Chapter 24 --The big break | So while we have the chance--

The senate hall was going wild with Riyo Chuchi's accusations towards Admiral Rampart. You were waiting at the doorway where her pod had been, and were looking about as different Senators stood and yelled incoherently into the hall. You had felt a shift, and disturbance like a small tremor passing through the force. You brought your focus back to Riyo, making sure that this disturbance would not put her in danger.

Rampart continued where he left off, intending to move on from these statements, "If there are no further issues, let us proceed with this vote."

A voice speaks out across the senate "I motion that Senator Chuchi be removed from these proceedings, and she be censured for her misconduct."

Another Senator's voice joins in " I second the motion."

The uproar continues to grow and you realize that the Vice chancellor is no longer on the elevated platform. --When did he?-- you think to yourself, --Riyo is being hung out to dry without his interference--.

Another voice, this one calm, collected and familiar, speaks out "Senators, new evidence has come to light which must be considered." Senator Organa is floating his pod out to meet with Riyos and you can see Omega resting in the doorway where he had just been. --The evidence! Tech did it! -- you realize as Organa handed the datacase over to Riyo.

"What so-called proof do you have?" came the scratchy voice of the Senator who had called for Riyo to be removed. Senator Organa floated his pod back from Riyo, and she turned, holding up the datacase. "The recovered command log from Admiral Rampart's Venator. Which indicates his own ships caused the destruction of Tipoca City."

You saw her punch in a chip and a huge holographic display appeared inside the hall. In vivid detail you could clearly see Tipoca City, the rain pouring down, the fires littered across its buildings and the Venator along with other starships firing down on the facility. The senate room fell silent and you could hear the sound of rainfall, ship blasters and sirens echo throughout the hall.

You could hardly look away from the sight, it reminded you so much of your own home's destruction. You peel your eyes away to check on Omega who you can just make out crouched in Senator Organa's doorway. Her eyes are fixed on the display before her and you can see the pain in her eyes. You wish that you were up there to hold her right now.

The entire situation is disrupted by a horn blaring twice and the display disappearing. The floor opened again and the platform was mechanically lifted upwards, this time with two people on it. The vice chancellor Mas Amedda was present as well as a hooded figure next to him, who gave off the same aura as death. You felt yourself become slightly nauseous and sick but you held yourself together. Admiral Rampart stands at attention, and the other Senators are looking concerned.

"It would appear that Senator Chuchi's horrific assertions are correct" Mas Amedda states, filling the room with gasps and remarks. This was what Riyo had wanted, but you felt a sense of foreboding in the back of your mind.

"This unprovoked attack on Kamino was a cowardly act by Admiral Rampart to further his own personal agenda" the Vice Chancellor continued, with Senators beginning to jeer and shout. "Guards, arrest and detain the Admiral."

A pod filled with three clone troopers, each with red markings on their armor came up behind Rampart and took him into custody. The Admiral did not fight them, but was yelling something at them as they turned him around, pushed him down on the pod console and putting on handcuffs.

"Order! We shall have order!" you heard Mas Amedda say, hitting the base of his long staff on the platform's floor. The crowds were still jeering and yelling, but they immediately died down when the cloaked man stood. His voice was deep and aged but laced with a charismatic poison "I am deeply troubled by this recent revelation. My gratitude to Senator Chuchi for exposing a rogue element within our ranks. Many lives have been lost, but I assure you Admiral Rampart shall face the consequences for his treachery."

The hooded figure never removes his hood, but you can see that he is turning his head as though addressing everyone in the room. Your feeling of unease and sickness doesn't lessen, and you begin to feel a sense of fear. Not consciously, but a deeper part of you is warning you about this man.

"However" the hooded figure continues "He did not act alone. The fact that the clones under his command so blindly followed orders, inflicting such carnage without hesitation ... gives me pause. Perhaps it is time for a change."

