Namgi-A note

Kim Namjoon, the class president, number one in his year, handsome, popular, mr perfect. Shares a table with Min Yoongi, who sleeps through all his classes, spits fire, and isn't afraid to say what is on his mind.

One day while Namjoon is peacefully doing his work he notices that his desk mate is still awake. Sitting up and everything. He takes a blank flash card and write a small note on it.

' Can't sleep?
        -Kim Namjoon '

He discreetly as possible slides the paper over and Yoongi notices, grabbing the paper and laughing.

"Min. Something funny?" The teacher calls him out. "Yes actually, your teaching." The teacher sighs and continues his lesson. Yoongi writes something down on the note card and slides it back over.

' no '

Namjoon already finished the work for this chapter so it doesn't matter that he's not focusing. He quickly writes a reply on the paper and sends it back over.

' Why do you Normaly sleep in class?
                 - Kim Namjoon '

Yoongi reads the note after it is pushed his way.

' because im tired '

Deciding not to risk anything that is where the notes stop, and class continues as it normally would. Yoongi even puts his head down, tho his eyes are still open.


The next day Yoongi wasn't at school for Namjoon the day went normal barely even noticing the bleech blond boy was missing. The second day he was gone a little pit of worry started to grow. The third day the pit got bigger when seeing Yoongi's empty chair.

The 4th and 5th days he was seriously started to wonder what happened. They may not be friends or even acquaintances but he still worries about him.

Over the weekend Namjoon got a break of relief staying in the country with his grandparents, but on Monday he felt sick to his stomach when he saw the empty seat. Yoongi may be a bad student but he is always in class.

On Tuesday however when Namjoon made it to class he saw Yoongi head down at the desk. A smile forced it's way up onto his lips and his heart fluttered.

"Good morning teach!" Namjoon says happily, going to sit in his chair. "Good morning Kim, don't forget you have that paperwork for gym to do after school today."

Namjoon nods and pulls out his note books and a new flash card.

' Hey, it's good to see your back!  I was starting to worry.
                 - Kim Namjoon '

He slides the card over to Yoongi who doesn't seem to notice. He must be asleep alrighty. Namjoon takes the time to studdy his face.

Light clear skin, slightly shiny meaning he didn't wash his face this morning. Eyes closed hair a little too long and starting to cover his eyes. About an inch or so of black roots covered by blond.

A cute little nose with a small almost unnoticeable mole next to it. Lips slightly parted while he sleeps, they aren't too big but they aren't small either, definitely squishy and soft.

Namjoon slides the paper into Yoongi's hand for when he wakes up.


It was late when Yoongi finally woke up, he had slept the whole day away even the teachers had left.

Namjoon however was still at the school working on the paperwork for gym.

Humming to himself as he fill out page after page not noticing he's being watched. "You were worried about me?" Namjoon practically jumps out of his own skin at the sudden voice.

"Oh your awake, good morning sleepy head." Namjoon smiles as Yoongi sits up. "What are you working on?"

"Just some dumb paperwork for the gym. Have to hand make 30 copies." Yoongi just stares at Namjoon for a while as the younger fills out his 15th paper. "Let me help. It can't be that hard right?"

Namjoon smiles at him and hands over a completed copy, an empty one and a pen. "Ya its not hard just tedious."

The two work together in silence until the sun has gone down. "Hey thank you for helping me out."

"No problem man." Yoongi pats his shoulder and stands up, walking to the door. "I- wait Yoongi."

The blond stops and looks at Namjoon. "Do you wanna get some ice cream with me? As a thank you?"

"Ya, sure I'll drive just tell me where to go." Namjoon smiles and jumps up from his seat grabbing his backpack and walking over to Yoongi. "I didn't know you had a car."

"I don't." Namjoon didn't question it thinking that he uses his dads car or something. Until they got to the student parking lot and saw that their wasn't any cars.

Yoongi keeps walking though so be just blindly follows, soon enough they come up to a matt black motorcycle with glossy dark purple accents.

The bleech blond jumps on and revs the engine up. "You getting on?"

