Chapter 13

Thank you all who have continued to follow this story along.  @Suzy82 and I have been working on this chapter for some time.  Unfortunately, with families, work, illness and trips it has taken longer than planned but here it is.  I really hope you like this one.  Suzy82 and I both came up with it and have been playing off each other’s thoughts...enjoy the emotional roller-coaster. 

Please comment, vote and thank you for reading!

Sincerely, @shellbell232


Leaning back in the shower I stared at the pattern on the tile while my mind wondered shifted through the events of today like a slide show on speed.  I couldn’t stop the flow as a moment of weakness overtook me and I shed a tear that melted away with the water.  I was too close and quickly losing control.  How am I going make it through this dinner with all eyes watching?  I cannot loose myself I have to keep grounded.  But the look on Antonio’s face has engraved in my consciousness.  He was brutally honest and I sat there in silence as he shared his fears and longing for me yet I was right there.  A peace washed over me as Master’s thoughts gently nudged at my consciousness about hold on and reminders that it will be time soon.  I bowed in my head and understanding and breathed deeply. 

Through the haze of memories and thoughts I could just make out a subtle knock on the door to my room.  I needed just a few more seconds to shove all the crap back into the tight locked box at the very depth of my sole so that I can become who was needed to escape this reality.  It is what I had to do to survive and I hope that one day everyone will forgive me for the lies.  Closing my eyes I pushed the last bit of fear back inside myself. I was no good on this mission if I blew it and it would not end well if we displeased the Master.  Failure is not an option I cannot allow them to unwillingly break me.  We all will lose if that occurs.  So instead of moving towards the door I chose to take these last few moments and pulled up the internally armor of a Warrior on and allow the steaming hot water sooth the remaining tension from my body.  Knowing that there was no way under this God given green earth that I will ever be prepared enough for this dinner. 

After hearing Antonio and hidden memories I cannot let go that something major happened to Alessandros all those years ago.  This mystery he has the answers too and I needed them soon.  I needed to know what the hell happened to him and what is it he hiding?  They will be reviled there is so much I need to know.  However, it is I who hold a major card, I have a secret that has been locked a way since the beginning of all of this, the secret that has led to all the events, and will be instrumental in the not too far future.  However, it is best that I do not focus on that right now, it is not time, and I have to wait for Master to act and give my cue to proceed.  I just need to focus on the mission and keep my secrets to myself.  I slowly pulled from the water as the soft knocking shifted to pounding. 

 "Just a second!" I shouted as I quickly secured on of the fresh towels around my body and slipped on the sunglasses. With a quick glance in the mirror I glided over to the door.  As I unlocked the door, Miri entered the room.

“Finally girl!” she exclaimed, and burst out laughing. “Look at you..hahaha…towel and…hahaha sunglasses…hahaha.” Great now I´m a laughing object for my friends. As she was bent over holding her side, I slammed the door close and removed the glasses.  Could I not catch a break today?  I swear the forces of the world are out to get me. 

Scowling and with all the sarcasm I could muster, I retorted, “Well, it´s nice that you find it funny…which it is not!”  Then proceeded to deal with the annoyance by aggressively towel drying my hair to the point I was pulling some hairs from my scalp.  Damn it!

Looking up, and taking a deep breath, Miri had the audacity to ask if I took a shower with these damn glasses on.  Seriously, what was she thinking?  As her words penetrated my thoughts, I began to see the image she had in her mind and could not help myself from breaking out into a fit of laughter as well. 

After pulling ourselves back together, Miri sat on my bed and watched as I prepared for dinner.  I stood in front of my outfits and chose to go with a traditional warrior look, black slim jeans, black long sleeved shirt, and the every needed boots wrapped up my attire. With each piece there was a fleeting desire and thought to present myself in traditional dress but as quickly as it brushed across my mind it was extinguished.  She is gone it is the Warrior that remains for me to do my job I have to stay in this mindset.  As a warrior the only time we dress fancy dress is when the job required such attire or Master made it a request.  Therefore, since I was not instructed, I will not dress to impress.  Over the year, I have found that I no longer care about my appearance as most of the others do even amongst us Warriors, all I focused on was what was needed and did my duty.  It also helped me keep focused on the task at hand. 

 Putting on the last touches, I spoke to Miri over my shoulder, “How was your day?” I needed to know if there were any issues that occurred why they were out on the trip. She has set herself on the edge of my bed.  Miri shrugged her shoulders and leaned back on her elbows looking up towards the ceiling and said in a nonchalant tone, “I think Blade will kill your mate.  He was seriously considering doing that a few times today.”  Interest peaked; my eyes captured her beautiful brown Asian eyes and asked, “Why? Did he do something to you or Blade?”

