically he hoped for mercy sake, another man was not taking the woman of his dreams away. He has to do something. This was a desperate time for him and the popular slogan says desperate times calls for desperate measure. He pondered for a moment and then he smiled because he knew just what to do.

Onome was in a good mood smiling as she showered and just before going to bed, Dr Ola sent her a text message appreciating her for giving him the privilege of snacking together. He hoped for a real dinner when next he comes to town. This brought pure joy to her heart and she wondered why. Oh! She had a crush on the Doctor, she muttered to herself.

The very next day as Onome was heading to class by 9 a.m, she had unexpected guests and she was speechless. She opened the front door with books in her hands prepared for class and it was her two friends Queen and Regina. She was shocked.

"What are you doing here?" Onome queried with suspicion.
"we came visiting" Queen said smiling.
"Oh am so sorry but I am on my way to class. I don't want any trouble with Tega you know"

"We won't have any trouble with him" Queen said
"I thought you were scared of Tega?" She asked her friends with a surprised expression.
"Not anymore" Regina boasted.
" Yeah we were but he called us and told us that he was sorry, he apologized and told us that you are the best woman in the world and you deserve some friends" Queen said proudly.
"Seriously? When did this happen? Onome asked
"Recently" Queen said looking suspicious.
"Are you serious?that's amazing I was already preparing for class".
"So can we, you know, can we get the ride?" Regina pleaded.

"Of course you will get more than a ride" Onome answered smiling. Although curious, the joy of seeing her friends killed her curiousity.

Life has never been more fortunate with her than this very moment and season of her life. She was glad to have her two best friends back. They chatted about everything. They caught up on old and past times and even went to class together!

When they returned back, she made them delicious meal. They were so surprised she could cook this good. She told them about her business plans and the start up ideas. They were both excited about it and they promised to support her.

They resumed their hanging out regularly, making their hairs together and one afternoon, whilst painting each other's toe nails. Queen asked Onome a question.

"Can you fall in love with someone else while dating Tega?
Onome stuttered at first, she was surprised at the question but later regained her composure.

"I think what Queen is trying to ask is if you have another man? She thinks everyone double dates like her!" Regina pointed out.

"Oh, I don't have another man. I love Tega and no matter what I can't think of cheating on him." Onome replied quickly. That felt like a big lie. Even though she was not in a relationship with the doctor, he seemed to occupy her thoughts frequently.

"I know you love him, but he doesn't treat you so well, if you see someone you love, just be honest, won't you leave him?" Queen insisted.

"No matter how badly i am treated. I can't. How can you even think that I will cheat on him, I love him. I'm engaged to him. Infact, I'm soon to be married to him you know." Onome said.

"Yeah I do. I just thought you would have ended things with him a long time ago" Queen continued.

"I don't want to. I love him." Onome defended.
"You love him or the money.?" Queen asked again. Onome was hurt.

"Queen how can you say such stupid thing to Onome?, Sweetie don't mind this stupid girl." Regina said comforting Onome.
"Hey I didn't mean it like that. Onome is my friend and we are having honest conversations about our love life, you fool." Queen said to Regina.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it like that. Give me another color to add to this top". Onome said changing the topic and neither of the girls noticed as they were busy abusing and teasing one another.
That conversation left her bothered for days.

The friendship took a new turn when she took them both to the NGO for their next meeting and the girls loved it. They were so excited they began to plan their lives as entrepreneurs. Tega called daily to check up on her but he didn't spend more than two minutes on the phone. At first she was not perturbed. But after three days, she began to wonder why the sudden change in him. She wanted to ask him about it, but she didn't.

She launched her food business as scheduled on the weekend and the boy that operated the mobile food vending machine she bought, was punctual as she demanded. The first day which was Friday, she made noodles, fried plantain and fried plantain frittata. She got some orders for home delivery for spanish spaghetti and fried rice. In two days of selling on Friday and Saturday, Onome sold over 64,000 naira worth of food.