Namjoon's mind goes blank at the sight infront of him, his heart races and knees go weak. "Uhhh you don't have a helmet for me."

Much to Namjoon's suprise Yoongi opens up a small compartment and hands him a helmet. "You want icecream or not?"

Hesitantly he puts on the helmet and gets onto the motorcycle. Yoongi grabs his hands and wraps them around his waist. "Hold on tight."


"Thanks for tonight. I had a lot of fun. We should do it again sometime." Namjoon smiles standing infront of his apartment door.

"Ya sure. Just let me know. I'm free most of the time."


The two of them had gotten into a habit of staying late after school together and going to get icecream afterwards. It's been months sence the first time, and Namjoon can't help but smile at the memory of that day.

The day he realized that he might have a crush of the sleeping beauty who sits next to him.

Everytime they go and get icecream they always get the same thing. Yoongi gets one scoop of peach icecream and Namjoon gets a strawberry milkshake.

It's gotten to the point that when they walk in this time the owner of the place just tells them to sit down and he'll get their icecream ready.

It's raining today so Yoongi didn't bring the motorcycle, he has a small white two door car that they used to drive here.

"It's raining really hard out their." Namjoon laughs looking down at himself. He definitely whore the right jacket for today.

Yoongi on the other hand is pulling his soaked jacket off of him only to frown at his shirt being wet too. "We weren't even outside for long." He grumbles angrily.

Namjoon looks Yoongi up and down before grabbing his hand. "I have an idea come." The older gets pulled to the bathroom and pushed inside. "Take your shirt off and wear my jacket. It's water prof."

Yoongi grumbles something like 'but than you'll be wet when we leave.' But changes anyways.

He comes out looking like a dwarf in the jacket that is two sizes two big. "It's warm, thank you." Namjoon smiles at Yoongi and they go back to the table. The wet clothes being shoved into a plastic bag.

"You look so cute in my jacket. Like a little peach." Namjoon smiles and Yoongi grumbles his ears turning pink.

The owner sets down their icecream. "Thank you sir." Namjoon says like normal, getting the same wrinkly smile from the old man. "You two have a good night."

"I told you not to call me that in public." Yoongi grumbles, making Namjoon laugh. "Who is gonna know? Seriously no one else is crazy enough to get icecream on a day like this."

Yoongi glares at him taking a scoop of his ice cream and eating it with a huff. "Ok ok I'm sorry I won't call you that in public anymore."

They sit in silence for a about half a minute enjoying their ice creams. "Your grandma say yes to the weekend trip yet?" Yoongi breaks the silence.

"No, she doesn't think it's safe going to Seoul by myself." Namjoon sighs. "But you live on your own during the week?"

"I don't understand it either. I really wanted to go too." Yoongi offers a spoon full of his icecream to Namjoon. Who gladly accepts. "Than just tell her that your at my house for the weekend or something."

"Yoongi you know why I can't do that." They both sigh, "Ya ya you and your stupid moral code."

"Hey, just because mine is stricter than yours doesn't mean it's stupid." Yoongi laughs at how offended Namjoon got. "It's amazing that we are so close."

"Opposites attract I guess." Namjoon shrugs and continues to drink his milkshake.


The second they make it to the car the heater is cranked up as high as it will go both of them shivering from the cold rain. "It's cold enough to be snowing god." Yoongi shivers only having the jacket covering his top half.

The rain had died down a little bit by the time that they finished their icecream but it was still raining pretty hard.

Yoongi pulls out of the parking space and as carefully as he can drives down the street heading to Namjoon's apartment building.

The drive was short only about 5 minutes not even enough time for them to warm back up. Yoongi parks in an empty space and moves to trun the car off. Going to walk with Namjoon up to his apartment like normal.

But he is stopped. "I can walk up by myself today, don't want my lill peach getting too cold." Yoongi hums and looks at Namjoon. "Ok, be safe than. Stay warm and text me when you get in."

Namjoon smiles at him, "Ok dad." He jokes making Yoongi smile too. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow peaches." And with that Namjoon gets out of the car and runs up to the door of the apartment building pulling it open and walking inside.

