Chapter 10 --Oh crap, Dorky is my type--

Spending your day off mourning and taking it easy was not what you intended but it did feel good to let yourself rest. If nothing else you felt more at ease having expressed your emotions. You were reluctant to go speak with the crew again, it felt embarrassing and you did not want them to pity you or make exceptions just because you felt sad. They had probably lost people too during order 66, or at least during the war prior.

You rallied yourself as the morning light started coming through your cockpit window, and you went outside your ship. You didn't even make it to the bar before you ran into Hunter. He had been leaving the parlor when you had walked up, and it would appear the rest of them were inside.

Hunter had been just talking over the details of the mission with Cid and then the rest of the group. Omega wasn't up yet, so he was on his way to wake her when he ran into you. You were dressed as usual but your eyes were definitely puffy from crying, the sadness and embarrassment still present in your rosy face.

"Good morning" You said, trying to act naturally and move on from yesterday.

"Y/N, about yesterday," Hunter began.

"It's okay Hunter, really, I didn't plan to react like that and I was glad I could still answer your questions. I'd rather not dwell on it and focus on our mission instead".

Hunter accepted your answer with a nod. "Well, we leave tonight for Vuzsa. It's located in the gulf of Tatooine so it's a longer ride than usual, but shorter than your trip to Utapau."

You nod as you listen to his instructions "I'll pack up and be ready by tonight". You step out of his way allowing him to step by you. Hunter makes his way to get around you, but catches your arm before you go inside the parlor. "It's okay Y/N. We have losses too, we are here for you."

You return his comment with an awkward smile and you both go your separate ways. You appreciated Hunter's words even if you didn't fully accept them right now. You wanted to trust them, but your heart was afraid too. Inside the parlor was Echo chatting to Tech, and Wrecker eating some snacks from your snack compartment under the bar. You slide in behind the bar and start wiping it off.

"Feeling better?" Wrecker asked, munching away on Ord Mantell mix.

"Yeah, a day off does wonders" you replied, "Can I get you anything?".

"I'll take a glass of nog" He replied with a chuckle and a grin.

"This early in the morning?" you ask, pouring him his drink and raising an eyebrow.

"Don't rat me out to Hunter" He said, happily toasting you before taking a sip.

"Don't end up on the floor" you replied with a snicker.

"You still comin with us?" He asked in between sips. Tech and Echo had now approached the bar and pretended not to be listening in.

"Yeah, I"ll be ready and join you on the Marauder tonight" You replied coolly, returning the bottle of nog to its place.

"Good, wouldn't be the same without ya" Wrecker said with a smile, which made you smile quietly as you continued to wipe around different bottles and clean out dust that T4-38 had missed. While Wrecker was just being Wrecker, he was without a doubt the most emotionally supportive and encouraging of the group with Hunter being a close second. In part it was his straightforward honesty and reactions that made him so endearing, no doubt his simple mind made him easy to know and easy to trust.

Echo patted Wreckers shoulder and said "You'd better get packing big guy, pretty sure weapons all need to be loaded".

Wrecker paused for a moment, thinking about Echo's statement and giving him a weird look. Then his eyes got big "oooooh, yeah they do... Let's go do that". He said, picking up his glass and heading out with Echo. "Better bring that back!" you called out after them.

Echo gave a thumbs up and the two left the parlor leaving you alone with Tech, who had gotten himself situated on the bar stool in front of you.

"Could I get you anything?" you ask, looking through his amber lenses and past his neutral expression.

Tech had put his 'comfort' holopad away and replied "no.. thank you".

"Didn't think you were a day drinker" you replied, putting away your cleaning cloth.

"I.. actually... I wanted to talk to you" he said, with you standing just in front of him, your full attention making him uncomfortable. Those beautiful eyes did not help his confidence in the slightest, and he noticed their unusual puffiness today. His prediction about your private cry session had been correct.

"More questions?" you ask, a smirk covering your face even while you felt the awkwardness in the air.

"No." Tech replied, breaking your gaze to help regain some of his confidence. Apologizing hadn't been challenging before, not that he did it often. Tech was usually right, so he rarely apologized and Hunter and Omega had been the driving force in why he was here now. Although he did not want to establish a habit of making you or anyone cry. This was a mistaken calculation on his part and he needed to own up to that.

