Chapter 6 - Taking Control Back

            I woke up the next morning with a strange feeling in my stomach. The feeling was like a swarm of butterflies, flittering around frantically. I frowned, my hand on my stomach. Why did it feel that way? I tried to think through my clouded morning brain, but a sudden knock interrupted. I looked at the closed door, making no movement to get up and answer it.

"Harmony, breakfast is almost ready," called a deep, husky voice. My eyes widened and I sat up in the bed. David's morning voice was so incredibly sexy however, I was not able to focus much of my attention on it because the memory of what had occurred the night before came rushing into my brain at the speed of a freight train. Go on a date with me. David had asked me out and I had said yes. Upon remembrance, I squealed a little and then quickly placed my hands over my mouth in astonishment at the sound that had just escaped my lips. My heart was beating a thousand miles per hour and my mind was in absolute panic mode. What had I agreed on?

"Hey Harmony, are you awake?" My head snapped towards the door as David entered the room. He stopped, taking in my alarmed expression.

"Are you okay?" David asked cautiously. I nodded frantically, like a bobble head and was about to reply when I realized my hands were still covering my mouth. They both instinctively, shot down to my lap and I gave David an awkward smile. He was looking at me strangely and I looked down, nervously playing with the strings of the mahogany embroidered quilt on my bed. I took a deep breath so I could answer his question without sounding dumb. It did not work at all.

"Um yeah. Totally. I'm absolutely fine. Just peachy," I stammered, a little too enthusiastically. I glanced at him and looked back down again quickly. David was staring at me with an extremely amused expression across his face. My cheeks grew red and I could only imagine how red they were. Just peachy? I thought to myself. I am a pathetic excuse of a girl. I continued talking, rambling on and on nervously. If you have not noticed, I always blush and ramble when I am in nerve-wracking situations.

"Are you okay? I mean, not that you look like anything is wrong with you. I was just wondering you know. I mean you look fine. Well, not fine. You look just normal. I mean. Not normal; you look better than normal. Not that you're not normal, you just look like a living, breathing human being..." I trailed off, my entire face hot and most likely flushed. I had actually managed to embarrass myself within five minutes of waking up. This was definitely a new record for me.

I stole a small, reluctant glance at David's face. When I did, I frowned. David was leaning against the door frame, silently laughing so hard that his face had tears coming down in multiple, glistening streaks. This gorgeous god of a man was laughing at me. I pouted, crossing my arms, my frown deepening considerably. My upset face must have looked hilarious because David set off into another fit of hysterical laughing. I jumped out of the bed and clambered over to him.

"Stop laughing at me David. It's not funny," I exclaimed angrily. He continued and I gave him a hard shove. His back hit the door frame with a muffled thud and I could tell my attempt to hurt him had no effect. It did however, make him stop laughing and answer me.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you were so embarrassed. You're so confident and fun. I've never seen you act like that before. At a total loss for words I mean," David answered, calming down a bit, wiping the tears from his face. I gave him a curt nod and responded.

"Well, you don't have to make fun of me for it," I said quietly kicking the soft, caramel-colored Persian rug with my bare foot.

"Hey," David said softly. Something in his voice caused me to look up. When I did, I instantly regretted the decision to do so. David was gazing intensely into my eyes. His look was so intense, I'm sure he could see all the way into my soul. I gulped, nervous again, and nodded, signaling him to continue. David was confident yet gentle when he spoke again.

"I wasn't making fun of you Har." My throat constricted and my hands shook slightly. He had used my nickname. And it sounded so damn great rolling off his tongue. It was as if it were meant to be said by him. I would make sure to make him say it again some other time. He proceeded.

"I just thought it was extremely cute to see you so embarrassed. Especially because I caused it," David replied, chuckling softly. That laugh. I would do anything to hear that gorgeous, throaty laugh. It rumbled through him, causing his chest to shake slightly. His bare, freaking chest. I hadn't even noticed that he didn't have a shirt on until this second. I pulled my eyes away from his chest, hesitantly if I may say so myself, and coughed, embarrassed by my inner thoughts. Another amused grin spread across his face.

"See, I'm doing it again," David stated chuckling.

"Well if you would put a shirt on... I mean geez," I said looking away. A thought suddenly occurred to me.

"What's up with all the personality changing?" I asked, finally finding my regular voice. I was suddenly skeptical of his many personalities. When we first came to stay at Laura's house, he had been a nervous, shy, stammering mess. Now he was a confident, cocky tease. Just like he had been at the wedding reception. Not that I was necessarily complaining about this side of his personality. This side was extremely sexy. It was just a weird personality change.

"What do you mean?" David asked in return.