--Wait-- you think to yourself --Why had these clones attacked Kamino? If it was their homeworld and they were manning the ships, why had they followed his orders?--

"Now more than ever, building a strong galaxy requires protection and security. Due to the nefarious actions of Admiral Rampart, and the immediacy of the bill on the floor today, it is my opinion that this legislation is, our, future. With this momentous act, we shall usher in a new era. Heralded by the Imperial stormtrooper."

You could see Riyos' head sink in defeat.

The bill would still go to a vote.

It was almost entirely unanimous after his words.

You had succeeded, but failed your mission.

* * *

The rest of the day seemed to pass by in a blurr. Your feelings of illness had subsided once the hooded figure had left the Senate hall, but you continued to feel blindsided. You had all the needed evidence, the Senate had clearly been in an uproar, yet what the hooded person, who you now know is the Chancellor, had swayed them all. You had lost. That man had a deceptive power you could not comprehend and you reconsidered your desire to remain in the senate to collect information.

The Senate hall had discussed their final issues and you were walking out of the Senate building with Riyo and her guards. It was early evening, the day had gone by so quickly. The stairs glowed warming with the early evening light as the sun began its journey to the west. There was no breeze, but you could hear the quiet buzzing of ships far above your head.

Omega had let you know that Rex had come to take her back to the garage earlier, and you would also be escorted back after the hall closed. Hunter had been anxious to have Omega back, and you found yourself intrigued over the matter. --What was so dangerous about Omega that she needed to be hidden?--

"I guess this is goodbye for now," Riyo said, as you approached her private ship.

"Yes," you replied, "a true shame. I'll have to give these clothes back"

Riyo smiled "I will need the suit, but if your conversation with your captain goes well tonight perhaps you can continue to loan it."

"Thank you" you replied, sharing in her smile. "Riyo"

"Yes Y/N?"

"I'm sorry for what happened today"

"I don't know what you mean," Riyo responded with a confused look.

"I mean about the military bill. We did all the things you asked of us, but we didn't deliver".

"You kept me alive, your group gathered the evidence I needed and Omega convinced Halle Burtoni to testify. Even if the results were not what I wanted, all of your efforts were beyond satisfactory" she reassured you, gently touching your arm. "I will keep fighting for the clones. They all deserve the same rights as every citizen. I won't give up."

Riyos passion brings a smile to your face and emotions to your eyes. "Riyo," you quietly say, feeling your heart lift with love towards her. "You have given me the gift of hope. I can at least know some peace because I know you are fighting for them".

Riyo had not expected such a compliment and her face blushed indigo on her cheeks. "Thank you Y/N". She looked over your shoulder and saw a figure in the shadows.

"I believe your escort is here"

You reach out your arm and shake Riyos hand, "Until we meet again".

"Until we meet again" she replies, shaking your hand. She is escorted by her guards onto her ship and you turn to meld into the shadows with Rex.

The clone captain was wearing civilian clothes that covered all of his body except for his head. This, along with a cloak kept him well hidden as he made his way about the city. When you walked up to him in your maroon suit, completed with your gold headpieces, he smiled.

"Well, you sure look the part" he commented, a smile breaking over his face as he looked you up and down.

"For inside the senate, but not for where we are going" you chuckled.

"Here," he said, handing over his cloak which you slung around your shoulders and propped up over your head. "This should help you be less eye-catching on the underside".

"Thanks Rex" you reply and the two of you walk off in silence.

Rex led you down a winding system of allies and platforms, with some stairs or short jumps and even terraces that allowed you to see the city as it was bathed in the evening glow. There were plenty of smelly gasses or random pipes leaking sludge but the city still impressed you. --A forest cannot grow without mud-- you think to yourself, as you edge your way around a ledge. Once you turn the corner Rex, who is ahead of you on the next platform, extends his hand "May I assist you madame?"

"I would appreciate it" you smile back, grabbing his hand and stepping forward in motion with his pull. "How much farther to go?"

