Chapter 1

" Everybody, we have a new student from Cincinnati. Mr. Fischbach, tell us about yourself."

The new student chuckled under his breath at just how stupid that sounded then smiled at the crowd of bored teenage faces.

" Hello everybody, my name is Mark. "

Just like that, the bored crowd started to speak the same words.

" Hello Mark."

"What happened to your hair!" a voice suddenly rang out. Mark ran his fingers through his blue hair and continued," So I came here from .. Cincinnati... yeah...", Mark turned to the teacher," Where do I sit?"

Soon Mark was settled between a boy with blonde hair with an odd tiara and a kid with a bit of brown hair peeking behind a white mask. "Hi." Mark said awkwardly. A deep voice came from behind the mask.


The blonde boy gasped, "Cry! Don't be rude."

Cry chuckled, " Sorry Felix. Hey, I'm Cry and that," he pointed to the blonde boy, "is Felix."

" Nice to meet you. But... is your name really Cry? Seems kinda odd for a name..."

" Listen kid, it's Cry okay? I said my name was Cry so that's what you'll call me. So don't be saying my name is odd. I mean, having blue hair is odd too but I didn't question you did I? So don't question me and I won't question you."

"Somebody is being a bit sassy..." Felix said grinning at Cry.

" F-Felix..." Cry stammered. Everything was quiet for a moment, so quiet the teacher could be heard rambling about some sort science thing. Then, the person in front of Cry turned around and laughed.

" Felix, Cry, I can practically hear the romantic tension." The person turned and Mark could clearly see them now. It was a boy with big brown eyes and curly brown hair hidden under a hat that was strangely in the shape of a cartoon bear head.

" Ken, seriously?" Cry asked. Felix blushed and covered his face with his scarf. Mark sat their quietly, trying to comprehend the conversation.

" Seriously, Cry. You dudes need to keep the romance down before the fangirls come. " Ken laughed, " I mean it's becoming more obvious that you guys-"

" WE ARE NOT TOGETHER." Felix yelled. The whole room then got quiet and the teacher started to slowly make his way towards the small group.

" Who is not together...?" The teacher slowly asked Felix. Cry started to speak, but was shushed by the teacher.

" He feels like he need yell out in class, then allow him to explain why. That does not mean you talking for him, Mr. Cry" Felix swallowed the tears slowly rising in his throat. Everyone would know now...

" I was teasing Felix about being partners with Minx for a project in English. He got mad at me. Simple as that. Didn't mean to ruin your lecture on enzymes, dude.", A voice said from the crowd. Mark turned to see the boy behind Cry standing up. He had a head of lime green hair and gages to match the punk attitude. He was grinning and his blue eyes flared nothing but challenge. The teacher turned on his heels to face the punk kid.

" Ah... Jack... of course you had to stir up a bit of trouble. Let's say... detention for you for egging the disturbance, detention for Felix for yelling in class, and detention for Cry. Now! For everyone else, one more disturbance and you'll all be in detention." Mark could hardly catch the words as they flowed out of his mouth. It was like a never ending waterfall of sarcastic comebacks flowing from his brain to his mouth without no dam to stop it.

"How can you fit 30 kids into a tiny classroom meant for ten? It's like trying to fit your hair into a man bun, it's just too much."

Once again, the teacher turned on his heels but this time he marched right to Mark and started yelling, " YOU PUNK. YOU THINK YOU CAN COME INTO MY CLASSROOM AND INSULT MY DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AND MY AMAZING HAIR? IT TAKES ME THIRTY MINUTES TO MAKE THIS HAIR SILKY SMOOTH AND CAMERA READY. THAT'S IT. YOU CAN ROT IN DETENTION WITH THE REST OF THESE DEGENERATES." Mark realised he was holding his breath, but he still didn't exhale. He couldn't. It was too much. He didn't mean to be so rude... The teacher then stomped back to the front of the room and started to finish his lesson, obviously trying to blow off steam, but he hardly got a minute into it when the bell rang. Mark exhaled, slightly surprised at how long he held his breath and also at the fact that a tear started to run down his face. He didn't mean to be so rude... Mark took off his glasses and wiped away his tears, when he suddenly felt a tapping on his shoulder. He turned to see the green haired kid Jack.

"Get your stuff and follow me" He said. Mark obeyed and in a few minutes they were in the bathroom. Jack then hugged Mark. Mark didn't expect it. He was just attacked with a hugs by a short punk kid. Why..? Mark found it even more surprising when he wrapped his arms around Jack.

"Listen Aren is just stupid, must be why most people call him a game grump." Jack laughed, but still never let go. When he finally did, Mark felt better. He knew that this one kid was special... he could trust him.

"Just stick with me Mark." 