Tech brought his eyes back to you, adjusted his goggles and said "I wanted to apologize for forcing you into a vulnerable position yesterday. Our questions were not intended to cause that reaction from you, and I don't intend to do so again. As such in the future I..."

"Thank you," You said cutting him off, " I accept your apology, you don't need to explain anything Tech. I didn't even think I'd react like that. Just, next time, ask me casually. I don't mind telling you or the whole group, I know we are all trying to be cautious and keep ourselves safe."

Tech nodded, glad you had accepted his apology and feeling better now that he knew Hunter would get off his case about apologizing to you. "See you this evening," he commented before getting up and also heading out to the Marauder.

* * *

You had been told this planet was more your style with its moderate climate, but you would not actually be touching down on the planet at any point. Vuzsa was a dark planet, located near Tatooine but in a portion of space that was challenging for light to travel to. As such, it was called the Gulf of Tatooine and as a common place for traders and raiders alike to stop, refuel, or sell off goods.

The plan, as presented via holopad, was to intercept a trade ship associated with the Sheyasti Trade syndicate and return the stolen goods to another tradesperson. Tech likewise had a set of chaincodes he had forged that were going to be sold at the station also. The entire operation was intended to be fast. Tech and Wrecker were going to go down onto the station, sell off the chain codes and alert the rest of the group once the Sheyasti ship arrived. Then the Marauder would fly by, picking up Tech, Wrecker and the stolen goods. They would hit hyper space to the other side of Tatooine and rondevu with their employer, hand over the goods and then disappear back to Ord Mantell.

You read over the plan for the third time as you stood in your ship dressed in full armor with your pack on the shelf bed beside you. It was still the armor pieces you were borrowing, but you had spoken to Cid about finding a supplier since your job was becoming more permanent. Hunter, unbeknownst to you, had already spoken with Cid, and they had a supplier in mind, your helmet and other pieces having been ordered just before you left for Mygeeto.

Feeling confident that you knew what would happen, or was supposed to happen, you picked up your things, locked your ship, and made your way to the Marauder. You had set up T4-38 to take over the next morning when you would be gone, and had left the parlor as clean as you could make it. Echo was standing in the doorway and directed you to put your bag on the storage unit in the hallway between the front and main area. You then took your seat next to Omega and strapped in as Tech started up the ship and took off into space.

"Armors lookin good" Echo commented, after you had sat down and got strapped in.

"Thanks, but I'm looking forward to ordering some for myself" you reply with a smile, excited at the prospect of having better fitting gear.

"Going to get a helmet?" Echo asked, from the wall seating across from you.

"After Mygeeto.. Definitely" you chuckle, making him laugh in response. Despite feeling prepared and more lighthearted there was still a weight in the air. A sense of awkwardness or caution seemed to be present and it made you uncomfortable, most likely how everyone else felt.

Tech jumped into hyperspace, and you were all allowed to leave your seats. You already knew this flight was going to be a long one so you tried to sit as comfortably as you could.

"I miss your chair" Wrecker said also trying to get comfortable across from you "I didn't know they could be comfy until your ship".

Wrecker's comment made you smile, but the awkwardness still remained. The guys chatted a bit, Omega played around with the gonk droid and at some point you got up and headed towards the front to speak with Hunter about sleeping. "Is there a bunk I can lay down on? I didn't want to just invade anyones space".

"You can have any, but I'll warn you they are a firmer military grade then what you're used to" Hunter said gesturing backwards towards the end of the ship. "Tech installed the ones to your left, but they are all sturdy enough to hold Wrecker so you shouldn't have a problem".

"That's alright, sleep is sleep" you replied, feeling a tired wave come over you. The day had not been long, or your chores tiring, but sleeping or napping felt like an escape from facing the awkwardness in the air. The bunks folded out from the wall with removable mattress pads on top of them as well as some pillows. There were six in total, three on each side. You picked the middle on the left since it was at a nice easy height. It was Techs, not that you knew this, but the higher bed reminded you of sleeping in trees which was comforting. You pressed your back up against the wall and closed your eyes facing out into the main area.

