Doors Part-1

I've come to a realization, I live life everyday as if it were my last. I didn't before but this past year has really put me into perspective, I've excepted that fact that when Its my time to go, I will go and im at peace that way. But "they" always say "life is worth living" but what if im not living? What if im not happy? What am I doing in my life, running around in circles. Wondering if ill ever get married or worrying if ill die tmrw. Its hard focusing on your own path without a map and I feel as if im walking into a room filled with people and experiences blind. Not knowing what's around the corner or how what's infront of me right now could affect me later on, everything is connected and life isn't laided out for you. What I do, what we do now can drastically change the outcome of our lives and honestly that scares me. I dont want to make a wrong turn or a mistake but sometimes mistakes can lead to things bigger than your wildest imaginations. I dont know what im doing and I hope someone out there understands because it seems everyone is going somewhere, while im stuck in a locked room, key in my hand, trying to find a way out. While my emotions and feelings and memories keep bouncing off the walls onto me. I feel as though I'm stuck when im the creator and all I have to do is unlock the door. Life just begins and ends, you have to determine what happens in between.
