Chapter 6


After school let out, Mark went to Felix's house. The house was pale blue with large picture windows and white shutters and and trim. There was a stepping stone path that led through the vibrant green yard to the patio and ornately decorated front door which was dark brown. It looked like it came straight from a book. Mark could definitely imagine Felix living there. He walked up to the door and knocked. Felix opened the door and let Mark in.

"Hey! I'm glad you came!" Felix yelled out to his mom that they were going upstairs.

Felix's room was electric blue and screamed 'gamer', PS4 in the corner, a computer in the other, and posters everywhere. Felix sat down in front of the PS4 and motioned Mark to join him. Mark sat down and picked up a remote and they started playing.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" Mark asked. Felix's words from before rang in Mark's mind, "You like Jack don't you?"

"Mark, do you think we're friends?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Yeah, I do too. Friends can tell each other anything, right?"


Butt out.

"Yeah, they can."

Tell him about Jack.



Mark looked over to Felix, who was now nervously looking over to Mark. Felix had asked Mark only at the beginning of the week if he like Jack and Mark denied. Now, Mark knew he liked Jack and Felix had the right to know first.

"Felix, I-I like Jack."

Mark took a deep breath. It felt good to tell someone.

"I knew it!" Felix exclaimed.

Mark smiled and said, "Yeah I guess you did."

It feels good to get that out, doesn't it Mark?

Yeah, it does.

"Uhh, hey." A deep voice said. Mark and Felix turned around to see Cry.

"Felix you called me here?"

"Cry! Well I decided to tell Mark, but I wanted you here when we told him." Mark was confused. What were they going to tell him? Felix was pregnant? Cry was secretly Batman?

Cry stammered, "Mark, Felix and I...well...we're...", he looked to Felix for help. He did. "dating. For around 6 months."

"Well duh. I knew that." Felix blushed and Cry turned to Mark, shocked.

"Wa-Wait. How did you know?"

"I'm just glad to have him. Who cares who knows."

Maybe you and Jack will have that...