You did not fall asleep for a good while, but it eventually overtook you and the next time you woke up you were much closer to your destination.

While you were asleep Tech had come back to speak with Echo and noticed you in his bunk when he had turned to go back to his cockpit seat. He tried not to noticeably pause or even say anything in reaction to you sleeping there. Your face was peaceful, your hair covering his pillow, and your body defensively curled up as far back on the shelf as you could get. Sad he didn't have his helmet on or he would have snapped a picture.... for his ongoing research folder of course.

The others also noticed you sleeping, but Hunter paid special attention to Tech's reaction. As neutral as the intelligent clone was he still gave off some emotions like the others, and it made Hunter grin a little notificing how Tech had paused when he had asked if you were sleeping. While he hadn't intended it, by remaining quiet Tech had more of a reaction than if he had said something or made a joke about it. His silence often spoke more than his long lectures, although Tech had eventually replied "she is asleep".

* * *

Before your eyes was the interior of their ship, but it felt hot, and you could see flames out the cockpit window. You heard voices, yelling or arguing of some kind, but you were stuck in bed, your body unable to move. You tried to look around but your vision was blurred by smoke, and flames had started to come into the ship, you heard the click of guns, the clatter of weapons, and then a voice "I'll get ya!".

"Ahh!" you exclaimed, waking up on the bunk shelf and almost throwing yourself off. Before you was Wrecker playing with Omega and checking weapons, Hunter was also present, but he was seated at one of the more comfortable computer chairs with a vibro-blade twirling in his hand. Your exclamation had caused their attention to be directed toward you immediately, and you realized you had just been experiencing a nightmare.

"Sorry" you said, trying to smile it off as you swung your legs out of bed "strange dreams when you're not fully asleep".

"We didn't mean to wake you up," Omega said, coming up to the bunk you were seated on.

"It's okay, I can only sleep for so long before I get restless anyways" you reply, "how close are we?".

Hunter chuckled "Omega was asking just a few minutes ago, we are about 20 minutes out before the drop off point. Just passed by Tatooine".

You decided to remain seated on this bed shelf you were on and watch Wrecker finish loading his and Techs weapons. Hunter made his way back to the front and soon you joined them as you closed in on your destination.

"We're here" Tech said, and you all took a moment to look at Vuzsa and the space stations orbiting around it. The planet itself seemed dark and lifeless especially compared to your green homeworld. --Good thing we aren't going to the planet's surface-- you think as Tech directs the ship past the starbase and just into the atmosphere.

"Be careful with my ship" he comments to Echo as he picks up his gear from Wrecker and puts his helmet on. --He looks cute with all his gear on, that helmet suits him well-- you think to yourself, feeling more relaxed after your nap.

Echo pulls onto the starbase, Tech and Wrecker leave the ship and you four return to outside the atmosphere.

"All clear" Hunter transmits down to the pair "Ready and waiting".

"Our buyer is here, we'll reach out after our transaction is over. Keep an eye out for our target" Tech radioed back.

"And now we wait," Echo said with a sigh. You came up and sat next to him in Techs usual chair, "Might as well get comfortable" you replied.

* * *

The wait was pretty boring, but Omega helped pass the time by creating a game of guessing ships' classes and names as they flew by into the atmosphere or landed at the space station. Omega and Echo were very accurate and good at it, and for you it was more of a learning experience. Omegas knowledge was just as great as Echos and Hunters, so clearly her lessons with Tech were paying off.

While you were still playing your game Wrecker radioed in. "All is lookin good down here, no trouble with the seller. How's it on your end?"

"Doing our best to amuse ourselves," Echo replied.

"The transportation ship is estimated to arrive in the port in another hour" Tech added "I'm sure you will make it till then".

This response got a couple of chuckles out of the group, and you noticed Hunter waving your back into the main room. "I'll be right back" you commented "Here have my seat", and Omega happily jumped up once you were out.

You walked back to Hunter who was holding a rifle, a similar one to the one you had used to tranquilize the Varactyl on Utapau. "You wanted to talk to me?" you ask.