"A good ways," he replied, looking forward. You came up next to him and looked out over the city scape before you. The garage was at least in sight now. "Sure wishing I had just asked Riyo to drop me off" you joke.

"Me too" Rex replied "however we need to make sure the Senator is not seen anywhere near clones until the heat dies down".

"good point" you reply and Rex starts jumping down to the next platform. You both walk for a while longer until you reach a long terrace walkway and are able to walk side by side. Your feet hurt at this point but this terrace felt like a savings grace compared to all of the stairs before.

"Y/N" Rex said, and you perked up.


"That's your name?" Rex asked.

"Sure is," you replied.

"It's not a common name" Rex stated.

"I guess not, but it is just a name. Not rare or exotic" you respond, doing your best to remain calm as your strides slowed down.

"Hunter had told me you are from Felucia"

You paused, realizing that this conversation is heading into interrogation territory. "I've no reason to deny it".

"Are you Y/N Ennada?" Rex asked you, stopping both of you on the terrace. Even under the cloak's hood he could still see your eyes, and you both stared at each other for a second. Your mind was in a flurry of panic. What did Rex know? Would he attack you? Should you lie? Does the rest of the group know something now?

You hadn't realized you were holding your breath, and decided that the truth would have to be shared. Quietly, you whispered "Yes".

You were waiting for Rex to attack you, and stepped back not sure what to expect. Your body tensed, and Rex came towards you. You put your arms up, and you felt Rex's arms wrap around you in a hug. Surprised you had let out a gasp, but Rex continued to hug you.

"Rex?" you ask, but he says nothing.

"I don't understand," You say, gently wrapping your arms around him. Rex hadn't seemed like an emotional person to you but this clearly displayed otherwise.

"I don't know how many Jedi are left," Rex started to explain, taking a step back and releasing you from the world's most confusingly awkward hug. "with how this Empire is expanding it seems like the dark times are only just beginning. Knowing you survived means that there are others, there is still light somewhere."

"Thank you Rex, I'm honestly surprised you recognized me. I met you when I was a padawan" you reply, starting to relax but keeping your guard up.

"I remember, and I wasn't sure when I saw you initially. I had a lot on my mind with the Military Bill. But when I first saw you there was something familiar about your face, I just couldn't quite remember it. Although, you did give yourself away".

"Wait, what?" you exclaim, "How did I do that?" --If there's something I'm doing that makes me look like a Jedi I need to stop it. The other Senators may already know--.

"Not that you were a Jedi" Rex chuckled and you both started to continue walking. "Hunter briefed me about you and mentioned that you had been on Felucia during the war so you might have met me or seen me. That's when I really started thinking about it. What got me on the right track was that there were no Humanoids on Felucia during that time. At Least no native farmers. If you were familiar to me, and had been on Felucia then you must have fought with us and the only people who fought with us there .."

"..Were Jedi" you smiled finishing his sentence. Rex chuckled, "you've grown quite a lot since then .. and your hair ... is different. Plus, I'd never have imagined you ever wearing clone armor like the infantry."

"Glad my disguise mostly worked. Rex, what happened to the other jedi who were there with us during the battles of Felucia? do you know?"

"My forces at the time were joined by General Kenobi, General Skywalker, his padawan Commander Tano, and General Koon."

"I remember them" you replied, breaking away from Rex's eyes and looking to the sun ahead of you which was beginning to set. Obiwan Kenobi and Plo Koon had been true inspirations to you, Anakin Skywalker had seemed more in line with David, but a good leader. You and Ashoka Tano had gotten along well, especially since you were near her age and both of you were apprentices.

"Do you know who might be alive?" you ask.

"When the Chancellor gave order 66, I was with General Tano, and I believe she survived. I also know that General Kenobi made it off Coruscant but I have not heard about the others. Doubtless there are more who survived, I simply do not know where and my priorities have been in flux since the rise of the Empire".

