Chapter 10

Hey guys,

sorry for late uploading. Here is a new chapter and I hope you will like it. Big thanx to my wonderful editor shellbell232

I changed the character for Alina and on the right u can see a new pic. Give me some feedbacks if u like it:)

many hugs

 I do not know how long I walked and looked around the castle. I´m speechless, everything is so beautiful and I know the queen has her fingers in all parts of the royal garden design and landscaping.  She always liked flowers and everything about nature; she is a true lover of the environment.

Many feelings were consuming me and I was just angry with my friends, because I was alone and nobody with me. Then I wouldn´t be thinking about my past, or the memories that flood my thoughts in times like this. I felt that at every corner when I was trying to look at the scenery and admire it, reminds me of a painful past. Every corner holds secrets of my memory that I once lived here. I grew up in this area, walked, played with my best friends, hid in the garden, and other silly actions. This is where I was able to steal a few happy moments with the other half of my soul; my mate. All those memories keep popping in and leaving me unsettled. I have mixed feelings present in me, I felt happy for a moment, then angry, sad and happy again, excited and scared all in the same breath... most of all I am sad with a broken heart.

I wonder if I did something terrible in a previous life and that's why destiny is so cruel now. Why couldn´t I get a normal mate, who loves me and cherish me with all his heart?

I need to stop with this torturing of myself. I thought I was cold and heartless warrior, who was never afraid of anything even of death. I have done many dangerous jobs, and have always been a brave and courageous woman. But this place is making me a nervous wreck? My feelings were consuming me in the most painful way´s; I thought I have beaten those feelings a longtime ago, but I guess I just pushed them deep down in my soul and I have never healed myself from the betrayal and pain. Perhaps faith has finally decided I earn some justice, for what they done to me.

I didn´t even notice, I found myself standing before my old High school. I saw some people and children running to get home to their families. Home? Something I never really understood what it means really, a place I long for but don't feel I deserve it. I didn´t have a real home or family to run to when I needed love and comfort; all because of one person, my own father.

I didn´t know why I came here, but I think there must be a reason. Why I was standing here before the gates to enter my old school.

I slowly walked up the stairs and with a little effort, I opened the big doors. As I entered the school and inhaled deeply and the smells were the same as I remembered; old books and newly painted lockers with a mixed smell of food from the lunchroom. They had changed the interior of the school. When I moved, noise of my heels echoed down the halls as the memories flashed through my mind.  Memories of my best friends and I, doing what every student does in school by getting in trouble and gaining an education. Memories of us flirting, hanging out, laughing and crying; yeah those were good memories.

I stopped before my favorite class, Chemistry. I peeked thru the small window and saw it was empty. I stepped in and looked around, nothing has changed. I went to one specific table in the back row. I looked under the table bend and a small smile spread across my face when I saw that my handwork was still there.

A and D- friend’s 4-eva

I remember that day. It was raining outside and I felt bored. I started to write under-the-table with a small knife as Danny would elbow me every time when the teacher looked my way.  I  was pretending to drop my pencil under the table and then try to pick it up. But I think the teacher knew what I was doing, he was a werewolf after all with good hearing. However, I think since I was his best student; he decided to ignore it and let me doing what I was doing. Those were good days.

“Excuse me miss…” the voice startled me. I turned around and in the doorway stood a young woman, whom I didn´t recognize.

“Do you need something?” She asked me confidently, but her eyes were telling a different story. I could smell her fear and confusion.

“No nothing at all.” I replied.

“You need to leave this classroom.” Her eyes never moved from mine, I could tell she was afraid of me, but who wasn't? Between the weapons strapped to me, my posture, and clothing, I looked like I came straight from a battle. Who does go to school dressed like that?

“I´m so sorry miss if I scared you. It was not my purpose; I just came here to… I´ll be leaving now.” I didn´t understand myself what I was doing here. She gave a small nod and I went back to the hallway. I could feel her eyes on me, watching my every move as I walked down the hall. When I turned around a corner, I heard her released a deep sigh.