"Yeah, you've shot one of these before?" Hunter asked, holding up the rifle in his hands.

"Once, on Utapau" you reply with a chuckle "I haven't had practice with it since".

"Well might as well practice now. The drive-by we are doing will need more range support than melee." He said handing it over to you. "Wrecker said you were a good shot".

"I got lucky" you said "Varactyls are pretty large animals".

"Yes that's true, but we are just aiming to scare any pursuers. They'll consider themselves lucky that you don't shoot them". He said with a smile.

"Transport is closing in early" came Tech's voice over the radio, "they are in line for the landing dock."

"Everyone prepare yourselves" Hunter replied back.

Tech and Wrecker position themselves inconspicuously near the ship dock. Posing as two men in cloaks/head wrappings that covered their faces who were just standing casually against the wall of a building. The transport landed and the Sheyasti pilot and tradesmen left the ship with security standing on either side of the entrance. The ship itself is a sizable freighter, designed for stacks of cargo that are loaded through a rear drop ramp.

After the pilots and some security walk past Tech and Wrecker in disguise, the two make their move. Pretending to walk past the ship chatting, Tech and Wrecker duck down out of sight. Wrecker, under Tech's direction, reaches under the back of the ship and snaps off the exterior lock for the cargo hold door. The security men hear it snap and one comes to investigate. He is met with a stun ray and dragged quietly as possible behind the ship.

"Get it open" Tech instructs Wrecker, waiting for the next security guard who was starting to grow suspicious at his partner's absence. Wrecker squeezed his fingers into the small gap of the doors edge and pried it open, making a loud scraping sound as the door lowered against its usual mechanics.

Now the second security officer came around the corner, dodged the stun ray and got into a fist fight with Tech. "Hurry up" Tech said in a frustrated manner, disarming and knocking out the security guard. "Which one is it?" Wrecker asked, looking at the different crates lining the walls.

"It should be blue," Tech replied, hearing other security members coming from inside the ship and coming up to look. "This one" he said, "This is the one they want".

"Alrightie" Wrecker said, picking it up with a huff "pretty heavy, what's in it?"

"Less talking, more moving" Tech replied, and radioed over "Cargo acquired, they're closing in on us".

"Roger that" Echo replied, and he piloted the Marauder down to the ship station. You descended quickly, but you and Hunter held onto wall bars and stood on either side of your ship's side entrance. Omega had strapped herself into one of the cockpit seats for the descent.

In a matter of moments you had arrived at the ship landing dock and opened the side door, below you was a mess of security shooting and trying to close in on Wrecker and Tech defending their position. You noticed Tech somersaulting between cover locations and it perplexed you --I thought he wasn't good at acrobatics--.

"Better get that rifle ready" Hunter commented, his blastor already in his hand, "time to give some cover fire".

You nodded and readied yourself to shoot the rifle, kneeling down to better position yourself to see through the sight. The Marauder doesn't actually touch down on the landing, but you hover over the landing dock instead, Echo expertly maneuvering the craft to be at an angle to the current gun fire. Tech, Hunter and you all provide cover fire as Wrecker makes his way to your ship with the crate. He gives it one great heave and manages to throw half of it into the ship.

You keep shooting, occasionally hitting your targets and using your force-foresight to help with your aiming. Hunter leans down to help get the crate into the ship by pulling it, and Wrecker continues to push it from below, occasionally ducking or moving to avoid stray blastor fire. You continue to observe Tech somersault around and tactfully take out security guards, it distracts you from shooting and you lift your face from the rifle's sight.

Thankfully, because you had your eyes out of your sight, you noticed Omega come up to help pull the crate. This wouldn't have been a problem but you reach out just in time to protect her from a stray shot that made it into your ship. It would have hit her shoulder, but instead it hit you on your armored forearm.

Omega immediately backed up apologizing, but besides the initial sting you knew it would be okay. "Get back" You heard Hunter yell at Omega as Echo came up to help pull in the crate. With his help you heaved it in, followed by heaving in Wrecker. Tech was still a good distance away, and was hiding behind cover when he looked in your direction. "Can you cover me?" he asked over the comms.