You felt your heart flutter with hope "Ahsoka became a general?" you chuckled.

"Yes' Rex smiled, his eyes shining with pride and joy "She became an incredible general. I continued to command with her on many occasions and she ran her own Brigade". A smile spread across your face and you could feel your emotions lifting.

"Aren't you a Jedi knight now or were you a master before all this?" He asked, starting to walk again.

You chuckle "Not quite, I was never knighted the rank of Jedi"

"But you were apprenticed while I was there and I recall the other masters having good opinions of your performance. Was it order 66?" He asked, confused how the spiritual and elegant apprentice he had known had not continued to a Jedi rank.

"It was long before order 66".-- you felt yourself grinning--"Do you recall David?" you ask, feeling a slight blush cross your cheeks.

"That hot shot who raced General Skywalker? He's a hard one to forget" Rex chuckled.

"We started dating a year or so after those battles and I decided to leave the Jedi way" you explained.

"Really? Last I recall you didn't like his attitude. Was he worth NOT being a jedi?"

"Well, plans changed, he changed and I changed. We started planning a life together" you smile, remembering the little happy moments you had shared with David. The battles that Captain Rex had been present for had been grueling for his men and quite the challenge for your temple. You had all wanted to offer support but could only send so many to assist at a time without blowing your cover. You had been one of the few well trained enough at the time to participate in keeping the troops safe.

The most you remembered of Rex and the clones you had met were how different they were. Clones, and all military men for that matter, simply acted differently compared to your social norms. It had enticed you, and you're sure you had tried some horrendous flirting with at least one or two of them.

But after that reality check from the war David had matured. He was still David by any stretch of the imagination but his actions towards you and communication with you vastly improved. He became more than a thrill seeker.

"As odd as it seems. I do think you two made a fine pair" Rex smiled, remembering more than one moment when he had caught David watching you in admiration. That boy had been set on you from what Rex could recall. It had just seemed like a hopeless endeavor with how different you two had acted at the time.

You giggle at Rex's compliment, "We were quite the duo. After we dated, I met his family on Lianna, and later on he proposed. Of course, since Jedi cannot have emotional attachments I could no longer be a Jedi".

"Congratulations!" Rex excitedly replied. "About getting engaged, not leaving the order". You laughed in response. After you walked a few more feet Rex asked.

"Where is he now? I'd know that face if I had seen it. I've got to make sure I remind him what trouble he's in if he's marrying you."

You knew it was natural to ask about David and did your best not to let the mood slip into a deep sadness. "He's .... Gone" you reply and Rex's smile quickly fades. "I'm sorry Y/N, I should have realized".

"It's alright Rex, I know you don't mean any harm."

"Truly Y/N. I'm sorry."

"Thank you" you reply and the conversation remains silent for a few steps.

"He died on Felucia. Our temple was attacked, as all Jedi temples were. He gave his life protecting the padawans so they could escape." You explained, breaking the silence "I should have died there too."

Rex didn't reply at first but continued your thought with reassurance "There are many times when I feel I should be dead. Not because the situation was too dire, but because it would have been better to die with my brothers then live without them."

You felt a sadness creep into your heart, and the look in Rex's eyes only made those feelings stronger. Rex understood. You felt like you wanted a hug again, but instead Rex gave you these words of comfort "But there's a reason we didn't die, and I know you Jedi believe in a higher purpose like that."

"You almost sound like my master" you chuckle, letting a few tears fall from your eyes.

"I could have been a Jedi myself with how often I was around them" Rex joked and you laughed.

"Sure Rex, I'll start training you once we get off Coruscant" you wink back at him.

"I know Order 66 changed everything" Rex continued on after a hearty chuckle "But how did you end up with this lot?"

"Honestly, the odds must have been in my favor. I ended up on Ord Mantell and got hired to work with them as mercenaries. Then it just kept going"

"I saw you had your own armor"

"A gift for becoming part of the squad" you reply.