She leaned further back as her eyes shimmered with amusement saying, “No, but he was asking a lot of questions about you? Sometimes I think that man knows who you are. He is totally crazy about you.  His wolf is seriously pulling towards you.  If only he knew that you are his mate, but he doesn´t and you can of course be thankful for those miraculous pills.” She rolled her eyes and looked back up at the ceiling. “He was asking so many personally questions about you.  Blade had enough of his curiosity and was seething.  Of course, we remained silent and you will be please to know that we did not answer most of his questions, but we did to some.”  She made eye contact as she flopped over to her stomach and smirked as she recalled the rest of the outing.  “However, I do think you would be quite amazed how worked up Blade became during out trip.  I had to calm him down on several occasions and I will tell you it took quite a bit of effort.  He was so done with Alesandros that his response were terse and you could see the veins bulging as he clenched his jaw.  I could see that the prince was purposefully pushing Blade limits on control.  I do believe that man of yours has figured out that you and Blade are involved, and he is intentionally rubbing Blake to find out to what level and how committed you really are.” That shocked me and startled me.  Blade is not one to play nicely and when angered it is awe sight.  Also, knowledge that Alessandros is a very clever man and he always was a step ahead others but he is driven and that is alarming.  Will I be able to keep up and hold my own when he has targeted me and already working on digging deeper?  I hope the mission goes smooth, given enough time I am not sure Alessandros will not figure it out.  I do hope that Blade is able to not react and keep things job focused.   Alessandros is a smart man and it is not surprising that he already figure it out that me and Blade have something more than just fellow Warriors.

“Yeah, he always was a smart one.” I confirmed her suspicions.

“But he wasn´t smart with you Alina.” Her words stabbed me in my chest, but she was right and I am sure at that moment she saw more than I was ever willing to express.

“No, he wasn´t” I admitted and turned around and grab the sunglasses again and said, “Miri, I need another solution other than the damn glasses, we have to find something else.  I cannot keep wearing them 24/7 and there is bound to be a situation where someone might catch a glimpse.  I love these things but not all day every day, and I am done.  I feel like I am constantly hiding behind them, we need to figure something else out and soon.”  She didn´t mind the change in our conversation, she understood.  I just could not keep talking about him of the locked away feelings were going rush out and I cannot contain them if they all were released.  I just could not keep going like I have and this whole situation is stressing me out.

Miri was well as the rest of the Warriors were aware of the impact these past few days.  She gave me an assuring smile, “You should talk with Master after the dinner. He will find solution for your glasses.” She then looked at her watch on her wrist and said with urgency, “We need to go Alina are you prepared?” Popping off the bed she gave me a look with concern as I took hold of my hair and quickly pulled it into a tight French bun and secured it. Without answering her question, I placed my sunglasses back on my face and stared back at the reflection in the mirror once again, removed all emotion from my expression,  sighed and turned to leave.  As we exited the room, Blade and Axel were standing there waiting for us in the corridor. Miri silently left the room and walked pass me.  As I reached back to lock the door, Blade moved behind me and reach his arms around my body giving me a much needed embrace prior to moving down the hall.  I stood there at the door for a second and leaned back into his heat, as he nuzzled into my neck I took a deep breath and he whispered in my ear. “Are you alright?”

I shivered and slowly turned around in his arms so I could face him. “I think I am prepared.” He leaned forward and gently brushed a caress across my lips.  His hold and kiss, brought comfort and assurance that he will be there and do what was needed to help me during this dinner.  I closed my eyes and cuddled into his embrace even if it was just for a moment.  His touch brought such comfort to me that I didn’t want to move pass my door.  We molded well together and I have no desire to leave his embrace to the unknown.  This I knew and I knew what to expect. 

As we lingered, Axel said under his breath, “Get a room you two.”

I slapped him on his arm.  “Axel you had yours today, now is my turn to have mine.”

He gave me a cocky smile. “Yeah and I had many today not just one.”

I couldn´t help but laugh at his face. “You know Axel you are a pig with big letters P-I-G.”

With those words leaving my breath, I broke away from Blade and unexpectedly grasped Axel into a big hug. To say he was surprised by my action is an understatement.  He stood stiff in my arms for several breaths.  I was not sure how this would go and never gave a second thought about it.  The words I said I knew hurt him even if he never showed it.  But after a few seconds Axel wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me back with affection of a brother and looked at Blade with questioning eyes.  I knew Miri, Axel, and Blade knew what was going on and all were alarmed with my actions and concerned for my wellbeing.  Damn it!  My emotions were consuming me again and I got lost in the memory of his past as I wrapped myself in his warmth trying expressing my apology and regretting for the harsh words.  I just wanted us all be ok. 

