Onome did not want to return back to Tega's apartment even for a minute. She was scared, another altercation would take place. As soon as they got home, she brought up the subject of her leaving.

"Please I want to start studying for my final exams rigorously, I would prefer to do it in my apartment, with my books and no distractions".

She pleaded with him in an innocent manner. Avoiding his curious gaze, she quivered inside.

"You know I want to come out with a good results". She added because it sounded believable.

Onome has always been known to be very intelligent and serious minded with her studies, despite the compromising situation she finds herself with Tega. He obliged her request so as to make her happy. She returned with Musa, one of his workers, who drove her back to her apartment off campus.

Arriving in school and knowing that she was by herself, she was glad. For the first time in a very long while, she was happy to be away from Tega. She loved him dearly but she finds herself questioning this relationship so often these days. She needed the space and quietness to really think about her life.

Something stood out during her last two days at the hospital. It was Dr. Ola. He visited her ward twice but he never wanted to talk to her. All he did was inquire about her health and nothing more. His probing gaze every time their eyes met was another story in it's entirety. The awkward silence and soul searching gaze they gave each other was so unnerving to Onome.

Onome has never met anyone who was that intense without saying a word. On the day she was discharged, she saw him at the parking lot but he acted as though she was oblivious to him. This wounded her pride. However, she was puzzled. Why should his acknowledgement of her presence mean anything significant to her?.

Ola was carrying a baby and a young beautiful woman was chatting with him looking excitedly and laughing at every sound he made. She could not make out what their conversations were about as she was too far away, but she could deduce that the lady must be his wife because she wore a wedding ring and the little girl, must be his daughter.

But Ola did not wear any wedding band. She wanted to check him up on a social media platform, however, seeing that he was married, she wouldn't want to get into any trouble.

Onome could not get over the fact that she had never met any man anywhere that would troubled her heart intensely. This was weird. She found herself restless all through the day. Was she attracted to Him?

Back home, Tega pondered on Onome's choice of going back to school. He knew for a fact that she didn't like going to her parents house since she got admission into school. She preferred living with him. That was what made her special. But why the hurry to go back to school? he thought.

Beyond the sex, she was a reserved, good girl. She had never gone into the night club at the resort, nor does she indulge in the vices of drinking and smoking. She was the perfect wife material.. Although, she gets angry with him but even that was not often and it only began when her friends started speaking into her ears.

Austin his friend and manager walked into his office at the resort, while he was deep in thoughts.

"The MD of the cosmetics company that held their retreat here is here! He is requesting to speak with you concerning a reduction in the bill they have been sent."

"Please let him in" Tega replied.

The rotound man was shown inside Tega's office and he walked briskly.

"Welcome to Teg's Paradise,
Good morning sir" Tega stretched out his hand for a hand shake.

"Good morning Mr Tega, what a lovely place you have out here."

"Please sit down," Tega gestured to the man who was more than happy to, as he eyes moved around the office.

"I understand that you are asking for a reduction in the bill sent to your company by the accountant. ", The man nodded.

"You should understand that the retreat you held last week with your staffs was an extravagant one, Every of your guest was well cared for, not just in terms of the refreshments or catering services but everything you placed order for was also provided without hitch. This cost money, you know. Besides your deposit didn't cover the first two days alone and you were not disturbed about it, until it ended yesterday after 5 extra days."

"I understand you sir, thank you so much and we are really very grateful because the retreat really helped the staff's bond alot. The entire premises was so unique for our task activities and every other assignment given to them. The purpose of the retreat was accomplished and beside it was a very good relaxation period for every one of them.  They have really worked hard, but please sir because of all the future businesses I would do with you guys. I would appreciate a reduction".

Tega moved his head sideways, muttering to himself. "I am really in a fixed here, but, don't worry I will speak to the accountant there will be a reduction of 15% reduction in your bill. "

The man gasped in surprise, he rose up to grab the hands of Tega for a handshake. "Thank you so much sir, this is more than I imagined, thank you, I look forward to doing more businesses with you sir. This is truly a beautiful resort, with one of a kind special services here. In fact putting my good foot forward, our next monthly shareholders meeting will be held here at Tegs paradise, I will call you ahead of the time to book a conference hall and our rooms. Once again, Thank you sir"

Tega smiled as the MD gave his speech.

