Back Together

I had gotten the job for the coffee shop. 

I woke up and threw on some clothes. It was my first day and I didn't want to be late. I grabbed a slice of toast on my way out. I jumped in my car and sped off toward the café.

I swung open the door to the shop.

"Oh, good you made it!" The woman at the counter said cheerily 

I smiled "So what's first?" 

"Go to the back and get your apron, then meet me in the kitchen." "Oh! I'm Sarah by the way!"

"Nice to meet you Sarah!" I  smirked 

I nodded and went past her to the locker room at the back. I sat down my bag and searched for an apron my size. Once I had found one I slipped my phone in to the side pocket. I made my way to the front of the shop near the counter. She smiled and told me to take the counter orders and shout them to her, and she would start making them.

"Remember to be polite!" She added. 

I nodded and walked up to the counter.

Two teens came into the shop and strolled up to the counter where I was.

"Hi what can I get ya?" I smiled

"H-hi can we p-please g-get two mo-mochas?" One of the girls asked shyly.

"Of course!" I smiled reassuringly

"Two mochas, please Sarah." I shouted toward the back of the store.

"I'll bring them over to you when they're ready, if you'd like to sit down over there. I'll be right over."

They nodded and staggered over to a seat by the window.

Sarah came over placing the two coffees on the counter.

"How ya finding it so far?" She questioned 

"Well they were my first customers, so not much happened." I looked up at her.

She nodded.

"They were probably more nervous than I was." I joked 

She laughed "I wouldn't blame them, when I was their age I would have been nervous too!"

"Haha yeah I guess so.." I smiled as I looked over at them.

"Well you better go over and hand them their coffees." Sarah nodded over to the two girls sitting by the window

I left the back of the counter making my way over to the window.

"Here you are. Enjoy!"

"Thank you!" They said in sync as I turned around and started walking away. I gave them a little smile.

The rest of the day was busy enough, but nothing crazy. Sarah kept on checking in on me. 

"Hey, how you holding up out there?" I heard her ask from the back

"Not bad, just a lot of orders." I replied 

"Keep it up! Your break is in 30 minutes!" 

"Jeremy will be on for the rest of the day then!!" She added

"Ok." I called back

"I need a cappuccino!" I yelled to her

"Comin' up!" I heard her call out

I finished up with the last customer and navigated my way back to the locker room. I entered the room as a young male squirmed past me in a rush. I got my belongings and checked my phone. 

3 new messages

They were all from Ruby

Ruby: Hey I'm back in town early! 

Ruby: I was wondering do you want to go out to dinner for a little catch up. I can tell you everything that happened when I was visiting my family in Ireland!!

Ruby: Hey, you weren't at the apartment and you're not answering your phone, where are you?

I texted back quickly 

Me: Hey, Ruby sorry I wasn't texting back! I got a new job at a café and it was busy so I didn't have time to check my phone!!! 

Ruby: I thought you were applying for the song writer!!! What happened?!

Me: Don't worry I did they'll call me back on Friday. I'll explain at dinner!

Ruby: Ok. When will you be home? 

Me: I'm finished my shift now. I'm going to drive back now.

Ruby: Ok. Be safe! Love you!!

Me: Ok I will! Love you too!

I walked to the kitchen where Sarah was making a toasted sandwich.

"Are you off?" She asked 

"I am! I'll see you tomorrow though." I answered

"Alright. Stay safe now!"

" I will. Bye!"

"Bye Y/N"

I walked out of the shop and hopped in my car and drove off back to my apartment singing D.E.H. On the way.

"cause all that it takes is a little 


It's easy to change if you give it your


All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you be

SINCERELY... miss you dearly..




Sincerely me!" I sang as I entered the car park.

I climbed up the last stairs to my apartment and was greeted by an overjoyed best friend.

"Hey Ruby!"


"What's up with you?" I said through giggles 

"I haven't seen you in YEARS!!!" She exclaimed 

"Haha. It's good to have you back Ruby." I joked

She pulled me into a tight hug. 

"So where are we going for dinner?" I asked

"There's this new place on broadway street. I wanted to go see what it's like." She answered

"Broadway Street huh?" I smirked

"I know. Fancy!"

Time Skip

It was nearly time to go. I picked out a nice outfit because we were going out. Might be an opportunity to catch some guys! Tonight I'm going fishing!!! I put on a red flowy dress with matching heels.

"Ready to go?" Ruby's head poked in my door

"Ready!" I replied 

A/N wow this was a long one and I'm splitting it into two!! It's just too long aha I really hope people read this:/

3 away from 1,000!! Just hit it omg 1,004 wowza haha

Also I'm so so obsessed with Ben Platts new album Sing To Me Instead  its just so good like OMG HES GROWN UP SO MUCH SINCE DEH!!! 😱😪😆😆💜💜