You see Axel had a very hard childhood; he was beaten all the time, by his mother and customers.  When I first heard his story, I found it very hard not to break down and cry as well as not feel sorry for him. He has not clue who his father is and his life has been everything but normal growing up.  His mother was a vial woman not because she was a prostitute and selling her body for money. When he was only a nine years old boy, he met his first trick. As his mother waited for a customer, an old lady took one look at him and paid to have him spend a night in her bed. No matter how much he was against this act, he was forced and sold by his mother as a toy to the old lady.  He knew what she wanted even though he was only a child.  He was made to go to this old lady after being beaten severely for refusing to go with the customer when bought. In the end Axel went with the old lady and lay in her bed, this was the night when he lost his childhood and innocence.   From that night on he continued to live in misery.  His mother was greedy for money and saw an opportunity to make a big fortune from his flesh.  He had no choice in whose his customers were; she sold him to the highest bidder every night and sometimes multiple customers used him in a day.  Whatever she could get out of him she did and she did well.  He was made to be with males, females and even couples, even though he prefers only women. He was subjected to horrendous acts and could do nothing about it.  They were given free pass and could do anything to Axel they pleased.  He was frequently beaten almost to death while other horrible acts were performed that only a monster can do to another.  No child should ever have to experience such things as Axel was made to do every day from that moment when he was 9 until Master found him.  The few times Axel has talked about that time, he told me that every time a customer would finish, he would pray to God to just kill him on the spot or take him away from that place.  He would do anything to never have to be bought and sold again.  After four years of misery and being sold, Master found him and brought him home.  It was a very cold December night in an alley; Master found Axel beaten barely breathing and stark naked lying on the frosted ground.  Barely conscious, Master leaned down to see if Axel was alive and he pulled deeper on himself and cried please kill me.  Instead, Master picked up the bleeding and broken body of a 13 year old that had clearly been abused and raped repeatedly.  He wrapped Axel in his coat and took him to safe location.  Once Axel was able to tell Master what happened and his mother’s actions, he didn’t think twice, sought her out and killed her on the spot.  Master offered Axel the option of staying on his own to live how he wanted or start new as a Warrior. As you can tell he chose to be a Warrior and went with Master. 

I struggle to understand how any mother can do that to her own child.  He was just a boy who wanted to please his mum in the best way he could.  She sold him for money and beat him when he spoke against doing it.  Is there any way she loved him?  It often saddens me to see that he never has been loved by the one that should always care more about him than themselves.  He never understood family and we Warriors with all our broken damaged and disturbing histories are the only family he has known.  Due to this, I think is why Axel still sleeps around with so many girls even if he denies that. I think deep down in his heart he is still a scared nine years old boy who wants control and to prove his poor excuse of a mother, that he can chose what he wants to do and with whom.  In end he still is making choices due to her. 

“What was that for?” he asked with a surprised voice. I just held on to him a little longer before I could release my hold on him.  Instead of speaking, knowing I could not trust what would come out; I just shrugged with my shoulders. However, he continued to eye me with concern and interest.  The three of them stood there in the hall blocking my path and I knew there was no way I am walking away from this without some rational for my actions.  Knowing they would see lie for what it was I went with the partial truth shrugged my shoulders and said, “I just needed to do that.” Axel still taken back by my actions lifted his eyebrows with a questioning look.  Before he could say anything I quickly countered, “Don´t think about it, it won’t happen any time soon.” I was able to move past them and began walking towards our destination.

Axel glided up beside me in a matter of seconds and with a sideways glance commented, “Kendra you are acting strange since we got here. This place is changing you, do you know that?” I looked at Axel through my sunglasses and looked down, I can´t think about that, but since I came here I´m one big emotional wreck and barely holding on. What was this place doing to me? Damn, I´m a Warrior I need to collect myself together and stop feeling every step I make.  There was no accusation or anger from him it was just a statement of fact.  No one else made a comment, what he said was clearly on their minds as well so we remained silent and continued to head out.  However, I could feel them and all the concern they were projecting through the link.  I know Master can tell what’s going on but he doesn’t pry.  To others we were cold faced Warriors and not to be trusted.  To them, I am family and with each step towards the Dining Hall memories follow me around like some malevolent shadows that keep poking my open wounds with each breath. 

Standing at the entrance, waited Master.  He stared directly at me, as he saw through my shield and into my soul.  Warmth enclosed my being as he made contact through our link, “Are you prepared for tonight Kendra?” Was I prepared or will I ever be? I took a deep cleansing breath and tried to answer with confidence but I know it did not come across as I had hoped. “I´m prepared, I will not fail you Master.” Blade step forward and grasped my hand with a gentle squeeze.  I turned to the team over my shoulder and through our link said, “Let´s do it guys. It´s time for us to be Warriors.” Blade released me and moved to open the doors as we all stepped into the occupied room.