"it's a pleasure doing business  with you sir. Looking forward to more businesses together, Austin will show you the way out".

This is Tega! A practical and kind business man whose first objective in most situation is to offer help before gain. He has always been full of progress because of he had good heart towards others and quick thinking business mindset.

As soon as the MD exited his office, he picked up his phone "hello is this the accountant......
Yes, I have spoken with him.
Just take out 15% of whatever they have to pay
Yes....5 million is fine...
Let them pay that....
Yes, I mean knock out the other 15% off.....
Thank you."

He ended the call smiling. More money in his account but he felt something was missing. His thoughts drifted to Onome. The only woman for him. Why did his demons allow him hurt her severely? Was she alright? he asked himself endlessly. He missed her presence and her body.

Onome at that moment, was deep in thoughts about all life has offered her. She tried reading but found out that she couldn't seem to comprehend what she was doing. She wanted to chat with her younger sister but could not find what to chat about as they are not close. Her thoughts were in disarray.

She wished she had a friend she could share her thoughts with.  All her thoughts were still hitched on the fierce looking, handsome doctor who treated her as though she had offended him back in time. She tried resting but after a while, she realized that she could not.

Hence, she went into her room, dressed up and left the house. Regularly, Onome drives around her locality, staring at shops, food vendors and local food management approach. She even patronizes some of the vendors in other to get a taste. She had a thing for a well packaged meal. Her stomach rumbled as she thought more about meals. Many a times, thinking about food or preparing her meal, takes her mind away from the pending depression she was sinking into.

As she drove around Abraka, she slowed down at an intersection only to find some young well dressed women walking into a fellowship centre. It was a new church and she had seen some of the hand bills and notice boards around.

Onome was perturbed about the fact that the women carried files in their hands. She doesn't go to church or believed the "church people" as she called them. She had stopped going to church, even her mother's church because they were so judgemental. They act as though they are nice but they criticize you and yet preach love.

She found herself turning off the ignition of the car as she drove into the premises of the church. She was curious, so she came down. Looking at herself from the rearview mirror, She wore a cream colored long sleeved blouse on a red trouser. she packed her hair neatly, though her braids were woven backwards but she had no scarf to cover her head with. Hopefully, they will turn her back at the entrance and then she can drive to a place that is befitting of her presence rather stay in the companies of these hypocrites, she muttered to herself....

Unfortunately for Onome, the usher at the entrance smiled at her and said "you're welcome".

She walked in surprised. It was a small meeting of about 30 person's or more, but they were only women inside. However at the preacher's stand, there was a man hopefully he was the pastor and boom!! the lady she saw with Dr Ola looking so beautiful was seated by the pastor.

Her gaze never left the altar, even when she was directed to sit. It did not look like a church service as the time was 2pm. It look like a small meeting of young women.

The young woman seated beside the pastor climbed to the podium after a session of singing ended.

"You're welcome again to our weekly meeting of A Young Woman can do it!!! a fellowship of young women who will effect a change in their lifestyle as well as their generation".

This address elicited applause and cheers from everyone. "I'm going to take a few testimonies from those who spent the last 2 weeks creating something they thought they couldn't do".

Two ladies hands were up and the woman picked one of them.

A slim dark skinned beautiful woman was the first choosen to share. She wore a short black dress and a silver heeled sandal. "She should not be much older than me" Onome whispered to herself.

She had a file in her as she walked briskly to the podium.

"Good afternoon everyone my name is Bose as you know, I run a tailoring shop just outside of the campus. I graduated 2 years ago without a job and I wanted to be an entrepreneur because I had bills to pay and things to do for myself." She sighed.

"When I came in for last two weeks meeting, I took the advice and business counsel of Pastor Fred and Dr.Tolu. I brought out my budget and I was told to adjust some of my expectations. Pastor Fred told me to begin the next day.

So, I went to the market with the said 18,000 naira and was able to get the materials I desired.
I worked for four straight days with minimal sleep and I produced the 26 shiffon dresses we agreed. Even though I couldn't afford the mannequins used to display dresses, I got a local Carpenter who made some miniatures wooden structures  that looked like something I could wear the dresses and I sampled addresses all 26 of them."

