"I am so sorry for not being able to help," Piper apologized to Carter.

He waved her off. "Don't worry about it. Dimitri has gotten to Ashley and I don't know how to get her out," he said.

"Do you think others are working for him?" Frank asked.

"Possibly. I hate to say this, but we can't trust anyone who isn't in this room," Walt said.

"So how do we operate if we can't trust anyone? We need some way to come up with a plan without Dimitri's spies finding out," Jason said.

"We could tell everyone a fake plan while the real one is in play," Annabeth suggested.

"First, we need a plan," Leo pointed out.

"Okay, so we know where the rebels are. Is there any way to get in without being noticed and grab Sadie?" Annabeth asked.

"No," Carter said.

"Nico, you could shadow travel in and get Sadie out," Hazel suggested.

"I could. I only need to know where I'm going," Nico said.


Sadie was slowly losing hope fast. She had been in there for weeks now and looked like no one was coming to help. Dimitri had left Sadie aloe for the past few days after sending that message to Carter. Sadie had no idea if Carter would believe that or not. The message was pretty convincing.

Just as Sadie became bored at staring at the ceiling the shadows seemed to come together to form a human figure. The shape slowly turned to flesh and Nico stood in front of Sadie. She jumped back from him. "Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Nico. Your brother sent me," he introduced. Sadie carefully took his hand. "You're looking at me funny," Nico noticed.

"Sorry, you remind me of someone I haven't seen in awhile," Sadie explained. Nico had a small resemblance to Anubis, the god of funerals, who was currently residing in Walt. "What was that you did to get in here?"

"Shadow traveling. And we're about to do it," he said. Like before, the shadows welcomed them and they were transported to Brooklyn House. Sadie barely lasted on her feet once she got there. Walt caught her in his arms.

Sadie smiled up at him. "Hey," she said.

"Hey," Walt said, smiling back. "We should get you checked out." He lifted her bridal-style to the infirmary. Sadie stopped him before getting past the door.

"Thank you," she told Nico.

"Your welcome."


Happy Halloween! I hope all of you enjoyed today of you celebrated. Thank you again for reading. Don't forget to vote.