"Surprised they would give a Jedi armor like that, it's usually not your style. I think General Kenobi was the only one I knew who wore it".

You paused in your tracks, "They actually don't know I'm a Jedi. Or at least, I haven't told them and have been trying to hide it".

"Why?" Rex asked reactively before realizing "sorry, I didn't think that through".

"It was clones who burned down my Temple and killed David." you state, not intending to be mean but adopting an accusing tone. "I am sure that if I were to mention it I could be killed".

"Not by me, and not by them" Rex replied, his tone also becoming serious "We've all had our inhibitor chips removed".

"Your what?" you reply in confusion.

"Inhibitor chips." Rex stated again "They are how the Empire controlled us, it's how the Empire even managed to take over."

"Do all clones have it?" you ask, feeling utter shock. This information changes everything.

"Yes, although it would seem it is wearing off throughout the ranks. More and more clones are seeking a way out of the Empire's grasp".

"I would understand why they would leave. The Empire sees you all as assets, not as people." you reply, your mind still going over the information. "That's how Admiral Rampart got you to destroy your own home" you say looking to Rex for confirmation.

"We didn't have a choice".

* * *

Your walk with Rex only goes on for a short while longer and the conversation dies down to reminiscing about Felucia. You still can't believe that this entire time the clones all had chips in their heads. They were literally controlled like military assets for the Empire. No doubt these clones were still conscious of their actions. --Those poor men-- you think to yourself --Forced to watch your home burn, and know you pulled the trigger--.

Once you and Rex arrive at the ship-garage you give him back his cloak and use an elevator to come down into the specific garage Rex was using. The green glow of the metal reflecting the LED lights was anything but natural and you were reminded just how unfamiliar this world was to you.

The guys were all hanging around the garage as you and Rex came in. Tech was leaning back against a pile of boxes and was the first to glance up at you as you entered. Hunter, Echo and Wrecker were talking about something around the table in the middle of the room and Omega was listening to them while sitting on a nearby box. Each of them, with the exception of Tech, turned to you and Rex.

"WOW," Wrecker exclaimed at your outfit with a big grin on his face "Almost didn't recognize ya".

"Thanks?" You reply with a chuckle.

"Senator Chuchi has good taste" Hunter commented which made you smile and you joined them all standing around the table.

Tech came up and stood across from you, glancing at you only when your attention was elsewhere. Echo sent a wink your way and Hunter continued the conversation they were having when you walked in.

"The Emperor wanted us to implicate Rampart to get what he was after all along. He twisted it to his advantage" Hunter began.

"The fate of all the clones is now sealed, because of us. What's gonna happen to them?" Echo asked, clearly upset by the whole fiasco.

"Senator Chuchi will continue to vouch for them in the senate" Rex explained "Otherwise I've already got a small operation running. It's a network of clones and supporters throughout different ports to help defectors escape. Although, with this new bill we are going to need a bigger plan".

Echo turned and looked at Hunter, his eyes indicating his desire to support Rex. You could feel the emotions coming off of Echo, he truly felt guilty and clearly wanted a bigger play in the fate of the galaxy. Hunter however, was not so quick to throw your group back into battle.

"You will need a bigger plan" Hunter agreed, "But at the moment we are in a bind of our own"-Rex looks confused and Tech picks up the conversation "Yes, we are currently at the bottom of our finances. Even if we wanted to help with your efforts we currently are incapable of doing so".

"I have a proposal to help with our finances" you interject resulting in direct eye contact with Tech. You missed those brown eyes looking your way.

"Back on Numidian Prime you had said that information on the Empire sells high on the outer rim markets." -Tech nodded- " Yes, any Imperial information is highly requested".

"The senate will continue to discuss Imperial legislation over this next month or so. Senator Chuchi has kindly offered to allow me to be her escort to those hearings"- The guys look between each other-.

