I crossed my arms, leaning against the table. I was waiting for him to say something, but he still hadn't. "Well?" I asked, annoyed. He laughed a bit nervously, swallowing his breath.

"Okay, I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I'm willing, to be honest with you if you promise not to say anything at all. Don't tell Francis, our brothers, not even your friend!"

I thought it was weird that he would tell me all the juicy details about it if I promised not to say anything. Maybe the guilty conscious was getting to him, and he needed an outlet. "Fine, tell me..."

"Thank goodness... look, I know you, and I had trouble getting along before, but I'm willing to own up to it, and say that you were right about me in many ways. I am stupid..."


"I'm selfish!"


"And I only care about myself!"

"Same as being selfish, but keep going."

"My point is...I am all of that for what I've done."

"Then why did you do it?" I was starting to feel annoyed. He said all these things as if he wanted me to sympathise with him. Francis is a very close friend of mine, and he is breaking his heart. My feelings don't matter in this situation; Francis matters more.


They have only been married for a year, unbelievable.

"Well...I think I'm in love with Lucile..."

Hearing him say that caused me to feel an emotion I could not explain. It was more than angry. My body filled with rage, and I acted without thinking. I slapped my brother across the face, and he looked at me, shocked.

"Why marry Francis? How long has this been going on?" I hissed. My brother rubbed his reddened cheek and backed away from me.

"Please, you look pissed!" He spoke. I was extremely pissed. There was no excuse. "Tell me now, or else I'll tell!" I demanded.

"OKAY! Okay, okay....since before the wedding..."

I was about to strike him again, but I stopped myself. I mostly felt terrible for Francis. "Why marry him? What was the reason?"

"I was scared to call off the wedding. So I figured I could divorce him if I waited a few years..."

"That's worse! He wants kids! You asshole!"

I wanted so badly to hit him, but I needed to keep my composure. "I'm sorry! I know he is your friend! I didn't have the heart to tell you!" He spoke. He seemed serious, but it wasn't good enough.

"Francis loves you..." I spoke. I looked at him sadly, and he nodded. "I know, and that's why I can't have you tell him. It would break his heart," he spoke. Why would he even care about that at this point? He has already broken his heart; the effects just weren't in motion yet.

"Then I had felt guilty lately, and hoped that maybe he would cheat on me or fall out of love with me, but he loves me too much...I don't know what to do..."

"I have a clue; stop seeing HIS sister!"

He nodded at me, but I knew that wasn't the end. I knew he would still try and see Lucile. He was lying straight to my face, and I wasn't an idiot. And here, he thought that if Francis were to cheat, he could get out of the marriage?! Instead of being honest.

"You aren't going to stop seeing her, are you?" I asked. He looked guilty for a moment, followed by a slow head shake. "Why should I keep this secret? Why are you telling me this? I said I didn't care," I explained.

He breathed out nervously, nodding. "Because I need your help, and in return, I will give you something you've always wanted...well...more like deserve..."

A bribe?

I only want his husband, and that's not happening.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"I'll give you back the money you helped with...toward the wedding...I know you told me it was a gift, but you almost paid for the whole wedding...and I feel it is only right to pay that back, and then sum..."

I stayed silent as he said that. It was meant to be a gift. Mostly for Francis, I wanted him to have whatever he wanted for the wedding and was willing to spend the money. "Don't worry about that; I'll keep your secret; just keep me out of it," I demanded. I knew it was wrong for me not to say anything, but I didn't know how.

"Actually, I have another favour to ask...feel free to say no if you feel uncomfortable."

"What is it?"

I began rubbing my temples, feeling a headache coming. It was amazing what a bit of stress could do to someone. "I need you to take Francis away on Saturday...please...it's important," he spoke. What? So he can spend the day with Lucile? Ridiculous!

Thinking about it...Francis and I would be alone together for once. I hate that I'm considering it only to spend time with him. However, nothing would ever happen between us.

I want to clarify that I won't be trying anything on Francis! I'm not like my brother.

"For how long?"

"What? Seriously?"

"Yes, now tell me before I change my mind!"

I suppose all of this made sense why Alistair seemed oblivious. He was trying not to seem suspicious. However, Lucile still flirted to her heart's content.

"I just need you to be with him till sixteen; you can be with him from ten to sixteen; that will give me enough time," he spoke. I felt a bit sick to my stomach as my brother stood up.


How hard was it to get a divorce? Maybe I didn't know much about relationships to understand. This still wasn't good. In my mind, I only thought of one thing I could gain from this. And it was the possible attention from Francis. "Great, I will see you around...again, I am really sorry, and I will make it up to you," he spoke.

He stood up, walking toward the door to leave. "I do have one more question," I added. He turned to look at me, and I kept my serious expression.


"Well...if you and Francis get a divorce...do you think he'd really be okay with you dating his sister? I mean, how do you expect that to go if you wait it out?"

"Well...I think he'd have to get over it in that scenario. Although, the only thing he can do is be upset with me. I couldn't imagine him getting revenge...however, I'm not worried about that happening."

He smiled at me, placing his hand on the doorknob.

I've had the worst feeling.

"Oh, okay..."
