Chapter 6


I do not know how we managed to get so far from the castle as we had.  My wolf was so blind with rage and anger but within the arms of Master I found refuge and my body shut off.  I had passed out in his hold I was safe from others and myself.  If anyone else would have tried to carry me at that point I would have slaughtered them there on the spot.  But my beast knew that my Master is stronger and smarter than any of us, so she didn´t try to do anything reckless and she let me rest.  When I awoke, Master was beside me waiting for me to regain consciousness.  He wasn’t joking when he said it would be a battle for my sanity.  I felt like I had been tied up and beaten all day. 

It hurt to stretch at first but then as I was able to take in the smells I felt tension release.  The smell in the forest was reminding me that I was home. It was so different from Siberia, here was everything green.  How many times have I dreamt of this forest and imagined I was running through the grass without a care in the world.  I was in my wolf form now feeling free and loving the sounds and smells all around me.  All the tension that had been building up inside me for the past few days was being released.  It was time for me to get away from everybody other than Master and let my wolf take over me for a few.  She wanted to run back home and be near her mate but that would not end very well and agreed not to with everything going on.  She was finally feeling free and thanked Master for keeping his promise.  He stayed close at first but allowed me to wander.    

It was spring time the grass has started to go green, spring flowers were already popping out of the earth. I stopped several times to smell them, which has led to a sneeze from the pollen. But I didn´t worry, I remembered the first time when I changed, my wolf would smell anything and everything what came before me. In the woods I found a small clearing, and decided that I will rest a little letting my head rest on my paws, I looked around me. Trees have started to awaken and the first leaves were showing.  The air held so many different scents at once that I purred in happiness and joy to finally smell home again.  The melody of singing birds in the air was starting to relax the last bit of tension from me as I finally found tranquility in my soul.  My eyes began to droop as I was just on the verge of a deep asleep when the rumble of another voice, in my head, startled me for a second.

“Alina, how are you doing my child?”  I could detect the worry in his voice.

“I´m fine Master, enjoying the peace while I can.”

“Where are you? I can´t seem to locate you but I know you are near.  Your scent is all over the place you must have been having some fun.”

With a chuckle, I responded, “I have found a nice clearing in the middle of the woods and I´m enjoying it. It’s so quiet here and I was content for the first time in a while.”

“Well, that was nice to hear.  You sound like you have found your center again, am I correct?”

“Yes, I finally manage it. It was so terrible Master, my wolf still wanted to run back and kill that bitch several times, but I managed to control her and she agreed to step back. We both feel at ease now.”

“I don´t want to destroy your peace, but we need to return. They will send someone to look after us and they can see you in your wolf form. Your mate and father will recognize you immediately and that will destroy everything for you.”

“Yeah, you are probably right, I am on my way now.”

It took me half hour to come back to my Master he was patiently waiting for me, with my clothes in his hand. I took my clothes and dressed behind a big tree as he stood guard.

“Master, I´m ready to go back to that damn place and meet him as requested by him” I said while putting my shades back on my face.  These things were becoming irritation with them always pressing down on my nose.  Don´t get me wrong I love them, but to have them always stuck on your face, it´s just not so funny and comfortable all the time.

“Alina, he wants to meet you alone. Remember what I have talked about his wolf. He will try to get to you, but stay strong.”

“Why can´t I just dismiss this meeting, I can say I´m not interested to listen to him and we have nothing to talk about.”

“You can´t do that.” He looked at me apologetically. “He wants to speak with you about the protection for his wife.”

I snorted. “His wife my ass!” But those two words ‘his wife’ still hurt me deep inside.

“Alina we both know, why he wants to talk to you and it isn´t about his wife.  You have made his wolf curios about you just by being in the room.  If you don’t curb some of his curiosity in time he will go mad and become aggressive towards you.”

“Oh God, I can´t wait for that to happen. Till then I need to have control over my wolf at all times, defend the bitch from threats, fight with my father, and I need to avoid my mate because he will be sexually harassing me all the time. That´s just NOT cool, so not cool at all. It´s just too much for keep track of Master, I think I need a raise.”

“Only you my dear Kendra would think about money in this situation.”

“God, I really hate that name and girls always need some extra money.”

We both started to laugh. It felt good at time, but my smile was wiped from my face when a young boy cautiously approached me and handed me direction to where I would meet Alessandros. He was waiting for me in his Royal office. That was not what I expected we would meet.  There will be no one in that room but us. Before I went to meet with him I headed to my room to take a much needed shower and changed my clothes. I need to feel comfortable before him, so I chose slim black trousers and black t-shirt. I tied my hair in a messy bunch and placed my shades back on. Before I left I debated if I should take some weapons with me or not.  I didn´t believe he would do something to harm me, but if the need arose where I needed to control him I would need something. I believe my wolf would let him do anything to me, just to feel his touches, but I didn´t want his hands on me or anything else. So I decided my gun would do well in this case so he remained some distance from me.  Whereas the knife needed more intimate contact and that would do me not good at all.

