The Search

A/N this chapter will be in Mikes POV! Also I just realised I picked the gender of the reader so I'm sorry if you are a male! Please just replace the words while reading and if I choose outfits you can just ignore that part or imagine yourself in a suit!!💗💗

Mike's POV

Time Skip: The Next Day

Wow. That girl..what was her name? Y/N!! That's it! She looked stunning! And she's a fan!!......and..I'm her favourite!! 

She said she was working at a coffee shop. She never said which one but I hope it's close..

I grabbed my keys and started walking down the stairs.

 I heard Y/N's door open earlier. I hope that it was her going to work.

I got in my car and drove to Broadway street. It was close enough to the apartment so I went to search for her there. Besides I needed to head into work later. 

I first looked for her in a Starbucks near where I parked my car. I asked a worker but they said no one with that name worked there. I moved onto the next shop across the street. No luck. Several coffee shops later...

It's 2:30pm I need to be at work by 3:15! 

There was only a few more cafés left, so I continued my search. I was losing hope and time was running out. 

One more shop, Mike. *sigh* Lets go.

I was getting tired. I decided I would pick up a donuts and coffee for the cast at this shop. I opened the door and walked up to the counter. 

"Hi. Can I have-" I stammered on my words. "Y/N?" I had finally found her! I took awhile but I finally found her!!

"MIKE! Uh hi!" She sounded shocked. 

"Hi!'s good to see you! You work here?!" I was struggling to hide my excitement.

"Uh yeah. I do."

"I was just heading to work. I have some time though, so I stopped off to get some donuts and coffees for the cast!" I smiled 

"Oh! Right I'll get you those straight away! How many?"

"Right! Um. I'll just take a box of 30 please. And same with the coffee!" 

"Of course!" She smiled at me.

"Thanks!" I blushed. Damn why is she so cute! I hope she didn't notice my face turning as red as those delicious red velvet cupcakes they sell here!!

She handed me my order.

"I still have 5 minutes and I wanted to talk to you." I realised that sounded weird and creepy. "Uh! About the apartment y'know!" I quickly blurted out.

She gave me an awkward smile. "O-oh! Sure!" She nodded. "My shift is just about over actually! Do you want to sit down?" 

"Oh yes!" We made our way over to a booth looking out at the Lyceum Theatre. (Shoutout to all my BMC fans!)

"What did you want to know?" She asked.

We talked for awhile discussing the apartment, Dear Evan Hansen and our lives. 




"Didn't you say you had work soon?" I jumped and looked down at my watch.

3:45pm!! Shit!

"Oh my god! I forgot! Thank you Y/N! Nice talking to you! I have to go now!! Bye!" I grabbed the coffee and donuts and ran out of the shop.

Thank god they're still, barely but somehow warm! I don't know how they survived that long! They must've been piping hot! 

I ran down the street to the back door of the theatre and swung it open. 

Rehearsal started 30 minutes ago! 

I have to have a good excuse...

A/N I'm sorry this chapter is so short. More coming soon! Next chapter will be better! (I think. I hope.) I don't really know what I'm doing but there will be a time skip!! Thank you so so so much for the support I really did not expect this at all!!Love you!!💗💗
