Sadie and Carter looked at each other with confused expressions. "What do you mean and who are you?" Sadie asked the redhead.

"I'm Dimitri Johnson, the leader of rebellion," he answered.

"Rebellion?" Chiron wondered.

"Yes, rebellion. If you didn't know, Egypt was the first great empire. We were glorious until you Greeks and Romans took over. After your stupid Greek Cleopatra committed suicide, we thought we were free. Then the power hungry Romans conquered us. Now you act like we don't exist and think killing us is okay again," Dimitri said very angrily. Some demigods began to lift their weapons again.

"It was an accident. The Greeks didn't mean to kill the magicians," Carter promised Dimitri.

"I can't believe you're siding with them. They were your initiates. You should me on our side. That's why we are here," Dimitri said.

"What do you plan to do?" Amos asked curiously.

"I prefer to talk to you alone," Dimitri said mysteriously.

"This involves us too," Percy stated.

"I prefer to talk to the magicians alone," Dimitri repeated.

"Okay, but first we will give the verdict," Carter decided.

Dimitri nodded. "Very well," he said.

"The Chief Lector and I have made the decision to forgive the demigods. We realize it was a mistake and you are greatly sorry for it. As long as we keep our kinds separate, this will not happen again," Carter said formally.

The Ares campers sighed in relief. "Thank you," Julia said.

The rebel magicians made faces at the verdict. "Now, let's talk," Dimitri said sternly.

Carter turned to Sadie. "Can you open the portal to take them back home?"

Sadie nodded. "Follow me, Greeks," she said. Her and the demigods left the Hall of Ages.

"The demigods have done more harm to us," Dimitriy said once the demigods left.

"Like when?" Walt asked. He moved to stand closer to the Kanes. Walt was a well respected magician at the Twenty-First Nome. With him hosting Anubis, god of funerals, Walt was also quite powerful.

"There have been many cases where the demigods went meddling and found us. They have killed and forced us to move. They are a danger to us," Dimitri insisted.

"We don't necessarily know that. My sister ad I have personally worked with two of their heroes. They are good people. We don't need to fight them," Carter said.

"If you aren't with us, you're against us," Dimitri said sadly. "What a shame. We were hoping you would join us."

"If you continue this I will have no choice but to send you to the Three-hundred-and-sixtieth Nome," Amos warned them.

Dimitri nodded. Him and his group left the room. "Do you think they will be a great threat?" Walt asked Carter.

Carter didn't know, but he didn't want to tell them that. For the months he had been leading his nome, he had learned to be a great leader. Panic would not help the situation. Carter knew this rebellion will only aid chaos. "We will see. As of right now, we can only train for the worst," Carter answered.

"But what if this turns into a another war?" Felix asked with panic in his voice.

The fear began to spread like a virus. "Everything will be okay," Amos said to kill the virus. Unfortunately, there are some still infected. Soon the disease would make it around the world. The air would be full of it. No one would be able to escape the impending death of fear and revenge.