"Yes" you said out loud, and refocused yourself and shot at the security moving in while your arm burned in protest. Most of them were the ship dock security at this point, most of the Sheyasti Trade syndicate people had hidden or were recovering.

Without hesitation Tech came running, somersaulting, and weaving towards the ship. You did your best to provide cover fire with Hunter acting as support. As soon as Tech jumped, Hunter pulled him into the ship and Echo started flying off. You quickly shut the door with both arms and everyone held on as the ship blasted full speed away from the loading dock and towards Tatooine.

Echo dodged and evaded some ships that started coming after you, and Hunter climbed into Omega's room and started using the rear turret on them. You helped Wrecker push the heavy crate into a corner holding it still as the ship jostled about, and before you knew it you were out of the atmosphere and heading towards Tatooine.

You sat down on one of the wall seats and took a couple of deep breaths. Your left arm hurt, your heart was pounding but you had actually pulled it off. Hunter was a great shot, Tech was more acrobatic then he had let on, and this convoluted team of misfits for hire had pulled off what felt like a flawless victory.

"Tech, you should have a look at Y/N's arm. She got hit pretty hard during that altercation" you heard Hunter say to Tech now that the action was calming down.

"I'm okay" you reply, "I can handle it, let's finish this mission first, then you can take as much time checking it as you want," you said looking at the two men across the room.

"I'm sorry that happened" Omega said coming up to you "I was just trying to help, I didn't mean for you to get shot".

"I'm just glad you're not hurt" you replied, patting her head with your other arm. "Be more cautious next time, you gotta wear armor too" you said with a smile which made Omega smile in return.

The trip to the Tatooine rondevu point was shorter than you realized, and Hunter had Wrecker pick up the crate again to hand it over to the employer. For this trade off you had flown into a space station orbiting the planet. While Hunter and Wrecker completed the transaction you saw Tech approach you with the med box, and you sighed "alright, I guess you should see it now".

Tech didn't respond emotionally, but just replied "Remove your glove and wrist piece, then roll up the sleeve". You did as he said, and he opened the med box on the seat next to you, then took his helmet off and adjusted his goggles. ---Still looks pretty cute-- you thought to yourself as Tech started to talk again, "the armor will have protected you from the main pulse of the shot but it will bruise or even burn the skin depending on a variety of variables". You watched as he cleaned your arm with a cloth which made it sting badly, your face grimaced but you continued to watch Tech as he opened a packet of balm and began to spread it on your arm. "You're lucky, a closer shot would have burned worse, now remain still" he instructed, looking up at you as you tried your best not to twitch and grimace more.

The balm had a cooling feeling initially, but soon it heated up and your skin continued to sting painfully. Lastly, Tech wrapped a bandage around your forearm to keep the balm from rubbing off and protect the spot from further irritation. "You should probably lie back down," Tech commented, packing up the med box as you slipped your sleeve carefully back down over the bandage, "although you may not want to choose my bunk this time".

You felt all the blood in your body rush to your face in immediate embarrassment "I didn't..." you began to say, but Tech had already walked away to put back the med box. You tried to calm yourself down and headed to the back, choosing a different bunk to lay in this time. Tech sat down in his cockpit seat with a smirk on his face.

"What's got you grinning?" Echo asked, confused by Tech's expression.

"Oh, nothing," he replied, his face quickly returning to neutrality.

Hunter and Wrecker came back aboard with your payment and you began your trip home. Wrecker came back and took a nap on his bed, Hunter remained upfront after checking in on you and your arm.

The flight home was just as uneventful as the flight there, but you were happier for your boredom this time. --I can't believe Hunter didn't tell me-- you were thinking -I didn't mean to sleep there intentionally, it was just the first I chose. No need for this embarrassment.-- you could still feel the blush on your face, and you felt a sense of giddy joy rising in you as you thought about Tech. You wanted to feel guilty about thinking or feeling this way, but it brought you some harmless joy, so you didn't stamp it down like you had been doing before.

Omega walked up to you, having just returned from the front of the ship. "Is your arm okay?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the mattress to chat with you.