Her friends were so happy at the sales made because they joined her in selling at the stand to customers. They each asked for a reward of well cooked meals till graduation. Onome set aside a part of each sales to gather her initial capital as she has been taught at the NGo. She also set aside the profits per meal after calculating the cost price. They worked tirelessly on Sunday unlike the previous two days as Sunday was the biggest grand selling day for them. That Sunday alone she sold over 83,500 naira worth of food.

Onome was elated. She knew down in her heart that this is what she wanted to do that will bring her so much joy. She was passionate about cooking.

Every evening before bedtime, Dr. Ola checked up on her and that was usually the highlight of her day. They talked about their pasts and Dr Ola could see that all she had as experience was Tega. He questioned her motives for entering a relationship with him as a minor at 17. She couldn't reply. He told her several times that she was not matured enough to understand and handle a relationship. Everyday, he would ask her, what would happen if Tega broke up with her and for everytime he asked, she honestly had no answers.

As the days grew into weeks, Onome noticed that Tega doesn't even call at all or check up on her. She was worried but she encouraged herself that there's a possible explanation for his distance.

Two days before her final exams began, Onome decided to visit her parents. It has been months since she stepped her foot in her Father's house. She missed her siblings. She wanted to inform them about her business and her plans to go to Lagos after graduation for more training and exposures. She had learnt alot from Mrs Tolulope about improvement and from Dr Ola about exposure. She proposed to see Tega at the resort at the end of the visit before returning back to school.

Tega craved a smoke on a daily basis but he was beating the addiction gradually. He would prove to that damn doctor that he was psychologically fit to be Onome's husband. The last visit changed him and scared him at the same time. He knew the Doctor Ola and Onome were in communication but he also knew they were just friends and he knew that her business mattered more to her than anything at the moment.

The hawker girl still had the same strength she had at 16, struggling to make money for herself and family. He was proud of her even though he couldn't understand her need to work.

He still visited her parents and today, he was going there for their new house opening. Finally, Mr Igho had finished his bungalow and no more house rents to pay. He was happy for them and he encouraged them in building the big store which was in front of the compound for Mrs Igho to sell her farm produce and other items. Her siblings were always so happy to see him and the feeling was mutual. He was an only child and being amongst them, he didn't feel alone.

"Migwo ma" he greeted as he parked his car in front of the compound. A little canopy and chairs were arranged for the celebration. He smiled. He was proud of his inlaw to be.

"Vrendo my inlaw, I dey wait for you and Onome since, where she dey? She nor dey come?" Mrs Igho asked him.

Tega realized that he had not spoken to her for days as his eyes shone bright in a surprised manner.

"Let me call her ma"
He dailed her number but he was pessimistic if Onome would ever pick up.
"Hello, am driving, can I call you back? Onome answered
"Hmmm, I just wanted to tell you that your parents are opening their new home today and they are expecting you."

He hanged up the phone and walked inside the house.
Mr Igho was full of smiles as he appreciated everyone for coming. He thanked Tega for his help and continuous support to him and his family.  Tega had helped them get a truck to move their items into the compound the previous day and given him a goat for the celebration party.

Finally inside, as a landlord, it felt like a dream. He prayed for Tega and reassured him once again that they were family for life.

Onome kept calling Tega's line for directions but he was not picking the call. She arrived at their old compound and was given the directions to the new one.
"Why was I not informed that they were moving or have even moved.? She questioned herself.

Frustrated she started driving to the new location. She knew she was not close to her parents. She doesn't keep in touch and she wondered why it was so difficult to talk to them about anything.

Her mother never tried to bridge the gap. Ever since Tega came into their lives, she felt she lost her parents. Her mother expected her to act matured all the time like a wife even beyond her age. It was as if she was sold for a price.

Whenever she has an argument or a fracas with Tega, her mother would pick offence as though she was Tega's mother. She never consoled Onome. She scolded and nagged her alot. She was always angry with her and since Onome didn't want the emotional pain to affect her performance in school, she chose to remain far from them.