It still held elegance that is needed for a formal Dining Hall yet remained very organized and structured.  Servers lurked in the edges as king and leaders were seated around the enormous table settled in the middle of the room.  The table is covered with food, drinks, and decorations.  It looks like it can seat over thirty people it was heavenly decorated with flowers and high porcelain statues and vases that were intentionally placed for separating conversations.  The ceilings are tiered starting as high as 20 feet and stepped down four levels.  There were floor to ceiling blood read curtains that hung over the huge windows that lead to a small garden.  They were well decorated and hung in red hues with the flickering lights as they complemented the Persian carpet the covered the dining space. I could tell it was very expensive and very unique design and I have never in my life seen such a carpet. On the left side of the wall were family portraits and huge mirrors encased with golden frames. As I looked around the room and saw that it´s heavily decorated with Baroque sculptures and designs you got a feeling that you stepped into the distant past. Candles were lit on the walls and in the middle of the room from the ceiling hung a large chandelier with so many crystals designed onto it, that you had felling that they were diamonds shining form the light. The ceiling and walls were paint either in golden paint or was it a real gold.  I couldn´t tell but it gives the room perfect Baroque style.  I was amazed at the level of design it took to create this setting while also thinking it was such a waste. 

Finally, my focused on to the people who were sitting around the dining table as we continued to step into the space.  The King was seated on the head of the table with the Queen to his immediate right.  Beside her was an empty seat followed by our precious princess in all her glory Clarynn. On the left off the King an older man sat.  I frowned at this, shouldn´t that be Antonio’s? Next to him sat the every annoying man who is also known as my father Jonathan.  To his left was placed Alessandros. My eyes stopped and I took in his face and expression.  He was looking straight at me and nobody else. I was never so glad I was wearing these glasses and had learned to hide my expressions.  But I could not break eye contact.  He was fixated on me trying to read the every subtle movements and gestures as the others began to fan out.  At the table there sat many other people I did not recognize most were most likely all high class royalties and I was delighted that I wouldn´t be sitting somewhere near my mate.  But where are those two precious family members which I love so very much.  That thought allowed me to break away as I began scanning the table to find my mother and Antonio. Panic began to crawl up my spine and I tensed even more. Where are they?

King nodded to the servant who led my Master to a seat of honor seat at the other head side of the table.  We were slightly taken back, because the only other available sitting places for us were in the middle of the table. We took our side which was bisected by genders, men on the left side of the King and women on the right side. We took seats according but I was the last one standing and too the place beside Blade that was empty.

Servants were coming and filling our glasses with red wine when the King cleared his throat and raised his glass. “Welcome my friends. I would like to say my gratitude for our guests and please feel welcome in our home.” He said in his deep voice. Everyone raised their glasses and was looking at us and our Master. My eyes adverted in one direction I did not want them to travel and saw Alessandros staring directly at me.  Which should no longer be such a surprise anymore but his words did as he mouthed at me “Welcome beautiful.”

I didn´t respond and hoped nothing showed when I read his lips.  Those kissable full lips…shaking myself I redirected myself back towards Blade instead. He gave a small smile and I couldn´t help but smile back. Suddenly the door opened and what I saw took my breath away. There stood my mother, but as my eyes scanned her I was in shock that person walking in my direction, wasn´t my mum, this was a shadow the shell of my mother.

The woman, who was once full of life and took positive everything around herself, was now just a shadow. Her tanned skin was replaced by an unhealthy grayness; her sparkling blue eyes that shone each time were now replaced by a dull grey blue color.  She had lost a lot of weight but looked a good twenty years older. There were deep wrinkles on her face beautiful face that come from years of sorrow and stress.  She was not well kept, her hair had significantly grayed and appeared greasy and had been hastily arranged in a bun, and her overall stature is subdue.  I turned slightly in my chair, as she approached me. For a moment's her eyes caught me and some unknown shadow passed them when she caught the color of my hair. She recognized the color of my hair; she slightly stopped in her tracks right next to me to gently breathe through the nostril to catch my scent.  My heart broke, she couldn´t recognized me because of those pills and I watched as her face shifted back into one of misery and she returned into herself and followed along as she was guided to sit between the Queen and Clarynn. Her frail body was encased in a plain simple black dress like one you would see of a parent who is in morning.   Is it possible she was still mourning after me, after all these year? 

