
**Minji's POV**

I was setting up our newly bought computer. Mrs. Kim brought it over to the coffee shop the very next day. The backfill of customers made it difficult to go between working the counter and working on the computer. Each progressive day has been more and more boring to go through without a spark of joy to jolt me through my day. I saw some of my other regulars but none of them were as entertaining to talk to as Hanni. They consisted of an elderly couple whom come in often after their morning jogs, a couple women who keep trying to hit on me, some more men who are insufferable with their odor, and a handful of business people coming by before work for their morning coffee.

"What's wrong Min~" Haerin tapped my shoulder. She rang the order bell, "ORDER 57!" She turned back to me, "something or...someone on your mind?"

I brushed her hand off, "it's nothing. Just another boring day I guess."

"Hmmm shall we go somewhere after shift then?"

"Yeah I guess we could. Invite Danielle too...and Hanni...?"

She stayed silent for a moment, focusing on brewing the next order, "yeah...sure...I'll text Dani and see." 

I got a little excited after hearing her respond with that; I have something to look forward to for the day. I happily greeted my next customer, "Hel-" I squinted and eyed this person carefully, "HYEIN?!?"

"MINJI!" She hugged me from across the counter. Her hair whipped the side of my face by the sudden motion. I heard clamors of the patrons in the store about the interaction. Lots of "ooohs" and pointing.

"How have you been?" I wondered, "I haven't seen you since Grandma's birthday party."

Haerin came up from behind, "who...is this?"

"It's my baby cousin Hyein!"

"I'm not a baby anymore!" She sulked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Maybe not anymore...but I can't help but still see you as a baby. I actually changed her diapers sometimes," I joked, "I assume you want something watermelon-flavored?"

"Put it on my tab?" Hyein winked back.

I rolled my eyes, "just get in here. Haerin, go bring her a chair." I brought out my wallet and paid for her drink myself.

Hyein sat down and crossed her legs, "so Min~ anything going on with you these days?"

"Nah, I've just been working here, nothing special"

"yeah right," Haerin snarked. She whispered something into Hyein's ear to which she hysterically laughed.


I stared at them confused, "what'd she say...?" 

Hyein giggled, "nothing~"

I stared up at Haerin more menacingly yet she just turned away nonchalantly and walked into the back.

"Alright anyways. I need to take these orders so do me a favor and can you set-up the computer in the back for me please," I pouted trying my best puppy eyes.

"Alright, you owe me dinner though."



Throughout shift, all I did was talk with Hyein; reconnecting with her, learning what she's been doing. It was another extremely boring day, consistent with the past months. After our shift ended, I put away my apron and got my belongings. I walked out the employee's door to find Haerin and Hyein sitting down, chatting over a brew of tea. I didn't trust them together. Haerin knows too much about me and Hyein is too loud of a talker. Whatever and wherever their conversation goes could spell the demise of me. 

I slung my bag around my arm, "are you guys ready to go?"

"Where should we go?" Haerin asked, "should we eat?"

Hyein shrugged, "I'm the guest here, I don't know Seoul like you guys do."

"Any updates on Hanni?" I wondered,  "A-and Dani?"

"Hanni is busy. Dani will come though," Haerin said, slightly smiling.

I sighed, "yeah umm alright let's go to hibachi? Hyein, that's still your favorite right?"

Hyein jumped up, "YES! You remembered? Oh man I'm excited!"

"me too..." I sulked...for some reason.


We met up with Danielle at the restaurant. She approached us by tightly hugging Haerin. She kept her arm slung over Haerin's shouder. We introduced her to Hyein as well. Those two matched each other well; their bright energies counteracted mine and Haerin's reserved personalities.

Hyein whispered "is something going on between them?"

"they- they're REALLY bad at hiding stuff, just don't make it obvious that you know; Haerin likes being secretive." 

"got it..."

The waiter then showed us to our table. We sat down: Hyein and I on one side and Daerin opposite of us. 

"So Dani, how have you been?"

"Everything has been great! I got this internship at a veterinarian's office! I start next Monday."

