Chapter 36 --The big break | Final hearing and goodbye --

Weeks of careful appearances, data collection and secrecy had come to this final moment.

The final hearing.

In all reality the Senate was only taking a month long break before returning to its schedule, and there would be plenty of senators remaining to speak with the chancellor or other professionals on their regions specific business. But intergalactic meetings that involved you would be over, and Senator Chuchi would be leaving Coruscant for a time as well.

As you sit in the grand senate hall taking in the thousands of senate pods for the last time you think back to the planning meeting you had the day before. After your whole 'love letter and flowers' moment everyone had gathered in the guys room for a meeting about the schedule for today. There was some added urgency and attention to detail with the new information about you being a jedi, and some additional backup strategies were added incase of inquisitor pursuit or your arrest. Otherwise the plan for today was as follows.

Tech, Echo and Rex would already be at the garage. They left after your meeting yesterday to begin preparing the ships. You had mentioned to the group that you would be leaving your ship with Senator Organa and would move your things over quickly once you arrived. The guys had agreed it would be quick, but they would still make as many preparations as possible so that your move was one of the final steps before departure. Tech in particular started thinking through what items he knew you would want moved, so he could preemptively prepare them for you.

You would attend the hearing as usual, Senator Chuchi would pick you up with all your things and take you to the hall. After the hearing you would fly with her on a false detour to her apartment to imply you were there for the remainder of the day until her planned departure. You would change into your gear at her apartment and then transfer into a separate vehicle to be shuttled to the garage.

Meanwhile back at the hotel, Hunter, Wrecker and Omega would finish packing up your rooms and then be escorted by Rex to the garage. This timing was more challenging because you would check out when you left, meaning the clock was ticking before the rooms would be inspected. Hunter already planned on having everything ready to go so that as soon as you were checking out they were heading out the back before the access keys deactivated.

As Tech put it "if everything goes smoothly it will be like we were never here. So don't mess up".

You were sure that their trip to the garage last night had been smooth and checking out of your hotel this morning had been straight forward even though it had been nerve wracking. You had chosen your outfit for the day, choosing to wear the blue dress one more time and then packed everything you could imagine into two piles. The one that would go to Senator Chuchi and one that would go directly to the ship. You had needed the guards' help to drag out the dress bags, although you had secretly replaced the lavender one with your armor. Senator Chuchi had wanted you to keep it, and this way you'd have your armor hidden away until you needed to change.

As far as you knew now Hunter, Wrecker and Omega were back at the garage and you had to make it through this hearing. The darkness was present as usual, but you felt more resilient to its taunting and searching. After experiencing the sheer strength of the darkness present at the temple the presence here was much more manageable.

The hearing had just begun and you had already filled in Senator Chuchi about your plan to speak with Senator Organa and the needed trips after the hearing. The usual introductions were made, and as the minutes from the previous meeting were being read off you excused yourself from the pod.

"I'm going to go speak with him now" you quietly whisper and Senator Chuchi nod's "alright, I'll send an escort with you".

Senator Chuchi waved one of her guards to escort you, and the two of you walked alone along the carpeted hallway, passing archway after archway on your walk. Senator Organa's pod was up a few floors and over a good ways from where you usually sat. Thankfully everything was labeled with a system of numbers and letters, and there was usually a screen sign over the archway stating who was in which pod. A calm walk, and a short elevator trip got you where you needed to go. Senator Organa noticed you standing in the doorway and gestured you inside.

You nodded graciously in acknowledgement before making your way inside and sitting next to him. "Senator Chuchi mentioned you would speak with me today. I understand you have decided on my offer" Bail Organa began, his voice quiet but measured in his usual tone. Thankfully no one could hear anyone speak amongst themselves unless they were at the podium or literally yelling into the echoing hall.

"Yes," you replied "I must first apologize for taking so long to think your offer over, you have been very patient with my tardiness".

"That is quite alright" He reassured you "Such important decisions take time, and if you have the opportunity to take that time then you should use it to your advantage".

"Thank you Senator. I have decided that I will remain with my current group"-- you leaned closer to whisper --"it is where the force has guided me to stay".

Senator Organa nods, "I am glad you follow its guidance. I hope you continue to do well".

"If I may" you continue, and Bail continues to listen "I would like to make a request".

"What would you like?"