I was stunned and it was like being in some kind of an alien space and transported back into a different place and time.  My mind was swirling, all I wanted to do is run to her and jump in her lap so I could tell her everything and feel her love.  I just needed to see her beautiful face with smile gleaming along with love she shared with others by a glance.  Breathing, I tried to pull in my thoughts, and tell myself that that could not have been my mother, there’s no way it’s her she will come through any moment just like I remember her.  Oh my God what happened?  I had not noticed that I was shaking and gripping the table for support. Blade leaned forward and grasps my hands in his.  It was very subtle and unless you were focusing on our every move you would not have seen the action.  With that touch I was able to awake myself from the thundering emotions as looked directly at Jonathan.  I saw a glimpse of pain, as it crept across his face.  He was not aware of me watching him as he looked at her with sadness.   I wanted to scream at him, “This is your entire fault!” but I couldn´t. He was talking to her but she sat there numb to his presence and words, she did not acknowledge him nor did she respond anything back to him, she was just sat there staring at her empty plate. My whole body began shaking again while I was looking at my father, I could feel my wolf sitting at the surface ready to make a move.  I was on verge to shift, my eyes were fixed on Jonathan, I couldn´t look away and didn’t want to. This was all his fault and he will pay for this. He sensed my penetrating look and looked straight at me as his wolf felt my challenge and his pained face turned into an annoyed one.

Miri had just grabbed me by my shoulders to try and calm me down. I didn´t realize that I was holding onto a glass filled with red wine. The glass exploded in my hand and pulled back my wolf.  My hand began to bleed but I could not move as my blood began dripping on the table and pooling on the golden linen.  I dared not move it would send my Warriors into frenzy to protect.  I started to breathe deeply to calm myself down, it was only seconds but felt like a century.  I finally managed and I looked around me. Everyone was looking straight at me and some had surprised look when others had fear in their eyes.  Only Clarynn appeared to be annoyed, because all attention was on me and no longer on her.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Alessandros concern and could see his desire to jump up and rush me to the infirmary.  But the wolf in me would not shift from the enemy and major danger in this room.  Jonathan eyes were filled with anger and he was snarling as we made visual contact again.

The room was silent, until Antonio voice made me jump in surprise.  With quivering voice, he asked “K-Kendra are you alright?” I turned my focus onto him, for I hadn´t even noticed he entered the room more or less to the fact that he was standing within inches of me beside Blade. In all my anger I didn´t hear him enter the room no did I smell him.  This is so not good; my senses were overfilled with rage and anger.  I internally shuttered because this does not bode well with us as Warrior’s this is a scary place and a lot of people can be harmed.  I asked for Master’s assistance knowing he was helping me keep a reign in at this moment.  I was scared and did not want to others to see me this way.   It had been a long time.  As I shifted my focus back on Antonio I could read that he was aware of the internal battle.  I could feel his awareness regarding what triggered my wolf.  I saw the awareness without words.  He is the very perceptive Ant I will always love.  I could feel Master retreating and reminding me that I will need to control my humor and emotions or he will recognize me.  Our Master was faithful to us even when we were a danger to others and ourselves.  For that I will never, not love him.   

“I´m fine Antonio.” I could feel my mother´s head turned towards me because of the sound in my voice. Every mother has their sixth sense for their children and I think she unconscious felt a connection due to some sound resonating in my tone.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alessandros raised form his chair and he headed towards us, much to annoyance to his wife, who wore a big scowl on her face.

“Is everything alright Kendra?” he asked concern heard in his voice. Without looking at him I took a napkin and wrapped it around my hand.  The bleeding had decreased and thanks to our wolf it will stop bleeding in a few more seconds.

“Everything is fine Prince; you should go back to your seat before your mate comes running over here, she doesn´t seem happy about it.” I spat at him and sat back down. I so didn´t need his attention right now, with so much going on.  I would not make eye contact.  However, stubborn as he always was, he ignored my words completely and stretched his arm out and asked, “Should I escort you to the doctor?”

I removed the napkin and extended my hand for him to see, as I sternly responded, “See everything is fine, it´s healed. Now you should return to your seat.” Unfortunately, I could not keep my eyes from wandering up and watched as his lips tightly pressed into a thin line.  He was annoyed by my tone and response, he never liked opposition.  Good, I like that and without a single word, he returned to his seat and emptied his glass in one sip but not breaking eye contact.  I could see the gears working in his mind, he was not discouraged but rethinking and taking in the new information as he watched and studied my every move. 

The air rumbled as the King bellowed, “And now as Antonio has regarded us with his presence, we can start to eat!” King´s voice held annoyance and sarcastic undertone. Antonio sighed deeply and took a seat beside Blade. We all raised our heads towards him.

“Um what are you doing Antonio?” I asked him.

“Well I´m taking my seat, why?”

“Shouldn´t you sit on your father side?”

“I´m the black sheep in this family and being what I am, I have no privilege and honor to seat beside my family.” He sadly uttered his words just loud enough for Blade and me to hear.  You could see his acceptance and crushed sprit.

Without a second thought, there was no controlling my words that flew from my mouth, “What bullshit! You are a Prince for Christ sake and their first born child! They should not threaten you like this!” There was no guard on my tone or volume it didn’t matter anyways, everyone being werewolves they heard everything. It didn’t matter, I was livid.  All eyes on me and there were even some gasps from around the table, but I didn´t care I have had enough and something was going to change or I will make it so. Turning from one person I loved more than others, I sought the King’s gaze and gave him an expression that left no question in what I was demanding; I wanted an explanation for his miss treatment and I was not willing to wait for an answer.  It was something I was not willing to accept.

