Namjin-I Wrote You a Song

Sometimes it's better to just stop watering the flowers when you know them blooming is only a dream that can't come true.

The flower spoke in wise words saying that water is good that with him I won't be lonely, won't be in pain.

But I am pretending to be okay, to be strong.

The flower says it's better to keep trying that maybe he will bloom someday but the moon shines bright sun nowhere in sight. Swolowing the good memories of bright red pettles in the shadows.

I put a mask on, and grab the watering can. I want to see that beautiful red again, but I'm drifting away.

Growing weaker.

Mask after mask, hidding my depression and self hatred. Creating a mountain for myself, higher, high it grows up to the moon.

I can't leave you, my small little flower, but I can't show you me. I still want you, want to see the red of your pettals one last time.

I'm the one I should love, I wish I could.

But I hope I disappear, fade into the darkness. Leaving my prescious flower to die, never to bloom again.

The mountain I've created of masks and lies. There is only one way down.


The flower that is you left on the top finally high enough to reach the sun and bloom again. Covering the sky in a wonderful red forcing the black away.


Be strong!



Straingth is only temporary

Memories of red are forever


"Jin, that's amazing. Why haven't you shown it sooner." Namjoon says taking off headphones.
"It isn't finished, you weren't even supposed to know about it yet, or maybe ever." Jin answers.

"What do you mean. ARMY is going to love this." Jin answers a little too fast. "It's not for ARMY."

Namjoon is quite for a minute thinking. "Than who is it for? Who is the flower?"

It's Jin's turn to stay quiet thinking everything over. "That's not important." He closes his laptop. "It's getting late we should go to bed. Busy day tomorrow right."

"Tomorrow is Sunday." Namjoon says mater of factly. So Jin fake yawns, "Ya but I'm tired so out." Namjoon frowns and goes to hug Jin goodnight but is just pushed off of the bed.

"Alright, Goodnight Hyung." Namjoon leaves the bedroom sad and confused looking down at his phone seeing that it's only 7


"You have to tell him eventually." Yoongi sighs from across the room. "Or I could delete this song and shove my feelings deep down and forget about them."

"Hyung, the whole reason you made that song is for him. Don't delete it, and don't ignore your feelings either it's not healthy. You don't have to tell him tonight or tomorrow. You don't even have to tell him next week. But you do have to tell him." Yoongi says looking up from his phone.

"I'll tell him as soon as you tell hobi."


The conversation dies and about three minutes later Hoseok walks into the room. "Ya Hyung what did you need me for?"

Yoongi just pats his bed and Hobi walks over sitting down infront of him. "What's up?"

"I have something to tell you." Yoongi says seriously. "Alright."

"I love you and would like to take you out on a date." Hoseok smiles and leans in to kiss Yoongi. "Are you proving a point to Hyung or something. We both know we are going on a date tomorrow."

"Hey wait a minute. How long has that been going on?" Jin says offended.

Hoseok looks at Yoongi and at Jin. "Two years." They both say, and Jin's jaw drops. "WHAT?"

"Yep." Yoongi smiles in triumph . "But you said like three months ago that you want to ask him out."

"And he did. Planed a whole big special thing for our anniversary too." Hoseok explains.

"Hmmmmm now you have to confess to Namjoon." Yoongi says standing up and pulling Hoseok with him. "I'll go get him for you."

"No wait!" Before Jin could even finish yelling Yoongi had closed the door.

Jin panics for about ten minutes until a shirtless Namjoon with wet hair walks in. "Hyung?" Jin's face goes red immediately and he looks away. "Hi. Yoongi was just joking, you can go."

"Seokjin. I know, connected the dotes while I was in the shower." Namjoon says not moving from the door way. "I'll pretend like nothing is different if that's what you want but I feel like I should tell you that your my flower too."

Jin turned back to look at Namjoon forcing his eyes to stay on his face. "Really?"

"Yes. For a long time actually, maybe always."

"So, we can go on a date tomorrow?" Jin asks and Namjoon nods. "If that's what you want than yes, we'll go on a date tomorrow."

"That is what I want." Jin answers easily. "Good, because I want to as well." They stay like that for a while, Namjoon by the door and Jin on the bed.

"Does the song have a name?" Namjoon asks after a while. "I was thinking about naming it 'You' but that sounded weird."

Namjoon walks over to the bed and opens the laptop trying a few things before showing it to Jin.

The word Fl(you)er written in the title space

And Jin smiles. "It's perfect."

