
Money is power, Money is freedom, Money... is life to be honest. You can't survive without it. You can't eat, you can't sleep comfortably without being able to afford a place to live. I grew up in a middle class household and when I was younger my parents worked and every Christmas I got the newest stuff. But now these past couple of years with life moving forward, ive had points in my life where I didn't have a home, I was on the edge of poverty and being homeless if it weren't for friends. I almost got sent to foster care and had my family split up once or twice. I can not fathom how one day I can be ontop of the world being noticed for my name brand clothes and the next so close to being discarded and left behind while my friends move forward. I recently started delivering food as 1 of my 2 jobs and I never realized how poor, how much my tiny life doesn't matters until I was delivering food to a million dollar home with a gate on the other side of town. To be in a neighborhood so peaceful you can go to sleep not worrying about your car being broken into or hearing gunshots in the middle of the night, scare you so much you could cry. Money is the one thing in life we all need. We're all trying to get to a place in our own savings account where we feel "comfortable", (what ever amount they may be) from saving up for the newest chanel bag to just keeping the lights on. Its bothers me, even though america is a free country, I cant not feel uncomfortable when im around a house worth as much as my existence. When your poor there isn't a place I can express how I feel, I cant speak to the world, I cant hold a microphone like the statue of liberty and say my life..well..matters..because I'd be lieing. My life can't possibly have the same value as someone who lives in a house with a gate and private security. The only thing standing between me and someone else is, you guessed it.. Money.