"If you would be so kind, I would like to have you hold onto my ship for safekeeping. Its codes are up to date and will not tie anything negative to you. I simply need a safe place for it to remain while I continue this current path".

"I can do so easily," he nodded, "how shall I acquire the ship?"

"Riyo, I mean Senator Chuchi will have the access codes and keys for it. I shall give them to her tonight when we depart. I leave it to her to get it to you".

"Understood. Thank you for trusting me with your ship Y/N, it is the least I can do for you."

"You have already done more than enough Senator Organa. I am not sure how I can ever repay you. Thank you for your kindness to me" you stand with a final bow.

Senator Organa was a calm person, giving the appearance of a cool, relaxed mind with intelligent eyes. He fit his role very well, but you could feel that his kindness and actions were genuine without false intent. This man truly cared to help you, and you knew you could trust him.

You are quickly back into Senator Chuchi's pod, seated back next to her just as the first speaker was continuing the tabled discussion from the last meeting.

"All settled?" she asked and you nodded. She smiles and looks back out across the hall, without turning to you she sighs and thinks out loud "it is a shame this is our last hearing together. I will miss having my own personal assassin".

You smile and reach out to hold her hand, which she accepts warmly. "I'll miss having a senator to protect".

The two of you sit for a while longer as the usual discussions and arguments play out before you. While this was boring, and it was long hours for you, you knew you would miss this. Coruscant still had a place in your heart even if it had changed drastically since you had been here last.

You are looking around the hall again and notice Lieutenant Handsky is not present in his pod with the other Naval officers today. --strange-- you think to yourself, --pretty sure he is required to be there. Maybe he's sick or something--. You sigh a little, you had been hoping to see him one last time before you depart, atleast to thank him for the flowers.

A few more moments pass before Senator Chuchi is called upon to respond and she stands to reply at the podium. While you now sit alone one of the guards approaches you quietly and whispers 'Lieutenant Handsky has come to see you. Did you want me to ask him to leave?"

" No need for that" you reply quickly "Let him know I am waiting until Riyo is done speaking". The guard nods and smoothly steps out.

Senator Chuchi finishes her response and returns to her seat, "did someone arrive? I noticed my guard talking to you".

"Yes, it would appear the lieutenant is present today. He would like to speak with me" you explain, trying to keep yourself from smiling.

"Well then" Senator Chuchi grinned back at you "You'd better go talk to him, especially after those flowers".

You grinned back at Senator Chuchi's comment and smoothly left your seat, floating out in your gown to meet him in the hallway outside your pod. You had informed Senator Chuchi about your flowers and love letter in much more detail then you told the clones. She was excited but also very firm about your safety.

Lieutenant Handsky stood up straighter as you approached, and seemed nervous to speak with you. You smiled at him and you could see him relax, his bright blue eyes smiling back at you excitedly.

"Good morning Miss Y/N" he greeted you with a nod, and you returned it "good morning Lieutenant".

The pause was awkward, but Handsky took a deep breath and asked "Did you receive the flowers I sent you?"

"Oh yes, they were lovely. 'Warm wishes' correct?"

"Pardon?" he replied in confusion.

"The flowers. On Lianna they are called 'warm wishes' because of their colors."

"Oh, yes, sorry." he grinned sheepishly "I didn't know that part, but I thought you might like them".

"It was very thoughtful" you smile back, feeling your cheeks becoming red "It has been some time since I saw them. But Lieutenant, I hate to inform you I will be leaving with Senator Chuchi, we are headed to separate places but are both leaving Coruscant today." You tried your best to sound charismatic and empathetic to his feelings but you could see his face fall slightly anyways.

"Will you return to the senate sometime?" he asked tentatively, but the hope and interest was clear in his voice.

"I honestly don't know" you replied "I don't wish to offend you or say that your companionship would not be welcomed but I doubt we shall meet again. I'm sorry."

Handsky was taking this rejection well, but you could see in his blue eyes that he had been hoping for otherwise. "That's alright" was all he replied.

"But if we do meet again" you added on "let's go dancing."

Handsky hadn't expected any further statement and he smiled back at you less forlorn than before "yes, I will take you dancing".

"Thank you" you smiled, "goodbye for now?"

"Yes, I mean ... Goodbye Miss Y/N, until next time".