"Well when I first met you, you were all chivalrous," he smirked arrogantly at my word choice. I continued, "and then we came here to stay and you were all nervous and stuff and now you're all cocky and not nervous and sweet and fun..." I realized I was rambling on about how great he was when I saw his facial expression so I stopped listing aspects of him. "So what's up with that?" He grinned sheepishly.

"I guess I'm just more comfortable around you now. Before when I first met you I liked you, but I thought it was one-sided. Now, based on all your reactions to me asking you out on a date and how many times you have blushed in the past half hour, I can tell you kind of, sort of feel the same way I do, so I'm not so nervous about talking to you anymore. Well, not as much as I was," David stated matter-of-factly, shrugging. My mouth hung open in surprise. He had just admitted his feelings for me. And David had admitted my feelings as well. I didn't know what to say. He smiled.

"Welp," he said popping the 'p'. "I would love to stay and admire your Hello Kitty pj's some more because you look quite great in them, but I'm starving and I think you have prolonged my breakfast long enough. No worries though. I forgive you," he said exiting my room. My jaw hit the ground. This kid was unbelievable. When I had finally gathered myself together, I turned on my heel to get dressed. David stuck his head back in.

"Make sure you don't eat too much before our date tonight," he said winking before disappearing again. I stared at the vacant doorway. What in the world was I going to do?

The rest of the day passed by mostly, uneventful. Laura left after breakfast, having to head into the crazy, busy city. Not long after, James came over and he and Kyla walked down the street to the park. I was reluctant about letting her go but both James and David reassured me that she would be fine.

David and I stayed in the house. Once I got over the initial awkwardness of being around David after our morning conversation, we had fun. We played multiple games of UNO in which I promptly kicked his butt in about 83% of them. After we were done with the games, we decided to watch movies. David, being the gentleman he was, allowed me to pick from the Netflix catalogue. I am an absolute Disney fanatic so I picked one of my favorite classics; Lady and the Tramp.

David rolled his eyes at my choice, but put it on nonetheless without a fight. I was sitting on the giant black sofa right across from the television, anticipating the opening credits. I leaned back into it, with my legs resting beside me. This couch was like heaven. Like I was sitting on a cloud, floating through the crystal blue sky.

When he had put the movie in, David turned the lights off and then came and sat on the cloud couch with me. I sat on one side of the sofa and he sat all the way on the other side. This was the first tension we had felt throughout the day. As the movie began, I felt a shift in the couch. I looked at David out of the side of my eye. He was still at the other side of the cloud, but he looked a little bit closer. Throughout the next ten minutes of the movie, this happened until he was so close our shoulders were almost touching. I suddenly realized that this kid thought he was in control here.

Ever since we had had our heart to heart conversation the night before, he had been calling the shots; initiating all the conversation directions and actions. If I was ever going to trust people again, I would have to be in control some of the time so it could be on my own terms.

I looked over at him. He was looking at the screen with a lot of intensity. I would take control back, and this would be the perfect time to start. I gently took his arm and put it over my head, snuggling into his side as I did. I felt him tense up. I was blushing and a little tense myself, but I hoped he didn't notice. I think it was too dark to see anything so I decided not to worry about it too much. I was trying to gain the advantage over him and it seemed like I was succeeding. After a while, my body relaxed and I surprisingly, felt extremely comfortable at David's side.

A little while longer, and I could feel David relaxing as well. He even got so comfortable as to gently stroke my hair. It sent shivers down my side. I looked up a little and could see him smirking, certainly feeling my reaction to his touch. Oh no! I thought to myself. I have to keep him on his A-game. I need to be the one in control. I snuggled closer to him and swung my feet into his lap. I felt his legs stiffen under my long legs and I smiled smugly to myself. His legs relaxed and I sighed quietly to myself. This would be harder than I originally thought.

When the movie reached the point where the famous song "This is the night" started playing, I felt David's chest begin to quiver ever so slightly and then he began to sing quietly. This boy just kept surprising me. His singing voice was almost sexier than his talking voice. Soon. We were both singing softly. From those couple of moments, things escalated quickly. One minute we were humming quietly on the cloud couch and the next we were up ballroom dancing like idiots, pretending to be royals from old England.

We were twirling around the small, glass, dining room table singing loudly and off key. When the song had ended, we fell onto the cloud couch, red faced and out of breath, but happy. David fell first, which caused me to fall across his chest when I dropped. His laugh rumbled through his body, causing mine to shake excessively. We spent the rest of the movie in that position. It was quite comfortable and after a while, I almost forgot he was there, except I didn't because of the constant rhythm of his breath.

I woke up to someone lightly shaking me. I was lying on the world's softest pillow ever. I wondered when one had been placed under me. As my eyes opened, they roamed the room groggily, to find the source of the shaking. I placed one hand under myself and another on the back of the couch to push myself up to a sitting position, but was stopped by a groan. I looked down, my eyes wide open now, and rolled away from David, falling on the floor.