She wiped her tears as she drove into the compound reminding herself that she was no longer that girl. She parked behind Tega's car and applied powder on her face to masked the tears she had just shed. She straightened her long floral pink dress as she came out of the car. Body, she walked inside the big sitting room.

The living room was grand with a big plasma television screen at the middle. The window blinds were beautiful and the theme was blue. The walls were painted sky blue and the sofas were too.

"Sister Onome" Collins shrieked as he ran towards her. She smiled as she bent down to give him a hug. He was so big she complimented. Her parents were talking to their pastor who had prayed and declared the house opened. She greeted them and she noticed Tega talking to her younger brothers who were in the polytechnic at the dinning area.

After exchanging pleasantries with almost everyone, she moved to her brothers at the dining area.
"I didn't know you guys were home.
"We have finished our first semester exams sis. Welcome" o
Runor said

"Wow! when did you finish ?.
"Our exams was last week."Oke replied.
Have any of you heard from Fejiro?." She asked.
"She said she will be home this week." Oke replied.

"Hi she turned to Tega, who was sitting and typing on his phone
"Hi beautiful" he replied smiling. She knew it was fake. But who would argue with that.

"You have been  awfully absent these days" Onome mentioned.

"Ain't that what you wanted?" Tega asked.
"I never said that Tega" Onome defended herself.
"Hmmm.. action speaks louder than words. How is Dr. Ola?

Onome was shocked at the question but masked up her surprise with a sarcastic shrug. " How would I know?" She lied.

Tega shook his head in disbelief at how little Onome knew what was going on.
"You could say he is fine. At least that's what friends do, they don't deny each other. He wouldn't do that to you would he?" Tega said.

Onome was caught off guard. She didn't recognize this quiet Tega who was having a conversation that no one could hear his volume of his voice except you lean in close to him. She didn't have a reply to his question.

"Tega can we talk privately?" She asked.
" Yes Onome we can".

Her name sounded like an offense has been committed as he uttered it.
They walked outside of the house towards his car. Each keeping their hands to their self.

"My final exams begins this week". She began.
"Congratulations, am happy for you."

"I want to go to Lagos afterwards for a one month seminar with certification on catering services."
"Okay!, You are free to do what you want."
It didn't sound new to him. He wore no expression of shock or surprise

"Are you alright Tega?"
"Yes I am Onome why shouldn't I be "
"It's because you are acting strange unlike the Tega I used to know."

"It takes one to know one. You are not the Onome I used to know either." Tega replied back.

"I am not cheating on you."
"I never said you were."

"What is wrong with us Tega?"
Should I make it easy for you Onome? Because I won't, You want a break up, you have to ask for it.

Onome was silent, did she really want a break up. She stared at the man she has known for almost 7 years and wondered what would life be without him.

"I don't want a break up" and
Tega looked her amusingly.
"But what?" Tega asked staring at her eyes.
"I want this relationship to be different".
"Different how?

"I want us to be friend's, partners, people who talk to each other. I don't want to be scared of you and you shouldn't drive fear through me."

Tega was speechless. This was a whole new Onome that they talked about and they were right. He liked the proposition but he knew this 22year old was inexperienced. Once she visits Lagos and return, she would not want anything to do with him.

"We could be all that and more.
"Seriously? Onome asked smiling.
"Seriously" He replied.
"But is this what you really want?" Tega asked her.
"Yes this is what I want"
She reached out and hugged him. As her arms enveloped his neck, she pressed kisses to his cheeks.

"I miss you"she said boldy and Tega looked at her smiling.
"On one condition." He said
"What is it my pride?

"Allow me to pay your bride price immediately after your last paper. It would be a small intimate wedding."

Onome was speechless. She didn't want to get married so soon.
"Why the hurry?" She asked scowling at him..
"Hmm.. hurry you say, you know what, you don't know what you want Onome. Call me when you do. Tell mama goodnight for me."

What is it with this bipolar man again. Onome thought to herself
As He entered into his car and drove off.

"Shey be you done offend am abi?"
Onome turned abruptly to her mother that was behind her.