"Until next time Lieutenant Handsky"

The Lieutenant watched you walk back through the doorway into your pod before beginning his own trek back to his side of the hall. You didn't want to break his heart or hurt him but you believed this was the best outcome. In all reality he would probably forget you after a few months, and chances of you EVER being around another Imperial officer were slim. You still smiled to yourself as you sat back down next to Senator Chuchi. It was nice for what it was, and you hoped he would find someone wonderful.

"All good?" Senator Chuchi asked, reaching out and holding your hand again.

"Yes" you replied holding her hand with both of yours "I've said all my goodbyes".

* * *

The remainder of the Senate hearing seemed to rush by so quickly compared to the others. The final remarks were short, and you secretly wished you could have stayed just a little longer. You would truly miss this place. However, as soon as the hearing was adjourned you and Senator Chuchi quickly made your way out of the hall and into her personal ship.

You had already loaded up your things that morning when she had picked you up from the hotel so as soon as the hearing was out you were off to her apartment. You arrive, helping the guards take the formal clothes inside so that Senator Chuchi could continue wearing them or dispose of them as needed. As you finished laying them over a cushion in her large dressing room you heard her comment "I see you kept the purple one".

"Yeah" you reply quietly "if you want it I can.."

"No no no, I wanted you to keep something" she laughs "I'm sure Tech will love it".

You give her a sarcastic side glare with a grin and she steps out so you can change.

You feel a sense of sadness as you slip out of the beautiful blue beaded gown for the last time and gently hang it. Your blacks were comfortable, figure revealing as usual but you already missed the 'presence' that you had with your gowns. You finished suiting up and stepped out into the main room in your full armor, helmet in hand and weapons at your sides.

"Ready?" Senator Chuchi asked, looking up from a holopad she was reading on the couch.

You sigh, "yeah, ready as I'm going to be".

She put down her holopad and stood up "then let's get going, my arrangements are all taken care of".

You only nod in response and follow her out the door. Instead of going in her usual cruiser there is a different ship, smaller and more 'average' than you had seen a Senator use. This was a ship they had acquired to shuttle you both to the garage, thus it needed to blend in.

After this entire plan was completed Senator Chuchi would be leaving on an expedition to some of the middle planets on trade discussions. There was a chance you might run into her, but you're sure that your group will most likely remain around the outer rim avoiding those areas entirely.

"You are pretty quiet" Senator Chuchi commented as you were flying back to the garage "something on your mind?"

"I'm going to miss you" you explain "I was trying to figure out when I would see you again".

Senator Chuchi gently smiled, her eyes showing she felt the same about you. "I'm sure there is a way for us to contact each other secretly, but otherwise I have no doubts our paths will cross again. We are fighting for the same cause".

" I hope you don't need a personal mercenary again, but please don't hesitate to call" you chuckle, and Senator Chuchi chuckles back "you'll be the first to know".

You arrive at the garage unnoticed and your transport ship lands inside the docking bay with the Havoc Marauder, Milovaný, and Rex's ship the Remora. As you step off the ship with Senator Chuchi next to you Omega comes running up. "Glad you guys made it, we are almost ready for take off" she explains with a grin on her face.

"Good to see you Senator Chuchi," Hunter says, stepping off the Marauder. "I trust everything went well?"

"Yes" Senator Chuchi replied and you nodded adding "no one followed us, and the hearing was uneventful".

"Good. We've moved what we could over from your ship Y/N but I suggest you finish up so we can head out".

"Yes sir" you reply automatically before pursing your lips as Hunter raises an eyebrow, Senator Chuchi smiles and Omega giggles. --I have to stop doing that-- you chuckle to yourself, and the three of you head into your ship to pack up.

You fold up the mattress and start putting your extra clothes and items into the container one of the guys had hauled over. You didn't have much, and you already kept some of your things on their ship so it was mainly your carved wooden box holding your Jedi items, the box Tech had retrieved from your ship's innards, and some clothes you had bought on Ord Mantell. You find some dead leaves previously from Felucia and a rock or two from your time on the plateaus of Utapau. There is even a green feather about the length of your palm which you remember is from Girdy.

You pack these things quietly into your box, before you realize that some other things are missing. Your terrariums are no longer on the wall, and when you power up your ship's computer your settings have all been cleared. --Guess the guys did some cleaning-- you realize and try not to feel angry that they may have deleted something or thrown out your plants.