Just like he was told to Namjoon texted Yoongi once he got inside his empty apartment.

' I made it up to my apartment! '

Unsurprisingly he didn't get a response back for a while but a little green check showed up next to the text meaning that it was seen.

Giggling like a fool at the little green check. Sometimes Namjoon feels like a middle school girl with a crush, and while only one of those things is right he definitely acts like one.

Not infont of Yoongi of course.

Three dots lit up on his screen and he let out an exited squeal waiting for the text to pop up.

' Glad to see you made it home alright. Sleep well. '

His thumbs flying to type out a response.

' I will, you have sweet dreams as well. '

The next text he reserves is a sleepy face emoji.


It's the middle of the night and Namjoon is woken up by a crack if thunder that he swears shook the walls.

He isn't scarred of much but as he pulls his blanket up over his head only because able to think about when the next boom is. When the next crack of lightening strikes. Terror runs through his body like a bad cold making his stomach turn and his head hurt.

Namjoon grabbed his phone and opens up his texts looking over the names, trying to think of who he knows that would answer.

Grandma? No she's sleeping.


He doesn't think it through, clicks in the call button and presses the phone to his ear, preying that he answers.

"Ya? Why are you calling me so late?" Yoongi's voice sounds like heaven in his ear. He turns the volume up so high he can hear breathing.

Thunder booms right outside his bedroom window and the room lights up for a second from lightening making Namjoon squeak and pull his blanket tighter around himself. "I just wanted to hear your voice."

Yoongi hums. "Alright, what do you want me to talk about?"

'Anything ramble on about nonsense just say something and don't stop' is was Namjoon wanted to say, but instead he said. "Read me a story."

Thankfully he isn't questioned and Yoongi shuffles around, "Ok, this may be a bit boring but it was the closest book I have."

"Just wanna hear your voice." Namjoon whimpers when thunder cracks again this time loud enough to sound through the phone.

"Are you scared of the thunder?" Yoongi asks the question falling out before he could stop it. "Ya I am." A ping of shame hit Namjoon, he's 18 years old he shouldn't be afraid of thunder still.

"That's why you called me?" Yoongi asks again. "Ya." Their is more shuffling from Yoongi's side. "What's happening?"

"I'm coming over, do you want me to bring the book?"


Yoongi knocks on Namjoon's door not having a key and it takes a while for it to open. But when it does Namjoon is pulled into a tight hug. "It's alright your peach is here now." Namjoon hugs Yoongi back pulling him into the small apartment.

"Keep talking." Yoongi rubs his back and smiles at him. "Lets go lay down alright?" Namjoon nods but doesn't move or show any sign of moving.

So Yoongi does, picking up Namjoon and carying him into the bedroom. They lay down and yoongi unlocks his phone pulling up a pdf of some random book he downloaded on the way over.

"High school, its supposed to be the best time in everyone's lives.
Not really for me though, I couldn't care less about the seemingly never ending lectures or the popularity contest, all the different clicks. I do care about the terrible school lunches however." Namjoon clings to Yoongi as he reads off his phone flinching at every noice and buring his head further into Yoongi's chest when the room lights up from lightening.

Yoongi is very patient with him, stoping once a page to check if Namjoon is alright. Each time he just whispers "keep reading, wanna only hear you."

Namjoon gets pulled up closer to Yoongi so his voice is louder, and continues to read. Eventually, after about 30 pages Namjoon has relaxed enough to fall asleep still hugging onto Yoongi.

A soft smile makes its way onto Yoongi's lips looking down at the snoozing boy. "Good night Namjoon." Placing a kiss on his head Yoongi closes his eyes to fall asleep as well.


The rain has stopped by the time they both wake up. Sun shinning throw the open curtens above the bed. Namjoon still cuddles up against Yoongi, whos arms are still wrapped around the youngers shoulders phone had fallen out of Yoongis hands and onto Namjoons back. A loud highpitched ringing comes from Yoongi's phone waking them both up in the worse way possible.

