travel - jack carroll

Y/n stood outside of gate 9, paitently waiting. Jack had been out at Adelaide for about a month doing some training. Ever so often Y/n would check her watch, the time seeming not to change.

It had been so long since Jack had hugged her. She was a bit touch starved. Finally Jack's plane had landed. Y/n's eyes lit up as people began to get off. Jack had finally emerged from the sea of people. Y/n ran up to him, jumping into a hug. Jack let go off his suitcase, bringing Y/n up from the hug into Jack's arms.

"I missed you so much, baby." Y/n muttered as she nuzzled her face into his neck. His smell was so recognisable to her, even this made her even more happy to see him. "Me too, me too." Jack responded as he placed Y/n back into hug.

Y/n ran her hands through his hair, so happy to see him again. She placed a kiss on his lips before speaking again. "Let's get going." She said as they began to the exit. Jack wrapped his arm around Y/n's waist, pulling her closer to him.

They got home and sat on the couch to watch a movie. Jack put on a horror movie, knowing Y/n would cuddle up to him. As the movie progressed, the more cuddled up Y/n got. The two stayed intertwined until they both eventually fell asleep together.

AN: Sorry fir the short part, under a bit of writers block at the moment. But hopefully I'll start posting more again!!
