
Hoseok. Sweet, innocent, the cutest little bean you will ever meet. However, he's hiding something, a big something.

He works as an assassin. Killing men and women in high up positions for money.

Even his closest friends have no idea what he does, and it's not until he runs into his friend Taehyung at a ball while he searches for the man he is assigned to kill that his cover is blown.

The funny thing is, Taehyung was on an assignment too, going after the same man.

In the confusion of it all the man finds them out, and Taehyung ends up getting stabbed by a brocken whine glass, it's no where fatal just in his shoulder, but Hoseok loses it.

Going blind with rage punching the man who stabbed Taehyung until his knuckles are bloody and the guy is passed out on the ground.

It turns out that, that same man was the one they were assigned to kill. So after Taehyung successfully brings Hoseok back to reality he stands up making sure his friend is ok. Both standing on either side of the passed out target.

The crowd of people clamed down no longer running around like chickens without heads. "I'm alright Hoba Hyung. See it doesn't even hurt anymore." Taehyung wiggles his shoulder and swallows down a wince.

Hoseok smiles knowing that Taehyung is lying and is just trying to keep him clam. "Good."

With a smile on his face he cocks his gun and shoots the passed out man inbetween them right between the eyes without even looking down. "Lets go back to my hotel so I can clean that up properly."


"Hmm it feels like you have some glass still in your shoulder." Hoseok sighs while checking out the wounded shoulder. He looks through his travel first aid kit grabbing a knife and a pair of tweezers. "This is gonna hurt, but just trust me and keep your breathing even."

Taehyung nods watching as the older pulls a lighter out of the box. "Heat up the knife. Keep the flame on the tip until I'm done."

He focuses on the knife not even looking at Hoseok until the tweezers are deep inside of his shoulder digging around trying to find the glass. Taehyung takes a deep breath in and looks away from the knife gasping in pain.

"Steady your breathing, Taehyung." Hoseok stills his hand and waits. "Stay steady." Taehyung calms his breathing down and Hoseok continues to try and find the glass. "What company do you work under?"

"Sonyeondan. What about you?" He answers. "Really? I'm under the same one. Wonder why they put us both on the same guy."

"How long have you been under them?" Hoseok doesn't answer he just focuses down on the shoulder. "Gimme the knife." He pulls the tweezers out of Taehyung's shoulder the small shard of glass coming out with it. Pressing the burning red tip of the knife onto the bleeding hole burning the skin and stoping the blood.

"Aassh!!!! Hoba!!" Taehyung yells out in pain. "Sorry, sorry, but see no more bleeding." Hoseok smiles removing the knife. "I started working with them when I turned 17."

Taehyung watches his friend dig through the first aid kit again pulling out gauze, medical tape and some wraps. He has always liked the heart shaped smile from his friend. Maybe a little bit too much.

Hoseok carefully wraps up Taehyung's shoulder. "You've been under them for a long time, I've only been with them for a year or so."

"And they put you on such a risky mission?" Hoseok tisks grumbling something about talking to his boss. "It was kinda weird seeing you not all cute and squishy like normal."

"Weird in a good way?" Hoseok asks locking eyes with the younger. "Of course, I hope we can go on more missions together and be partners!" Taehyung smiles showing both rows of teeth off.

"No way Taehyung. Your too inexperienced, you shouldn't have even been sent on this mission." Hoseok says seriously making Taehyung's smile fall. "Don't get me wrong, I'll teach you everything I know but you shouldn't even be on missions outside of Seoul let alone Korea. In a few years than ya we can be partners but right now, I just want you to be safe."

Taehyung drops his head sadly. "Ok, I understand." Hoseok smiles and ruffles the youngers hair. "Let's get to bed alrighty, we have an early flight to catch."

"I don't have my pajamas here." Taehyung points out. "Just borrow mine. We do it all the time anyways." Hoseok throws some pants at him. "Its better to sleep without a shirt on so it will be easier to treat your shoulder in the middle of the night if I need to."

Taehyung nods and changes his clothes too tired to move into the bathroom for privacy. It's just pants anyways.

Hoseok on the other hand had a million things under his pants. A gun, three different knives, what looked like a gps and a whire for recording. "Wow! How come I didn't get all that fancy stuff?"

"Because you shouldn't even have clearance to go on this job." Hoseok answers honestly with a sigh. Laying on the bed in a tank top and his boxers. Taehyung frowns and lays down next to him. "I gotta make a call."

Pulling out his phone Hoseok diles a secure number. It only rings once before the person picks up. Taehyung can't hear what they say but he can tell whoever it is, is a guy from how deep the voice is.

"Why the hell was Taehyung on this mission?" Hoseok didn't sound like himself, his normal cute voice completely gone as the harsh words leave his mouth. The tone in his voice making goosebumps run up his spine.

"I don't give a fuck if you thought he was ready. He isn't! My cover was blown and he got hurt! I almost failed the job because of your shit choices."

A frown fall onto Taehyung's lips. Did he really cause that much damage?

"Look boss, I know him in my real life. I will not let you put him in a position like this again. I'm serious if he so much as gets a papercut it's your throat on the line." Hoseok's voice retuns to normal, cute and soft. And somehow it makes what he just said even scarier.

With that Hoseok hangs up with a huff. "Did I really cause that many problems for you?" Taehyung asks in a pout staring at the ceiling.

"I exaggerated a little bit." Hoseok reaches up and flicks the lights off. "You know Hoba I'm not a baby, I can handle a lot."

He smiles and turns on his side, taking in the way Taehyung's face glows from streetlights outside. "Your a baby to me though. My baby."

"Your's huh? Jimin might have a problem with that." Hoseok hums watching as Taehyung truns to look at him. "Hmmm, what's he gonna do?"

"Steal me back." Hoseok rests his hand on Taehyung's hip. "I'd like to see him try." They both smile at each other.

A few minutes pass and it seems like the pain medication finally kicks in as Taehyung lets out a yawn, and wiggles closer to Hoseok. "Cuddles please Hoba Hyungie."

Hoseok is happy to oblige laying on his back and pulling Taehyung on top of him. One hand on his shoulder holding it still an the other on his hip.

Taehyung hides his face into Hoseok's neck and puts his hand over his heart. "Goodnight Taehyung."

"Baby, I'm your Baby." Taehyung mumbles out. "Goodnight my Baby." He corrects himself. "Goo'night Hoba."

Hoseok smiles feeling his own eyes grow heavy. A soft sigh leaving his lips, 'if only you knew.' He leaves a kiss in Taehyung's hair and closes his eyes.

"Nooooooo" Taehyung whines half asleep. "No?" Taehyung looks up at Hoseok wincing slightly from moving too fast. Hoseok reaches up and holds his shoulder. "Carful baby, don't want to hurt yourself more."

"Real kiss. Want a real one." He pouts. "That was a real kiss."

"No, one here." Taehyung points at his lips and Hoseok smiles. He leans up and and presses his lips to Taehyung's. "Good night." Hoseok whispers against his lips.

Taehyung smiles happily and lays his head on Hoseok's chest. "Hyung, can we not go home tomorrow. Let's stay in New York a little longer."

"You wanna go to the art gallerys don't you." Hoseok chuckles feeling the sleep slowly fade away. "Yes, but also wanna spend time with you. Back home it's never just us. I've had fun tonight wanna be alone with you more."

"Be alone with me more, like on a date?" Hoseok asks and Taehyung nods. "Yes Like a date. Like lots of dates, and lots of kisses too."

"Good, wanna go on lots of dates with you too." Taehyung smiles and kisses Hoseok again. "Yes and lots of kisses too."