“No child of mine will live in such a manner! He is embarrassment to this family and he knows his place!” King´s voice boomed across the room. Without a second thought, I shoved my chair back as it tumbled to the ground and stood strait up and could feel hair all over my body standing on end I was about to shift and knew it. 

“What kind of a father are you? It is your first duty as a parent to acknowledge and accept their child no matter what they are or do? Just because you are King is no acceptation and is inexcusable!”

“Alina! Calm down now.” My master spoke to my mind and leaving no room to not comply.

But I wasn´t finished yet and my wolf was not willing to back down…the King is a poor excuse of a father. “And you being a King should show some support to your first born regardless of who he loves!”

“Alina! I said now! Back down and calm down now!” But I wasn´t listening anymore at my master I was in that state between reason and uncontrollable, I was over the edge he was worried for my safety and I knew it but it did not matter.  “The king attacked my family! I could no longer stand by please understand Master, please!!!”

“You all are making me sick you know that. I´m so happy that I don´t belong to such hypocrites who are ruling the kingdom.” King was surprised by my outburst, but I didn´t care. I wasn´t one of the member of their sick aristocracy any more thanks to my father so I could speak whatever I wanted and to whom ever I needed. “You all play games and politics just to show and save face” then narrowing my stare at my father I noted each word with no hesitancy or fear there is nothing more they can do to me.  “Even some of you all have some very dirty secrets under your carpets and are such fools!” With that, my father stood up and preparing to launch towards me but I was already in position and ready for an attack.  My wolf was inching for this fight and mocking him in my mind, “C´mon old man don´t leaving me hanging now I so need this.”  The King just sat back open mouth and not a word being said around the room.  

“You bitch, you will pay for that.” He screamed. Everyone were in shock they just couldn´t believe what happened in the last few moments and soon the Dining Hall will be a blood bath and everyone would be harmed.  He began shaking and screamed, “I will kill you for those insults.” I evilly smiled at him and if the gleam in my eyes could have been shown through the glasses they would have been taken back. Yes, I have found his weakness…his ego will be the death of him.  For being such a proud man living like he stood behind every rule and a face of nice and respectful manner he was an evil man who does not deserve the word father attached to his name.  I could care less of his fate.

“C´mon old man, show me what you got or are those empty threats again?” He was about to charge at me, I could see his stance the shift of his weight just subtle movement, enough to show me where he was going.  C´mon do it I begged silently. Just then my Master stood up from his chair with a loud bang, when his chair fell to the wall several feet from where it once sat.  It exploded into small pieces.  Man there were even parts imbedded the wall.  The force that it was moved was outstanding for even a werewolf.  I did not break my concentration on that SOB of father he was mine.  I knew Blade was at my side and Miri and Axel were flanking us and watching my back.

Master voice left no room for questioning, when he thundered, “If you attack her, you will bring a war to your kingdom.” He was deadly serious and I saw my father flinch at his tone and the King´s face paled.  My father looked away from me, then at my mother Mary and he slumped back in his chair angrily.

Master then slowly turned his focus on me and plainly said, “Kendra that´s enough.” I turned to my Master and bowed showing him my respect and asked “Accept my apology Master; it was not my intention to disappoint you.” He nodded with his head and sent comforting caress of a father to hurt child to me and my wolf. 

However, before I sat back down and Master’s chair was replaced I heard Jonathan´s voice filled with venom fill the silence in the room.  “Shouldn´t she apologizes to the King for such accusations and not to you?” he spat at my Master. I growled under my breath knowing that I had pushed Master’s patience and did not want test his boundary this evening.

Master would not even given him the respect to look at him as he accepted the new chair and placed in his spot. Then lifting his head and pointy looking directly in my father’s eyes, he said “Jonathan I need to remind you, that MY children are not under your influence.  If she feels the need to apologize to the King then she will do it on her own, but they only answer to me. Is that clear to you?” he challenged him with a look. Jonathan took his glass of wine angrily and drank the full glass.  As I sat down, I could see that Antonio was so deep in thought and clearly see that his brain´s doing some flip inside of his head. Blade did not break physical contact with me as we sat in silence.  He squeezed and the others returned to their seats as well.  Shit I lost it again, damn me and this place I just can´t control myself. The best of all I need to eat fast and excuse myself to my room...Yeah, that´s it.  I relayed this to Master and he gave me an approving response.  I knew he was disappointed but he assured me that no punishment would come this time.  I was grate full and glad to have him there.  I did not want to harm others.  They should never pay for the actions of others.