"The first day, nothing seemed to happen but by the second day, someone walked in and asked If the dresses were made for somebody else or if they were for sale. I told her that they were for sale. She waited a while and said she was unsure if the dresses will fit so I encouraged her that if none of the dresses, I could recreate same pattern in another size for her. luckily for me,the four of the dresses she picked fitted and she bought all four of them." The elicited more applause.

"I made each dress at the cost of 2800 and I sold the dresses at the cost of 6000 naira each.I was overjoyed because business had begun for me.  I pleaded with the customer to tell her friends about the tailor who has already made gowns that you could pick." She smiled.

"A few days later, some other girls came in they asked for some decorations on top of the dresses. While, they waited in the shop,I picked up the decorative Stones and press them on the dresses. They were wowed. They bought more than they bargained."

"Today I have sold all 26 of the dresses and I am going to the market tomorrow to get more materials. I made a very good profit and it's so amazing to see that I could go through this process and make much from it. Thank you so much for the encouragement Pastor Fred. I'm really grateful"

This elicited supports of shouting  and applause from every corner of the auditorium. The circle of discussion or rather testimonies continued where different women shared their businesses and career challenges turned into profiting and progress. One of the testifiers was a trader and she deals in small household items.

She came up and shared her own testimony of starting in front of her house to owning a shop in 7 months. In two weeks, she opened a second shop simply by using the advertisement platform on social media that Pastor Fred advised her to.

Hers, also elicited a lot of applauds and cheers from the other ladies. They all seemed to love themselves. Onome felt like she was in the right place. The testimonies continued until it was time for first timers.

Onome was confused, about whether to stand up or not, but to her amazement, three other ladies stood first promoting her to stand up. Mrs Tolu as she has been called, came up to welcome them, infact, she walked around hugging each and every one of them. She gave a warm welcome address informing them that this is an NGO that uses the church building because it was freely given to them on non service days to conduct meetings.

The goal of the NGO she stated, was empowering young ladies from the age of 18 to 34. She said it is a prime age for young single women to work,make financial progress and contributions to the society. Majority of women in the meeting were single.

Onome wondered how Tega would feel knowing she was seated amongst women who wanted to contribute financially. She knew he would frown and this brought great smile to her lips. She was becoming a rebel and that made her happy.

She was about to get married to a man who didn't want her to work after schooling.  She is studying psychology in school but what is the usefulness of it, if it would not contribute something meaningful to her life.

Recovering from her thoughts, Onome watched as they were each given assignments in different files each. They were asked by the Pastor Fred to look at what they could do with their hands. She told herself that she would engage in it heartily.

At the close of the meeting ,they were given refreshment of soft drinks and a pack of food each. This surprised Onome greatly. A basket was placed at the exit for willful contributions to the NGO to empower others.

Onome reached into her purse and brought out 5,000 naira and placed it inside. She also copied the account number attached to the basket, so she could transfer more.

As she turned to leave, Mrs Tolu walked up to her welcoming her cheerfully.

"You must be Onome Igho, I saw your name on the attendance sheet. I have met the other first timers. You are welcome once again to our women's empowerment. How are you?"

"I'm fine ma."  Onome answered.

"How is the family?"
"Family is fine ma"
"Are you married?"

"No no no I am not married" Onome responded quickly afraid they would kick her out.

"Anyways my name is Dr Tolulope Anosigho am a psychologist"

"Oh that's good ma. Am a student ma"?

"Ok that's good to know."

"How is your husband Doctor Ola and your daughter?" Onome found herself asking unconsciously. She quickly clasped her hands around her mouth.

"Excuse me, which Ola, ooh, oh  Don't Tell me Dr. Oladele Oladeji of Safeguard hospital oh?"

Onome nodded feeling ashamed already.

"Ooh oh he is not by husband. Who told you that? He is my younger brother." Onome felt like melting into a puddle.

"Did someone recommend you here thinking am married to Dr Ola?" she blurted out laughing endlessly. Onome was shy beyond words.

"No one recommended me ma, I saw you at Safeguard hospital in Ughelli a few days ago with him and I assumed he was your husband".

"Oh no, my husband is Pastor Fred over there and I don't think he has been to the hospital to see Ola In recent times."She said still amused.

