"Please, act normal, and don't talk about olive oil!"

"Eh? You make it seem like I talk about it a lot!"

"Too much!"

"Really? I thought you told me to be myself!"

"Yes, but don't mention your knowledge of olive oil."

Antonio began laughing at me, but I shook my head. I had asked him, and he didn't mind. We arrived a bit late, but it was my fault. He met me at my place, and I couldn't stop pacing around. It had been a few months since I had seen everyone. And well, they always bugged me with the same question.

"AH, ARTHUR! Fashionably late, as usual. No girl again?"


"Hey! My name is Antonio!"

My brother Conner stepped aside, and I gestured for Antonio to go in first. "This is Antonio; he is a friend from work," I explained. My brother nodded happily, grabbing his hand to shake. "Nice to meet you; I'm Conner...the smart Kirkland brother," he laughed.

"Oh? And which is Arthur?"

"Don't ask," I groaned. I moved past the two of them, hearing my brother giggle. "The rebellious one... hehe", he laughed. Antonio only looked at him as if he was a happy puppy who was glad to be involved. "Right, well, where is everyone?" I asked. I began to take off my hat, and Antonio followed.

"Alistair and Francis are in the kitchen, Lucile is also late, and Dylan is outside in the back with Chris, Wendy, Peter, and Andrew," he explained. The kids were my brother's adopted children. He was in a relationship once, which was why he had kids, but we don't talk about THAT.

My brother closed the door, and I nodded at Antonio. "Cheers, best not keep them waiting," I spoke. I gestured for Antonio to follow me, and he did. The dinner was taking place at Alistair and Francis' home. As I walked by, I could see photos hung up. Pictures were taken of them, and of course, they looked happy. I always took a moment to stop and look at them for a bit.

I could only imagine what it would be like if I was my brother instead. How much my life would be different. But no, I was too late.

"So, this is their wedding photo?" Antonio asked. I nodded at him, staring at the picture. They looked so happy. I breathed out, trying to smile, but of course, I was struggling. This was the reason why I avoided coming often. I hoped my feelings would go away if I stayed away long enough. "Don't worry; I am here!" He cheered.

He knew.

"Whoa? What a surprise! Someone came fashionably late again!" Alistair cheered. I breathed out a bit, feeling a hand on my shoulder. "Hello," I spoke, unhinged.

"Ah, and who is this?"

"His name is—"

"ANTONIO! Pleasure!"

"Likewise..." They began to shake hands, and Antonio began to shake his excitedly. I shook my head at him and turned toward the kitchen, walking in that direction. It sounded as if my brother and Antonio had begun talking with each other, which was fine with me. I wouldn't have brought someone I knew they wouldn't get along with. I was sure that Antonio would fit in nicely with everyone. Despite his weird obsession with olive oil, he had great conversations. It was why I always went to talk to him about anything.

We had become friends by sheer chance. He was a friend of an acquaintance of mine at work. Gilbert and I knew each other but weren't too close. However, he recommended that Antonio work for the company I was at, and well, we talked one day by the office coffee pot, and it went on from there. I wasn't too close with Gilbert now, but Antonio has been bugging me about getting drinks with him.

As I stepped foot into the kitchen, I saw him. It felt like I was in a movie scene as I stared at him. Everything around me felt like it slowed down so he could shine brightly and dramatically.

Francis was facing away from me, toward the window. He had an apron around his waist and hair tied away from his face. Francis didn't care if people perceived him as feminine. He wasn't. Yes, although he kept himself well-kept, it didn't make him any less masculine. That's what I liked about him the most. He never cared how people saw him; he only cared about his happiness. He was my height, but I always swore he was shorter than me.

Francis always wore the same cologne that he refused to change because he stated that it made him feel more masculine. Even though he didn't need it, he always had the same clothing style, which I suppose was typical for French people. He never wanted to switch it up and was afraid of people buying his clothes.

The open window allowed the spring breeze to push the curtains back and forth. He always looked the most radiant when the natural sunlight hit his skin. I hated myself for being such a sucker for noticing these things. I noticed everything about him. I had no other choice.


"OH! DEAR GOD, ARTHUR! Can you be any less of a freak? You are like a praying mantis, Jesus!"

"Hmm? Pretty sure using gods name in vain is a sin!"

"Ehhh? Does it count if it's Jesus?"

I started laughing as he smiled at me. "On a catholic holiday, I think it's a double sin," I laughed. Francis chuckled a bit, Rolling his eyes. "Ahh, if that were the case, I would assume you've already sinned five hundred times on the train alone."

Francis quickly put his cooking spoon down, rushing toward me. I stood still, not moving. I've learned my lesson from trying to escape his hugs. He would only get aggressive with them. Francis pulled me in for a hug, and I kept my hands to my sides.

"Arthur, that doesn't feel like an embrace..."

"It will if you use your imagination—OW!"


After he pulled my hair, I quickly wrapped my arms around him. "Ah, much better," he smiled. Francis breathed out in comfort as we held each other, and I felt my heart racing. I could smell his stupid cologne. It was nice and comforting, and I wouldn't say I liked it. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

All I could think about was what it could have been like.

He finally began to separate, and I smiled at him. "Felt like you needed that more than me; you okay?" He asked. Francis tilted his head at me, and I smiled to reassure him. "Yes, I am peachy," I smiled. He nodded at me in acceptance, and I began to hear people come in.

"Wow! Arthur, leaving me behind," Antonio called.

Antonio came into the kitchen with my brothers beside him. "Sorry, I was thirsty," I laughed. Really, I wanted to be able to catch Francis alone for once. "Ah, who is this?"

"Right...I forgot to introduce you..."

"I'm Antonio; thank you for giving up your friendship with Arthur; now I get him all to myself!"

I elbowed Antonio in his ribcage, causing him to groan. "Ignore him; he is excited..." I spoke. Francis began to laugh nervously, reaching his hand to Antonio. Which Antonio slowly took as he held himself in pain. This was going to be a long day. I hope he doesn't make me regret bringing him.