The room was still in shock till the King cleared his throat and announced the dinner can begin. Blade leaned towards Antonio and whispered in his ear, “Antonio are you OK?” he slowly looked up at me then at Blade and nodded with his head, but still I could feel he was deep in his thoughts.

We were eating in silence and soon desert was served. None of us spoke again and I was grateful for that. But every peace needs to come to an end sooner or later and to my distaste it came sooner. 

My skin crawled as I heard her high pitched voice as it rambled across the whole dining room.  “Master” I spoke in broken voice through our link.  He just let me know he was present and we listen to the harpy.  “So tell me Antonio, did you find some nice willing girl to escort you to the Ball?” With that callus comment all eyes and heads turned to look at her but mine were fixed on Antonio. Was she satisfied with that, nope the witch couldn´t be quit she had to hear her own voice and she began to laugh evilly at him and continued the torture him, “Or did you find some handsome boy to be with you? What it will be Toni obviously you can´t decide which you like most?”  “Master!  PLEASE I am going to kill her!” “Do you need help from me we could go shopping together and maybe we can see what you like to wear pants or dresses?” Almost everyone in the room roared in laughter at her words, only my mom, his brother, the Queen, and us Warriors did not participate.  “Master, do something I cannot hold my wolf and the others are about to blow as well” It was taking every ounce of training and strength we had to remain calm and not protect.  Somewhere along the way my brothers and sisters have accepted Antonio as one of our own and they were not going accept this treatment any longer as well.  In that moment I felt the Queen, she watched her son her first born and sorrow was held in her eyes.  She looked at Clarynn in disgust and sternly commented, “I think that Princess who doesn´t know how to dress herself or even talk according to her status has no business helping others. If you excuse me, I will retire for tonight.”

Clarynn looked at the Queen angrily but soon dismissed her words and pretended like nothing has happened. Antonio watched his mother as she passed to exit the room. I could not look away from my friend, he was hurt you could see his regret for what he is. His eyes connected with mine and it took all in my power to not jump and kill that witch of a step-sister. His eyes held so much pain and hurt, it was heart breaking sight. How can someone be allowed to hurt this awesome person so much without any consequences? I will make her pay I silently oath. 

Oh but with much vigor, “Well Toni what it will be?” I could see his hand was gripping the fork very hard and other gripping the table. I could tell she was not going to stop till someone made her to.  I had enough. “Master, what is mine I defend no matter what and he belongs to me, he is my family!  Please just keep me from killing her; please this cannot go on any longer!”  He assured me he was there and the others will always have my back. 

So, I bent a little forward, made eye contact with the whore and said out loud, “Poor princess Clarynn such a shame that you have to talk and dress like a slut who is selling her body on the corner. You are not even the shadow what a princess should be.” Everyone was mouth gapping at my outburst once again, but I wasn´t done yet and no one will stop me now.  I was in control thanks to Master and my family. “Look at you, you want attention and will destroy others to get it.  It is clear not even your mate wants you. That makes me to wonder if he is even your true mate or you married someone just for his status?” I could hear gasps and the small murmuring voices of agreement going around the table. Her face was in shock, eyes as large as saucers, all the color drained from her face, and shake in her body, whereas Jonathan, known as dear old dad, was looking at me with murder in his eyes. Oh that just sparked more of my thoughts and I was not going to wait any longer, “Tell me something Clarynn, how does it feel to know that your mate and your husband is sleeping with other females while you are home banging some poor guards or servants so that you can lose your frustration and get it out of your mind.” I sat back and took a sip of my red wine while I continued to talk with cold and deadly voice, “Tell me Princess is it worth it to live in such an empty life just for a tittle while you destroy everybody else around you? Are you that selfish of a person?  When I think about the fact that you will someday become the Queen of the werewolves, I can´t help but say anything but these three simple yet famous words – God help us!  As I sit back and I think more about this, maybe the rebels have right to do what they do.  You are disgusting, self-centered, diabolical, slut who has no business ever stepping foot in the shoes of the Queen!”

“That´s enough!” Jonathan screamed his face was red with rage. “You dog… you will not talk to my daughter like that.” He got up from his chair and starting to walk towards me. That´s right, c´mon let´s finish this once and for all. When he was behind my mother chair she reached back and grabbed his wrist.  I could tell he was surprised by her action and he softened and gave her a small smile in that moment he forgot what he was about to do. “Jonathan please calm yourself and sit back down.” Her voice was broken but there was purpose to her words.  He just looked at her and then at me and for a moment he tried to process this sudden change but complied and bent down to kiss.  However, she slowly turned her head and looked straight at plate again as if nothing has happened. Pain crossed his features and without a single glance turned around and sat back in his chair.

“Daddy what are you doing? She insulted me!” she screeched at him. With that, my mother turned to her and said calmly, “Clarynn don´t make a scene, let us get this dinner over without insulting again.” 