Omega was examining what you had put in the storage container and Senator Chuchi had sat down in the captain's chair to examine the controls.

"This is a Naboo class ship, correct?" Senator Chuchi asks as you finish packing and come over to her.

"I guess" you reply "It was actually Davids".

Senator Chuchi looks to you with an empathetic gaze before looking back to the console "I shall make sure it is well taken care of".

"Thank you," you reply standing next to her resting your arm on the back of the chair. For a moment you two share an empathetic gaze about how much this ship meant to you but it was interrupted by the sound of the storage crate being dragged across the floor.

'Uuugh' you hear Omega groan as she tries to haul it. You and Senator Chuchi quickly rise and you lift your box off the ship and carry it over to the Marauder. It's mostly awkward, not very heavy but much more than Omega could lift with her stature. Instead Omega runs ahead of you and Senator Chuchi trails behind, stopping to speak with Rex as you walk up the gangplank.

Omega directs you where to put it down and you see that your terrariums have been reattached to the far wall adjacent to Omega's ladder. There were only three of them, small in size and self sufficient, but it did make you happy that someone had been thoughtful enough to move them and not throw them away.

Omega runs back outside, and you start moving your items from one container into the other --no need to have two half full-. You're kneeling on the ground moving items when Tech approaches you, usual datapad in hand. "I see you are leaving your ship with Senator Chuchi" he comments.

"No need to overcomplicate the arrangements" you reply "Riyo will deliver it to Senator Organa who is going to house it for me".

"Understood. Have you retrieved all necessary items?"

"Affirmative"--you reply with a smile and Tech glances at you momentarily before returning his gaze to his holopad--"although I do want to thank whoever moved my terrariums. I know they aren't needed but I'm happy I can take them with".

"I deemed them to be interesting specimens worth preserving" Tech replied, still skimming his holopad "Echo helped me move them".

"Thank you" you replied and Tech actually looked up to meet your eyes.

"In addition" Tech continued holding on to your gaze and lowering his datapad "I also downloaded your entire ship's information and record bank then reset the system".

You finished combining your things and stood. Tech hands you a data chip "It has all of your ships travel logs, as well as some interesting items I think you will want to explore".

"Interesting?" you ask, flipping the chip over in your hands before sliding it into your container.

"Yes, there were a variety of video logs that I downloaded as well as pictures saved directly into the database".

You were surprised, you had forgotten that David did make video logs. You just didn't know how to access them and had forgotten about them. "I didn't realize they were there," you replied after being surprised for a moment before settling into an emotional but appreciative expression. You went from looking at Tech to examining the chip and imaging what kind of videos you would find on there. You could feel your heart ache as you thought about David.

"Well, now you can view them from that chip," Tech replied as he saw your face change.

You looked up to actually thank him again but he had already turned and was heading out the door. You followed quickly after Tech, holding your helmet under your arm and you gathered with the others in the 'middle-ish' area of the garage.

"All diagnostics and ship arrangements"--Tech looked over at Echo and then returned his gaze to Hunter--" are completed."

"Then let's head out" Rex nodded and the others agreed. Omega ran up to hug Echo who simply chuckled "I'll see you in a bit" and you were a little confused.

Senator Chuchi came up to you after shaking a few hands and saying her goodbyes and you hugged each other tightly. Both of you leaned into each other and you felt her head touch yours. "May the force be with you" she whispered to you and you squeezed her in response.

"And also with you" you replied, holding on for only a moment more.

"We do need to get going" Hunter commented and you and Senator Chuchi giggled.

"I'll see you next time darling" Senator Chuchi said, stepping back and letting go of you.

"Hopefully not too long" you sigh and follow the others up the gangplank at the rear. When you reach the door you look back at her and smile giving her a salute and a playful wink. Omega joins you in the doorway and waves before both of you head into your seats and Wrecker locks the door.

"Echos flying with Rex?" You ask as Tech boots up the computer and Hunter sits in the copilot's chair.

"Correct" Tech replied flatly.

"You and the Senator seem to be getting along," Wrecker chuckled with a grin.

"Like minded individuals" you smiled back.

Both of your ships make it safely off of Coruscant and you find yourself gazing out of the front windows down at the planet before Tech jumps to hyperspace. You had been here for such a time that it felt exciting and strange to be on the move again.

-- End of Chapter --