"Doctor Ola is my younger brother and he's so fond of my girl as you might have seen him playing with my girl. I took her for immunization, she is 9 months old. "

"Thank you for this opportunity ma". Onome said wanting to change the topic quickly.

"Thank you Onome for attending. Let's exchange contacts" and they did with Onome smiling.

That night, she went through the files of assignments, wondering what she could do. The next morning, she got a call from Mrs Tolulope.

"Onome how are you? I know yesterday was your first time, so I wanted to properly guide you in your business choices and proposal generation plans,. Where do we meet, so I can also show you how to raise funds to meet your Budget?."

Onome was excited as she left the house going to meet Mrs Tolu at a small eatery which they had agreed on. Mrs Tolu had ordered a pack of orange juice and a burger for Onome as soon as she arrived.  She smiled and accepted the meal full of appreciation to Mrs Tolu.

"So what would you like to do?"

"I love presenting a well packaged meal..infact I love cooking" Onome said in a shy manner.

"There is nothing to be shy about. A passion as long as it is healthy and safe is something you should be proud of" .

Mrs Tolu asked Onome more questions and as they began to work together, documenting each idea process. Onome actually discovered that she had a strong flair for cooking. Every time she prepared a meal, it was beautifully presented.

"I think I want to be a caterer" she finally said.

"Catering is good and also income generating. How do you intend to start"? She asked Onome.

Onome was speechless. It was beautiful as an idea but to make it a reality, she didn't know how. What would her parents say?
They would never support the
Idea of their daughter being a chef. Their way of thinking is that cooking doesn't go beyond the local "mamaput" a mobile food vendor.

However Mrs Tolu gave her a list to prepare against their next meeting. Onome was excited to see her again.

"Are you in a relationship at the moment?"
"Yes I am" Onome said sluggishly.
With a man who needs deliverance she secretly added.

"Oh there's nothing to be ashamed about. Am a psychologist and it's my duty to have an open and honest relationship with you"

"What does he do for a living.

"He owns a resort."

"Onome please kindly raise your head up when you are talking about your self. You have no reason to be ashamed of any part of your life". Mrs Tolu said, prompting Onome to lift her head up.

"If you are ashamed of it, then something is wrong". She added.

"Are you a Christian? Am sorry for this personal religious question thats because I am a Christian so I would know my boundaries of discussion in other not to affect your faith."

"I am a Christian but I don't go to church at the moment. "Onome said sadly.

"Ok. That's settled.."

There was no flicker of judgement in Mrs Tolulope's eyes as Onome watched her cautiously.

"I'm here to empower you to become a better woman and I want to be able to easily  communicate our beliefs, our love and our practices together"
Onome reverted back to being quiet.

"I noticed you don't talk much and you are a very beautiful woman. You drive a luxurious car and for the two occasions we have met, you have been decently dressed. I'm a therapist I have worked in Lagos for three years in an NGO and when I got married I relocated down to Delta state. I still counsel women once in a while and you look like you could use some counseling"

"Feel free to call my number any time of the day". She added.

Onome suddenly felt at peace in her heart. She saw that she was being read and understood by somebody who was showing care towards her at no cost attached.

"I would really like that ma, but I don't know if I could afford you" Onome said smiling.

"Oh please Onome stop kidding, you are already in the women empowerment forum and it's free for all women there."

Onome felt a huge weight was lifted off her shoulder. She really wanted to talk to someone about her relationship.  As they exited the eatery, Mrs Tolu gave her a tight hug.

"Please call on me, you are special Onome. Special to me and special to all around you. You have a purpose and soon, you would be so proud of yourself."
Onome felt the tears gathering in her eyes as they parted ways.

Sleeping that night, she was so restful. She was interested in seeing every good dream of hers accomplished.  She spent the next morning outlining the list of foods she could prepare as her assignments demands. She also wrote about local foods in the vicinity and the class of people who can afford them.

She called Mrs Tolu afterwards to book for a private session. She directed Onome to her office. It was in a storey building at a very popular plaza in town. Onome knew the place quite well.

It was a 10 minutes drive from her apartment. On getting to the office,the receptionist gave her a form to fill on why she needed the therapist and an appointment was booked for an 11 a.m session.

The meeting with Mrs Tolulope changed Onome's life for ever as she had a rethink about everything called Tega!