Yoongi groans and moves to trun off his alarm, pattining around on Namjoons back until he finds the phone. "Good morning peach." Namjoon grumbles out voice deeper than normal. "Not yet, lets sleep more." Yoongi answers setting his phone beck down after successfully turning off his alarm.

He smiles at Yoongi whos breathing is already evening back out. He wiggles out of Yoongis arms and gets out of bed. Despite being as carfull as he can he still wakies up Yoongi. "Namjoon-ah, come back to your peach." he whines reaching out to pull Namjoon back. "Sleep for a little bit more, I'll wake you up when breakfast is ready." Yoongi frowns and opens his eyes to see Namjoon walking the short distance to his kitchen.

Namjoon is famusly no good in the kitchen but he still wants to try for Yoongi, so he grabs a jar of kimchi, a few eggs and some microwave rice. He puts the rice in the microwave for 2 minutes and mixes up some kimchi with eggs before putting it in a frying pan and cooking it. Namjoon watchs the pan like a halk making sure nothing burns, and when its done he takes the rice out of the microwave and splits of the food into two bowls and sets them on the table.

"Peaches, wake up. breakfast is ready." Namjoon calls peaking behind the curten that seporates the bedroom from the rest of the apartment. It is just a studio after all. He finds Yoongi sleeping in basicly the same position but hugging the pillow instead of it being under his head.

Yoongi's eyes flutter open and Namjoon smiles. "You didn't bring the place down."

"Were you expecting me to?" Namjoon asks head to the table. "Honestly a little bit."


"Hey this is gonna sound crazy. I probably am crazy but last night. Did you kiss me?" Namjoon asks in the middle of lunch causing Yoongi to practically choke on his food. "I kissed your head. Your not mad about it right?"

"No! No not at all. In fact I would mind if you did it more often." His face turn red when he realizes what he said. Scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I mean if you want to."

Yoongi looks at Namjoon a small smile pulling on his lips. "Hmmmmm I want to."


Nothing changed for a long time. Staying late after school getting ice cream, Yoongi taking Namjoon home. Walking him up to his apartment than standing up on his tippy toes to kiss his forehead.

Namjoon wanted so badily for Yoongi to kiss his lips, or even his cheek. Just something other than his forehead. Sure it was hard to get used to at first having to rush into the apartment so Yoongi doesn't see the blush on his face.

The blush is still there every time but it's not as bad, his heart doesn't feel like it's going to pound out of his chest every time anymore.

He misses it.

The feeling of his stomach twisting into a pretzel, how his hands get sweaty, even how red his ears turn.

But he would never tell Yoongi. He doesn't want to ruin what he has. Doesn't want to scare him off. So he settles, happy with what he has for months.

Until one day he snaps the sight of Yoongi sleeping next to him as he fills out paperwork just too good to resist. He leans down a kisses his cheek whispering the quietest ''I love you'' before going back to his paperwork.

"You do?" He freezes and slowly turns to Yoongi who hasn't moved any, just opened his eyes. "I thought you were asleep." Namjoon panics. "I sleep during class." Yoongi says sitting up.

He smiles at Namjoon who looks beyond panicked. "Plus I like listening to you sing. You have a beautiful voice."

Namjoon can feel his face turn red as he struggles to get a "thank you" out. Yoongi leans in closer and pecks Namjoon's cheeks as well. "I love you too"

"Like as a friend?" Namjoon asks ignoring the crack in his voice. "No, like as a boyfriend." Yoongi whispers getting shy himself.

His hands moved by themselves going up to Yoongi's face and turning it slightly. They lock eyes for a few seconds because Namjoon kisses him. It's awakward and he completely missed but the point was made.

Yoongi smiles and fixes the kiss. Pressing their lips together in a soft proper kiss. Namjoon's stomach explodes in fire works and he can't help but smile.

"So I'm you boyfriend?" He asks once the kiss breaks. "Do you want to be?" Yoongi asks back. "Yes!" Namjoon answers a little too fast. "Than your my boyfriend."