"Yeah I'm doing fine" you replied touching your wounded arm and giving Omega a smile, "It's not your fault". You could see Omega's eye dart away, she was still feeling guilty about the whole situation. "I'm glad you're feeling better," she said quietly.

"Didn't you have some questions you wanted to ask me?" You said, sitting up and wrapping your other arm around Omega pulling her closer to you.

Omega's eyes lit up with a curious and excited gaze as she remembered "Yeah, I wanted to ask you about Felucia, and some other things".

"Well, it's a long flight home. Go ahead and ask away." you reply as Omega cuddles up to you being careful not to touch your arm.

Omegas questions come in a long onslaught about Felucia, what was it like, what was the weather, where did you live etc. The more she asked the more she added on to her previous questions and eventually you had to cut her off before she just kept asking.

"Felucia was beautiful. It's a jungle area so very humid and green" you begin to explain.

"That's what Tech said too" Omega commented.

"We lived in a deeper part of the jungle, away from the farmers"

"We?" Omega chimed in again.

"Yeah, I lived at a Temple, I helped keep it running. We had gardens, and grew all our own food. My favorite part was running and swinging through the trees." You pause and sigh thinking back to how you used to live.

"Do you miss it?" Omega asked, although she already knew the answer.

You looked down into Omega's bright brown eyes and replied "I miss it a lot".

"I miss Kamino too," Omega replied, cuddling into you.

For a moment you two just sat cuddled together, a sadness and comfort being passed between the two of you. "It was cold and wet," Omega started to say, "but that's where I met all of them. So I guess it was my home, but now this is my home".

"I've heard it said" you replied to her, gently stroking her hair as she sat in your lap, "that home is not a place, but a feeling. To feel at home is to belong."

Omega nodded "This is my home," but then she looked up to you "It could be your home too".

Her comment almost brought you to tears. Those words had been spoken to you when you had first arrived at the Jedi temple, a frightened young padawan who hid from the other kids. Your teacher had spoken to you in the same way, and Omegas words brought those memories rushing back into your mind.

Omega watched your face change, your eyes suddenly shifting into sadness and tears beginning to form. "Maybe" you replied, pulling Omega into you so she wouldn't see you cry.

It took a bit for you to calm back down, but soon you took a deep breath and smiled at Omega again. "You had questions about something else?" you asked, remembering that she had listed more things then you remembered.

Omega leaned back on your lap and thought, her face scrunching up as she recalled her giant list of questions. Then her expression brightened up as she remembered, "Do you like Tech?".

You knew you looked a little shocked, but that was because you were. Had you been too obvious? Did you like Tech? Your reaction made Omega chuckle "I thought you did".

"Wait, what makes you think that?" you ask, feeling your face already getting redder.

"Your face gets red around him the most, and you look at him differently" she replied with a thoughtful and cheeky look on her face. "You also give him his drink first everytime, and when you've sat with us you always sit next to him or close to him."

You had to admit, her logic was solid. You had already seen Tech as a mysterious, intelligent person, but when he had covered your ears and been attentive to your needs on Mygeeto you had really started crushing on him. He was handsome, they all were, and getting to see him in action had been exhilarating.

Yeah, you were definitely crushing on Tech.

"Aright" you sigh "I admit it".

Omega grins "I knew it".

"But you can't tell him" you quickly add on "I don't want to disrupt your team".

"It won't be a disruption" Omega replied, "your part of our team too".

"But" you correct her "It's just a crush, it could go away. I think all your brothers are admirable. Plus, what if Tech doesn't feel the same way? That awkwardness would be challenging".

Omega nods "okay, I won't say anything. But if any of them figure it out you won't hear the end of it".

You two laugh together and then cuddle up and take a nap for the remainder of your trip. For once your nap goes undisturbed by nightmares or disturbing visions. Instead you felt comfortable, and relaxed, at peace. It was one of the most restful naps you had ever had up to this point.

You were woken by Hunter gently shaking your shoulder, "we're back".

You could feel Omega stirring on top of you but you hugged her tighter, "Five more minutes" you muttered with a grin. You could hear Wrecker laughing in the background, and Hunter left you to drift back to sleep for a little longer.

--End of Chapter--