I jumped to my feet, staring at the spot where I had just been. David was lying on the cloud couch, pushed against the back of the couch, looking up at me with an expression of concern mixed with amusement. I had been asleep in front of his body with my head on his chest. I blushed profusely, looking down. I had slept with David. No, I hadn't slept with David, but in the literal sense of sleeping near a person, I had.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to sleep with you. I MEAN ON YOU," I exclaimed, blushing some more. I looked up at his face, but he had a nonchalant look on his face, sat up, and just shrugged.

"It's no problem. We just need to pick a more interesting movie next time," David replied, flashing me a gorgeous smile. I smiled back. He spoke again.

"Anyways, it's around 6:00 now. My mom should be home in like 20 minutes and James should be bringing Kyla back any time soon." I had almost forgotten about my baby sister roaming through the city. "We're leaving around 7, so I recommend you start getting ready." I looked at him, confused.

"What? Where are we going?" I asked, not understanding his statement. The left corner of his mouth turned up into a cocky smile.

"On our date of course." I nodded, understanding his vibe.

"Right," I said, stroking my hair nervously. "Then I guess I will go." I turned on my heel and started up the stairs.

"Hey Har," David called out. I shivered, hearing him say my nickname for the second time that day and turned around, trying to look as casual as possible.

"Wear something formal but not too formal." I looked back confused.

"Okayyy," I replied turning around.

"And one more thing," David added.

"Yes?" I replied, one of my eyebrows raised. Based on the look he wore on his face, I knew this would be a smart remark.

"Wear something cute. I don't want to be embarrassed because my date doesn't look as good as I do," David said, smirking. I rolled my eyes and turned, heading back up the stairs and hiding the smile on my face. I would be in control of the emotions tonight. If David wanted cute, he would get cute.

David had told me the correct schedule. Surely enough, as I was stepping out of the shower, I could hear Laura walking through the door, followed by Kyla and James laughing loudly. I looked at my outfit laid across my bed. It was absolutely perfect. This outfit would definitely give me the advantage on the date. I had thrown it into my week bag just in case and now I was glad that I had. I glanced at the brown owl clock that hung over the door frame. 5:23. I had about 35 minutes to get myself looking hot. It wasn't much time at all, but I could pull it off.

32 minutes later, I was walking out of my bedroom towards the staircase. My hands were shaking and my breath was coming out in short breaths. I stopped at the top of the stairs and leaned up against the wall. Get yourself together Harmony. It's just a date. Breathe and you will be fine. You'll have lots of fun. Just chill. Plus you look hot! My breathing slowed and the confidence that I usually had on the dance floor began to flow through me effortlessly. I could do this. Just as I was about to start descending the steps, a voice from behind me made me stop and turn around.

"Harmony, is that you? You look hot sis. Well besides your bandage, but still," Kyla gushed at me. I smiled at her, thankful that she appreciated my looks. This was the reaction I had been going for.

"Thanks Ky," I replied, wrapping her in a hug.

"I hope you have fun. You know this is the first date you've been on in a long time. Why is that?" she asked. I shrugged nervously trying to figure out a way to respond without telling her the truth.

"What the hell?" said a voice from down the hallway, saving me from telling my sister about the incident. Kyla and I both turned, looking in the direction in which the voice had come from. We chuckled softly. James stood at the entrance of the bathroom with his mouth practically dragging along the floor. Kyla stalked over to him and dragged him to where I was standing. She cleared her throat as if to snap James out of his gaze. He was looking at me in a way that made me happy, but slightly uncomfortable. When Kyla cleared her throat, James seemed to instantly come back to reality. I was thankful.

"Where are you going and why do you look like that?" he asked, grinning sheepishly in my direction. Kyla and I both rolled our eyes before I replied.

"I'm going on a date...with David. And he told me to dress formal," I said. I was suddenly nervous again. "How do you think David's going to react? Is it too much?" I asked them, unconsciously smoothing out my dress. Kyla grabbed my hands firmly and looked into my eyes.

"He would be absolutely crazy not to think you look beautiful. It's perfect," she stated, grinning at me. I grinned back.

"Yeah, it's perfectly perfect," James said. Kyla rolled her eyes and pushed him towards the stairs.

"Come on James. She's already taken," she said. "And by your own brother, if I might add." Now it was James turn to roll his eyes.

"Technically speaking, he's not my real brother so..." Kyla cut him off.

"Go!" she ordered him, pointing at the stairs. James huffed and mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, but obediently obeyed. My sister had that kid whipped. As they descended the stair case in front of me, I heard James mutter something along the lines of, "When you get older, are you going to look like that?" I laughed to myself. That kid was a mess.