Walking by the entrance, I moved towards the other side of the hallway that included only rooms used for storage. Only the last room mattered to me, I was drawn to it and could not leave without going in there. I made it this far.  I clearly remembered us hiding in there, stealing kisses in passion, a passion so strong and desired which only mates could cause, promising words to each other which were never fulfilled, touching and exploring each other in short times and never getting enough. This was our room; our hiding place. I stepped inside and the room was loaded full of boxes filled with old documents and books. My eyes traveled to the back of the room; there was a small cabinet. Hidden well from anyone to hear or see. I went there, looking around for any changes, but found none. I leaned on the wall and my mind traveled back.


“Alessandros, I´m tired of hiding and pretending about my feelings. I can´t do it anymore. Everybody is getting suspicious about me.” It was hard to concentrate when he was kissing me like that, capturing my lips and continuing down my throat.

“Babe, just a little bit. Soon it will be all over.” He continued to kiss me down to my collar bone.

“No, stop now.” He stopped and looked me in the eye.

“You said that one year ago. Every time it´s the same, you keep our relationship hidden and I have to watch while you show off your girlfriend." I stepped away from him. My wolf protested because of my actions, but I ignored her.

“I can´t, you don´t understand Alessandros. It´s killing me, watching you with someone else all the time, touching her, kissing her; It´s killing me inside.” I shut my eyes, before traitorous tears would show him how weak I am.

He came behind me and hugged me. “Alina, hold on just for a while longer. I will breakup with her as soon I can. I promise you that.” He was pleading for me to understand.

“Alessandros. We won´t see each other anymore, until you breakup with her.” It hurt me inside while talking those painful words to him, but they needed to get out. I had to make a stand. I could not take the pain anymore, I was slowly dying inside. 

“Babe, you can´t do that. Please, my wolf needs you, I need you.” He started to kiss me again and it took all my willpower to escape him. I went to the door and opened it as I looked over my shoulder and made eye contact then said.

“Alessandros, she or me, you need to choose. But I won´t wait for an eternity.” I almost ran back to hug him and never let him go, but I could not it had to change. His face and eyes were showing his hurt.

“Alina, I…” I didn´t listen to him anymore, I turned around and ran out of the room and did not stop as I ran out of the school.

After a while I returned to school and came up with a good excuse to tell my teachers and parents, where were I was. But I didn´t expect to run into the scene in front of me with my mate when I returned. My mate and  stepsister were holding each other as he was leading her somewhere. I stayed hidden and quietly I followed them. My wolf was getting her hopes up that he will finally going to break up with her.

“Stop it Alessandros, you know we are in school.” She was giggling while he was touching her and kissing her. My heart broke, all my hope drained out of me. I stood there behind the corner in the hall with my fist clenched and my wolf was fuming in anger by the sight and the words spoken in front of us.

“Honey, why do you smell like Alina?” She asked him.

“Well darling, she came up to me and…hum... she hugged me and said that she is so happy for us. You know.” He nervously looked at her.

“She is so stupid sometimes.” She scoffed and then pressed her lips to his.

I wanted to scream and pummel him with every breath I had. Why did he say that, why he was lying, why would he do that? My heart was racing. i could not form full thoughts all I could feel is intense pain, longing, and an ache that would not leave. My wolf was whimpering inside me, all she wanted was her mate, what was so wrong with that.

I stood there, tears streaming down my cheeks, as they entered the janitors closet. I couldn´t breathe again, I couldn´t yell. I didn´t even want to know what they will do in there, once that door closed. I stood in shock for several minutes, I turned around in a jerky motion, and it was all I could do not to collapse in ther hall and curl into a ball, so I pulled in a deep breath and run out of the school, straight to my father. I had intended to tell him everything and thought he will help me.

I jolted back to the present. Anger overtook me; I grabbed one of the boxes filled with loose papers and flung it across the room. Funny thing, it wasn't my mate I despised, oh yes he hurt me more than I can express but the anger the true pain the one I cannot move past is from the one person who I thought would always be there. The one who would help me with my problems, I trusted him and he betrayed me; my own father.

An older man opened the door behind me and just stared at me.

“Miss, what are…” he didn´t finish the sentence. I stormed out of the room and never looked back. I needed to run from this place and calm down, before I decide to kill someone.