"I could show you how to connect directly into the senate's computer" Tech commented, looking thoughtful "We could collect the data directly from their sources".

"This is quite the opportunity, '' Hunter admitted "However, it's not safe for us to remain here. It would be unwise for us to move in with Senator Chuchi, and any further presence in the senate beyond Y/N or Omega may cause suspicion. They are still looking for the men that broke into the ship dock. While this is a chance for collecting data, it's also a greater risk for being found".

Rex nodded after Hunter finished speaking "Yes, Hunter is right. The longer you remain on Coruscant the greater your risk of being found out. Especially for us clones."

"Senator Chuchi also wished to repay you all for your efforts" you mention "I told her to speak with Hunter or Rex about what reward you may request".

"Looks like I'll need to speak with her" Hunter replied, glancing at Rex.

"Is there any way we could just remain hidden?" Wrecker asked "Why not just stay in this garage and Y/N goes to the Senate".

"That is possible" Hunter acquiesced, "However Y/N would still need transportation to and from the senate."

' "Assuming Senator Chuchi would take her" Tech theorized "They would have to fly her here, possibly leading to suspicion and an investigation".

"This garage gets a lot of traffic" Rex added in "But its local or low status. Senators rarely, if ever are seen here. Chuchi's ship would be easily noticed."

You felt a bit dismayed, mostly because the plan you hoped to achieve started to seem impossible. Perhaps it was best to cut and run. There was still work elsewhere.

"Let me make a call" Rex said "I know someone who could get you more appropriate accommodations. They would seem less suspicious and you guys can keep your ships here."

"Alright" Hunter says "call your guy and if he can accommodate us we will accept Chuchi's offer. If not, we will need to pack up and set out tonight".

Everyone at the table nods and Rex makes his way over to the garage's call terminal. While he makes his call Echo and Tech head back into the Marauder while Wrecker and Omega go play a game in a corner. Hunter moves a few steps closer to you, and you remain standing next to him as you watch Tech walk away over his shoulder.

"I appreciate your input" Hunter said and you smiled "Glad to contribute something".

"You sure you're going to be up for sitting on your butt for hours on end?" Hunter jokes.

"I'll tough it out for you guys" you chuckle back "Plus, Riyo has been very engaging to talk to. I think she invited me along because she usually gets bored".

"I'd believe it" Hunter replies and leans his back against the table. "How was everything on your end".

"Both exuberating and devastating" you sigh "I really thought we were going to prevent that bill passing. The Chancellor feels like such a dark man, and this bill is just evil. I cannot believe they voted it in".

"Me neither, but then again, they also voted to have us created."

You nod, unsure what to say next. Tech was descending the ramp on the Marauder and you tried not to stare. There was really something up with him, he had been acting differently. 

Hunter noticed you watching Tech and stood up again. He leaned in closer to you causing your eyes to snap back to him. He whispered in your ear "Unrelated to our current situation. Tech is being a pain and trying to get us together as some magical solution for the team moral".

You felt your face get red "What?" you exclaim, before quickly shutting your mouth not wanting to draw any attention towards yourself.

"I had the same reaction." Hunter sighed "His logic is sound, if not misguided".

"Why?" you ask, your brain beginning to whirl with confusion and emotion.

"I'll have to tell you another time" Hunter finished off as Tech approached and Rex came back over from his call.

"Good news Hunter '' Rex said with a grin. "Looks like you've got two rooms at the Bermua hotel".

"I'll begin making a device to access their terminals inside the senate" Tech replied neutrally.

"You'd better call Senator Chuchi," Hunter said, nudging you "she will be glad".

You nod at Hunter, acknowledging what he said but your mind was still hung up on the information he had just given you. You cannot believe that Tech was trying to get you and Hunter together. --Maybe, Tech really isn't interested in me-- you think to yourself as you walk over to the call terminal. You didn't mean for this realization to hurt, but you had to admit it did sting. 

~~ End of Chapter ~~