I stood at the top of the staircase, gathering all the confidence I could when I heard James babbling on to someone about how great I looked. Well, I thought to myself, it's now or never! With a deep breath, I began my descent, clutching the elegant golden banister on my way down. The beautiful staircase had a gold and silver intertwined metal banister. The staircase spiraled down two flights of stairs to the first floor. Halfway down, the butterflies in my stomach took off in a flurry, but in a good way. I was actually excited about this date.

I hadn't been on a date in over a year and I had almost forgotten what it felt like to go out with someone. I got to the bottom of the stairs and let out a sigh of relief. I had actually made it down the stairs without falling, killing, or embarrassing myself. I held my clutch tightly and entered the dining room to my left slowly, my heels clicking against the wooden floor.

Everyone was in the room conversing and not minding me any attention. David sat with his back to me and Laura sat beside him, on the cloud couch, talking to him about something serious. Kyla and James stood by the dvd cabinet, searching for a movie. I slowly made my way closer to the couch. As I approached, I cleared my throat. Kyla and James glanced over at me, smiling again and giving me reassuring nods. Laura looked up and stopped talking. Her mouth opened in awe as she took in my appearance. She smiled widely at me. I smiled back, giving her a little wave. David's head turned toward me and his eyes widened. He jumped from the seat, turning around to look at me.

His eyes roamed my outfit, a look of utter shock still on his face. I gave him a small smile, which he returned sheepishly. He took a small step forward. Laura cleared her throat beside him and he quickly looked over. She gestured towards me and a look of understanding crossed David's face. His gaze turned back to me and it felt like there was a single light shining on me. That's how intense his gaze was. He cleared his throat.

"You look absolutely beautiful," he gushed quietly in awe, eyeing me over again. I was wearing a short, strapless, royal blue Midas dress. It had a golden floral print covering the entirety of it and it stopped midway up my thigh. The sweetheart neckline bodice fit snugly against my body while the bottom portion flowed out around me like a blooming flower. I wore all black wedges with an ankle strap that had gold beading falling from it. I wore a gold heart ring on my right ring finger and a thick golden bracelet to match on the same wrist. Around my neck I wore black pearls and matching black pearl studs in my ears. My hair was styled with big loose curls that fell around my shoulders and to top it all off, I carried a black, silk clutch from the latest Vera Bradley line.

When David complimented me I almost blushed. But then I remembered that I had to take control of the situation tonight. I flashed him my award winning smile.

"Thank you and you are looking quite handsome yourself," I replied, surprised by how confident I sounded. Hopefully, I looked just as confident. I wasn't lying when I said David looked handsome. He wore black dress pants with a matching black button down shirt, tucked neatly into his pants. He also wore an all-white tie. My eyes got slightly wider as I looked at his tie. Was that a Stefano Ricci tie he was wearing? Stefano Ricci was a famous Italian clothing designer. I knew a lot about ties. My dad was a largely known surgeon who was always invited to big parties held by important people. He always was receiving gifts of this sort for saving people's lives. This kid was loaded if he was wearing a tie like this on a first date. I refused to show my impressed attitude on my face. Laura looked us both up and down.

"Well you two should be heading out soon, don't ya think?" She said in her thick New York accent. David nodded quickly.

"Yes, you're right." He turned towards me and held out his hand, acting like an old English gentleman like he had earlier during the movie. I smiled and took it. He pulled me towards him gently and began walking us to the door.

"Have fun you two. Don't stay out all night though. I expect you back before 2," Laura called, walking behind us to the door. 2? As in, 2 o'clock in the morning? I wish my parents let me stay out that late. David smiled politely at his mother.

"Don't worry. We'll be back before then," he said swinging open the front door. David walked me to the passenger side of his mustang, opening my door for me like a gentleman. He shut the door and then quickly walked around the car, climbing into the driver's seat. I looked over at him, ignoring his handsomeness. I was becoming tolerant of his beauty. It still affected me a little bit, but not as much as it had before.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, genuinely curious about the upcoming events for tonight. David looked over at me and winked. My heart fluttered.

"Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride," he replied, backing out of the driveway. David pulled off slowly, allowing me to wave goodbye to Kyla, James and Laura. I watched them as we drove away. I looked at the house, until I could no longer see the three figures in the doorway. I turned around and stared at the road ahead of us. No sooner than five minutes later, we were on the highway. I looked to my right and saw a giant green sign that read 'New York City'. I turned to David.

"Is that where we're going?" I asked him, indicating the sign that we were approaching more and more quickly with each passing second.

"Well of course. New York City is where all the fun is," David exclaimed with a mysterious glint in his eye. I leaned back in my seat. This was going to be a long night.