I was standing before the doors and knocked on it three times to let him know I was there.  However, as a werewolf I am sure he heard and smelled me coming from down the hall. 

“Come in.” his deep voice came from the room. I slowly opened and walked in. The room was filled with books and art figures that lined the shelf.  Alessandros appeared to be quite comfortable sitting behind his desk with all his glory around him. He stood up and showed me to sit on the chair before his desk.

“Welcome Kendra and please take a sit.” I didn´t dare to look at him. I didn´t say anything, I sat and looked around the room. Suddenly everything was more interesting around me than him. On the right side of the room was placed the fireplace before the fireplace was a small table with two comfortable chairs. I turned my head to the left side of the room there were two large windows they were veiled with heavy curtains that blacked out the light from the room. Next to the windows were many shelves filled with various documents.

It was so quiet in the room the only thing you could hear is our breathing. I looked in his direction, but not at him. Behind him were many books lining the shelves that I was trying to pay more attention to than the man in front of them.  My wolf was trying to force me to look at him and we had an inner battle again.

“I think I´m more interesting to look at than my books.” Those words made me look at him. He was sexy as ever, I could see he changed his clothes since our meeting.  He was now wearing a tight t-shirt and some jeans, he looked so casual almost normal than he did several hours ago. He always was handsome whatever he wore but his black eyes were fixed on me as his lips turned into a half smile.

“Well, I prefer books. They are more interesting to look at.” I was lying through my teeth, but he didn´t need to know that.

He laughed at my words. “Oh Kendra, but I think you are lying. I could smell your desire when we were in the Throne room. You were so arousal by me, I could feel it, heck I could even taste it from where I sat. If we were alone there, you would be mine and you would be begging me to take you right there and then.”

Why did he just say those words to me? It was my wolf who was begging to touch him, not me. He needs to stop saying such words before I lose control and my beast takes over. “Well, I think you are wrong again, in that room it was not just you and me.  There were several more males and I could be longing by anyone of them. So don´t flatter yourself, your ego is big enough to praise yourself more than it´s necessary.”

“I know I have it right no matter what you say.  So there is no reason to get defensive from what I said.  There is something about you that I can´t explain it or let go of. Your smell is so confusing me and I cannot figure out why. You Kendra are a misty I intend to solve.” He touched his nose and leaned on his desk. He was smirking at me. “So you are well aware of my intentions, I won´t rest before I know who you are and discover everything there is to know about you.”

“Well that is just too bad. I´m not interested in what you want from me.  I don´t give a damn.  I am just here to do my job and get the hell out of here.” Another lie slides off my lips because I know that always will want to stay near and be by him.  However, he does not need to know that fact.

He smiled at me and began grinning wider as he responded, “Well I was thinking we could get to know each other better and maybe do something more, like exploring each other with hands and…” I interrupted his sentence, I so didn´t need to hear that right now, while trying very hard to keeping my wolf in check and keep her from jumping on him right here and now.

With a look of disgust I narrowed my eyes and replied, “Look you are married and mated man. I think your wife would not appreciate such things from you.” I spat every word at him. “And I´m so not interested in taken males, I prefer my lovers to be free as a bird, so I can do whatever I want to do. If you have called me into your office just to suggest having one night stand with me, I think it´s better for me to get going right now.” I slowly got up from my chair. “I thought you called me to talk about your wife protection and her safety. But now I see, you don´t care for her really no do you?” I needed that answer from him.

“Well she can take care of herself and besides you are here now and you can take care of that for me. But one thing I want you to know, I don´t give up so easily. I won´t give up on you in the end you will be mine, I will have you in any possible way I can get you Kendra.” He was serious and I knew that look on him. When he wanted something, he got it no matter what. However, he didn´t want me in the past and he won´t have me now.

“Just two words for you my Prince. Try me.” With that I turned around and went for the door. Before I opened the door his question stopped me.

“Why do you have sunglasses on?”

“That´s for me to know and for you to ask” I opened the door.

“Kendra!” I slowly turned around and looked at him. “To your previous words, my response is, I WILL TRY.” So with that I slammed the door closed with loud bang.

That prick, how dare he talk to me like that? Ugh, I was so angry, but my wolf was jumping inside of me. Giggling as she ranted on about how he wants us, he doesn´t care about his wife, and it´s obviously they don´t have healthy relationship, like we would have with him.  Frustrated I knew I was going to have to approach Antonio and get all the information I can from him without triggering his suspicion regarding why I am so interested in Alessandros love life.

“Alina where are you?” Axel was demanding from me.

“I had a meeting with the devil. Why?”

“Your step-sister wants to go shopping and we need to follow her. Be prepared in ten minutes.”

“Ok, I´ll meet you at the front door.”

Just someone shot me right here and now. This day just couldn´t go any better for me.  I think I have had all the fun and adventure I can manage in one day.  Seriously, I don´t need another scene where I can lose my mind and kill her on the spot.  No matter how much I enjoy fantasizing about it.  Here we go a shopping trip from hell.  Lord help me because I just might strangle her yet.
