surfers paradise - charlie curnow

Y/n laid her towel down next to Charlie's, the sand, the wind making this difficult. Charlie was next to her, making sure his surf board was in perfect shape "Are you sure you don't wanna try surfing?" Charlie asked, his eyes like puppies "Fine, one try." Charlie's face lit up with happiness "Let me finish setting up though, ok?" Charlie nodded, just happy she wanted to surf. Y/n was quick to finish setting up, she really just placed an esky out then went over to Charlie. She looked nervous "Are sure I won't get hurt?" Y/n asked, holding onto Charlie's hand as they entered the water "You'll be fine, beautiful. Besides I'm here if you do." Charlie smiled, leading the two into the water. He placed the surf board onto the surface of the water and gestured for Y/n to lay down onto her stomach and paddle. Y/n followed his gestures and began paddling "OK, now stand up for this next wave." Charlie held her hand and helped her onto her feet. She smiled down at him "See you got this!" He encouraged her as the water pushed her along. Y/n slowly gained courage and rode the wave. She was smooth, it all changed as the surf board began to wobble. Charlie placed his hand on it, trying to stop the shaking "Your alright." He told Y/n as he smoothed the movement again.

Y/n kept on the board for about 5 more minutes. The wobbling began to happen again as another wave was beginning to rise. Her anxiety got to her and her body began to shake. Y/n tried to safely hop down. Her leg slipped and she fell into the water. Charlie tried to be as quick as he could to save her. Y/n rose to the surface, she winced as sea water touched her wound "Let's check the damage." Charlie said soothingly as they walked out of the water. Y/n limped onto the sand, a massive graze on her left calf "Jesus-" Y/n groaned as new surge of pain began when she sat down "What happened?" Charlie asked, inspecting the wound "You saw when I fell, but I fell onto a rock." Her body twitched as Charlie accidentally poked it "Sorry, sorry." Charlie comforted her, feeling bad that he had caused more discomfort. He began to search through the bags. Charlie took out his t-shirt and wrapped it around her leg, trying to stop and blood somehow. Y/n winced again as the fabric touched her skin "It'll only hurt for a second more." Charlie said, tying the shirt into a bow "Do you think it's time to head home?" Y/n asked, knowing the answer would probably be yes "Definitely when your in this condition." He helped Y/n up before beginning to pack up all their towels and bags. Charlie loaded it into the car then came back for Y/n. He wrapped his muscular arm around her shoulders, guiding her walking. Y/n smiled at his sympathy "Your so brave, Y/n." Charlie placed a kiss on her head as they walked to the car park "Thank you Charlie." She smiled, giving him a kiss back on his jaw. They walked together, happy to be with eachother.

Word count : 557! Longest one yet!

AN : Yall thank you so much for all the kind words and requests! I could not be writing this without yall!! So thank you! <3 (sorry for the awkward ending in the story lol)