“Who allowed you to speak you filthy, stinky sad excuse for a woman! You should have bathed before you came to dinner and sat so near others! Don´t ever say a word to me, do you hear me?  You are nothing!” It was pandemonium at that moment, before she could blink I had grabbed Clarynn by her throat and raised her form her chair. Her feet were daggling from the floor; my wolf was on the surface raging in my mind that NO ONE and I mean no one will speak with my mother like this!

I was on verge of killing her!  How dare she insult the woman who raised her like her own? She had everything the ungrateful brat and this is her payment for all love my mother gave to her.  In the background I could hear some others screaming at my actions but I no longer cared.  She is dead and I will be the one to take her life there is nothing I will not do to her that she does not deserve.  I tensed as I felt my Master presence behind me. I looked at Clarynn and she was choking and turning some magnificent colors of blue and purple it was wonderful to watch as life drained and oxygen did not enter he body.  Master, did not say a word but his proximity aid me in reeling in the blood lust and did not kill her even though I thirst for her blood.  He was able to read my thoughts and knew that I was going to take this as my opportunity to do the one thing that I have been dreaming about since Master took me in.  So I loosened my grip and allowed her toes to skim the surface of the floor.  Her color returned but she was silent and scared.

“You slut should not speak to her in that manner. She raised you like her own and this is the respect and the care you have for her.  You are a disgrace.  She is the one woman who willingly agreed to be your mother in every way and did not have to?” I was speaking with a deadly calm and began to squeezing her a little more. “I did not hear you. What do you say Clarynn?” Jonathan was behind Clarynn and my mother Mary had a hand over her mouth, her eyes were widened and she was looking at me in horror. It pained me that she was looking at me like that in fear of who I am.

“Kendra release her now!” my master commanded to me. I was fighting with my wolf and slowly allowed my hand release from the death grip around her neck. Clarynn fell to the floor and began coughing to supply her lungs with some air. Master grabbed me by my shoulders and quietly led me to my seat but did not release me from his hold. I was still in death zone and ready to kill anyone who spoke out. The whole room was silent and my eyes stopped scanning the room as the laid on my mate. He was looking at me with pride in his eyes and I was in fear he figured out the mystery that surrounds me.  However, as I heard the racing heart beat beside me, I slowly turned my head and looked directly at Antonio.  He was so intently focused on me that I knew that in that moment he had connected the dots and knew it was me, Alina. 

The silence was shattered again when Jonathan was holding Carlynn in his arms.  He screamed, “She will pay for this. Mark my words!  She attacked my only daughter and she will pay for this.”  If it were not for Master’s hold, he would be dead along with his dearly beloved daughter.  A violent growl rumbled from my chest.  However, what surprised everyone in the room was watching the frail woman who stood beside him, stood tall and with full strength plowed into his face.  The smack rebounded off the walls and every one stood still and not even a breath was heard.  The King was still in shock and sat there with a gaping mouth as still as a statue.  Jonathan was shocked like everyone else in this room grasping his face with his hand.  Mama can punch like the devil the bruise was already showing.  Her face was covered with tears as they streamed down her cheeks and looked at him with great sadness.  With the anger of a grieving mother, she narrowed her eyes and yelled with all her might she said, “I have one and only one daughter and her name is Alina. You forget Jonathan what is your blood and what is not!  That is NOT your daughter!” With that said she turned around and walked out of this room without a single word to anyone and her head held high for the first time.

Silence followed her.  Everyone remained seated and barely a breath could be heard.  The pained expression on Jonathan’s face was filled with regret and sorrow but no matter what he showed it meant little to me.  He made a decision long ago and the truth was said and everyone heard it.  I started to laugh out loud and everyone turned to look at me. But my look was placed on Jonathan´s face. Karma is a bitch daddy isn´t it, the most what you feared to lose, you are losing even without me and I still hold the card that will destroy you.

I could feel Antonio´s questioning gaze on me, but I didn´t care.  I could not stop laughing at the irony of my existence. 

Clarynn stood next to her father and questioned her husband using a shaky voice, “Alessandros will you allow someone to speak that way about your wife?” She looked at him and gave him a look of vulnerability.  But, he just smirked at her before her turned his gaze back on me and plainly stated, “Everything that Kendra said is true, why should I defend you?”  The smile that spread across his face gleamed from cheek to cheek and there was no doubt where his loyalty resided in that moment.  

She screamed and started to cry at the top of her lungs.  The room was filled with so much tension that I needed to get out of here and fast. I was not sure if others would follow but I was sure I would not be leaving alone.  So I stood up and walk out of the room without a word but not before I bowed to my Master.  It was then that I saw the satisfy glint in his eyes and he gently spoke to my mind, “Soon Alina it will be time for them to know about the truth.”

“Yes Master, the Dooms Day it´s near.” And with that I went out.
