Chapter 4

Why did Cry hate Jack so much? What did he do? What happened between them?

I guess we'll find out won't we, Mark?

"Mark did you hear me?" Mark looked around him. He was in a car, his mom was driving.


"I asked how was hanging out with your friends, but you spaced out. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry, just thinking..."

"Well, did you have a good day at school?"

"About that... I uh.. may of gotten detention..."

His mother sighed and pushed back her hair. You could really see the stress getting to her. Being a 30 year old single mother with two sons could definitely get to a person.

"Mark, on your first day? How did that happen?"

" smart with a teacher..."

"Mark, Mark, Mark, what am I going to do with you?"

What are we going to do with you, Mark?

Mark had no idea. He felt like a confessed member of the Scooby Doo team

Would I be Scooby or Shaggy?


Really, you think so?

You are the protagonist in this story

What story..?

Nothing Mark, just forget it.

For the rest of that night, Mark came up with theories in his head of why Cry didn't like Jack. Of course, that weird voice in his head kept helping out, but he just never knew where the voice came from...

One thing was certain though, he couldn't wait to see Jack tomorrow.

The next morning, Mark was ready to go to school. To hang out with his friends, to see Jack. He even tried extra hard on his hair.

When he got to school, he looked for Jack. He saw Felix and Cry, secretly holding hands, Ken and Mary, joking about video games, but no Jack.

We both know you like him, Mark. Admit it.

No I don't.

Then why are you searching for him?

Because we're friends

Why are you thinking of when he hugged you?



Maybe the voice was right... maybe he did...


He just had to see him...


Where was he?


He could see his hair, far in the crowd of people...

It can't be true...

That grin...

I couldn't actually have a crush on...

Those eyes...

Fine. You win feelings.

Mark finally saw Jack talking to a kid with black flippy hair and cat whiskers on his face.

"Hey Jack!", Mark called out. Jack turned and smiled.

That smile...

Typical of you. denying for so long, then just...melting...

"Jack... what's up?"

" Nothing much, I was just talking to Dan over there. But we better hurry to The Game Grumps class, don't want another detention again do we?"


"No, I guess not." Mark said. They talked on the way to class, and Jack even invited him to hangout in the Library with during Lunch. Mark was excited. So excited that the periods leading up to Lunch seemed to float by, like a butterfly flapping its wings in the breeze.

Then lunch came. Mark didn't buy any food, just went to the library. He saw Jack right away. His bright green hair seemed so out of place in the quiet, peaceful library. But Mark didn't mind. He walked right up him and sat down beside him. He could see Jack smile and it warmed his chest. Jack then handed him a brown bag. Mark opened it and saw food. His stomach grumbled.

"I got some extra from the vending machine... I assumed you would be hungry, so why not share?"

"Thanks Jack.."

"Don't mention it. Hey, look at this." Mark looked at what Jack was holding and it was a book. On the cover, there was a picture of a butterfly.

"It's called the Butterfly Effect."

Mark smile and recited," A tiny butterfly flapping its wings today may lead to devastating hurricane weeks from now." Jack smiled again. There were so many things Mark wanted to say...

Just do it, Mark. Hug him. Ask him about Cry. You can do it.

"Mark, are you okay?" Jack asked. Mark nodded.

"Something is wrong, Mark. I can tell. Now come 'ere" Jack threw his arms around Mark.

How can someone so small have such long arms?

I don't know, science maybe?

Mark looked down at Jack and cleared his throat. Jack let go of Mark and looked at him.

"Jack can I ask you something..?" Mark said. He was breathing heavy. This was it.


Mark took a deep breath. He would ask him.

"Why doesn't Cry like you..?"

Jack sighed, " I really don't know. We were friends at one point in time. We usually hung out everyday after school. But one day, he just kinda left me... Started hanging out with that kid Felix. Never talked since."

"Have you tried talking to him?"

"Right after he stopped coming over I did. I asked him what was wrong and he flipped on me. Now, we mostly just stay apart. I go with my band and he goes with Felix and his friends. I try not to really get into his way, but that seems pretty easy. He uses every bit of strength he has just to avoid me. But, why do you ask?"

"Yesterday...on the way to detention... Cry freaked out on me..-"

"Jack is only interested in himself. That's it. He cares for only things that will benefit him."

"He did..?"

"He said you were only interested in yourself...that the whole nice thing was a façade..."

"He's a loner, an outcast, a mysterious cool kid."

"Why would he say that...?" Jack seemed to be getting upset and Mark could understand why.

"That's why I asked you..."

"Mark, what did you say back?"

Yeah Mark, what did you say? No... what did you do?

" I... freaked...I'm not quite sure why... I mean I consider you a friend and I was defending you but I went over the edge..." Jacks stayed quiet. Then, the bell rang. He stood up.

"Thanks Mark, you're a good friend. Here," Jack took out a piece of paper and wrote something down, "you have a phone right? Text me later on. Maybe you can come to one of my practices soon. But, I gotta go. See yah."

Jack walked out the library and Mark looked down at the piece of paper in his hand. The numbers was small, slanted and squished together but he could still make everything out.

People used to call this... getting the digits...

I guess it's true... I got his digits. 
