
We just stood there. Jaws hanging wide open.


We suddenly snapped out of it. 

"Oh hehe sorry!" We said in synchronisation 

"So.. How did you find my house? I just moved here!" He said a little creeped out

"Oh no! Sorry we're your next door neighbors!" I replied 

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!! I thought you were a fan or something! So sorry!!" He quickly replied a bit embarrassed 

"Oh no don't worry about it!" I smiled

"We actually love the show!" Ruby butted in

"Yes!" I added 

"Oh you do?" He eased up a bit

"Yes it one of my favourites" I spoke

"I love all the characters! They're all so amazing!" I smiled with glistening eyes

"And you're her favourite!" Ruby whispered to him winking when she finished

I elbowed her in the side playfully 

"Shut up!" I muttered through gritted teeth the  smiling back up at him like nothing happened 

He laughed 

"Are you going to the show? Tickets are on sale on Wednesday!" He asked

"Well hopefully we will be! I took up a job in a café to get the money to pay." I answered


"Rent. It's a killer here." I laughed

"Oh. Yeah ahaha!" 

"Well anyway, welcome to the neighbourhood!" I said


We started walking away when he stopped us.

"Wait!" "I didn't catch your names!" He called

"Y/N!" I said turning to face him


"Well nice to meet you Y/N and Ruby I'm Mike Faist!"

"We know!" We said in sync and smiling like little 7 year old fan girls

A little laugh escaped his mouth

We continued to walk away. We were at the door now. 

"Hey! Y/N?" I heard him call poking his head out the door.

"Huh?" I smiled

"Y-you look r-really nice.." He stuttered blushing slightly

I just smiled and walked in the door to my apartment, closing the door behind me.

"Oh my God!! Did Mike Faist, THE Mike Faist just say I looked really nice!! Is he......FLIRTING?!?? No, no y/n get yourself together he was just being friendly. Right?"  My mind was going crazy!! "I need to process what just happened. First Mike Faist is my new neighbor and now he says I look nice!!" "No, no y/n he wouldn't not to you. Not now. He has a girlfriend.."  I calmed myself.

I walked up to Ruby who was sitting at the bar-like table in our kitchen.

"I wouldn't have thought our new neighbor would be Mike Faist."

A/N HOLY HECC!! I didn't know people were reading this that's insane thank you so so so much!! That's amazing aaaa I'll be posting more I guess I'm going to a camp from the 5th-10th of August so I won't be posting!! Love you!!😱😱💗💗💗💗