"Mummy Migwo, no I nor offend am"
"Wetin you tell am, when make am dey vex go?

"Nothing oo. Mummy nothing" Onajite looked at her daughter not believing anything.
"You done finish exam?"

"No, we dey start next tomorrow, to finish in two weeks time."

That night, they had dinner together. Only her younger sister was missing because she was still in school. Her parents didn't bother to find out how she fared in school.

By morning, Onome decided to return back to school but wanted to drop off Teg's paradise first.

When she arrived she went straight to the Tega's office. The receptionist tried dissuading her, adding that Tega was in a meeting but she refused to listen. She told her she wanted to surprise him. Everyone knew she was his fiancee so she walked in. As she reached for the door knob, she heard two voices.

A male and female. The female was begging for sex and something's she couldn't really hear clearly but she heard her promising her loyalty. The male was silent, although muttering somethings she couldn't hear but finally said "Okay" They were both recognizable. One was Tega, the other was unmistakably Queen's voice. She pushed the door open in annoyance to find Queen standing By Tega's table with her shirt opened,exposing her black bra, while Tega was seated, properly dresses though. Queen hurriedly buttoned her shirt while Tega remained seated unmovable by the scene before him.

"Wow this is what has been happening behind my back you b****?" Onome exclaimed to Queen.

"No no no I can explain Onome, it's not what you think."
"Explain what Queen? Explain what?"
"Hello sugar how are you? Onome asked smiling as though all was well.
"Sugar my foot!!Sugar fall on you one thousand times" Onome cursed him angrily.

"Onome it's not what you think, am sorry, am so sorry" Queen said jerking in panic.

"You are busy sleeping with my fiancee behind my back Queen?and you Tega, you wanted to marry me last night and keep her as a side chick right?

"Oh don't flatter yourself Onome. You are way over your head here" Tega said with a serious tone.

"You think so Tega? You are a bastard!" Onome screamed.

"Anyway I just came to tell you that as soon as I am through with my exams. I'm moving to Lagos I got an opportunity there and I'm going to stay till my Service letter comes. I will return your apartment key once I am through with my exams."

"It's okay, congratulations Onome! Good luck on your adventure" Tega said smiling.

Onome felt like she had been slapped over and over again, she expected Onome to get up from his seat and beg her. But he just stared at her smiling. This was the one time she could accept his numerous apologies.

"Then I guess we are over Tega"
Onome said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Whatever you say Onome". Tega said unperturbed as he relaxed into his seat.

Onome was stunned, Queen's surprise was even more. She continued looking at Tega like it was a mirage. Onome felt her feet stamped to the ground.How could she explain to her mother that her 7 years of relationship was over. Her father would definitely kill her. She summoned courage to leave the office as her broken relationship suddenly hurts. Tega did not come after her as she had hoped.
None of her friends visited her afterwards. It was obvious, they were never really her friends, she languished daily.

She studied rigorously for her final exams so she was not surprised when the results was released and her classmates who were first to see it said she aced every single course. Combining her per time delivery of foods to her customers, Onome buried herself in hardwork and nothing could distract her at that time. The two weeks was filled with tears and heart aches. She realized she loved Tega and has lost him.

Instead of self pity, the episode of pain, taught her to multi task perfectly. She suddenly stopped talking to Dr. Ola with the excuse of taking her examinations seriously. She couldn't even visit Mrs Tolulope or go to her meetings because she didn't want any company.

She informed her parents via a phone call that she had graduated with a very good results. Her father was pleased and proud of her but her mother simply muttered congratulations on the phone and asked her a troubling question "when are you coming home so that Tega can pay your bride price?"

"Eh Mummy I am going to Lagos tomorrow oh" Onome said scared.

"Wetin you dey go find for Lagos? You wan buy marriage things for there?" Onajite asked her daughter.

"Mummy, I don't know what you may have heard or not heard. But, Tega and I are not together anymore!"

"You dey joke Onome!!!" Her mother screamed.