"That's wonderful! And how's Hanni? I haven't heard from her in a while," I tried to gather information.

"Hanni is..." Danielle paused for a moment, "she's doing great; just really busy with her audition."

"Oh yeah I heard about that..."

"Audition? Is she an actress?" Hyein asked.

"Singer actually," Dani corrected.

"She's auditioning to some music program to become famous," Haerin clarified.

"That's fun!" Hyein gave me a quick glance, "I can't wait to meet her."

"You would LOVE her!" Dani burst in excitement. She went on and on about describing Hanni to Hyein. With each passing adjective, I kept thinking more and more about her; picturing her in my head, her smile whenever she would make some stupid joke.

"Minji? MINJI?!?" Hyein's hands snapped in front of my eyes, "you good?"

"Huh? Sorry; I must've zoned out."

"Our chef is coming so be prepared to catch the shrimp this time," Hyein warned me.

"What do you mean 'catch the shrimp this time'?" Dani wondered.

Hyein giggled while I pressed my hand onto my face knowing the exact story that Hyein would tell everyone.

"On my 10th birthday party, we were at hibachi and when the chef was playing around with the food; like they usually do, he tossed a shrimp into the air for Minji to catch in her mouth, but when she tried, it went into her shirt and she freaked out because it was so hot that she jumped up and knocked over another cook walking by."

"Oh come on, why'd you have to tell that story again," I groaned, facing down, unable to look at my friends in the eyes again.

I heard Danielle's laughter filling the restaurant and Haerin vividly giggling to herself.

"We speak nothing of it EVER AGAIN."

"sure...just be careful of any seafood that comes out today though Minji," Danielle teased.

"it was a lesson learned," I admitted, "to never eat seafood ever again."

"NEVER EAT SEAFOOD AGAIN?" Danielle outraged, popping up from her seat.

"oh...that's the reason why we never got sushi together..." Haerin pieced together.

"You haven't gotten over that yet Minji? It's been like 8 years no?" Hyein worried.

"Anyways. Let's eat shall we? NO seafood talk again alright?"


We painfully walked out the restaurant after stuffing ourselves. We waited around for a bus to come pick us up.

Danielle slumped on a nearby bench, "I'm exhausted!"

"That was really good." Haerin commented.

"Yeah it was. The fried rice was so SO good! Sucks that it had shrimp in it Minji~" Hyein mocked.

"If you think that fried rice was good, you should try the fried rice that Hanni cooks. That stuff is to DIE FOR! Maybe she can make for you if she ever comes back to Korea," Dani muttered.

I slowly turned to Dani, "w-what."

Danielle froze.

"S-she mispoke Minji," Haerin stuttered.

"N-no she did not. Dani, what did you say? 'If she ever comes back to Korea'? What do you mean she's not in Korea?"

Haerin stood up between us, "Minji. It's nothing."

I pushed her aside, "Dani. Tell me what is up. Why is Hanni not in Korea? Her audition is in two days!"

She sighed, "Minji...she's in Vietnam...her dad...her dad passed away."


"She told me not to tell you," Dani explained.


"We don't know," Haerin jumped in, "Listen Min~ let's just chill out and relax and calm down..."

"You're right...sorry Dani. You were just listening to Hanni. I shouldn't have gotten so pissed at you."

"It's okay mate, I understand."

"Well do you know how Hanni is holding up?"

"she's...doing as you could expect with a father dying. Why do you ask?"

"I remember that she-," I furrowed my eyebrows, "nevermind."

I needed to keep what she told me a secret as she would've wanted even if her father is deceased now. I tried to change the subject, "so is she skipping the audition now?"

"Unfortunately, it looks like she will have to..." Dani clarified.

"I see..."

Hyein interrupted, "Hey Minji? It's getting late, my mom wants us to go back to your house."

"I guess I'll see you guys later. Haerin, you got Dani?"

She shook her head in agreement so Hyein and I proceeded to head towards my house where she would be staying for the remainder of her trip.




"You awake?"

"Well obviously I'm awake."

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"


