
**Hanni's POV**

Over the course of the next few weeks, as I was still trying to craft my self-made song, Danielle set-up blind dates for me. Following her input, I figure that if she perceives my song as a love song, then I should at least try out her ideas if it'll make my song better. All I needed to do was give her my permission to make me a dating profile anyways.

"OH MY GOSH HANNI, YOU'VE GOT SO MANY MATCHES," she screamed running into my room and jumping onto my bed, effectively scattering my music sheets.

I picked up and reorganized my papers, "what do you mean?"

"Yesterday, I made you a dating profile on this hot new app: Tinder. I checked it right before I came in and you have 17 matches already!"

"17?" I was perplexed at how Danielle was able to get so many people to match with me. Suspicious, I swiped her phone, "let me see this..."

I scrolled through my own profile to look at what she wrote about me. Everything looked pretty reasonable, maybe a bit exaggerated, but it's along the same line. I paused when I scrolled to hobbies: Guitar, Music-playing, donating to orphanages, skydiving, hockey.

"Dani, what is this? I don't do these things! These are ridiculous! Donating to orphanages? No sane person would believe this!"

"Hehe it got 17 people didn't it?" she smirked, "scroll down one more to Achievements."

"Dani, are you kidding me? 3x National Women's Australian Hockey Champion, Kim Foundation Recipient of Honor for Donation, 6x Youth Brightest Future Child, 2009 Little Miss Australia. This is such garbage!"

She nudged my shoulder, "c'mon, just go on some dates, maybe one of these people will pique your interest."

"If it's for the benefit of my song then FINE. BUT no promises."

"Perfect, I'll set some up right now."

"WAIT! You're coming with me on these dates, in case I need an escape." I declared sternly.

"Can I bring Haerin?"

"What? Why wou- you know what? Sure man...as long as I don't have to suffer this alone."


We were at an Italian restaurant for the first date. It was with a dude who seems like quite the scholar: he attends Seoul National University and was studying Microbiology. He looked nice too; he showed up 5 minutes early, wearing a semi-formal suit and glasses. We hit it off well I think. We talked about our mutual hobbies of music-playing and drinking coffee. It got awkward when I had to BS my way through talking about my extensive past, all due to Danielle. When I ghosted all conversations connecting to my past, he started to go into extensive detail about different bacteria and microorganisms. It was honestly all fascinating stuff, not quite what I wanted to talk about while eating food, but interesting nonetheless. He couldn't even let me get a word in because every time I would try to talk, he would just comment more and more about random biology factoids. It was fortunate that I didn't have to use my Dani card to get out of this date, he actually is a cool dude...when he isn't talking about biology. Seems like this date run is starting well, however, not too well because this guy simply just didn't grab my attention.

My next date did not go as well as the first date. It was with a guy who was all about sports. He must've seen what Dani wrote about me with hockey, which, keep in mind, I only played when I was 8! He kept asking me about hockey-related topics which I was comfortable with talking about, that was until the questions started becoming much more specific and elaborate. I didn't know how to respond to that. When I tried to shift the conversation away into something I'd actually want to talk about, he moved the conversation into doing exercises together. I should've known something was up about this guy...especially at the part where he suggested to meet at a gym...I had to use my Dani card and get out of here. I signaled to Dani and Haerin whom where situated at the treadmills, carefully watching over me, using our special gesture. Seconds later, I got a call from my "Mom" that the house flooded. Thank the heavens, he bought it.

The last date of the week was with a fellow Australian woman. We really hit it off well. Talking with her made me reminisce about my childhood with all the things we talked about. I started to miss my family and my old home, the playground my mom would take me to, the memories I spent at school. I could relate to her experiences. This girl was also completely normal; unlike the two previous dudes who just would not shut up about their hobbies, she actually was fun to converse with. We decided after we finished our food at Subway to continue this date at the arcade nearby. I had a great time with her. I kept laughing from her jokes. She was funny when she was trying at the games, yet sucked so bad. Sadly she had to call it quits early because she had to visit her father at the nursing home. She explained to me earlier how her dad is suffering from cancer so he's been locked up for the past couple of months for treatment. Dani and Haerin approached me right after, she got into her car and headed out.

"So...? How was she? She seemed nice AND you were smiling and laughing a lot. Don't lie to me, I saw it," Danielle commented, accompanied by a nodding Haerin.

"She's nice."

Danielle jostled me around, "AND? What is that supposed to mean?"

"She doesn't like her," Haerin concluded.

"WHAT?!? HOW?!?!?!? She's literally perfect," Danielle argued, "she's Australian, she's nice, she's pretty, she's funny, she has a stable job, she likes music, she's not too pushy, she likes animals, what is there not to love about her?"

"It's just...not there. The connection I mean. Like...she's nice and she's fun to be with, but I just inside, deep in my heart, know that I wouldn't want to stay with her," I expressed, "besides if you like her so much, why don't you try to date her then."

Danielle turned secretly to Haerin, "I think I'm good. That was YOUR possible suitor." She slumped in her seat, "what do we do now? You haven't found anyone to date."

"That's fine...maybe I can translate what I experienced from the past three dates to the song."

"ACTUALLY there is one other date you can go on..." Danielle aggressively pulled out her phone and began scrolling around. "There's another person whose profile lists that they live around here...let's see if I can plan another date for right now...if you're down for it?"

I sighed, "yeah what the hell, let's try it."

"I'm going to plan it at KimKim's," Danielle noted, "Haerin needs to go to work right now."

KimKim's was only a couple minutes away. The three of us walked over to meet my date. From what Dani showed me, she was very attractive and a bit nerdy. She spent her free time as the singer for her school's band. Sounds promising for now...

We were just across the coffee shop by now. We were waiting for the walk signal but it was taking a while.

"Dani, how's the date looking like?"

"Yeah, she should be coming soon; she's on the way."

I sighed, "alright...time for another one I guess. I just wanna get this over with so I can finish the song."

"Just take it slow. It'll work better if you actually immerse yourself into this and not just to complete it like a checklist," Haerin advised.

The pedestrian light turned on and we could finally walk over. Haerin was jogging ahead of us as she was a little bit late for her shift. As I casually walked past the large glass window of KimKim's, I couldn't help but stare inside. I saw a multitude of younger people sitting inside, enjoying themselves, laughing, working, drinking. I saw Haerin sprint into the back to put her apron on.

And then I saw Kim Minji in the front, wearing a pink blouse and backwards white cap, providing her customers with the widest smile I've ever seen. She took off her hat and stroked her hair back to readjust her hat back on.

"Dani...I have to go..." Despite being right at the front door, I began to turn away.

"W-what?" She held my arm tight to stop me from moving, "Hanni what do you mean you have to go? What happened?"

I broke her grip on my arm, "I-I just have to go. I'm sorry Dani. Tell her I'm sorry too."

I sprinted away without looking back: I've found my song.
