{1}- Order

**Minji's POV**

I put the full weight of my body on the side of the tabletop. There were no customers that were coming in, but my aunt forces me to always stay alert to boost the image of the business. I would've been fine with this if there even was a business to attend to. There were very few people who would come in; maybe like 20 people on average in a day. She fulfilled her lifelong dream of running a coffee shop starting last week. Since it was summer, I opted to work for her since I could also get a job for the summer. I thought that I'd at least get to work or do literally anything but the odds are not looking so hot right now. I was debating on just going to the back and grabbing a chair so that I could at least sit down while I waited. Just as I began to turn, I heard the chime of the door opening. 

"Hello! Welcome to KimKim Koffee!" I ecstatically shouted to show high energy.

I squinted to see the girl who walked in. She was a petite girl who did her hair in a bun. She had a laptop bag strapped around her body and was holding a guitar case in her left hand.

"Hello Ms., what would you like to order?"

"Hello! May I ask what you recommend?" she said in a thick Australian accent.

I love when people ask me this question; it makes me feel more than just a cashier or barista. It makes me feel included. "Our most popular items are the iced chocolate mocha and the brown sugar iced oat expresso."

"Ooh they both sound yummy...I'll try the brown...iced...sugar...coffee one." She turned a light shade of red as she messed up the name. The way she stammered on the order got a laugh out of me.

"I'm sorry for chuckling. That was rude. My apologizes ma'am."

"No worries. I understand haha"

I rang up the order on the machine and proceeded with the process, "your total will be $4.72. Will it be cash or card?"

"Card," she placed down her guitar case and reached into her pocket to get her wallet out.

As I waited, I thought to strike up a conversation since I probably won't be talking to another soul for a while. "How long have you been playing?"

"Excuse me?" she wondered, finally pulling out her wallet and handing me her card.

"I'm sorry," I pointed to her guitar case on the floor, "I was referring to the guitar, do you play?" 

I know I shouldn't have done this, but when she gave me her card, I took the chance to glance down at her name: Hanni Pham.

"Yes, OMG yeah sorry, I do play. I've been playing for 10 years as of last month."

"WOW that's amazing! I wish I could play an instrument but I never found the time as a kid and then I got too lazy when I grew older."

"You totally should! Y'know they say that music is therapy."

"Maybe I'll try my hand at guitar in the future."

I handed her the receipt, "I'll bring you your drink once it is ready. Have a good day!"

"Thanks. You too! And hey, maybe I can be your teacher!" She winked and went to sit down near at a table. I watched her as she pulled out her laptop and notebook. She started to start mercilessly typing. She was the only one in the shop besides me and my aunt, so the sound of her keys cackling down was the only sound you could hear. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was my aunt who just finished Hanni's order. She signaled me to go bring it to her. 

"Your drink madam~" I curtsied which earned a laugh from her.

"Thank you Ms...?"

I extended my hand out, "Minji. Kim Minji."

She placed the drink down and accepted my hand, "Well Ms. Minji, thank you for the drink."

I left her to go back to her work while I watched from behind the front desk. This time, I got my chair and was resting my feet on a stool I found in the back. 

There were a few more customers that came in that day but none of them were as fun to chat with as Hanni. Maybe it was because we're similar ages (or at least I assume...). The other customers were all old people or little kids so I didn't feel all that comfortable joking around like I did with Hanni. I was in the middle of making an expresso when I noticed Hanni not at her seat anymore. My eyes darted to the door where I saw her back as she held open the door for another customer coming in. 

Our eyes locked, "I hope to see you again soon Hanni!" I gave her a gentle smile and waved her goodbye from over my head.

She winked at me, "oh you will. See ya Ms. Kim!"


A few days came by and luckily we received more patrons. I even noticed that we obtained some regulars. People must've started recommending us to their friends. This made aunt ecstatic. She went on a frenzy trying to decorate the place up more, although I always thought it looked pretty good already. She bought a couch and some paintings to hang up to increase the ambiance. It looked like a pretty chill place for teenagers and young adults to hang at. More people around my age came through so this job became much more fun to do now. I tried my best to give off a good impression to them so that they would continue to come here.

I instinctively said "Hello, welcome to KimKim Koffee," when I heard the door chime. I glanced up from my phone to find a woman around my age, maybe a wee-bit older, in front of me.

I gave my fake smile that I give to all customers, "What would you like to order?"

"May I ask what you recommend?"

"Our most popular items are the iced chocolate mocha and the brown sugar iced oat expresso."

"I'll take the brown sugar drink then."

"Okay...so...that will be $4.72. Will it be cash or card?"

"Card please."

"You got it!" I took her card and did the procedure as usual. "Here is your receipt, I'll bring you your drink once its ready."

Instead of leaving to the right like most do, she stayed in front of me. She planted her hands on the desk.

"Actually...I was wondering if I could get your name and number...? I think you're really pretty."

I was taken aback, "Oh...I-I- ummmm...sorry it's actually against company policy to hand over my personal information during working hours." I clasped my hands together in a prayer, "I hope you can understand," I apologized profusely.

"I see...I guess I'll just wait here until your shift is over then."

"What. NONO please, I don't think you should spend your day doing that." 

She ignored me and sat down in the corner, taking out a blanket and her laptop.

 It looks like she's here for the long haul.

The girl behind her in line walked up, "WOW that was...something..."

She had a laptop bag strapped across her top and was holding a guitar case with her left hand.

I studied her keenly, I've seen her before...

"Hanni." She finished my thought after seeing how confused I looked.

"AHH THAT'S RIGHT HANNI!" I shouted in excitement. I saw the other girl stare at us from my peripheral. "Sorry man! It was on the tip of my tongue."

"I understand. It looks like you got other girls to take care of," she snarked, motioning over to the corner.

I dilated my eyes, "yeah for sure..." I sarcastically expressed. "How are you though, you haven't been here for a while."

"Yeah sorry, I wanted to swing by sooner but I got held up with stuff. But, I'm done with all that now so I came as soon as I could."

"Aww that's sweet. You came to see me again." I joked, worried that I took this friendship too far already.

To my surprise, Hanni matched my energy, "Yes, my beautiful, beloved, barista!"

I laughed, "alright, so what would you like?"

"Hmm... I might as well try the other drink you recommended now. So I'll have two of those, whatever it was."


"Yeah, I'm meeting m-"


A girl burst through the door and hugged Hanni from the back. 

"Hey Dani."
